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Hi all
So it's cool that you know about android development. It seems to be getting very popular
well, I think I"ll be in the lounge because I have questions about meta stuff
:D Okay. So what have you been up to?
I've been trying to get Vuforia working
maybe I'll do that another day
Hearing it first time. Searching on it enabled me to think that it's like html5 which is a cross-platform. Correct me if I am wrong.
actually, it's an augmented reality environment
2 hours later…
@ALL :D hello
hi all..

I got this Exception while sending my JSON object to server
org.json.JSONException: Value <?xml of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject

I convert JSON object to string then I pass this string as Request parameter like following..
httpPostRequest.setEntity(new StringEntity(json.toString());
Response = client.execute(httpPostRequest);
whats wrong with this..
Hi @ ALL
@bala looks like you're trying to send an xml file
@bala I am sure you are not getting a valid json data from your server side.
@Neil Yo!
@Appu hello mate
@gk1017 Heya! I think I haven't met you before.
@Appu okies .. i have met you here .. i have quick quest in jmeter basic 1
in jmeter im doin the perfromance testing for HTTP request for web services
Sorry, I don't know jmeter.
@All okies:(
@Appu Yo :)
@Neil any ideas abt jmeter ?
@gk1017 i'm not familiar with jmeter, sorry
@Neil Yay! I did it well.
Class went well.
the server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method (Unsupported Media Type).
on this error?
@Appu @Neil
@gk1017 what media type you are trying to send and from which front-end?
text/xml and response also the same
usin front end its working
I mean are you sending that media data from android device?
only on jmeter its isnt
I think I don't know then :(
@Appu okies:(
any general ideas in this ?
the really horrible 1 s i have the 6 requests to the same web service but the 5 works fine and the last 1 alone is not working
returns the errors as such
Q: Download multiple images - can download all images but image are all the duplicate

kongkeaMy application get image names from JSON. and I concatenate that name to another url to download image. I can download all images but all the images that I download are duplicate. How can I download all my images and do not duplicate ? JSON {"pictures": [ { "picture_url": "2de19d4...

Didn't these help you?
@Appu You taught string manipulation well? :)
@Appu seen those it didn help ,,
@kongkea Then the problem is in the way you are getting images' paths.
Might be you are trying to get the same image all the times from the server.
@Neil Yeah.
But hadn't come to StringBuilder and StringBuffer yet. Will teach tomorrow.
How long was the lesson?
Have to test on that synchronization. Because I didn't get time yesterday as it was already late night.
More than an hour.
@Appu @Neil Please take a look..

@bala Can you do one thing quickly what I say?
@bala I suggest you listen to the answers to your question
You are complicating something simple
There is a method Gson.toJson and Gson.fromJson
You don't need to use JSONObject
The response is the json string returned from Gson.toJson
Just set the header to show that it is json that you're returning and not just text
@Appu yes..
@Neil i'l try dude...
@bala Log.d("Result>>> " resultString ); immediately after this line String resultString= convertStreamToString(instream); and let me know.
this would make me sure that you are not getting any problems from your serverside.
@hello please suggest me any links , tutorials or book for the swing
@Appu seen those it didn help ,,
Yeah. You have already said that. Better post it as a question.
@Appu ya..you are right.. I'm not getting problems from my serverside. Log.d("Result>>> " resultString ) result>> pastie.org/6403279
@bala You are getting problems. See this.
the server encountered an error processing
You are getting this warning along with the data you desired.
@Appu so it should be server side problem.. is it..
How do I solve this problem?
How do I know? You should check your server side code not to throw such warnings.
Or it could be the issue in the way you request your server to get the data.
ok.. I got it..
thank you
Welcome. Is this your real name?
@Appu how to convert java Date format to JSON Date format
ya Its my real name
Sorry, I didn't get your question.
What's your full name?
my full name BALAGURU.. so surely Appu is a nic name.. wats ur ful name
"DateTime content 'Mar 6, 2013 2:27:12 PM' does not start with '\/Date(' and end with ')\/' as required for JSON."
-this is the problem
so how can i convert Java Date format to JSON date format.. like this.. '\/Date(' and end with ')\/'
sorry, I just missed one person who I know personally and who works on Android, but don't know whether he has an SO account and then again don't know whether he chats. That is the reason I just started a process. I am kinda crazy to do this and even so crazy that I am telling you this straight away.
I guess SimpleDateFormat would do what you want.
ohh..its ok.. :)
ok.. I'l try
Good Luck.
@Appu completed u r app
Nope. Issue with viewflipper in scrollview in some ics devices. I don't know why.
@Appu in how many devices u r testing app
@Appu may i know which r they?
2.3 htc, samsung karbonn A9 4.x and micormax tablet blah
@Appu how u r managing different screen sizes?
Hello all
@ChiragPatel: hello
I am just taking care to support maximum without having to add any extra things. But still I need to add images for ldpi later.
For the time being I am testing without providing any exclusive things for screen sizes.
@Praveena_Pinki hello
one api is working fine in Native ,but the same api is not working in phone gap @ChiragPatel
@Praveena_Pinki sorry , no idea about phone gap
@Appu then is u r app working fine in tablet
@ChiragPatel: K ,No prb :) .How r u?
@Praveena_Pinki fine and u ?
@Harish Yeah. But it's 4.x so I am having issue on viewflipper.
Can you help me on this issue?
@Appu i'll try to help let us say what is u r issue?
@ChiragPatel: hmm fine
that's great without changing any thing it is working fine in tablet @Appu
@Praveena_Pinki good
@Praveena_Pinki Hello
@ChiragPatel Hi
@Harish hi
@ChiragPatel what's up dude
@Harish: hello u have idea on "one api is working fine in Native ,but the same api is not working in phone gap"
Yeah. Okay Here is my scenario. I get data from the server including images. I am displaying text data by using testview which can be very lengthy and I can get images upto 4 images. If I get only one image, then it's fine I can display it on the imageview. But what if I get 4 images for that particular data?
So I have just used flipview to show all that 4 images
one by one.
@Praveena_Pinki sorry no idea
@Harish: k
Can anyone tell me what System.setProperty() does?
like in general terms

it's not an environment variable is it?
@Appu so what is the problem u r facing now?
The problem is I kept to have swiping effect and at the same time have set it to move images one by one on imageview by itself with the help of setinterval.
@Appu just try to animate it from left to right in u r view
Didn't get you.
@Appu u will get 4 images right
Suppose if user doesn't swipe I kept it move by itself for every 1 second.
@Harish Yeah.
@Appu yes set time interval according to u r convenient..
I did it. Even I kept swiping too. But it always shows only one image on the imageview on ICS devices.
But perfectly working on other devices.
@Appu in ICS is u r app getting force closed without ginving any info
@AdamLynch I guess this would give you idea on that.
@Harish Nope. It doesn't get force closed as I said it shows only one image.
@Appu other images
@Appu so it's tied to the JVM then?
Don't know what happened to them. They are not shown.
i.e. it's not a general "system" property at all
for example, another language couldn't set it
unlike an environment variable
@AdamLynch Yes. As it's not a properties file which user can generate. you are just accessing the properties file of the jvm.
@Appu r u getting those other images links
in log
@Appu thank you
@Harish Yes. I am able to get the image links.
@Appu so then try with debugging
thought of, but those devices are not supporting to run my app from eclipse.
Karbon device is unable to find kies on my system despite of having it on my system.
And micromax tablet. It's just a crap I have never seen.
@Harish Which devices are available at your side?
I am finding huge problems with Samsung galaxy S3 image capture, can anyone matey help me out here?
@user3 Here you go with it
I like property files
They make me happy
I tried that Appu I am on it, thanks!
If I could change one thing about it, it would be the allowance of using variables from other properties in order to create new ones
In other words, if I have the property file:
a.property=My property
b.property=$(a.property) b.property
then b.property would hold value "My property b.property"
Or that's what I'd like anyway
@AdamLynch Have you observed Niel's statements. It might add extra details to you.
@Neil You know, one guy has asked me why index in array starts from zero but not from 1 today in class.
@Appu really? What did you reply? :)
I know the basis for that, but maybe not everybody knows the why
Yeah. I don't know I have just said that might be compiler writers wanted to have it that way.
Even I am not content with my answer and I said it might be but I don't know exactly.
@Neil I just got -72 rep and it says user was removed. I don't who is that user?
OMG! I forgot to vote.
@neil for me also it happen lost 28 can you how it happen?
@Harish What's your above statement about?
@Appu I lost 28 points yesterday of my SO there is no details regarding that
it is only showing user was removed
I guess one of victor's account has been deleted for sure. That is why we both got effected at the same time.
see this.
@Appu ok.
have you solved u r problem?
57 mins ago, by Appu
@Harish Which devices are available at your side?
I asked you this.
@Appu i have only nexus4 but it is very old, so once i tested on that after that i'm testing my app only on emulators,
which version?
Oh! Don't your colleagues have the recent one?
@Appu they have but it is product based company na so we can't test on personal. It is very bad from my side...
Then is it not possible. Because my test is a simple one.
Like putting 3 images in drawable folder
access them to display in viewflipper one by one which in scrollview.
@Appu Nope . Have you tested it on ICs emulator
Nope. I don't think it would make difference.
Let me give a try.
@Appu @Harrish that can happen when users that have voted up your questions are deleted/removed from stackoverflow
So it's not that you're being downvoted so much as you are just losing the rep you already gained
@Neil ok
@Neil hey u r from?
@Harish Italy
@Neil ok
Yeah. I have seen this too.
30 mins ago, by Appu
see this.
@Neil You haven't cleared my fault.
What is the secret behind index?
@Appu Sorry, I went off to eat earlier
Well not sure if you're familiar with assembly
but an array is just another way of describing a block of memory
Where one "data object" starts and where it ends is completely arbitrary
What the compiler normally does is abstract that away a bit by letting you provide a number
Since the compiler knows how large the data object is, with the number, it can transform it into an address where the data is kept
The formula is address = index*data_size + array_start_address
Therefore, "0" index is simply the first
Rather than make 1 the first and making the formula:
address = (index - 1)*data_size + array_start_address
0 was just known to be the first
And it's not as important as it once was, but optimization was crucial in early computer science
Nowadays the compiler could probably adjust the index on your behalf so the program wouldn't have to do it at runtime
But programmers are already used to zero-based indexes
@Neil Excellent. Thanks ya.
@Appu Can i know above discussion is for which?
1 hour ago, by Appu
@Neil You know, one guy has asked me why index in array starts from zero but not from 1 today in class.
@Appu Ok You'll also teach haa!
@Harish :D I worked as a tutor while I was pursuing my graduation and now I have got to teach something to newbies. This is allotted by management.
Not personally intended one.
@Appu oh! It's good practice ..:)
Buy Guys @Appu @Neil and @all
@Harish You are following chinthan I guess ;) I don't buy anything. If you want me to buy something, provide me funds.
@Harish see you later.
@Harish Buy
Buy low, sell high
Can someone help me with the camera for my app?
Java RMI help?
Ok you two guys alerted:) ALL Guys Bye. :)
Buy bi
Can anyone help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/15248265/…
Guys something i want to say , if you don't mind can i ?
@chintankhetiya It's a free internet
Bye Bye :P Good Night. :)
@chintankhetiya Good night, man
@chintankhetiya I really mind it then if this is you wanted to say.
ha ha ROFL. hope you like it.
I am kinda confused to go from here :(
@chintankhetiya Bye. Good Night.
@Appu Give me a sec
I'll make a simple example from this
Okay. Hope that wouldn't be like a Bean class Example on the other day ;)
what do you mean?
I mean you gave me empty pastebin on the other day to show the abstraction. I was just kidding with that.
You don't remember?
Oh ok
Well that's my first attempt to show what I mean
Though in my case, it didn't give me any problems
It may be that we'd have to run it for a while before there'd be problems
Though that essentially is what you should not do
Trying to think if there is a way I can make it more evident
Both threads append to the string builder using the same instance
In theory, if one thread gets interrupted at a critical moment, it may create inconsistent strings
Like rather than seeing 1 2 3 4 5 6, you may see 1 2 3 45 6 7 8
actually, now that I think about it while that's true, that doesn't have anything to do with StringBuilder being unsynchronized
The interrupt would cause problems only if it occurred in the middle of execution of sb.append
Hmmm. What could be the perfect way to show the difference then?
So, printing longer strings may have more of a possibility to be interrupted
@Neil It didn't give me any interrupted output too. Let me change looping count to more number.
Hey Lele
does anynody know if its possible to update eclipse
i mean from 3.7 to 4.x
It's funny that this is so complicated^^
the wiki from eclipse is a little bit old....and on stackoverflow I don´t get the right results
It didn't give me any difference despite of changing it to large value.
@Lele I have never done it. Did you try with update option?
hahah...it was the first thing I tried ;)
I modifiied the program and it works most of the time
But just once, it gave me a strange error
but it gives me the newest eclipse 3.7 version.....but I want to upgrade eclipse to Juno
I think the problem is that it isn't that it creates strange strings, simply that the behavior is undefined
it's difficult to demonstrate that unless the thread is interrupted at the right moment
@Neil The counter value is getting reflected in both threads I guess. That is the reason even though the threads execute simultaneously there is no difference visible.
I think you could demonstrate this with just one thread actually
One thread could be adding letters in a recognizable pattern
And the main thread continuously interrupts it
interrupts in what way?
do you check the strings yourself?
if its rare that inconsistent strings get produced the chance that you see one is little
I think this demonstrates better
When you run it, it will tell you that it has appended something to the String builder and that it gets interrupted
But when you try to see the string, it gives you strange results, contrary to what you might assume
Worst day Ever
@Washu Ouch, what happened?
@Neil big traffic.... there was an accident and the whole highway was closed
cars going on the other side of the road
it was teerible
Hope nobody was hurt
I hope the same....
@Neil and how is your day?
@Washu More translation, always less programming :/
I am home.
@Appu Welcome home
:) Let me try that program then.
@Appu I'm stumped
Your problem
Might be easier just to explain why synchronized is important
And when it should be used
You don't have to necessarily find an example using StringBuilder to demonstrate that
But I just thought to show a simple example what happens while using StringBuilder and StringBuffer. I just wanna show the difference programatically.
Again, the problem with threading is that the problem only occurs in conditions which you cannot determine
It's not like Printing out in a certain part of your program "Should not be here" since that's deterministic
This is not deterministic
@Appu hey
@Neil Okay. Thank you very much ya.
@Washu Heya!
@Washu So do you dare watching Indian movie again? :D
@Appu Haha i will avoid the dancing
Was that movie dubbed to Spanish? @Washu
@Appu yeah, bu it wasn't good
Helllo need help in android
What is that on?
@Appu Is there an indian movie without dancing?
@Washu A Wednesday
Nasurideen Shah
is the actor
I have created table by using one class now i want to insert values in the another class but that is not working. @Appu
i am getting values from server
by json
@Washu We hardly find one like 1 in 2000 movies.
@Suraj You mean you are getting data from server in one class and you created sqlite table in another class?
@Suraj Will check it
@Appu @Washu table is created and i am also getting data successfully form the server but i have written insert and other operations in other class which is not working
i will show you the code
by this way i am getting the data from json
and inserting custDbhelper class into the db
this is CustomerDbHandler class pastebin.com/2smtWK8t
who from England or Ireland ?
@ErhanDemirci If anything spl Gift for them then i am otherwise i am from India :P
@Suraj :) no no
I want to ask something
@ErhanDemirci okay :)
@Suraj thank you
@Suraj sorry was afk for dinner. So, data is not being inserted to sqlite database?
@Appu yes :(
@Suraj Your code isn't sufficient I guess to know the problem. Where is your database helper class?
@Appu wait i will show you
@Suraj Can you please debug it step by step and check why data is not getting inserted? I have to be off as I am tired.
@Appu no prob thanks for your kind support
BTW it seems you are calling the network operation on the ui thread itself.
@Appu i am gettting the data from server
Because your question is so generic and making me go through your entire code which I can't now.
@Appu i can understand
Yeah. I understand you get data from server. But it should be done using asynctask or handler.
It shouldn't be done on UI thread.
See you later @Neil @Washu @Suraj @NareshSharma @all :P I think this is very lengthy.
@Appu See ya
@Appu :)
Night, Appu
@Appu i have used the asynctask but i have not pasted the full code
@Appu Good Night

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