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you are fantastic ;) it works ;)
;) glad..
Evil T cat
@DroidDev .net sama
@TheFlash faster and faster..
@TheLittleNaruto downloading genymotion as samsung device is not available....:/
@TCat I m not :/
@TheFlash fast sama
!!afk lunch time
not working afk
@ColdFire dafuq
yeah dafuq why its empty
are you trolling?
No Man
looks like hastebin server is down
Let me use another pastie
well cant be helped
yeah share those
@TCat you better help me with this issue
tea cat
@Ramona yes let me know
T != Tea
T == Tree
!!will you get me some burgers now ?
@Hans1984 Probably
back here in 30min, will you be here? :) @TCat
Tree Cat - sounds nice :)
yes I am here today for next 5 hours
T cat == Tree cat
@TheFlash lol
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I'm not sure what s<dot> is...
@AshuKumar Keeeeeds
@DroidDev saw multiple messages but didn't get?
@MukeshRana DroidDev is afk: lunch time
@Hans1984 you got eyes inside your mouth too xD
and on the back of my head!
a new cat
french cat
but there are also the dutch
from netherlands
I will check tonight
very busy atm
@TheLittleNaruto what are you doing in progress thing
i didnt got
looks fishy
@MukeshRana busy rich rana
@ColdFire What do you mean ?
buys poor boy
What you didnt get ?
<item android:id="@android:id/progress">
<!-- This is just a work around, it's a bug in android framework. -->
<scale android:scaleWidth="0%">
android:insetBottom="@dimen/progressbar_progress_background_bottom_inset" />
this thing^
@TheLittleNaruto i mean why is scale width 0% shouldnt it be 100%
that is the bug i guess^
/8ball do you feel lazy today ?
@Hans1984 Ask again later
@ColdFire No No that should be 0% only, scaling will add gap b/w thumb and progress drawable
By default it should be 0%
but in some devices it was not working and in return progress was being cached, that is why I had to add it
downloading Gapps for genymotion
/8ball Do you listen to Justin Bieber?
@CrashBandicoot Reply hazy try again
!!how you rate Oaks music taste
@Hans1984 10/10
lol never
whats wrong with firefox today?
its bugging all day long
other browsers work
some pages are not reachable which i can access with other browsers
and i lose connection to this chat all the time
very weird
!!Has chews madness taken over ?
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!Did chews madness take over ?
@Hans1984 Impossible
@Hans1984 Probably
stupid answers
slaps bad bot girl
!!lick Caprica Six
@Hans1984 Mmmmmmm @Caprica Six tastes just like schinkenspeck!
!!lick Hans1984
@jagapathi Mmmmmmm @Hans1984 tastes just like schinkenspeck!
1. after implementing this code I can not swipe to the next page anymore 2. when zooming the layout in I can not go to the side/corners (looks like the zoom works only in the center) paste.ofcode.org/Z4bqYhFTXsNVgXQsfWfMBh @TCat
i do!
when im fried
!!Do you like bacon ?
@Hans1984 Indeed
@Ramona Hey
let me check
@TCat sure :)
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
where r ur cats
Cat no 1 here
they are sleepy@TheFlash
@TCat no 1
u haven't assigned any number
Tree cat
ashu cat drowned himself in a pool of milk
no I mean cat is here
TCat = cat no 123
no number system
all cats report for duty
hehe :D
@Hans1984 reported sir
good cat
no we are peacefull cats
aye aye sir
!!urban aye aye sir
What happened @Cold ?
@jagapathi No definition found for aye aye sir
!!wiki aye aye sir
"Aye aye, sir" is a phrase commonly heard in present day naval language. It is derived from a duplicate of the word "aye" which came into the English language in the late 16th century and early 17th century, meaning "Yes; even so.". == Description == It was common in dialect and is the formal word for voting "yes" in the English House of Commons. Its most common use is as a naval response indicating that an order has been received, is understood, and will be carried out immediately. It differs from "yes", which, in standard usage, could mean simple agreement without any intention to act. In naval...
!!wiki horse mask
The horse head mask is a latex mask representing a horse head originally manufactured by novelty purveyor Archie McPhee, and now widely available from other manufacturers. The mask covers the entire head and is typically part of a Halloween costume, or at other times to be funny, shocking, incongruous, or hip, or to disguise one's identity. It has also become an internet meme. == Origin and meme history == The horse mask was originally sold by novelty purveyor Archie McPhee as a Halloween costume since at least 2003. It is marketed under the name "Horse Head Mask" and is made of "realistic brown...
@TheLittleNaruto was having lunch just back from it
horseface sitting
in middle
@TheLittleNaruto that is a different issue
for that there is a parameter called split something
set it to false or true
to fix that issue
i cant believe theres a wiki article on horse mask
and then we will sing "Horseface Horceface"
Happyface Horceface
who knows
hello any one knows about
A: How to get Number of Unread mails count from Gmail account

sunil sunnyI never tried this but can you try this. private void getUnreadCount(String selectedAccount, Context context) { Log.d("Gmail - " + selectedAccount); Cursor labelsCursor = context.getContentResolver().query(GmailContract.Labels.getLabelsUri(selectedAccount), null, null, null, null...

solution of this question?
@MukeshRana looks like removed messages don't show up in transcript
are you obsessed with cats?@nyconing
Im a cat
Q: Get Unread emails from Google API

GVMKI'm trying to get the count of unread email using google API, but not able. ANy help is highly appreciated. I'm not getting any error, but the count doesnt match the actual number shown in gmail. try { String serviceAccountEmail = "[email protected]"; ...

I see
since you are a cat
@ColdFire already it is there.
so you cnat answer the question
i already written some code what is wrong in that?

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