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Good morning
We need a trip like this ^ @TheLittleNaruto @TheFlash @DroidDev @ColdFire @ChewCat
2 hours later…
"Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change." -Jim Rohn (source)
3 hours later…
Good noon all
1 hour later…
good morning all
Good morning guys, i've got final's next week and i would be really appriciated if somebody could help me with my project here, thank you (Trying to tell my android phone to send sms via AT Command's): stackoverflow.com/questions/45058642/…
@jagapathi that dude doesn't look 72 tho
Q: first path isn't painted

rglI have made a custom view to paint over a bitmap. The problem is when try to paint the first touch don't show any thing and the color also changed in the next time , the second problem is that the when i save the image no thing is showed from the painted colores Here is my code: public class Dr...

can anyone help fixing issues in my code
Maybe the first color is the same as the background
if i changed the color
the first path is drawn with the old color
there soma thning wrong in setting the color for the paths
but i can't fing out what is it
@TheLittleNaruto there?
@ber there?
@DroidDev I'm here
@LunarWatcher oh....wanted to discuss something related to getter setters and OOP concept. Do you have a bit of free time?
yeah, sure
@LunarWatcher ok, so in getter setter classes, we use some private variables and then public accessor methods, which allows us to get/set value to/from those variables
now, according to OOP concept, member variables should be private and member functions should be public
What are the benefits of the getter and setter models ?
but, you are setting values directly to variable via setter method, hence effectively changing its value
that is same as making variables public and accessing them directly via obj.var way
so, what really is the benefit of following OOP here @LunarWatcher
good question. In this SO question the reason for using getters and setters is discussed. In inheritance, a getter or setter may be changed for some reason. Maybe the overrided class wants to take the getter and return the value squared. One advantage as I see it, is you can very easily debug issues related to setting a given value.
It is easier to have one line in the setter than x lines before every change to the value
On the other hand, it is tricky to use setters. For setting (x = 12) that is fine. However, if you want to give x the value it has now + 2 you have to do something like: someclass.setX(someclass.getX() + 2)
@LunarWatcher that's very helpful, thanks
So in order to handle all the additions, subtractions, divisions and multiplications you either need to get the value using the getter and do whatever to it, or create more methods to handle it
@LunarWatcher so, I think if you are very sure that you aren't going to use those values except setting and getting, then you can go with public fields
very sure = definite about future scope of project too
So I use a double system. I set some variables (where outside access is required and wanted) to public and have getters and setters. You can also control the access modifier (package only can do anything directly) and let getters and setters give access to the rest
Another advantage, if you keep int x private, you can modify it inside the class and let outside classes get it only (meaning other classes get "read only" towards int x
@LunarWatcher yeah, but that's only if you are, or you think you will, need those things in future of project. But, as I said above, if you are sure, that you aren't going to modify any of those values in property class itself and it will only be used as data container, which will be passed here and there, then you can use public variables, right?
So there isn't really a universal rule to where you want getters/setters and set the variable to private (or something else). You can split up reading vs writing the variable, kinda like access control for files
yeah, pretty subjective I see
@DroidDev but great to travel by roadway
I mean, depends totally on your implementation
like if you are making sure that all the business logic will be in controller, then no need for accessor methods
@jagapathi yeah
@DroidDev You can use public fields as well, and use getters and setters (meaning public field + getters and/or setters). Then you can say x += 2 but also be able to getX() and setX()
@LunarWatcher yeah, a bit of business logic can be moved to model in that case
thanks @LunarWatcher I am now more sure of what I want to do
How you implement these things are the key to when you want to use private/public/other and getters/setters. I think it is up to each individual scenario to figure out what is the best way to go
yeah, depends on implementation. Like I am designing/implementing property classes only for passing data here and there. They are dumb classes, who know nothing apart from data they have. So not really a need of accessor methods there
If you really do not have anything to do with the object model, then the object model is of no use..
If your task is just to get data from a REST API and use it for your own internal processing then getter/setter is of no use..
yeah, totally my use case. Also, I want models to be just holding data and nothing else. According to me, it should be my viewmodel doing other things. Model should just be passing data around. Nothing else
You may want getters there
Set the variables to private
That way, the Model's data will never change (no outside classes can) and can only be used for transporting data
yeah, that goes for security purposes. But, looking at my project type, there's just no benefit of modifying data. You won't be able to do anything, even if someone from outside plays with data in my model. At-most, you can make your local build crash
although making methods come at no cost, but still, I thought it was worth brainstorming logic behind it, if I am really going for it
@DroidDev random thoughts?
Oh looks like it was a real call
Greetings! @all
!!wiki anime
2 hours later…
hi @All
hi @TheLittleNaruto
how are you
Q: why the paint is not saved with the bitmap

rglI've built a customview to paint over a bitmap the problem is when I try to save or share the image only the original bitmap is saved without the painted lines over it Here is my custom view : public class DrawView extends android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageView { private ArrayList<Co...

sorry for annoying but can anyone answer this because i really couldn't know it
can someone please help me with this
Q: Permission request dialog box appearing multiple times android

asifaCheck permission dialog box appears again and again inspite of giving permission and clicking all dialog box as accept it closes the app. I have a helper method to check multiple permissions and see if any of them are not granted. public static boolean hasPermissions(Context context...

I am not able to select an item using dpad center key in android tv
recycler view
nope never done TV stuff
@asifa thats wired did you debug your app
can anyone please help me
check if permission called multiple times
nothing in logcat
i can't understand please help me
@asifa check logcat clearly while permission is popedup
3 hours later…
@rekire there ?
@TheLittleNaruto very likely right now
Up for a DS question ? @rekire
Let me guess big O notation?
I have this question:
if that would be just everytime so easy to guess
Find upper bound for f(n) = n^4 + 100n^2 +50
the linear and constant parts do not matter
Assume n^4 + 100n^2 +50 <= 4n^2
@rekire We need to find the those 2 constants
Let me find the definition
what do you mean? I see there just a n
but to be honest why do you need that?
This is the definition
o(g(n)) = {f(n) : there exists positive constants c & n0 such that 0<=f(n)<=c*g(n) where n>=n0}
for example
f(n) = 3n+8
I just need that some time ago for a discussion that a code is inefficency in the end we ended in, as long it has no business impact it does not matter :-D
Ok let's assume 3n + 8 <= 4n
Hence, 3n + 8 = O(n) where c = 4 and n0 = 8
Like this we need to solve the above question
You get it now ?
not really since I forgot some details, however I am really curious why you need that at all
holy shit, you take it serious :-D
Never mind I solved the problem 😃
it is about the theoretical background
what is the solution now? I am interested :-D
9 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
Assume n^4 + 100n^2 +50 <= 4n^2
n^4 + 100n^2 +50 = O(n^4) where c = 2 and n0 = 100
Correction : Assume n^4 + 100n^2 +50 <= 2n^4
Just Okay ?
No I see or I got it ?
I see it ;) I thought that would be a summery or something else :-D
an assumption is no solution in my mind
@rekire Sorry 😛 I thought you're smart enough to get it.
I have right now a reduced it brain capacity due a young subject which needs some attention ;)
but sure it got it :D
22 mins ago, by rekire
if that would be just everytime so easy to guess
posted on July 15, 2017 by Cody Toombs

Gmail's web interface is massively customizable and offers an assortment of features to fit the preferences of almost any user. The same can't really be said about the mobile app. It's not that we need or should even have the same breadth of options, but there are certainly a few things that belong on both platforms. The latest update to Gmail's Android app reveals that it will soon offer th

@DroidDev Shared it on FB. That cleared up everything now.

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