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Hello, World!
aww...nobody's here ;-(
1 hour later…
@SheSmile Morning!
@Code-Guru I am here now. But you are not there ;)
2 hours later…
@Appu status?
3 hours later…
hi @Gajini @kongkea
@jack hi
ur name?@Gajini
@jack GAJINI
gud joke i asked abt ur original one
after vry long time m seeing u... @chintankhetiya
thanks me too ., still busy
u din logged in to stack for past few days?@chintankhetiya
@chintankhetiya then get lost :P
wats not thr in name?@Gajini
@jack i forgot
then hw cm u remembered this room?@Gajini
coz of u
this is 1st time ur seeing me n remembered? wat logic is this:)@Gajini
@jack ASK @chintankhetiya WHO AM I ?
he s busy and i dnt wanna disturb him@Gajini
every one
Hi all
Is it possible to make an abstract method not accessible in one derived class while other derived classes have access to it?
@jack I AM ALSO BUSY in finding villan
then ur the hero?:)@Gajini
@jack yeah ! I remember so
@Gajini Victor ???
@chintankhetiya who is he?
@Gajini i don't know. BTW who are you ?
@chintankhetiya i too forgot dude
frm many days ur repeating the same answer n making others go mad:(@Gajini
@jack i am not finding answer dude
finished ur lunch buddy?@Gajini
@jack thanks for remainding me ! i am going !
very thanks @jack BTW do you?
r u there
yup m goin on@Gajini
Hello Guys Hi ALL
hello developerz..
i want to add ads to my android app... how to do that?
hi @Neil
Hey @Harish
@Neil Hola
Q: How to Add Dynamic row view in Scrollview in android?

crickpatel0024I want to dynamic add row in linear layout but i create xml and i run the application crash . my xml and sourcecode below. My Xml Code:: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent"...

in ASP.NET MVC, 11 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
Q: how to confirm? before install application in shopify

jignesh Jinjariyai have created shopify application. while i click on " install app " button from application store of shopify, it's directly redirect to me in callback url. but what i want is when click on " install app " button i need to display confirm screen before install. see here for the reference ( i wan...

help him , he is my friend
hi all
anyone work with the FingerPaint example given in android sample example
i hv some doubt on that
@Gajini No. Did you look into that issue I told you yesterday?
Hey all.
plz help me how to connect Fb
any one please giv examples
@Angel Here is the detailed tutorial.
@Appu its working for me
@Gajini But it doesn't at my side. Even the layout is somewhat distracted.
@Appu layout distraction is expected
Yeah. I thought you knew it and it can easily be modified to work properly. But what about the other problems?
@Appu will call you evening
lets discuss at that time
@Neil @Harish @chintankhetiya Yo!
Hi androiders..!!
i want to ask, about print api on android
i want to print a receipt from tablet..
can any one help me?
@Appu Hey
@Neil come stai?
How do you connect printer device from android device? @UdiT
i have to write the whole code for that
if you any tutorial then please let me know
@Appu Bene, tu?
@appu if you know
@UdiT Sure I will let you know if I come across any of such kind.
@Neil Sto Bene. Che altro?
@Appu What else than "Sto bene?"
Or did you mean, why wouldn't I be fine?
@Neil Oh! you understood that way? I was just asking what else? means any special matters to discuss?
Not regarding my sto bene.
@Appu Hey what's up
Q: Android: How to handle SSL error, FATAL Exception?

Yasar KhanI am new to android..i have created an app(service not an activity) which send user location to server..and it runs in background so that the app is hidden from user...i have used async task(doInBackground and onPostExecute method)...in coding i have used Thread.sleep(300000) for interval of 5 mi...

@Harish Nothing much. You say. How are you doing?
doing good dude
Okay. Cool. @Harish
Anyone here able to help me with creating a Regex?
anyone knows that how to play sound while alert dialog display in android?
I have a string such as: myString="Logged in as: MyUsername (Administrator)"; how do I write a Regex to remove all parts, and get the 'MyUsername' in a new string?
do you any method using which i could output all the methods' name which are invoked?
something like reflection
Bye guys
can anyone help me?
in android app
Wow lot of questions...
@DavidFrank can you ask again i don't understand...
@Sandeep just ask...
I want to create one function which will run in backgound
so how to do?
means if any activity finish that function will not get affected
it will run continuously still app close
thanks and bye
@Gajini @Sandeep : hello
@Neil Hey mighty cat
@Angel there
@Washu Hey two guys posing for the camera
@Neil heh, how are you?
My boss wants some idea if it is possible to convert this program to use chinese, and I only know at this point whether or not it can actually show them
Which it can, but that's somehow worse because it means I have to find out all the little ways the program may not work even if it can visualize chinese characters
wow... use chinese
@Neil yeah i understand... that's why you are working with utf-8?
You guys again wished with respective to pics. At least I could change my pic before I give you a chance of referring me as tom :P
@Washu Yeah, I'm having to change the architecture of the program to use unicode characters rather than multibyte characters
Meaning I have to use wchar everywhere
considering how many strings there are in the program, this is taking some time :/
@Appu hehe :P
@Neil does your boss know how mcuh work it is?
@Washu I tried to make it clear to him, but it was difficult when before committing to changing the program, only showed 14 errors
those 14 errors blossomed into 9999 (more than visual studio will keep track of) after having fixed them
Most are silly things that I can fix using regular expression, so now I'm at 4701 errors
but still, not an easy task by any means
@Neil Sorry for elbowing my way in, just saw you mention regex, I've got a "small" problem with regex, you think you could help? I posted my question about an hour ago if you scroll back.
@Neil ofc it isn't.
@Neil well man just be careful with the deadlines
@chrkad I'm sorry, I don't really have the time
No worries :)
@chrkad I like answering such questions too, you just caught me at a bad time
@Washu How are you feeling now?
@Appu fine, i'm at work now :)
@Neil I could just as well write a real SO question, just thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone knew it on the top of their heads :)
I don't know how regex works at all, just copy pasted twice where I had to use.
Have to learn.
@Appu do you know keylistener?
It's real powerful, but the learning curve seems to be steep, I can manage simple regex, but not what I now need. I managed to ro remove one part of the string, but not all parts :)
@Appu there
@Washu Yeah. I guess. It's been long time if you are talking about swings.Do you have any questions?
@chrkad Okay. So is it difficult to learn?
@chintankhetiya Yes.
@Appu i want my jtextfield to only allow to type 200 letters and if you try to type more it get consumed
@Washu You can use plaindocument for it.
Can't you?
@Appu plain document?
Well, I think it's a bit complicated yes, here's one regex to remove all occurances of text within parenthesis, like "(this) text (that)"; regex (in java) "\([^()]*\)"
Uhm, that regex was filtered by SO, there should be double backslashes.
@Washu Yes. That is the only source which I know to restrict the length of the string you type in the jtextfield. If you want I may give something source.
@Appu Hey dude, sorry busy for last few days. can you help me
@Appu please do :)
@chintankhetiya It seems to me as a rocket science. I don't find anything matching ;)
@chintankhetiya NP. If I can, I will.
@Washu Okay. Lemme check.
@chintankhetiya If your question is about facebook integration for android, sorry I have never worked, but I have to in the coming application. Be ready to face the questions :P
@Washu there?
@chrkad It seems to me as a rocket science. I don't find anything matching ;)
I think it's close to rocket science too :)
@chrkad I actually thought I tagged you before, but I tagged @chintankhetiya
@Appu yep
@chrkad How come it removes the words in the parenthesis based on your regex which is mentioned? o_O
Use that class for any of your jtextfield like this jtextField.setDocument(new JTextFieldLimit(200));
@Appu How come? I dunno, as I said, I'm not that knowledge about regexp's, I've managed to find my way by trail and error, and found it that this one worked :)
@Appu sorry for late replay, question is same of fb .
@Gajini why don't you have a profile pic?
Hi @thecryof :)
@thecryof if you are reading this you need 20 reputation to talk in chat, just go to SO ask some questions and you will be able :)
@chrkad I am just asking I don't know whether it works. I was just asking what's the relation between removing parenthesis content and the regex expression. It seems it is tough.
@chintankhetiya Then I don't know :(
@Washu I used it once for my swing sudoku app.
@Appu :o sudoku
@Washu What?
@Appu i love sudoku
@Washu Okay. Did you get that working on your jtextfield or you have any doubts?
@Washu Why you always ask to ask questions and then increase some rep. He could even answer questions and increase his rep.. Lol... :P
@Appu hm it is working but i wanted to do it with a keylistener hmm but is the first time i use plaindocument
@Washu What do you mean by doing it with keylistener? How could you acheive such feature with keylistener --> Is it like measuring the string length by a watcher while the text is being typed and then no key should be activated if it crosses 200?
@Appu like this
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		if (jTextField1.getText().length()>=20)
		if (jTextField2.getText().length()>=20)
@Washu Oh! No. It's a kind of hack. I think only PlainDocument is a graceful solution to handle that. Because your limit class which extended PlainDocument would help for even other jtextfields to limit their respective string lengths.
@Appu hack? xd
Because when you do this, every time the key event has to get the string and check for the length. :P
Yes. Hacker.
@Appu then my solution is bad?
@Washu No dear your thinking is good. But as per my view only until you have come to know about the PlainDocument. Even I might have done the same thing, if I hadn't known about the PlainDocument.
@Appu then PlainDocument is way better than the KeyListener?
Yeah according to me. If anyone knows better than this plaindocument, I would be glad to learn the other ways too. @Washu
You seem to be in dilemma. Why? Are you unable to make use of that PlainDocument with confidence?
@Appu There is nothing stopping me it is only that i have used KeyListener before, first time i hear about PlainDocument. I will try it
@Appu but i do need my keylisteners for other events :P
@Washu Well, you can use keylistener for the other things besides using this PlainDocument. It's so simple using this PlainDocument. You have to just use the class that I have provided you. That's it. There is nothing more than that ;)
@Appu hehe ok i will :)
No force. It's your wish. It's just a suggestion ;)
cya later all. Going home.
@Appu ok see you later
@Neil how is the task going?
@Washu 871 errors
@Neil wow ..... :S
@Washu Better than the 2000 I had an hour ago :P
@Neil haha indeed but still so many >_<
@Washu It is an enormous program
There really should have been 3 programmers hired to maintain this software
Instead, almost like an afterthought, they threw me on the project
@Neil it is the ERP?
@Washu No, this is a utility software that works alongside the ERP
It's meant to monitor quality in production lines
It won't work unless our ERP is also installed
Hello guys
@Neil That sounds a bit complicated... it is developed in java too?
@DKN hi
I have question about android downloading, can anybody help me?
Q: Implement pause/resume in file downloading

DKNI'm trying to implement pause/resume in my download manager, I search the web and read several articles and change my code according them but resume seems not working correctly, Any ideas? if (!downloadPath.exists()) downloadPath.mkdirs(); i...

@Washu No, fortunately
Q: send data to website -Android

piyush patelThere is a website in which there are several drop down boxes.I made an android app that pulls the values from the site. Now there is a search box in the website , in the website we can choose options from the box and press submit , then it gives the result based on the options selected. I need ...

just need something to proceed
@DKN @piyushpatel you guys there?
Does anyone have a solution for this
Q: Get Notification Text

CilencoI am trying to get all incomming notifications in a AccessibilityService with this Code Notification notification = (Notification) event.getParcelableData(); RemoteViews remoteView = notification.contentView; LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SE...

@Cilenco maybe :)
@Washu yup
Still looking for a solution
@Washu are you there?
@Washu really? That would be great :)
Hold on getting my food... is lunch time already
And here is dinner time :-D
and @Cilenco still searching that is quite a difficult question..
@Cilenco i remember checking something like that a few months ago
thanks in advance for your help :) afk for a while

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