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angular makes me cry
idk honestly
lol it's awesome do you know it or are you learning
learning, I havent done much front end at all
The vast majority of my experience is with backend Java / swing applications or Python 3 backend work
so its just new
2 hours later…
Hi friends
I was trying to load a component dynamically (objective was to make the custom directives working)
Q: Angular directive not working in dynamically loaded component

EnthuI have tried loading the component dynamically, the content is loading but the custom directives are not working I referenced Dynamically load Angular 4 template using existing component and module And this reference seems to be old and is overwhelming on how to use jit compiler How can I use...

So I did receive an answer, it was working with some dummy template which I provided but when I tried passing the backend response(html content) to the dynamic component my custom directives were not working, any help would be great
What I was trying to achieve is
getExistingFloor() {
this.blobService.getBlobToText('floorplans', `${this.siteRef}/${this.floorRef}`, (err, data) => {
if (data) {
this.url = data.split('url("')[1].split('"); background-repeat: no-repeat;')[0];
data = data.replace(/"/g,'')

this.data1 = data

const template = data1;

const tmpCmp = Component({template: template})(class {
const tmpModule = NgModule({declarations: [ tmpCmp ], imports: [DragDropModule]})(class {

So data1 would contain html content which I was trying to append to the dynamic component

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