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@Mohsen Yeah it's not working on your app
"Winners lose much more often than losers. So if you keep losing but you're still trying, keep it up! You...re right on track." -Matthew Keith Groves (source)
good morning all :)
@ChewbaccoCat send her this song : youtube.com/watch?v=sKqoACy8c_s
@TheLittleNaruto @IccheGuri @rekire good morning
@AshuKumar , Good morning
any response from company
@BatCat good morning
Good morning @AshuKumar and All !!!
whats up guys ?
They have rejected me . I do not know what is the reason ?
going good and what about u? @BatCat
I am very upset .
Good morning guys
I have solved two problems sent by them .
@IccheGuri should I go :P
Yeah going good.....
in where ?
@IccheGuri any reason they said?
I have mailed them to know the reason .
Waiting for their reply .
@IccheGuri apply again and this time solve all question by rekire and u will be selected surely
I have no idea what you are talking about^^
By the way I created a support ticket at google, they replyed me with a internal link to the resource I'm intertested in. Man they forgot to give me a login :-D
company gave him some question to solve if all question is corrected then he might get job but they rejected him may be based on answer (but not sure, as he did not get response from them)
I will go to USA in the next year
@rekire ask them for login of DB :D
USA is probably more better than Singapor e. :p
i did hardest part of current project, now i feel happy :D
BUt I will go to USA for study . :D
@AshuKumar I guess there is not just one DB
@IccheGuri yes yes, but u can still give us party :) cc@Qvil
party for rejection ?
@rekire yup they are using multiple DB to get fast and relevent data within fraction of second
@IccheGuri yes
@rekire , can you see my code whether it contains any error
@jafarbtech late + .. + cat
@AshuKumar WTH
@jafarbtech just joking man... :D how are u
good morning all
@Radhey Har Har Maha Dev :)
yaah... fine...
what about u?
i m sure now u feel alive @jafarbtech
gm folks @jay mahadev ,@TheLittleNaruto @AshuKumar @ChewbaccoCat @jafarbtech @JaiprakashSoni @Jagapathi
@Radhey VGM
@jafarbtech good , and trying to figure out problem in project that is finished 4 month ago and now client saying there is an error as we changed url :(
good morning @Radhey
@AshuKumar it happens when we change domains
might be an ajax call which causes the error?
@AshuKumar @Radhey morn'
@rekire vgm
@rekire lol
@jafarbtech can u please explain more
@AshuKumar u might have given ur url explicitly in ajax call
which u might not haved changed during the URL change
some of urls have
may be yes...
let me check with sever side ... btw good point
is it a domain change?
good morning @AshuKumar
@jafarbtech nope, just sub-domain to domain
@ResearchDevelopment very good morning
ohhh k k
but ajax do not make problem when it getting values from from
correct me if m wrong
@rekire Have you ever run into this problem : stackoverflow.com/questions/20794751/… ?
@AshuKumar u mean , still u r getting the right values?
i have gone through com.miguelcatalan:materialsearchview:1.4.0
but there is some thing i have to ask
@jafarbtech problem i m not getting correct response from api when i upload image and image is uploaded on server
@ResearchDevelopment please ask
how i will get call back when i select data from suggestive serch list
coz currently we have to click on serch icon from keyboard then only i am able to get call back
@ResearchDevelopment use searchEditText to get all data what u need they have necessary interface
i want get call back when i select suggestive list item
but there is no Edit serch text in App its in Library
for all friends @ColdFire @ChewbaccoCat @TheFlash @DroidDev @jafarbtech @TheLittleNaruto @Radhey @ResearchDevelopment @IccheGuri @Shubham @AdityaVyas-Lakhan @berserk ^
@ResearchDevelopment how u implemented ?
That is the best song heard by me so far
@IccheGuri me :D
searchView = (MaterialSearchView) findViewById(R.id.search_view); i use t i use this
@Jagapathi good morning song ^^^^
@ResearchDevelopment use its onItemClickListener
let me give u example
@AshuKumar I m talking about one page... check the whole pages whichever u get error..
I would suggest to keep your chrome console on and check the whole site to get the script/resource Error
gud mrng @Radhey @AshuKumar @all
@jafarbtech yup this is only thing helps us :D
@jafarbtech sure, let me check and back to u
web dev's ultimate tester :D
I can't still solve this problem .
Q: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated in netbeans

Icche GuriI am using HttpClient-4.0.3 and already added certificate on server but still I am getting below error. I have read existing issue saying to add TrustManager (X509TrustManager) but as per my thinking this is not solution. The exception is as follows : javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException...

@IccheGuri will do before lunch
dont need that
hahahaha what wrong with that question
help me to solve this problem .
Q: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated in netbeans

Icche GuriI am using HttpClient-4.0.3 and already added certificate on server but still I am getting below error. I have read existing issue saying to add TrustManager (X509TrustManager) but as per my thinking this is not solution. The exception is as follows : javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException...

man i told u i never work with certificate :( can not help u, i m busy with work
when i m free i will help u :)
have a good time
ok man .
@jafarbtech 101% right
Anyone worked with that exception ?
javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated ?
@IccheGuri ask like did anyone work with certificate or ssl in netbean
@IccheGuri dnt know but error is (u need ssl certificate with https connection)
A: maven release -> peer not authenticated

recSince version 3.0.5 Maven checks the SSL certificate on https connections. You can temporarily fix this by adding the command line parameters -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.allowall=true Installing the SSL certificate into your JRE should permanently fix the issue....

I have imported the certificate into jre store .
what wrong with our MLA's
I have run this command .
keytool -import -file "C:\Users\apex\Downloads\RootCABangladesh2016.cer" -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -alias "sds certificate"
Gm ALL :3
let me check i have no experience in that things @IccheGuri
@ChewbaccoCat check tag message today
yeah man m seen that songs :)
thsnx buddy (y)
@ChewbaccoCat first message that i tag u
@IccheGuri did u check certificate is expired?
how can I check it ?
@ChewbaccoCat now say thanks to me :D
wohoo I just tested a action on google
yeah already told to u man
huh @rekire Gm
vgm :D
@IccheGuri doc says the error is because the server has no valid(expired) SSL certificate.
I have just doenload the certificate .
i want select suggestive then i want get call back
However how can I check certificate expired date ?
currently i have to click on Search button from key borad then i am getting call back
@ResearchDevelopment any example...
@IccheGuri i think there is present inside it
oye rooms
Search thing
any serch
@ResearchDevelopment ?
can u please explain process how exactly u want
inseted of serching on Serch button click i have get serch on item selct of suggestive list for that i want call back when i select
that suggestive list item
in given screen when i selct Android then i should get call back
@ResearchDevelopment i think u can let me search
butcurrently what happend when i click on Button of keyborad then i m able to serch
in given Example which u gave me yesterday
@netpork Ping me when you come online.
Good Morning Guys
very good morning @MukeshRana :)
How are you keeds?
i was thinking not say alien to u today , but u alien :D
i m good , what about mars
Mars is good too
@AshuKumar I thought the same but I didn't get any alternate for you
i never ask about urself i just ask about mars
@MukeshRana hahah :D i and other also can not replace our alien :D u might get shock
Yeah Mars is anytime better as keeds like you can't reach there.
@AshuKumar Thanku Thanku
and me do not want marsin will get u kick out from mars too like we did on earth
I am trying with this ocmmand .
openssl s_client -servername /powersms.banglaphone.net.bd/ -connect/powersms.banglaphone.net.bd/ 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates
But this gives me this error
@MukeshRana only aliens can live there i m not interested
The system cannot find the path specified.
@AshuKumar Well they do have the etiquettes so don't worry
@IccheGuri may be u might use software as administrative rights
what do you mean ?
@IccheGuri sometime we need t run command or access path that can only be done using administrative rights
@MukeshRana but u r not part of any of them :P
Should I run cmd as administrative mood ?
@IccheGuri just try it
@AshuKumar Nobody can change keeds thinking
same error man
The system cannot find the path specified.
@MukeshRana hey do not be serious, i m just trying to be funny
check path manually .. try to open path in file explorer
@AshuKumar lol. have you ever seen me being serious lol
Troll face always have a big smile 😋
@MukeshRana I thought u r serious to hear ur (dis) abilities from me :D
@AshuKumar lol disabilities :P
@Jagapathi yep and that too sarcastic :P
ok i have one quick question; any suggestion u want to give me to get more profit using
customer ltv formula ?
!!how much is Rana sarcasm skills.
@Jagapathi 1/10
@AshuKumar take back your quick question, it hurts :P
@CapricaSix lol wtf. Actually bots can't read my insight. They are feelingless
@MukeshRana lol alien do have feeling LLLLLOOOOLLLL
!!do you feel?
@Jagapathi I'm not so sure anymore. It can go either way
@AshuKumar yeah it is. we are one step ahead of bots
looks like she can
@MukeshRana let me get hammer baseball bat and sword to give more wounds to him so alien can say it really hurts
@AshuKumar Aliens are better taught for self defense, so don't mind the results :P
u never gonna answer me :(
@Jagapathi , the certificate is not expired
Creation date is May 8 , 2017
then ur comp might expire
Valid from: Wed Dec 21 16:43:56 BDT 2016 until: Mon Dec 21 16:43:56 BDT 2026
until : until: Mon Dec 21 16
ooops sorry not expire
@MukeshRana rough tough like south Indian heroes :D :D
@AshuKumar Anna Rascala Mind it :D
opps I got stuck with problem
I cant get out from this .
Chaturs speech is one of the most fun video :P
I am one of the idiots
@AshuKumar I would like to listen on Guitar cc @berserk
May be raju
which one
hey cat
@MukeshRana - sama
Good Morning Bro
@TheLittleNaruto - kun
@HarshDalwadi what happened ?
@ChewbaccoCat @Qvil Cats
@AshuKumar you may be amir khan in 3 idiots
@TheFlash sure let me search i m having song of : main tumhe kahon ki tumsa hsin in guitar version
@IccheGuri :D
good morning @TheFlash :)
But condition of our family is far better than raju's family
@IccheGuri LOL
I can be raju in comparison to education :p
do not go for high jump
But did not raju completed M.Sc in ME ?
@IccheGuri yes he did
No He completed only B.Sc
@TheFlash flash in space
I have seen that movie
so u also do not want to complete ur study :P
I have completed B.Sc
@IccheGuri :O and now
Now I am continuing my study with M.Sc
good boy
I have very high dream .
But sometimes I become very frustated
like what to reach on top of burj khlifa
Then I want to jump from my office
big dreams takes time and passion and endless efforts
like raju
I cant solve this simple problem .
Q: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated in netbeans

Icche GuriI am using HttpClient-4.0.3 and already added certificate on server but still I am getting below error. I have read existing issue saying to add TrustManager (X509TrustManager) but as per my thinking this is not solution. The exception is as follows : javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException...

@AshuKumar , ok
First come to bangladesh :p
@IccheGuri man error are never simple , until u know solution
this is a right statement
@TheFlash woah! Thanks sama
1100 mph - winds speed on jupiter..!
from last three weeks i changed my priorities and life become easy and quite staright. Now i m feeling relax :D
@TheFlash yup with all time storm and could with full of toxic gas
NASA says there should be no surface on Jupiter...! @DroidDev
@AshuKumar yup
@AshuKumar what are ur priorities now ?
@TheFlash yeah....it is one of the gas giants of our solar system
I see "relatively small rocky core"
my bad :/
@TheFlash actually, sun is a gaseous planet/star. Totally gas, no rock solid anything, even relatively small. Having a rocky core isn't essential. Sun's internal pressure (I think) is so huge, that its gases are compressed more than a rock
lol, this @TheLittleNaruto @ColdFire @TheFlash "D
@DroidDev Hai..!
@DroidDev reading...
%% Invalidated: [Session-1, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA]
Thread-0, SEND TLSv1 ALERT: fatal, description = certificate_unknown
Thread-0, WRITE: TLSv1 Alert, length = 2
Thread-0, called closeSocket()
Thread-0, handling exception: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
@AshuKumar , what does this mean bro ?
No 4,10,11 are epic
@TheFlash say no more..
@berserk Y ?
@TheFlash now i m focusing what i have and what i need to do what is demand of current situation take decision according to it and do ur 100% and be happy always and behave like confident person and full of energy until day end read and watch videos daily to refresh. make list of work daily morning and try to complete it anyhow . and much more
when someone says "say no more", it mean: "No need to say anything more, I got you buddy"
I meant it diff
@berserk I actually am thinking if people do this to you deliberately ;D
me too lol
like seriously bro
@AshuKumar good cat
Go go go
toh kaise hain aap log :)
good, but use only english please :)
@berserk LOL
but previous my priority was not like this :(
but i m happy i m almost done with my dream
@Killer please do not use other langauge than English or write English also
@berserk early morning cat
Ok i got it Hola amigos cool devs
@berserk lol
@AshuKumar yeh early morning, at 12 pm
@Killer Guten Morgen
@Qvil :3
und see @berserk
@berserk do not wakup on 5 o clock :D
hmm.. @Dro I think you are right, its really on purpose
@berserk man! This was too much. See the netflix trailer of "Love you zindagi" and you'll be able to relate it to something in the end of that trailer ;)
baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more...
@berserk ._.
If it's something love and emotion related, I will pass -.- cant take that atm
@AshuKumar @berserk BTW this is how my junior greet me every morning :D
By telling you to use only english?
@berserk naa, its totally funny
you'll be able to relate
oh cool then, exactly what I need
to something that happened in this room
can you send link? I don't wanna watch wrong video....
@Qvil Berserk is a good man and good developer. Learns great. Teaches best
Whoever did this, thank you :'3
Can anyone suggest best book for Spring or any good tutorial Link
gradle :( 8 min still building :( do not which whether is building like burj khlifa
@AbhilashArjaria no clue to me, sorry
!!info berserk
@AshuKumar Command berserk, created by Qvil on Tue, 09 May 2017 06:42:20 GMT
arigatou @Qvil san
@berserk don't know. I saw it as an ad, before I was going to watch actual video
@DroidDev yeah read that
@berserk lmfao
🦊 fox kun

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