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2 hours later…
2 hours later...
@Joe'sMorgue no one is more human than a wolf
Good Morning All :)
Yo o/
"The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones...." -Chinese Proverb (source)
Little Red wearing a red cloak that keeps her from turning into a wolf in riverside of the iridescent river with winds through fairy town that tainted by the wildness of magic.
good morning
Good Morning People :D
Auditing and Doubt Clearance Time
morning all :)
@MukeshRana do not clear their mind :P
@TheLittleNaruto LOL :D :D :D :D
@ChewCat chew how are you chew?
:O @ChewCat how are you ?
Hello GM ALL :3
chew is fine now
@Dro Why they have to play itachi music everytime when they show an emotional flashback. That music is sharper... sharper than blades which gets through the heart. 😞
@ChewCat and how is dear stone ?
he he
stone gone man
m nt seen but found nothing in sonography
@ChewCat if u can than u will be doc :D
@TheLittleNaruto so you haven't start work yet
@DroidDev We're only 3 members left as Android team. and none of 'em are coming. It's just me all day. 😒
@ChewCat when u going to discharge :D
@TheLittleNaruto @DroidDev @Kaushik @HarshDalwadi @MukeshRana morning :)
it's mine relatives hospital
@AshuKumar morn'
so just took bottles then go home
@AshuKumar YO
@ChewCat means u r at home :P
@TheLittleNaruto lol, just ask them if they want another guy on their team and forward my CV
@Killer yo yo Ashu. how are you ?
@AshuKumar right now in office
@DroidDev if they want any guy, that would be me first. you know! 😉
@ChewCat :O no rest only work ? do ur company called u for work ?
I am much better know. Everything is accessible even whatsapp facebook. 9 to 6 job. Much freedom :)
no work pressure and blah blah
@TheLittleNaruto no, additional resource on is what I was talking about. I mean, rn, there are three guys, if they need 4th one
say no work :D
@DroidDev Oh! Dunno why but in any team they have stopped hiring.
That's what has stopped me trying
@Killer did u change job ?
Yupe second week in new ofc
@Killer cool! oh that's why u online :P
Thanku Chew and yeah that's why i am up ashu
@Killer that's why u are not workin g
@TheLittleNaruto oh....well....not to worry. Lets see what happens
> currently reading react native tutorial for ios and trying to implement it in android, since its all the same
Yeah Tru. Been lazy from the start of this month. just chit chatting all around and partying like hell. no time for studying
@Killer hahahaha my guess was right :D
No problem for now. I will update my new routine.
@DroidDev Nice. How do you think it is ?
@AshuKumar morning
@Killer no need u r going right just do more work :)
@TheLittleNaruto dunno.....just started reading
will update you
@ChewCat chew piche hi pad gya fox ke :D (leave fox )
hey chew
@ChewCat why not u came to our website ?
@DroidDev Yesterday I read BST basics
and traversal
@TheLittleNaruto BST?
@AshuKumar english only please
@AshuKumar m frget to post something
@DroidDev i also wrote English
ok will not do :)
@AshuKumar done with it
@ChewCat LOL horse not friendly
@AshuKumar Very Good Morning
how are you @ChewCat?
@MukeshRana good now calling intergalactic police to take u with them
hey @MukeshRana m fine dude
@AshuKumar I am already there
@ChewCat Hope beer solution worked :D
ha ha @MukeshRana :P
good morning @AshuKumar
@IccheGuri ichiii morning man
gm @all
@AshuKumar Oh Yeah
@ChewCat wb
@ChewCat :D
@ShadowWizard checks Now
Good morning guys
gm @rekire
@rekire vgm
Does anyone have idea why on setting testCoverageEnabled to true, debugger can not debug local variables ?
Isn't testCoverageEnabled for junit tests?
It is for running the task for coverage report of junit tests.
That is why I want to know what is the relation with that debugger
I have no clue, never used junit
@DroidDev Binary Search Tree
@DroidDev Before Sleeping Time :P
@TheLittleNaruto yup i used in C
@LunarWatcher vgm
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
@TheLittleNaruto the code will be decorated heavily for the coverage...
@TheLittleNaruto right side must be smaller than right side and parent
Good morning guys
morning @rekire @DeepakBorade
Thank you
@TheLittleNaruto oh...its important. They ask questions like convert array into tree, find height, etc etc
@rekire Got it. If I still want to do that forcefully ? Is it possible ?
Thanks btw for clearing up my head
@TheLittleNaruto avoid the coverage while debugging?^^
@AshuKumar You know a lot for your age
@DroidDev Yep Read about 'em
@rekire Is there any flag which we can set ?
Because I need to keep it enabled in debug DSL so that it can generate coverage report on Jenkins
@TheLittleNaruto create a new flavor
Good morning
now that there are so many people here... Does anyone have a suggestion what I could eat for dinner tomorrow?
@rekire Got it. Thanks
@geisterfurz007 Well...
To get an idea...
You could always...
start on line 1
i know more than 5 searching and sorting algos and type of binary tree and more :D but yet i m learning to make a program that will help with my personal projects

thanks for compliment :)
@LunarWatcher ._________________________________________________.
@AshuKumar it is good to know, but in practice you won't implement that by your own.
@rekire means by programming ,it will be tough yes it is. but knowing algorithm makes thing easy and anyone can implement. yes while implementing anyone have lots of failure but atlast we will come with final working program of algorithm
@geisterfurz007 You should get help from a doctor if you got a face so wide there's meters between your eyes :P
@LunarWatcher lOL
@LunarWatcher morning @geisterfurz007 ::)
@AshuKumar You should get help from a doctor if you have four eyes total :P
@LunarWatcher no need i m hybrid
A hybrid of what?
Spider and human? xD
human and very rare alien species
Which rare alien species?
@LunarWatcher i do not know may be i m star lord :D
I'm a time lord warps back in time and prevents @AshuKumar from being born
coughs and infects the past
@LunarWatcher hhhahahahahaha i m not existing in timeline i m living out side of time
@AshuKumar Not anymore :D
but how could do kill someone who is not in time and u said u kill me going into past
I just headed to the exit point of the universe
Handy to have a little backdoor
You still have to abide by the laws of time
pffff existing outside the timeline my ass
@LunarWatcher nope as i m one of elder of marvel and time stone is control by me
@ChewCat Yo
@DroidDev @TheLittleNaruto samas
@AshuKumar steals time stone
@LunarWatcher Heyyo o/
@TheFlash sama
@LunarWatcher no mater dude believe or not
@TheFlash mornig light man
@AshuKumar You should get better security, stealing the time stone was as easy as picking a leaf from a tree
@LunarWatcher stolen shadow of time stone
@TheFlash cat is happy today :)
@LunarWatcher lol
@AshuKumar whats the news
@LunarWatcher yeah i m kaing things easier for those who think they can steel time stone and give them a regular stone have power of tons of nuclear blast
@TheFlash nothing just saw good dream
start reading about activity lifecycle. Remember, there are states in activity, and callback method is called based on that state (tricky questions can be answered if you know relation). read about fragment lifecycle, states, relation with activity lifecycle, fragment manager
Read about various types of services, broadcasts, async task loader and other things related to that.
Read about ThreadPoolExecutor, communication between service and UI
What was the dream?
@AshuKumar The thing is...
I'm also a 4D being
@TheFlash ^^^
I saw what you were doing
So I just grabbed the fake stone and replaced it with the real stone, so I got the real stone and you have the fake one I got the trigger to
@DroidDev Hai...I will need help in some questions
@AshuKumar enjoy pulls trigger
@DroidDev at once :)
@TheFlash sure, lemme know whatever you need, at any time. Start in that order only. If you know the specific area in which they ask questions, then start that part first
in Java, people mostly ask static keyword, singleton, interfaces
Nope dunno let me start from activity
project specific, they might ask BLE communication
there's also content providers, file providers. Read that too
just bury your head in documentation
@ShadowWizard LATE
@DroidDev (._.')
if you leave something, just tell them that you haven't done it, but whatever you read, be sure to be thorough @TheFlash
@DroidDev share me links that u went through for best explanations
@TheFlash only the documentation sama. Read nothing else
@DroidDev but documentation is not clear some time
@TheFlash i saw u r getting marriage, congratulation :D
@TheFlash flash kun
@AshuKumar the concepts that I listed above, most of them are there since API 1 and have clear enough documentation
@DroidDev yup yeah all starts with API level 1, some time while reading doc i m not getting clarity and thinking why not implement program instead of reading. but yet reading is more helpful.
@TheFlash Adding to Dro's list. Also read about ContentProvider/FileProvider, Loader/CursorLoader
Content Resolver
@TheLittleNaruto hai..!
@AshuKumar :/
@TheFlash what happened man , ok we are not going to ur marriage okay ? :D
hi anyone here for Android Play console developer app
Some information about ur app is incomplete Please see pricing and distribution
this is mentioned, When moving to pricing and distribution its asking for Primarily Child-Directed
Is your app primarily directed towards children under the age of 13 as defined by COPPA ?
You are required to indicate if your app is primarily directed towards children.
If your app is primarily directed towards children, you must opt in to the Designed for Families program below.
@AshuKumar Yeah running faster...
@Erum You need to check or uncheck "Is your app primarily directed towards children under the age of 13 as defined by COPPA ? " as per ur app and then submit
@Erum i think it is low of one of american state
ok @TheFlash if i select yes or no ... then after that user will recieve any update notification for app ?
or is this update is just for google app documentation purpose
but can't i skip this option ?
Oh My God @Erum is back :D
as this app is already published app and avaialble in play store
@Erum If you have kids under the age of 13 as your main target group, you check yes. Otherwise no
Just update
You do have to check it (it's required) though existing apps can have it unchecked for a while because it's newly introduced
yeah as dog lover says
ok DOG
But yeah, it's in your best interest to just set to to yes or no
update button is disabled @TheFlash
There's special things to take into consideration if you target kids <= 13 so just check it.
@TheFlash sama
And it is a required field, so it blocks updates until it's checked. Either that or you are missing more important info
if i select "yes" or "no" then update ... user will get update notification regarding app ? M i right ?
after that i also want to upload "modified apk " with some changes in app ? then user will again recieve notification regarding updated apk M i right ?
@Erum long time no see
@Kaushik HIYA
@ChewCat carry those stones first
@Erum No users get update notifications regarding non-APK updates
if you have a new APK as well, they'll get the APK update like normal.
@Kaushik sama
@ChewCat lol
@Erum I tried uploading new updates, didn' try option only, but Lunarman is right
@Kaushik long secs no see
@ChewCat You're alive :D
He became drunk cat last week
@TheFlash yes @ChewCat drunk tooo much
He drunk barrel of beer
@TheFlash hahaha
@AshuKumar @LunarWatcher @Hans1984
ha ha @TheFlash :3
one thing more , i have published app with package name with cordova based code ....now want to send update of app with same package name but in native android platform is this ok ? @TheFlash @LunarWatcher for submit an app as an update
@ChewCat is @insanecat
is it good?
@Erum yes if you have the same package and keystore
@Erum Yes it will
@AshuKumar long milisec no see
thanks a lot for ur precious time and help @LunarWatcher @TheFlash
@TheFlash @AshuKumar @LunarWatcher
Drunk insane cat xD
Let me use this pic somewhere
@ChewCat @TheFlash u was right
@MukeshRana lol
@ChewCat lol
@MukeshRana insane aliean
@AshuKumar told ya
@MukeshRana lol
ha ha
hahaha.. Blackmailing will follow now
:39099497 aren't those prohibited in Gujrat
hahahah insane alien
@ChewCat Change profile pic too xD
@MukeshRana use this pic on for not wrning Movie add : do not drink too much.
yooo @LunarWatcher doggy
Chew can get as many as he wish
I will send this pic to his fiance
lol @AshuKumar
yooooo @ChewCat catty
@Kaushik are u sure these kinds of things can be banned
@ChewCat guess what I found
what what
I can't paste for some reason, hold on
@AshuKumar but in Gujrat those tiny things are banned
@ChewCat did you bought those in black?
@Kaushik hahahaha
lol insane dog :o
@ChewCat You can't just change your username though
insane chewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
@Kaushik lol calling police now
Think of all the chew cat jokes I can make xD
insane stone chew transforms into insane chewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
ha ha
@ChewCat Hah, I sleep in the chatroom :>
Anyone got any ideas on hashing a String to a float?
foxy foxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
woah party going on
@geis ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss‌​sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss‌​sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss‌​sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
@ShadowWizard where are you?
hey LW is stealing my copyright
yo @geisterfurz007 whatsup?
@ColdFire Show me the papers stares
only I can say geisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
playing videogames until library is open so I can extend my card there and maybe get a new book or two.
oh nice
Then get food for the next days and then starting on tensorflow I think
first understand python methods and classes though to keep code at least somewhat clean rom the beginning on
@ColdFire Well then
troll in da house
decides it is better to go to sleep
ignores @LunarWatcher before doing so
I gotta go, got stuff to do
finally :>
@geisterfurz007 kills geis
@geisterfurz007 yay
@InsaneCat My suggestion would be not to share personal pics. I have told you many times though.
Also what if @TheFlash posted that on your timeline and tag your wife ?
@TheLittleNaruto lol
She'll beat your ass right there.
I hope you'll learn from it something.
yey ChewCat is back to familiar dp ^^
@ColdFire good after noon :)
LOL chewcat changed named to insanecat

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