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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 18:00

good morning all :)
/8ball roll
good morning me :D
@AshuKumar good mrng
@Jagapathi @AshuKumar
only 3 cats on duty today
@TCat morning :)
@Jagapathi yup
@rekire good morning :)
rekire is here :o
@AshuKumar vgm
good morning guys
@rekire VGM :)
@rekire gm
today working @rekire ?
@AshuKumar more or less I have a part time job, I'll work on this
man the world is small... youtu.be/tcwxskN7n-o I talked with that guy 1.7 years ago, I was also in their office^^
@rekire yeah!
@DroidDev very good morning
CTO to me: You gotta work on saturday
Me: ok sir, yes sir
@AshuKumar morning
lol hahaha
lol @DroidDev
my HR delayed my paycheck and now I am working on weekend exactly I feel like DroidDev.
I even got labour day holiday cancelled
they think we are working robots. May be.
!!Are we bots
@Jagapathi No
good after noon @Killer
Helo ashu hows everything going on
sure, please give them a grand party
going good for now :) and what about u ?
hey @Killer
bad day (start) for me lost a football match today.
Hey J
from how many goals ?
!!how many goals
@Jagapathi 9/10
Good noon guys !
gud noon
@BatCat good after noon :)
@DroidDev I would have replyed no.
I just filled out two support tickets at google, I'm interested what happens now :-D
@AshuKumar cant say but 5-0
@rekire well....there was this huge fight, and I and my colleague were warned of repercussions, so, we were left with no other choice. After 30 minutes CTO felt his mistake, called us in, talked to us with a level head, and explained why project is so important. We are actually taking burden of rest of non performing assets in company, by working on this project
not a very good feeling
I am looking for a change atm
wolfie wolf
I would have said this to your CTO, I mean with your qualifications it should be easy to find a new job
@DroidDev :/
meeh i would have said no anyway
@rekire I am actually looking for a change in location, and most of them want face-to-face, which isn't possible for me, since distance is too great. That's why its taking time. But, I will change job.
Please stop staring shit from the bots, that is noise and doesn't help if you check the starred messages for cool stuff or important notices.
@ColdFire well....we are getting paid equal to top companies in area, for our field and we do have 6 months appraisal windows. So, sometimes its bearable
@DroidDev i thought you were complaining about your pay few months back
@DroidDev you have to life with that :-D
@DroidDev that is nice
@ColdFire they don't increase as much as they used to. So yes, complaint is there. We would fall to average pay level in next appraisal if previous increase %age isn't there, so yes, complaint is there. If we are working this hard, we should be paid above average
@rekire after I get married, I'll definitely try to shift to more of a fixed hour job (or maybe when I am about to get married)
@DroidDev yeah atleast you should earn somewhere close to fox and me
@DroidDev fixed hour job like?
development jobs are mostly non fixed
@DroidDev when you get kids it becomes more important as well
@ColdFire though I don't know how much you guys earn, but I think its pretty close to double than mine. Also, location matters too
@ColdFire 9-5
@rekire true
@rekire yeah, totally agree. That sometimes worry me
@DroidDev well you are in development those time get stretch anytime
@rekire awesome perfect
@ColdFire yesh, sometimes are fine, but not most of the times
@DroidDev i see its not that bad
@ColdFire yeah it's cool
@DroidDev yeah agreed about that
btw if i start a company would you want to join me?
haha, my mom once told me, I used to be so quiet and shy in my childhood, that when I broke something for first time, she actually got happy 'D
@rekire yeah except for a few rare cases
@ColdFire both can play silent
@DroidDev lol
man :(
@ColdFire that is great^^
not for me
kids are supposed to be trouble makers
@ColdFire well they make enough trouble managing them
kids ? @ColdFire
@rekire haha true
@rekire lol
you get the point :-D
I have to make a breakfast break and then I need to continue working
btw does anyone own or has access to an google home right now? please ping me.
@rekire I hope when I buy a home here, I'll power it with google home, for some things, but not all. Seems pretty cool thing to me, to have
@DroidDev do we have google home in india?
you might have to import it i guess
read the first comment
did anyone use Flex Layout github.com/google/flexbox-layout
yup basic
it just a copy of web version.
@Killer did u created flex layout programmaticaly and add into LinearLayout
@ColdFire dude's got a point and as I have told before, I have actually been victim of this kind of thing and I actually know how difficult it is to defend yourself from this kind of thing, when they are threatening you with your life. But, once a wise man told me, its better to live than to worry about things that you have no control over.
@DroidDev yeah told you situation has gotten this worse
so we need to open our eyes and do something
@AshuKumar No programatically i create most of the view at xml only
@ColdFire as I said, I've been a victim, but my stand for solution is still the same, since I know, that that's the only solution in a democracy
:36972752 that's a solution for long run. Its how Pakistan got so much hold in valley
@DroidDev they are already integrated in india, only kashmir isnt
and for that we need to let go of 370
@ColdFire the war is not geographical anymore, its ideological one. That's what most of us fail to understand.
can anyone suggest me how images from server is managed to support multiple range of devices.
Currently let say i sow 100dp image then the server send me 100px*desity of the device image and server cache the image (that's a different thing BTW).

One fine day i was suggested http://prntscr.com/f4pvbb thumbor
is there any related blogpost or question
@Killer app send either screen size or image size to server and server create image for that request and cache image on it and send that cache image url to app
that's how i m doing for my current project
@AshuKumar yeah thats how i basically meant i send screen width and device density to get the proper image and most of the image sizes are known at server so no issue in that @TheLittleNaruto What do you think sir
it will be good if u send image size to server
@AshuKumar good good
@TCat are u still here
String myVariable;

Guys do you think anyhow it is possible to set `myVariable` value from a property file having a key `myProperty`.
I mean is it possible to create any annotation that can read myProperty string and then set myVariable accordingly.
At Runtime
I need this lamp:
@rekire awesome
is there anything same exist via XML for editText1.setSelection(position) "cursor position in EditText?"
@Killer ediText or spinner ?
edit text
do u want to select certain position range character ?
nope was wondering if there is already filled form data in any of the edit text would then in that case the cursor position was set to 0th position is that possible via xml easily BTW that can be achieved easily via data binding
A: How to set cursor position in EditText?

NotACleverManWhere position is an int: editText1.setSelection(position)

@Joe'sMorgue good morning :)
It wasn't me!
...Oh! Nevermind,.... Good morning! :P
How are you today?
i m good thanks
how are u doing ?
I'm doing...
Just got a new computer up and running... Trying to set it up as I want/need
There's so much I need to DL, and I'm over my limit on high speed data for the month
grab some ones wifi password :D
I bit the bullet and became a convert... I bought a Mac [Mini] two weeks ago, got it Tuesday...
delivery is too fast :D
My *nix experience is VERY limited
The big problem is, to add a second HDD, I need a special cable, that won't be here for a few days, and then I need more RAM, which I cannot afford this month
The HDD will let me dual-boot with Win10, and then the RAM will let me Parallels it [I'm more used to DOS than *nix]
@AshuKumar hola
cool! DOS mode , then u know more about fundametal things
@TCat marah
DOS mode? When I started, my computer couldn't run Windows 3.1! I was running 3.0 with some cool hacks on it, but MOST of my time was spent in DOS itself
...Yeah...I'm old...
@AshuKumar holking
@AshuKumar you don't know the shell aka command line?
@rekire not much, i m always love to use GUI, learn command in childhood
man u should start from now ashu cat
we love shell
@AshuKumar how can you be a developer without knowing the shell? I am really confused, I mean you don't need to know how to install a headless system or so but you should know how to grep data and so on
I cannot count the time I spend on consoles on routers, smartphones, linux, raspberries, aws etc :-D
i started my first C classes on MS DOS
@Jagapathi well that is hardcore
I can do it now too but I started with visual studio I guess
that gave me nightmare in coding and errors are really nightmares
I can imagine that
error will be in 10th line but it shows 14
the worst problems are broken apt-get states I always install the system from scratch in those cases
@rekire as i really do not care, how the system works till now. but now i want to start working on AI project (personal), so start learning again
fixing also wont help apt-get some times
@Jagapathi really :D but when i got error then used to check my whole file again is there any other error left
hardworking dev
i lost all my kalli-linux tools and changed to GNOME I dnt knw what happend between
i am still learner of Linux commands and shell.
i dnt know when i gonna remember all that stuff by heart
@AshuKumar I guess for AI you need a lot of shell knowlage I cannot imagine that there are many GUI elements
I'm using windows, but I have a good knowlage regarding bash
@rekire u r right there are very few gui based work. So that i started again learning Shell.
@AshuKumar please call it shell or cli (command line interface) ;)
can u please suggest good source to learn shell for AI
its Shell dude
sorry did not know. corrected
well I don't know to be honest. In my case I learned a lot while I tried to setup an apache webserver including creating ssl certificates with virtual hosts, a lot of pain ass but it is worth
but ssl certificate is not come with GUI ? i was thinking it is
not in my world :D
I'm using openssl for those tasks
recently I downloaded 800 pages from a wiki to extract data which I needed for a project
I did that almost completely in shell (well I used Android Studio to find and replace some parts with regular expressions :-D)
800 pages: wow! u r really have very good knowledge
800 Oo
well that was trivial just a script with 800 wget lines
this is insane
I generated that based on a HTML table which I saved with excel to a csv file
2 minutes work
@rekire cool! did u wrote code for that also ?
no that was copy and past from my browser
what will be one thing that u suggest to become very good dev ? (as u r in 10 years in development )
well wget downloaded 278MB of plain HTML lol
@AshuKumar love linux :p
then I grepped 1MB out of all those files and wrote a small node.js script to extract 2 json files
@rekire all these things to extract 2 json files
19kb and 121kb much traffic for this small amount of data
not to download to generate
@AshuKumar yep, but what should I do else? I needed that structured data
2 mins ago, by Ashu Kumar
what will be one thing that u suggest to become very good dev ? (as u r in 10 years in development )
@rekire what else other then java an android dev should be perfect?
i can understand as i m also writing code for dynamic views :D
@Jagapathi r u using linux for android ?
android is already linux :)
@AshuKumar Search for challenges, keep an eye on new technologies (aka hot shit), go to Hackathons (one or two per year are fine), try to adapt new technologies and learn something new every month (new framework, programming language etc)
@rekire what is hackatons ?
ok it is event
A hackathon (also known as a hack day, hackfest or codefest) is a design sprint-like event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers, project managers, and others, often including subject-matter-experts, collaborate intensively on software projects. Occasionally, there is a hardware component as well. Hackathons typically last between a day and a week. Some hackathons are intended simply for educational or social purposes, although in many cases the goal is to create usable software. Hackathons tend to have a specific...
it is an coding event more or less
like, google code jam. every year I fail to solve second round. 😃
i will try.
what is this i am seeing smily in SO chat
how many library u have developed so far @rekire ?
right now I am learning two new languages Kotlin and node.js (well I know JavaScript which is very similar) and I am programming for Alexa and Google Home (aka actions on google). if you are smart enough you get prices like me I get next week an alexa device for free (well I paid it with time)
@AshuKumar 3 or 4
rekire :O
hysteric waving
me too
@AshuKumar no libs are public yet i done for my own for my laziness.
@AshuKumar check my github account I use there the same nickname
@Jagapathi hahahahaha :D i have done many small codes and giving to others as i m still learning about library development
@rekire sure, will check later :)
i started after CF said i packed all my code and made modules
now i just import them
@rekire well u gave ur time and energy and did count less effort to reach this position
@AshuKumar the challenge in libraries is to write them generic enough with enough documentation. in best case you also write a ton of tests to prove that your code also works fine
@rekire very true
@AshuKumar well I hope you have more time then me. I have all together maybe a half day per week
testing is also a very important point for being a very good developer
i have much time to learn and earn money
I think that I am on a good way, but I am still far away from that
i m doing 3 times testing of my own code :D
@AshuKumar programatically?
but with test case
I also wrote ui tests
I even executed them in the cloud (firebase test lab)
@rekire nope, manually :( i m doing unit test on my basic project
@rekire they provide this kind of service ?
there is no note about this service...
@AshuKumar yes
@AshuKumar firebase.google.com/docs/test-lab it is also for free if you just do 5 executions per day
@rekire reading how it works
it could be very useful for my future project
@AshuKumar hint run it first on your local device
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 18:00

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