Okay. So porting that to even chinese? I mean related to locales or something like that? BTW Microsoft Foundation Classes. I remember we discussed on this on the other day :) @Neil
When an automatic update occurs, the old date save in the preferences for my app gets delete.
How can i prevent this deletion?
I want that when my app auto updates , it does not delete my old data saved.
So I don't want you to cast vote for them. But if you were of them or any one who I know well, I would definitely suggest others to cast their votes for you. @Neil
@Appu I'd get at best 5 votes from you, Washu, and a few others who know me, and about 100 from people who thought my candidacy speech was decent and that's it
Even if I could win, I doubt I'd be worthy of the title
anyone here have workied using lightstreamer libs?
@Appu Reminds me of that joke with the blonde girl and the lottery ticket
The blonde girl everyday prays to god and says, "Lord, I've been a good person all my life. I have little money because I spend it to help my parents and keep my brother in school. All I ask for is a little money"
"Please give me the winning lottery numbers"
She does that every day for years when one day she hears a booming voice reply to "I'm happy to help, but you must first buy a lottery ticket."
@Neil Thanks. But I am not content as I don't know what went wrong. But I just used the function which is already there in the running website code which in turn uses PHPMailer library.
So what I did was I just included the class by require_once and then used that function.
As all new Android devices have Bluetooth 4.0 and since BT4.0 includes BT3.0+HS, I thought it would be easy to use the 24Mbit/s of BT+HS by calling createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord function of the Android Bluetooth SDK. Unfortunately, I am only getting Bluetooth 2.0 EDR data rates (~230KB/s) whi...
@Neil @Appu sorry just got home, on my cellphone is kinda hard to log in this chat, yeah i rushed to the hospital cause i was worried about it, but do not worry i just need some pills and i will be fine :)