@berserk I used to play dota before. I've got a friend with 4k mmr who taught me dota. it's his profile: dotabuff.com/players/137467209 . he's a C# developer as well. :D when you bought your laptop you can play with him if you want. he's a pro. :)
I also had a friend teaching me lol and I once asked him for a 1v1 and almost had a chance :') Eventhough I am now playing way better he still completely demolishes me :D
I still prefer them as a disk of magnetizable metal in my shelf (if I had one). But what sucks is if you put the cd in there, start the setup and it starts steam and begins downloading. WTF
Had the same with Guild Wars 2. I was so excited about an expansion pack and I had a crappy download rate so I was like "yeah nice, when having the cd I can simply install it" and it just opened the launcher for downloading
Hi guys, I need some suggestion I am little confused with what will be the best way to update user analytics in server.
I want to send user analytics with every user click. And I have come up with following suggestions
Directly call AsyncTask and call analytics API Use IntentService and update server on onHandleIntent() method I was reading about it and found second solution more optimal. However I think we can't use Volley inside IntentService as it is itself works on worker thread.
So please guide me what will be better way and if you have any tutorial then please share.
@berserk I just changed the sim to 4g one, and they are upgrading networks. So, with every new sim, they gave some 3g data. But somehow, their upgrading also introduced some bug (maybe). So, it is now working on 4g too. Also, with my 2g internet pack, it was working on 3g...so....I am just there at the right time ;)
@berserk I had an unlimited 2g pack....so you see....I got to have unlimited 3g data. After upgrading sim, they gave me 2gb 3g data, which is all working fine with big 4g sign on my network ;)
@berserk I just plainly hate reliance because of corrupt ambanis
@berserk ummm....lots of things. They control petrol and gas prices in India and government of India (even from the times of UPA) keeps giving control of India's oil exploring and excavating missions to them, under unlawful agreements
@berserk there are only few politicians who are not corrupt and they are the ones who don't do something major or play major role (Manmohan Sing was at major role, but didn't do anything major)
My coworkers say I should ask for a raise at my 6 months of work so I think I might. This is the first time I'm doing it so I was thinking if it would be okay to apply for another job (one that is reputable at paying a lot) and using that as a negotiation?
i'm going to use camera to get image. the problem is that when i startActivityForResult in the fragmet, the mainActivity onactivityresult event will raise