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anybody wants to read dark humour?
lmfao read a answer on quora it was epic
@TheLittleNaruto @TheFlash @berserk @DroidDev quora.com/…
read it ^^^^ and enjoy
lol today good answers
Sometimes I wonder why can't we have simple non-sarcastic answers at Quora.
aand he didn't even answer the question..
its NOT facebook -_-
fk sake
well each site has its share of fools
@berserk well there are simple answers also
@ColdFire LMFAO
Is this what quora is there for? -_-
lol you are taking too seriously
what is causing you this depression?
lighten up
lightens up
still virgin
nothing happened
I'm laughing so hard on this lol
it takes time like everything in this world
@berserk see that is better
Is this what SO is there for? -_-
@MukeshRana LOL
true rana
@MukeshRana yeah berserk need to read the FAQ
I am not pointing out anyone
yeah I am sure no one ask: "what is your favorite food?" on SO main site :P
lol i know
tho I got the joke :P
it's just a sort of humour lol
@berserk they must have a site for that too
@berserk it's V IYKWIM :P
also you can ask that on meta
Inspiration to youth
@MukeshRana hehe
@MukeshRana the fuck is that shortform
@ColdFire yeah.. right...
haha :P
@ColdFire haha.. it's for adults ;)
@MukeshRana :|
lol, this looks like fun
lmao wtf is happening
i dont know what happened chinese are being so good
something is fishy here
currenlty i use Mvvm + retrofit2 + databinding +retrolambda for application dev architecture. But seriously want to add Reactive Programming (because i think that would be better for performace of application). I know bit about observable and subscriber pattern. Can any tell me caveats of Reactive programming like multiple api calls, merging , stream , function (they still sound to me blah blah)

Any good link, blog or points that you want to share would be very helpful guys
@ColdFire China gets to employ its worker on making road (its one of conditions), India accepts Pakistan's claim on POK by accepting OBOR, China gets to establish its hegemony, since it sends troops into nations on the name of security of road. This is reverse colonization, to be exact, and its happening in pakistan. It'll have to go bankrupt and China will have to assume its control, if current trend continues
@AshuKumar i just want to know that library u have given that is Open Source correct?
can we intgrate in ur Porject
@DroidDev yeah that is something i know
@ResearchDevelopment do not just read out license of hat library
@ResearchDevelopment yes
i was thinking on renaming CPEC something they said
@Killer it actually depends on requirements I guess. Last time I used observable pattern, it was like 3 years ago and I didn't have need to use it ever since. Also, Android provides broadcasts to replace observables of java
@ColdFire they said same thing in war of 1962, and then went to war. China is never to be trusted. Its like the neighbor aunty, who's very sweet on your face, but on your back, she's always bickering
political CF and wolf
@DroidDev ofcourse those bastards are like that
@ColdFire yeah, that's actually there political mantra and it was working for them because of our selfish governments. Hindi-chini-bhai-bhai was just raised before 1962 war. Can you imagine the foolishness of our leaders
@DroidDev yeah right nehru :/
I once heard from a 1962 war veteran (back in village), that Indian army had .22 rifles at the time of indo-sino war. They had a range of 25 yards. Can you imagine, going to war with weapons of range of 25 yards. For comparison, AK-47 has a range of 300 yards
oh :(
I love ak 47 while playing CS 1.6
well that is not a tool you know
the real ak47 will scared the shit out of you
Hi guys
Yo o/
anyone familiar with generic object pooling?
need help here :(
@DroidDev hihi
umm....don't know about that...
is ok :)
Anyone know please help...Been stuck for several weeks
@ColdFire dafuq XD
@Tony please describe your problem. If anyone knows, they'll answer
Q: create objects in GenericObjectPool

TonyI'm doing research on GenericObjectPool by putting Cipher in pool so it can be reused. GenericObjectPool<Cipher> pool; CipherFactory factory = new CipherFactory(); this.pool = new GenericObjectPool<Cipher>(factory); pool.setMaxTotal(10); pool.setBlockWhenExhausted(true); pool.setMaxWaitMillis...

Here it goes
@DroidDev lol
@berserk haha
@Dro You might like this mantra+song : youtube.com/watch?v=H6PtzqzL47U
If we exclude the Hindi part, it is awesome.
@DroidDev thanks for the suggestion
@TheFlash wanna have a match in the evening?
or anyitme
40 mins of work, and I am already tired..
@berserk CS 1.6 ?
Garena ?
yeah, tho we can just find an empty server
on gametracker
I have to download it first
ok let me know whenever u are up
also 1.6 :/
sure will ping u tonight
gametracker is not a software lol
its just a website where we can find server ips
here we go....
@DroidDev bye
me too
i am in for cs 1.6
its been years since i played that
Can I just watch it ?
yeah, but still need game
you can spectate ingame
I see
Let me know when you start
you have game?
wonders if @ColdFire and @TheFlash are also forever single guys
one of my best awp shots :3
sorry for the caption tho..
@berserk No
I thought you'll play on browser
that link again....
no, its not a browser game
@TheLittleNaruto ....and that was assumption of century
@berserk Where can I download it from ?
@DroidDev haha seriously, I might be laughing, but deep inside my rage is overwhelming on this..
@TheLittleNaruto google?
@DroidDev yeah :|
@TheLittleNaruto browser :P
@ColdFire ok
@DroidDev lmao
@DroidDev this epic
Ok Ok That's it
I'll check myself
wonders if @TheLittleNaruto acts dumb or is dumb
hmm that was savage now
the before edit was savage too
> Created by Baby Naruto
@TheLittleNaruto a Mini permission library
@BatCat I'll improve that a little.
Why don't you use a callback to let the user know what permissions has been granted and denied ?
Yeah that is why I said I'll improve that a little, Didn't I? ^^
that class has been created when this permission model got released
almost 1 and half year back
Oh ok I see
@TheLittleNaruto what are your inputs on if we call same method to get various permissions? We can use annotations to differentiate which permissions user want
@DroidDev Hmm that can be done
@TheLittleNaruto it'll look cool :D
though, I am still not clear on usecase of annotations
like observables, I think they have a very specific usecase scenario, but I don't know
@DroidDev ITS has lots of use
to provide data with writing code
well...that's what it does. I was asking more of, "when" to use it and when "not" to, kind of question
whenever you want to provide data without writing code
@DroidDev well whenever you want to do something that is not possible normally
or much harder
@DroidDev Same here, I still need to try it.
@ColdFire For example ?
how to merge two rows? recycler view?
rows ?
or columns ?
only rows
@TheFlash i will send u design wait
its column
You mean 2 individual recycler rows in recycler view?
no BATCAT two columns
see my design ex above\
Use a different layout manager
Q: Android Recyclerview GridLayoutManager column spacing

hitch.unitedHow do you set the column spacing with a recyclerview using a GridLayoutManager? setting the Margin/Padding inside my layout has no effect.

thank u @BatCat i will try this
Did y'all see this github.com/google/flexbox-layout ?
in Android
@Jagapathi yes its possible by using only 1 RV
let me search
Recently I implemented something similar
@Jagapathi , do you have any clue man ?
Q: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated in netbeans

Icche GuriI am using HttpClient-4.0.3 and already added certificate on server. The command is as below : keytool -import -file "C:\Users\apex\Downloads\RootCABangladesh2016.cer" -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -alias "sds certificate" But still I am getting below...

@IccheGuri no buddy never worked in that
I got stucked with this problem .
Please help me .
@TheFlash i am trying this without using lib so that i can make changes easy
yes see the code u will find what u want
thank u ⚡️ seeing
@TheFlash Can't it be done by gridlayout manager in RV ?
@TheLittleNaruto ping
@BatCat yes u r right..no need to use any lib
Hmm I remember doing that before..
We can add custom view in RV with Gridlayout manager
when I was discovering RV
Exception in thread "main" java.net.UnknownHostException: https
Why am I getting this error ?
Internet permission specified/run time checkin ?
Opening connection to localhost:8443..
may be port no wrong ?
@AshuKumar do you any library for rating and review?
@ResearchDevelopment means?
@AshuKumar ,do you know what is the reason for java.net.UnknownHostException ?
Opening connection to localhost:8443..
may be port no wrong ?
@IccheGuri may be internet not working or ip address not correct or port u r trying to connect does not support may be there are several other reasons
@ChewbaccoCat may he is on rest .....
@ChewbaccoCat That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
U can see that I have to display rating and review for product like google play for they give review and rating display
@ChewbaccoCat Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!youtube stuff
@ChewbaccoCat Something went on fire; status 403
@IccheGuri Yes..May be..
@ResearchDevelopment why u need library for it , i have done with small code
@ColdFire such explanation, much wow
drinks break :P
@TheFlash got only 10% increment :(
@DroidDev :/
@HarshDalwadi I know very well the policies of Ahbd companies...
@DroidDev LMAO
10% wow haha what companies think of us
ha u said some thing 😋 ^^
Nothing bad
just Gujarati word
@netpork will WA you
ya i searched it doesnt find meaning 😃
@ColdFire Dude I asked for an example.
@Jagapathi well...
@TheLittleNaruto do you really need one? Gson?
@ColdFire Gson ?
How come
how come not?
butterknife another
Well... I expected an answer instead of counter question. :/
meeh its too obvious to even tell
Ok got it
@TheLittleNaruto lel, ikr
@DroidDev ;-P
looks like you guys still didnt get it
42 mins ago, by DroidDev
@ColdFire such explanation, much wow
Still looking some explanation
i didnt thought there is any need to explain stuff obvious
Q: Create objects in GenericObjectPool

TonyI'm doing research on GenericObjectPool by putting Cipher in pool so it can be reused. GenericObjectPool<Cipher> pool; CipherFactory factory = new CipherFactory(); this.pool = new GenericObjectPool<Cipher>(factory); pool.setMaxTotal(10); pool.setBlockWhenExhausted(true); pool.setMaxWaitMillis...

tony havent used it
@DroidDev how will you pass the json key to the Gson if not for annotation
Baby Gaara is here
yeah i see that
@ColdFire that's not what we are asking for. We know what it does. We want to know when to use it, and when not to
like you don't use observables for onclick listeners or such
there's a use case scenario
for every kind of thing
we want to know about annotation's use case scenario
Yup wolf sama is right
Fox is smart
well ok , i said already but i will try to be more clear now, its mostly used to pass metadata about params or class indirectly
which is mostly difficult by any means
like Gson :- gson doesnt know which class will be thrown at it , i just looks for stuff he needs
annotation attaches metadata about fields or classes
@ColdFire consider retrofit. You can also pass an enum via parameter value, where you can tell which type of call is it. But, you have to annotate the type of call above method, though same thing can be done via parameters
its not difficult to send data via parameter in that case
but they still use annotation
@DroidDev which method of retrofit i havent used retrofit in a while can you pls pinpoint that method
so that i can say why its using annotation
@ColdFire like you have to pass path above method, to make an api call
oh...I think its used only to pass metadata and not for data
anyway...back to work now
where is catman ? @ChewbaccoCat @Qvil @AshuKumar
@DroidDev eh what?
@TheFlash dnt knw man
missing uh
catman is busy
!!did u kidnap catman
@Jagapathi Nope
!!does oak did?
@Jagapathi Absolutely not
then who
!!does maria did?
@ChewbaccoCat Doubtfully
ha ha ha ha ha
@Hans1984 @Jagapathi
@DroidDev i think you havent seen the word mostly used there
!!how much i can trust u?
@Jagapathi 4/10
no doubt u kidnaped him
@ColdFire well....it can be used at many places. My question is, exactly where it should be used.
and i told you one such place
but no you have to get sarcastic views first
@TheFlash :P
@ColdFire well....in simple words, we want a bookish definition of use-case scenario of annotations
@DroidDev It's simple
You use it whenever it makes sense to you
For example you suggested me to use it for my run time permission lib
@ChewbaccoCat Y ?
@TheLittleNaruto well...
Cats gonna be insane cc @Hans1984
@DroidDev yeah that only
🍞 bread time
for cats
☕ time for devs
lol, my CTO thinks I am superman
@TheFlash I take tea @3PM
@TheLittleNaruto lets drink another cup
It looks like You'll become a family member soon
@TheFlash sure
@TheLittleNaruto lol, I hope not. There family members rarely get married ;D
@DroidDev lol
@DroidDev But they can become couple ;-)
@TheLittleNaruto lel....I still hope NOT :P
is android device id unique? and don't change for the lifetime of the device?
till device is not rooted
@DroidDev Well.... Good luck 😃
@TheFlash nice
@TheLittleNaruto well that is kinda the point, its not like every thing has a fixed usage, also annotation makes data passing easier so if that suits you need why not
@TheLittleNaruto already there
@ColdFire I don't think it should be like that. There's use-case for everything for a reason. They are made for specific tasks, and should be used there. For example, I have seen people making api calls and using observables as callbacks and updating UI from there. Very difficult to maintain code, with zero understandability. So, use-case should be stressed upon, before you go onto make something
Smart fox tells no tales
@DroidDev i dont think so that is how it is, like i told you one use case, most of the api has best practices but you can use them whatever you want , by observable you mean RX? i have never used them so cant comment, for me the use case is pretty clear like the way it is used in gson and butterknife but nobody is stopping you from making your own use case

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