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01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 17:00

@All GM
1 hour later…
Hello Java/Android!
@SheSmile Hey!
@Appu :D
1 hour later…
@SheSmile hey
@all Hi
@Kumar Hi
@Villan :D
Hi all
anyone work on canvas
@Anshuman didnot solved that previous one?
@SheSmile whats up!
Hi @Appu
@Villan actually problem is different. Suppose i have an imgae save in sdcard whose width and height is 760 x 200 , Now first i want to load that save image on the bitmap and then increases the bitmap height to 400, and then again save the bitmap in the sdcard, but what happen is the bitmap is always save with 760 x 200 size, but in my case i increases the height to 400
@Anshuman scale it
@Villan But if i scale the image it not look like the original image. This is my code pastebin.com/6sJXh8ai, check onSizeChanged fuction in my code where in edit mode enable i do the operation
@Villan there ?
@Anshuman Okay lemme see
@chintankhetiya yes
@Villan ok...i am waiting
@Villan i am confusing about creating a 9 Patch. can you help me ?
@Anshuman tried like this? Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bit, newWidth, newHeight, filter);
@chintankhetiya i never worked on it ! but tellme where you stuckdown !
@Villan he is not there ?
@chintankhetiya why not you ask adil in that room
@Villan this
sorry !!
@Rank Hey!
@chintankhetiya yes y not you ask adil in android people room ! you might get exact help na
but he is not there i have already checked :(
@chintankhetiya sharp boy !!
any error?
@chintankhetiya What's your issue with 9-patch?
@Villan Hamm Smarty . not getting error but image view is not getting in clear
3 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
@Villan this
Why are you showing me tutorial?
@Appu i am creating 9 Patch but not getting how to do this ? where i have to keep my patch ?
how can i create 9 Patch of this image ?
Have you placed this image in the editor?
It's somewhat typical to make a 9-patch for circles.
Keep it aside, did you understand the concept of 9-patch?
its circle image and when i am trying to creating 9 Patch then its change his view in square type or something like strange view
I guess it's not possible for circles, why can't you change the icon to rounded square.
yes, same thought !!! :)
hi out there, I've got some trouble with a spinner it is differently rendered in GB and ICS but not in JB: stackoverflow.com/q/14981193/995926
see i have a button and that for i am using above icon for that i have created 3 different icon form different folder size of (15*15,20*20,26*26) is it okay ?? yet icon is blur
@all hellooo
@prasad.gai @rekire
any body worked on live streaming from android mobile device to server
@chintankhetiya ?
yes I did
can u please help on it
what is your problem?
how can i send my video live streaming to server?
uh that is not so simple that is at the very end of my todo list
Our server side developer has given a service url with rtmp protocol
there are protocols like rtmp and a second tcp based one
is there any reference to follow and implementing procedure?
ask me in 6 month I'll may know it then sorry
@Villan i tried saclling the image but it compressed the image
@prasad.gai you could check if you find a ffmpeg port for android that should work
@Anshuman scale y
@Villan can u please show that in my code..i am stuck in this from last three days. pastebin.com/6sJXh8ai
@Anshuman please dont mind dude ! today is our beta release busy with testing things ! but tell me if you get issues ! canvas.scale(float scaleX, float scaleY); try to use that inyour onsize
@rekire is there any example links to browse
@Villan have you ever create custom spinner ?
@chintankhetiya Nopes but yesterday i got some ! wai8 lemme search again
seen this ?
@prasad.gai I don't know I just onkw the homepage: ffmpeg.org
@Villan okay let me check
@chintankhetiya 2
@Villan is it in loop ?
@chintankhetiya 5
@chintankhetiya I believe @rekire has created it as per his question.
@Villan Thanks.
say thanks when they helps to get your requirement @chintankhetiya
@Villan i get in 2 link. still you are throwing me links :P
@appu sorry I don't understand your last sentence
@rekir Actually I am looking for sample application like
I would like to record a video by using android camera that camera should be able to record the data on server not in my device
@chintankhetiya Okay !
@prasad.gai as I said initial I don't know I just try to point you to helpful ressources
Maybe somebody has an idea is it possible to build a splashscreen while my applicatoin class is loading data from the sd card?
@rekire Chintan asked about customizing the spinner, so I pointed you to him that you might have done it as your question is related to spinner if I am not wrong.
@prasad.gai see that sample
@Villan ok no problem...can u look at this code...i made changes, but here what happen is the load image in the bitmap stretch, when i scale the bitmap. pastebin.com/5j8yfi4g
@Appu ah you are right. sorry I did not read his question I was thinking about prasads problem. @chintan Basically you need to set a custom background
@rekire yes i got the link form @Villan :P
@Anshuman show me screenshots ! @Anshuman actual requirement ?
sry I did not follow your conversation
@prasad.gai sample 2
@Villan ok..wait for a minute
Thanks for help @rekire @Villan
@rekire NP. Where are you from? Glad to have your presence here.
6 mins ago, by Villan
say thanks when they helps to get your requirement @chintankhetiya
@Appu I'm from germany. I'm right now in Cologne.
@Villan how can i send that data to server not in local sdcard?
@prasad.gai first try to get the recording
@Villan i did it
later you research to send video from sd card to server
but i am not knowing how to record it on server
like live telecasting
@rekire Okay. In Germany's fourth largest city ;) Is that g in Cologne silent?
@Villan i am not looking for record on sdcard.I have to record it on server directly
@appu I think so. I usually use the german variant Köln that sounds quite differnt
@prasad.gai I think this lib should help you: sourceforge.net/projects/ffmpeg4android
AFIK it also supports the protocol you need
@rekire That is lib for android NDK developer.But I am not well about NDK developement
I never used it too, but I think that you can call the functions from java
g.drawString("hello vamsi",50,50);
but the color is not changing to red why ?
@prasad.gai seen this ?
@rekire You know PHP well? I have seen your answers just now which include php things.
try to exchange the lines @vamsi
@appu yes I do, and also C# and linux stuff
@vamsi exactly as @rekire said
@vamsi how can you set color after drawiung string?
thanks to @rekire @Villan
you people are correct
@Villan check the screenshot
@Anshuman what is you exact requirement now
2 messages moved to recycle bin
@Villan You notice that the image test strech when i loaded in larger size bitmap...so what i want is to load that image without stretching in larger bitmap
you need to resize right @Appu wi8 lem me think
g.setFont(Font.BOLD) is showing error why ?
@rekire Great. Have you ever worked on mail part in php?
long ago, which lib are you using?
@Villan Have u got my what i want to show
@Anshuman yes i got !
@Anshuman tried by changing width and height?
@Villan yeh i tried by changing width & height...
@rekire I am using phpmailer
@hi all
@kongkea Hey !!!
Hi @chintankhetiya h a u?
@kongkea what a short cut ?
i am fine.say about you
How are you? :D @ch
the same
@kongkea that's good what about work ?
good. and you? @chintankhetiya
So much traffic :p
@Villan any clue so far...sorry to distrb u..but i hv no choice.
Q: Spinner differently rendered in Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich

rekireI don't understand why some elements are differently rendered. Here is a emulated ActionBar where I put a Spinner for changing the online status. However the text in the Spinner is visible on the Desire HD (2.3.5) and on the Nexus 7 (4.2.2), but on the LG P990 (4.0.4) the current spinner item is ...

@Anshuman set height manually then
@Anshuman will be back after luncch bye
@Villan ok..
Hi @Appu
Again i stuck in my code flow.
Are you there?
@Rank hi
how r u
hello @all
@Harish Hi
@Neil hola
@Anshuman any luck?
@Villan jst back frm lunch...not yet..still struggling to solve it
@Anshuman set manually height and check !!
I am fine..
what about you..
generally this is because of canvas @Anshuman
@Villan I cheked...its same whatever height i gave the save image take that height only
@Anshuman checked measure height like that?
@Villan Actually am doing like that: Is anything wrong in the code String loadPath = m_NoteDirectoryPath.getPath() + "/" + m_FileName;
m_BitmapToCanvas = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(loadPath).copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);
m_BitmapToCanvas = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(m_BitmapToCanvas, 600, 400, true);
what are 600 and 400?
@Villan and the image that i load from the sdcard has a height of 200
width and height
what is your required measurements?
@Villan Actually my saved image is of height 200px, Now i want to show load that saved image inside a bitmap of height 400px. So while loading that save image in the bitmap i want the image size to remain 200px, but want to increase the bitmap height to 400px
@Anshuman lemme check i done something like this i think
@Villan ok...
i done like this to set image on canvas
@Villan ok..i will look on it
@Rank Hey Tell me.
@Neil @Harish Yo!
Yo Yo
Hi @Appu
@Appu hey wat'sup
@Appu this is logcat..when i use lazyadapter with model class
hii @All
are you there?
@Rank sorry, wasn't on browser. what did you analyze from your logcat?
@Harish sup! How is it going?
@MAC Heya!
@Appu cool
@Appu Hii
Wats up..!
@Rank : Don't knows ur problem but are you getting error in asnctask ?
Q: Spinner differently rendered in Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich

rekireI don't understand why some elements are differently rendered. Here is a emulated ActionBar where I put a Spinner for changing the online status. However the text in the Spinner is visible on the Desire HD (2.3.5) and on the Nexus 7 (4.2.2), but on the LG P990 (4.0.4) the current spinner item is ...

@MAC Sup! How are you doing? It's been a long time I guess.
@Appu: Yup was busy...
202 line number : SetListViewAdapter(listImages);
and 257 line number adapter = new LazyAdapter(activity, images);
@Appu , @MAC
@Rank: Are you setting adapter in doInBack..() ?
(OneViewer.java:257) You are getting NPE here. So, check whether activity and images are null.
This is my MainClass
@Rank: Are you getting length ??
I used lazy adapter in OnPostExecute class..
@Appu , @MAC
This is lazy adapter class that i used
you should put condition if(arr.length() >0)
@Appu @MAC @Goofy good afternoon all , Pls help me here stackoverflow.com/questions/…
@krish Good Noon
exact link plz
@krish Good Afternoon
can you post link of your Que again
@krish which API level you are using ?
did you set the target as Google APIs? — Pallavi 19 mins ago
Q: Embedding CWAC-LocationPoller.jar File into the Project

krishIntro: I am developing LBS application, I want to embed CWAC-LocationPoller.jar File to my project , I have added the jar file in libs and build path , and following is my Mainfest.xml , I have provided GPS provider When i run the App Gps is not locating and I cant see the records in my files .. ...

@MAC U r asking SDK ?
API level
Where i will use this in for loop?
if(arr.length() >0)
in onPost
before setting adapter.
@Appu , @MAC use this demo http://www.mediafire.com/?bphnn6f465w62qy
and change search url to this on
https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/news?" +
Plz dude @Appu , @MAC
@MAC sorry I am using 4.2
@krish no problem
in your async class
check length of arr before setting adapter
set adapter only if length>0
@MAC Are u replying to me , I dont any async class
@Rank LoadNewsList
@krish Are you facing problem with adding jar ? Or only output? If it's with the output I have never worked on CW....
@Rank I didn't get you. Check for null. Did you?
@Appu I have added Jar File, And I have set my location provider as GPS but It is showing me Network has provider in records ...
Yes some time i receive null value for image ..
@krish: Sorry it was for Rank :)
@Rank Then circumvent when you receive null value for image. Might be you don't have image for that particular thing.
@krish Sorry, Don't know.
@MAC Did u get ? any solution ?
@krish: Sorry but I dont have experience with that..:(
@MAC @Appu Its ok..
@Appu hwne i use this link , it show image url tag "tbUrl"
Again i got same error
When i use if(arr.length() >0)
it show Result array length => 1 in log cat
are you there?
@Rank Sorry, I am busy. Tell me. Did you check null for even activity variable?
@Appu :
Yes i used it it not show anything in Logcat
when i use http://pastebin.com/HwpzKePq
@Villan r u there
@Anshuman Yes
@Villan that thing is done..thanks for ur code
@Anshuman using my code?
@Villan Not the code...but the idea you used...
@Anshuman Okay !
@Villan One more thing i want to know..
@Anshuman what?
@Villan Is to possible to erase a line that i draw on canvas? Not erase all the line at one go, but just like the rubber works in our daily life
@Anshuman so you forgot me ! i already gave you some idea for it
@Villan I used that but that only paint another color over the line, but in my case it doesn't fit.
@Villan and secondly if my canvas background is of different color then again i have to change color of paint while erasing
@Anshuman lemme again try for it
yes you have to do @Anshuman
@Rank You really need to know how to trace out your errors, otherwise it would be impossible for you to develop. No one will check for null in that way. Because by the time you check it, you are already passing null to adapter which gives NPE and stops the execution.
@Villan yeh i know..but that doesn't accepted by the client
Do this way. Hope you will know now how to debug/trace by log.d or sops.
@Villan They need the proper erasing mechanism
@Villan becaz in their case they can change the background image on the fly..
@Anshuman searching
@Villan ok.....
ok @Appu
@Rank What is the result?
@Anshuman try like this once canvas.drawColor(0, Mode.CLEAR);
@Villan ok..i will try and let u know
@Rank It means those objects are not null. Are you still getting NPE at that line?
have a doubts in java
@chintankhetiya wc
@theunlucky you too. !! change the profile pic not the name ;)
@Villan Nope its not working..
your images show connecting together or be connected . Good Message !!
@chintankhetiya both :)
@Anshuman hmm i too tried a lot on that day !
@Villan buddy
@theunlucky hi
@Villan Yeh i also look for so many thing, but still not find a correct solution..
hi ..... aware abt java and tomcat &mysql ? @Villan
@theunlucky You have doubts in java? Or you are asking me whether I have doubts?
@theunlucky ask @Appu
i am 0 in java @theunlucky
so am I. But I will try my level best.
@Appu tats good:)
@Anshuman try this one too
clearPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR));
in paint
is it possible to configure mysql in tomcat for standalone apps in java ?
@theunlucky Yeah. I am zero. Because java is an ocean. Even if we learn for lifetime, it would be still left to learn.
if so plz
@SonaliPriya wc
@theunlucky Yeah. It's possible like any other database.
if u have queries plz keep posted here
@Appu how ?
i havent used any
@theunlucky she cant talk unless she have 20 reputation
@Villan okies:)
didn see the reps
@theunlucky No buddy asking me for my query :(
@theunlucky What are you trying to achieve? Are you practicing advanced java? I mean starting from JDBC?
@chintankhetiya What's your query dear?
@Villan it make the pen color to black..instead of erasing..
ok @Appu
I got the NPE , when i bind arrayList with listView.
@Appu i am kidding. !! but really i have query now. will discuss later
@Anshuman hmm yeah ! i remembered that day i too face the same
@Rank there ?
@Appu core java ly buddy
@chintankhetiya Fine.
performance high and multiple application easily can access..no need open connection again again,for single application jdbc is ok...if we ar using multiple app this is better..
@theunlucky Okay.
Yes @MAC
have you solved your NPE problem ?
was the arraylist initialized ?@Rank
@chintankhetiya busy ?
Try to solve..
@Rank can you post your entire class on patebin
@theunlucky Sorry for late but busy right now , if you don't mind shall we talk latter ?
@chintankhetiya sure :) no issues carry on :)
@chintankhetiya Buzy MAN...!
@theunlucky okay !!
@MAC yes, atiyare busy chu boss
@chintankhetiya bye bye @Appu @Villan
@theunlucky Okay Bye, Take care :)
@theunlucky Bye
@theunlucky Cya later.
@chintankhetiya: bhai boss kai ne majak karo ma
@MAC this is code example ..
Which is used for only image search api.
i want to change this api to https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/news?v=1.0&q=amritsar&rsz=1
this is okey
it returns JOSN
and you have to parse it. Nothing else..
in new api i will use these tags

tbUrl is comes under object
yes tbUrl comes under image object
and to get image you need to use URL tag
Can you modify my previous example ..that i mention in mediafire.com/?bphnn6f465w62qy
@Rank whats problem here
It works fine.
@chintankhetiya: what is this ?
@Villan @Appu see this is spinner custom dialog but width of dialog is too large as you can see, how can i minimize it ? @MAC
@chintankhetiya as you says its custom than you can customize it bro...
try padding...
@Rank there ?
In my demo i use image search api https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/images?v=1.0&q=android&rsz=2
But now i want to use
News api
In news api image tag is tbUrl ..
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 17:00

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