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04:00 - 09:0009:00 - 15:00

Good Morning Guys :
GoodMorning @chintankhetiya
@chintankhetiya bapu good morning..
@Rank good morning
duffer @chintankhetiya
@Villan @rekire hello guys
good morning everyone
Cabbage @chintankhetiya @Pratik @rekire
@Villan cucumber..!
ehm? I'm not sure if the google translater works correct..?
@Pratik you mean:
@Pratik @rekire Cabbage is kind of greeting in python room
ah python... crazy language, crazy people
@rekire @Pratik @Villan cabbage is my fav vegetable :)
hmm :0
why ?
0_o ?
I love cauliflower soup
i have never test it !
@Villan why is your avatar broken? i.sstatic.net/eLvcF.jpg?g&s=32 is a half part gray while i.sstatic.net/eLvcF.jpg?g&s=64 works fine
@rekire because of hot summer :)
it rains... -.-
there ?
no i mean is right now there raining?
if I remeber correctly there where only 2-4 days above 25°C this year
yeah it is
hi @oops
Hello! I'm shamelessly intruding here because I can't find anyone to go around my website and test it a bit, so I have someone else take a look at it, before I hand it in. Would someone like to do me that favour?
@rekire here it is 43o heat now
@Ariane it is about ?
@Villan A mini-CMS I created for my school assignment.
@Ariane so you need to test it?
@Villan Yeah, I've looked around it a lot, but not only am I super tired, but there's ALWAYS something left, somewhere, that anyone except the creator would see.
gimme link
@Ariane did you prevent XSS and SQL blind injections?
@rekire I didn't. It's a school assignment and we've had absolutely no class on security here. I'm strictly looking for bugs and things that don't work as intended.
@Ariane give me link
@Ariane I'll help you out.
@Ariane I can run a full-blown Acunetix scan on it if you'd like. Few people have Acunetix, even fewer have actually paid for it.
So uhm, I'm gonna post the link, but since this is the very same website the teacher is going to correct, and the CSS, being patched crap from a crappy template, is pretty fragile. So please try not to mess things up. I'm trusting you people.
Oh yeah, it's in French, but I'm sure you can somewhat find your way around. Most things are pretty straightforward.
Maybe you shouldn't post it where everyone can get to it then.
@Jhawinsss Maybe, but then where? I see no "PM" feature here.
@Ariane True. Don't worry about it.
What are you being graded on with this website?
@Ariane Fatal error: Call to a member function free() on a non-object in /home/tsukimi/www/projet_final/scripts/auth_check.php on line 16
@rekire I just broke it.
You broke it? xD I didn't know auth_check was vulnerable.
I just wanted to login as admin with a nice blind sql injection :(
I told you there was absolutely no protection though
How do I fix this?
@Ariane I'm not sure what kind of script the administration page runs off of. But I did the most basic of all SQL injection techniques. All I did was ad a single quote (') to the end of the password.
Your teacher will do this too. It isn't actually something that should be able to break anything. I never even started up Acunetix.
@Jhawinsss I'm teeeelling youuuu there is absolutely no care for security. Nor have we learned anything about security yet.
The teacher won't do this, trust me.
We're just not there yet.
don't use mysql_* functions use better mysqli_* and use prepaired statments and NEVER do something like that: SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE someField = '".$_GET['some_html_field']."'
This isn't a security issue. This is an integrity issue for the site as a whole.
@rekire How do you know that's what he's doing?
all beginners make that misstake me too^^
also if i did them several years ago
I use mysqli with the -> operator, and uhm. Generally I put $_POST stuff in variables. I think.
While I will say that this should never have even been possible... I'll help you remedy the situation. More than likely this is being run off of a database and I've just messed up a row of data.
$_POST is better that was correct
@rekire was afk..i mean
Only the admin page seems to be broken to me. What are you seeing @rekire?
just that error
As for your previous question, it's a PHP class. The goal is to make a working homemade mini-CMS including tinyMCE with image upload, session variable admin login, modifiable CSS, a mysqli-run database. Oh, and some submenus
the other pages look nice
Lemme take a look at the database and see what could've been broken.
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on a non-object in /home/tsukimi/www/projet_final/index.php on line 33
@rekire did you mess stuff up? Because "and 1=0 --" definitely shouldn't be in the URL.
@rekire Hahaha are you trying to test injection too? Because it's pretty damn clear that it's unsanitized.
sure but a hacker would do this you should simple return a 404 page
I just want to show common bugs
@Ariane What he is doing is along the exact same lines of entering a single or double quote and hoping for an error. I think we've both broken your auth page...
Look, I told you there was absolutely no security on this website. You can probably hack the heck out of it and steal whatever info there is. Stop testing -that-, will ya?
okay^^ by the way I did never want to change anything I just wanted to point out some problems :-)
Both of you, restart your browsers
you where asking for bugs
@Ariane Haha. I haven't done anything else. But whether or not your teacher wil specifically check this you need to step up and sanitize your variables. It'll take you only a few lines of code.
@rekire Same here.
It was my understanding that you wanted to know what was wrong with your site. Lmao
If you have an SQL injection in your session variables you're repeating problems each time you try to login as admin.
@Jhaw A security issue, no matter how major, isn't considered a bug at my stage of learning. :p
I'll clear cookies. Restarting my browser wouldn't do that though.
me too
@Ariane Then what other kind of bug could you possibly expect?
@Jhawinsss Trying to change order on a second level page doesn't work. I get weird backslashes at some place. etc.
But for now I'll try to fix the broken stuff so you can get to actual testing and quit the teasing. :p
I'm not sure what I can test that you can't... Can't you click the links yourself and see the same thing I would?
here another report: validator.w3.org/…
@Jhawinsss There's a strong factor of me being absolutely blind to my mistakes sometimes
well there is a link tester in my link above^^
Also, good news! This isn't your fault. It's me who accidentally deleted important database rows earlier. Lemme restore that.
@Ariane Wanna bet? ;)
This seems like an odd pagename... page=woohoo_-
But maybe that's not a mistake.
No, pages are random because the only thing required is their presence
@Jhawinsss Maybe you made it worse though, who knows. However from what I've seen so far the DB's contents are untouched apart from my own mistake
Odd... I would make them at least look presentable.
Look at this page=sous-section_--logo--
Random logo. Yes. Testing image implementation. :p
Not the page. Look at the url of said page.
Why would a url have dashes and underscores like that? It looks pretty scrappy.
Uhm, the page=something is generated via I function I made that notably replaces special characters with a slash.
I'm seeing an upload form in the source of the page. But not on the page itself...
@Jhawinsss Yes, that's a popup that shows up on the admin panel. I left it everywhere anyway because it's easier that way and I don't care about security. :p
Your teacher isn't going to like all these pointless shortcuts.
Why would you build something horribly on purpose just because you don't HAVE to make it any better than that? That's called half-assing.
Pointless shortcuts?
I've spent over 30 hours on this website. And the teacher serves us templates entirely in table layout. And he accepts labs without any CSS or only the minimum so it's readable. That's the kind of teacher he is.
@Ariane Like leaving the upload form there.
I very often hand in projects that are much more than he asks. And on some aspects this one is, too. But not only is this project late, I also have to do with the horrible idea of using the template in the beginning, which severely limits and complicates whatever I do.
Just take a quick look at the HTML and CSS to see what I mean by horrible idea. :p
Sorry for the delay ; at this late time my focus is awful. But the problem has been corrected. You should be able to access the admin panel now.
I would like to use this layout but it is awul implementetd
Oh crap I think I left a bad magic quotes countermeasure in place
you may should hide the index pages
@rekire The only fun part of the project lasted 30 minutes.
@Ariane I can see that. lol
@Ariane The admin panel isn't of much use without a password haha.
That is, when our focus isn't on beating the auth.
@Jhawinsss It's the placeholder.
or better just give us a username :D
I think I don't need a password
@rekire Hahaha. We really don't need either.
I can just guess that somehow the nickname is nessaary
Oh. The username and password are in placeholders.
I said that and pinged you about it two minutes ago.
@Ariane I didn't understand at the time.
Granted, the chance of me not making any sense at this time is greatly increased.
Okay, I need to fix the HTML escaping. Just a sec
(Editing Accueil will show you the problem)
@Ariane I noticed that just now. A few pages have that.
Whichever has a quote in its HTML, actually.
Haha, that's the download link for the teacher.
@Ariane don't panic I won't do it
@rekire I noticed this already. Didn't want to put it out there for everyone to see and I think you should remove it.
:9683453 His database passwords are right there and we may not be the only one reading this conversation.
Haha ok.
Not to be a dick or anything...
My bad!
And not only database. You can steal my web host account too. xD
I can see the entire structure of your server already. And Acunetix gave me 3 holes for blind injection. Along with a readout of mysql_connect.php. So if I wanted to fuck with you I'd own it already.
Hey all!
hi @Appu
@Ariane so far now we pointed out some secutiry problems... now fix them :)
Mhm, I know.
Though uhm
@Ariane Although I will say using the username and password (or lack thereof) you have right now is only asking for serious issues.
@rekire Howdy!
@user3 there?
@SanketKachhela Do you know user3?
@Jhawinsss You mean for MySQL authentification? You do know "root" is only for localhost (WAMP), right?
@Ariane It isn't that hard to spoof.
not only but you should use it only for administration
@Jhawinsss I don't understand at all.
@Ariane I haven't crawled too far into your site. But using 'root':'' is a bad idea.
@rekire Check [this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11736658/android-heterogeneous-gridview-like-pinterest), it could be helpful for you. Chintan did this it seems.
Oops that was MAC's answer too, I didn't see before. @MAC there?
Although your other user/password seems pretty damn secure for brute forcing anyway haha.
@Jhawinsss As I tell you, there's a switch checking what the host is and setting the username/password depending on it. I really don't see the problem because "root" is only used or valid on WAMP.
@Appu nice catch but I think the answers are not very performance I think reusing views is the only way a achive a fast ui
@SanketKachhela hey, Okay :/ I have actually seen his req just yesterday while referring to transcript. But anyways it seems they needed only 0-6 months, so it doesn't suit for me.
@rekire Okay. Good go ahead then.
as I wrote yesterday I need to view hunderds of elements
@Ariane I see the switch. Although I could just edit the headers to appear as localhost.
@rekire But this(github.com/vladexologija/PinterestListView) library uses the listview, so the views are obviously recycled if I am not wrong. or villan could help you on this as I know he did it once.
@Jhawinsss You can. But "root" is not a valid username on either server database, which will only give your hacker a MySQL connection error.
@Ariane Hmm... Maybe if I tried it I'd see this. But I'm trying to fend off the temptations.
Well I don't know if it's a valid username, but it sure doesn't go with an empty password.
@Jhawinsss If you feel like it do so. You can't break anything if you don't try.
@Ariane No I believe you.
Though they can still get the zip. :p
Q: Widget is stretch in home screen.

Girish BhutiyaI have use below code. In my manifest file. <receiver android:name=".ButtonWidget" android:label="@string/app_name"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" /> <!-- Broadcast Receiver that will also process ou...

any one know about this issue?
@Appu I will have a look for that
@Ariane Way too easily in my opinion.
strange I just found a deleted answer with 17 upvotes which seems to be quiete fine: stackoverflow.com/a/2895706/995926
while the other 3 answers have all zero upvotes
@Jhawinsss Yeah that's a very major issue. MySQL injections and whatnot are not so bad but this one is pretty dumb. Though it would be nice if I knew how to make it secure.
@Ariane If I can get access to a database I can write a php shell script to the server using INTO OUTFILE. Then access the php shell and have all the control php has over a system (pretty much everything) or bind a reverse shell and have access to cmd or shell depending on the OS.
@Jhaw I don't need an explanation, I need to know how to fix that. oo'
@Ariane I did this just last week to our own hosting provider at work to prove that we were completely insecure. I spent 45 minutes and used no passwords or prior knowledge of the filesystem to break our hosting provider. Then sent them a report and said it could be fixed or we would be switching at the end of the month.
@Ariane You want to fix mysql injection vulnerabilities? Or the .zip download?
.zip first. SQL maybe later if it goes smoothly.
Well, the simplest thing to do would be to give "download.php" on the root of your server a different, more random name. And/or move it into another directory that isn't linked from anywhere else. Then how the hell would anyone find it or even use a crawler to find it.
download.php was one of my first guesses for testing your sites security. Even before the sql injection I had seen that. Use a weird name and put it in a directory used for and linked by nothing else and that should defeat the crawlers.
@Jhawinsss Eew, that sounds like "real website" techniques. I was expecting something like being able to only let the file be downloaded if a certain precise link was clicked, but that's... yeah, no.
For sql you can stop the script kiddies by using mysqli_real_escape_string.
@Ariane Well it won't be as secure... At all. But you can do that if you want. If you want a quick and dirty fix try wrapping the download.php script in an if statement.
@Jhawinsss Like what statement?
@Jhaw Also I think I use real_escape_string. o:
Maybe not everywhere though
if (teacher == 'yup' ) {THE REST OF THE SCRIPT FOR BUNDLING YOUR SITE INTO A ZIP HERE} else {print('error') }
This way if a kid comes along and clicks your download link he will only see "error." But if your teacher who you have instructed to append "?teacher=yup" to the end of the url comes along he will get the zip.
Oh, that sounds good enough for basic protection.
This is a horrible solution for a production website, but if you are really only using this for school it shouldn't be a huge deal and will stop most script kiddies from stealing your entire site along with all of your auth details.
@all give me some tutorial links of MediaPlayer class example.
@Ariane You can even go as far as spoofing http headers to produce a legitimate 404 error. That way as far as anyone else is concerned there is no file there. Not just an error.
@Jhawinsss Sorry, I haven't seen what an HTTP header is.
@Ariane In auth_check.php you aren't. Which is probably the most important place.
@Ariane Don't worry about it for now. The error message should be fine. Just don't use a simple variable that someone would guess. Using $teacher or something similarly odd will do. Also I always use 'yup' instead of things like "yes" or "1" because no one is going to guess "yup," ever.
Or 14887.
@Ariane That works too. Or maybe something in french... You could use "Putain." Nobody would ever guess that.
-1 point for vulgarity!!!!!
@Ariane Haha. One of the very few words my friend Marine taught me. She lives in Nancy, France.
Charming. :p
While I am from Indiana in the USA. I'm guessing you're from France?
Judging by the French site anyway. I did understand a few of the words on it, but I let Chrome translate it for me when I got stuck.
Nope. Québec, Canada.
Ah. Also a great area from what I've seen!
If you're near Ontario you should ping rlemon on here sometime and see what he has to say. He lives up there and is real good at nerd talk ha. He usually hangs out in the JS room. I actually was only in this room because I meant to click the JS room when I got on but missed.
rlemon dislikes me. THough I'm quite far away from the Ontario
One of you submitted the TinyMCE form with the broken input
thus changing the database's contents
@Ariane Haha I see.
I've been trying to fix a nonexisting issue this whole time
@Ariane What was it changed to?
"WHY IS THE OUTPUT BROKEN?!" .... because the input is.
<p>&lt;img style=</p>
You managed to submit it just when I had removed the html entity decoding for debugging too. xD
Ah I get what you're saying now. I made a point to not submit anything haha.
Although I did see that.
Ooookay, DB contents fixed. Now I can debug from the start. xD
Did you set up the database? Or was it a template? I'll be stealing the switching concept at the office tomorrow for my intranet system.
The only template there is in the website is the HTML and CSS
Switching concept?
Yes. Switching users and passwords based on the host using PHP instead of using MySQLs built in user system. I'm a self-taught hand-coded kinda guy. I'd never considered doing that before, but I like it.
Hehe, good to know I had at least one good idea. :p
I like it a lot. I'll still use MySQLs built in system for added security (This system handles all of our corps billing, collections and accounting systems) but I like the switch also. I have some other ideas in mind for it as well.
In fact I'd never used switch() at all.
What exactly is this class you're taking even for? Is it for Web Dev?
"Multimedia integration"
Basically, some design, some programming, a little bit of video, a few other odd related things like that.
Sounds cool. I'd take a class or two if I wasn't swamped with my current job and swamped with job offers for a new one.
Don't complain. I could never ever find a job no matter how hard I tried. Hence why I'm poor.
Well, find and keep.
I've never had that problem. I'm lead web dev for this corp and I'm 18 :P
That's pretty impressive. I'm still not able to get to school on time consistently and I'm 22.
@Ariane They say if you haven't written your first book by 30, you never will. That said, I'll never be an author as of last year.
You still have a chance anyway
I don't really feel like writing a book though.
Haha, I showed up to work 25 minutes late today.
And last week once.
@Jhawinsss Once is the number of times a week I'm on time.
I'm horrible, but I just work late if I show up late. My boss doesn't care.
Well, it's not THAT bad but almost.
@Jhawinsss You daredevil!
I'm on time for everything BUT work it seems.
I've noticed that they are a lot more slack on entry and exit times for programmers
Not sure if that has anything to do with this field, but bosses tend not to mind as much, so long as you make up for the time later
The worst part is it's usually because I overslept. I'm due at work at noon each day.
@Jhawinsss Why is that the worst part? Sleeping in sounds like the best part.
@Neil That part is good. But the fact that I don't manage to get up by noon s pretty pathetic.
When you give HTML Html entity characters like &gt;, it parses them into the appropriate character. No wonder then that my escaping didn't work. I need to re-escape it on each page.
@Jhawinsss I'd do that too if I didn't have an alarm clock
You know that sense that you need to wake up by a certain time because you're used to waking up at that time everyday? I don't have that.
I must have a genetic predisposition
I don't have it either.
@Ariane Hahaha
Tadaaaaa! You can now try the admin panel properly!
In the mean time I'll add some security to myZIP

	if(file_exists('projet_final.zip')) {
	if(!empty($_GET['source'])) {
		if($_GET['source']=='77893e') {


			if(!Zip('projet_final/','./projet_final.zip')) {
				die('Zip error');

			if(file_exists('projet_final.zip')) {
				echo '<script>window.location.replace("projet_final.zip");</script>';
		else {
			echo '<script>window.location.replace("projet_final");</script>';
	else {
		echo '<script>window.location.replace("projet_final");</script>';
@Jhaw Looking good?
@Ariane Why use $_Get[]?
@Jhawinsss <a href="http://tsukimi.alwaysdata.net/download.php?source=77893e">
You can actually just use $source and it will do the exact same thing.
But either way works. I'm not sure which way is considered proper. But $_GET[] isn't required.
@source is not supposed to work
If it does for you your PHP is configured very specia
special. Or you have an automatic variable fetching script (which is bad for security :p)
Well, it's always worked on every server I've ever used ;)
Even pre-configured servers from godaddy.
You must be moving with a script, I see no other explanation
Anyway maybe it's like in JS, where sometimes directly calling to elements with their ID without using getElementById works, even though it definitely shouldn't. :p
I wouldn't know. I've never needed an explanation because it just..... Works.
@Ariane This also works. But not in every browser.
@Jhawinsss Either there is some obscure mechanic I don't understand, either you have a script that automatically fetches all variables, which is practical but insecure.
@Ariane I wrote the entire backend and configured PHP on this server by hand, myself. I know I'm not fetching all variables... Haha.
It just works. I've done it on multiple servers.
@Jhawinsss Mystery. I'd test but I'm too exhausted. Just know it's not exactly the "right" way of doing it.
@Ariane Good to know. Haha.
Coming from someone who was actually taught to point to elements in JS with their ID.
Also, earlier you mentioned mysql_real_escape_string. Just in case you don't know, you need to stop using that because it'll disappear in PHP 6. $mysqli->real_escape_string() is the way to do it
@Ariane If you go back and check my message... I said to use mysqli not mysql.
@rahstame If you have a question you should ask it instead of waiting until you get attention
MySQL functions were officially depreciated awhile ago.
nc. stackoverflow.com/questions/16804555/… any ideas with this?? thanks
1 hour ago, by Jhawinsss
For sql you can stop the script kiddies by using mysqli_real_escape_string.
Oh, mysqli_real_escape_string(). Yeah, I had forgotten about the procedural style. Not recommended but valid too.
@Ariane Just as valid and use-able as any other style. It's just a different method for calling the function.
For someone who isn't using any form of sanitation you sure seem to have gained a sense of self-righteousness in the last 5 minutes.
I'm maniac about clean code, and I have a worrisome careless attitude about security.
Anyway, someone explained me how even though it was usable and valid, the procedural style was not recommended. But I forgot the reasons.
@rahstame Can't you just put your local server online? There's a way to do that, even though I don't really remember it.
holy crap:
@Ariane Well, when you've got a real reason or are implementing any type of security whatsoever into your own work I'll be interested in your advice. Until now you seemed to be needing help. All of a sudden you seem to have all the answers.
Don't get angry, I just had a memory flash about something and a blurry memory of something you said. I'm not trying to look down on you or anything. Dunno if I've been mean or anything; maybe being really tired made me do something I didn't realize, and if so I'm sorry
I can't use web service for this, its just for offline purpose. desktop application-Local server-msql->to msqlite for android. My app will utilize the wifi connection without internet. By the wat thanks for the attent @Ariane
@rahstame Your question seems like this. Did you write any server side code till now? I don't think it is possible without a webservice or even though it is possible it might be of no use.
I'll try to check the links.
It's like if your connected to my wifi connection(without net), my app installed in your android device can access the database used by my desktop application. Does it make sense.
@rekire o_O the blood spills like in a kill bill 1 movie. But there are already lot of technological weapons, don't know why he invented that lol...
@Jhawinsss I think I have maybe taken care of the security. Do you confirm? I added some real_escape_string().
Well, looks like you're too angry to help any further, @Jhawinsss . I'm sorry. For now I guess I'll leave it at that and go to sleep. Thank you very much for your help. You taught me a lot, too.
who are here ?
@Ariane @Venkat @Appu @rahstame @rekire @Rank @RishiGautam @Neil @Nezam @NOBLEJINAN @DevZer0 Guys see this
send your feedback also
@Appu Any possible ideas with this, it is more of utilizing the local network.
@Ariane I understand the concept but not on how I can access the database.
@chintankhetiya like this is the main page right:chintankhetiya.wordpress.com/hire-me
do people get hired this way?
@Nezam no that is not my main page
i will remove that one and add my odesk and other links to see my portfolio
@chintankhetiya Wow! that's great. Good going. But **android form my blog** instead of from and some other changes need to be done.
@rahstame Sorry ya I think I don't know. But I don't think it's possible. Suppose if you want to connect the users through your wifi, how could all be in the range of your wifi?
@Appu where ?
Hi @Appu @chintankhetiya and @ALL
@chintan I'm reading your blog post here is my first feedback: it really look great. you may should add a reference for this statment "Android is the world’s most popular mobile platform.".
@chintankhetiya On your front page which you pinged the link. Just post the site link only here in one ping so that I can star it.
@Harish Hey!
going to launch , will be back :)
@chintan here is missing a space: "co-founder ofDanger)"
"system designed byGoogle and ha" and here "the Androidmobile device" too
@chintankhetiya Nice one
@Appu how you are doing?
@chintankhetiya if you don't mind i want to ask a general question to all present here.What are the main benefits of my personal "android dev" blog ? @Appu @rekire
here are some more: "formobile devices. Me" "andWind River Systems"
@Nezam no idea... if the articels are fine they are reaaaaly helpful like SO
@chintan great article just some small spacing typos
@Ariane I'm not angry about anything. I've been working on a project.
yesterday someone pointed me to androidviews.net that is a quiet good collection of helpful stuff for android development
@Nezam what do you mean by "my personal android dev"? I am not sure I understand. If you are taking about general blogs on android like chintan did, my thoughts are they would be helpful for others or they might get ads depending on the number of people that are accessing it. one more is hobby as a blogger :P
@rekire Those are really cool..
ok 1)Adds 2)Personal portfolio 3)getting freelance clients

Anything more? @chintankhetiya
@Appu thx :)
hi i have a remote service, can i use LocalBroadcastManager to send messages to activity?
04:00 - 09:0009:00 - 15:00

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