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GM ALL Fellas
@SagorAhmed QuyTang's so handsome!
Heyo o/ All from TheLittleNaruto :)
Heyo o/ All from TheLittleNaruto :)
@TheLittleNaruto gm
Good Morning Guys :D
gm@all ,jay mahadev @kitty
g m :)
@TheFlash vgm
@Radhey Har Har Mahadev!*
Hi. Is anyone familiar with .so files in android app?
I have been using .so files using jniLibs folder and shipping my app with .so files in jniLibs folder which increases app size
but I have came across a way where we dont need to ship our app with .so files in it as app will create it after install... Is anyone familiar with it?
@AdarshSharma ,sorry bro , i'm not :(
@Radhey ok bro..
@Radhey VGM
mahadev bro
@TheLittleNaruto @TheFlash VGM
rana rana @MukeshRana
any one faces this ?
Getting MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE from Caches::initConstraints()
@kitty kitty kitty ;)
good mrning
@AshuKumar cat
@ColdFire @MukeshRana @kitty @Adi @TheLittleNaruto @TheFlash @DroidDev @Hans1984 @neferpitou @berserk @Shubham @SagorAhmed @JaiprakashSoni @jafarbtech @ItachiUchiha @ good morning
@kitty how are you ?
Morn Ashu
@AshuKumar Good Morning Bro
@Radhey @rekire @Rahul Good morning :)
@AshuKumar ha ha m fine cat...ty wht abt u?
@AshuKumar Morning boy
very gm@AshuKumar
How would you pass a large string between one activity to other ?
large in the sense?
same as normal string data ,passing from one to another
make it one text file and access it anywhere
(write your json response in it )
That's not a JSON response, it is Base64 encoded string
Anyway we had a discussion on it before. Looks like @ColdFire won this time
Alright I'll go with writing a file instead.
@DroidDev - wolf sama
@berserk sensai kun
@TheFlash sama....
how are you
what up?
Hey I m good u say
nm just as usual work
nothing, trying to find a way to write unit test for testing multiple activities
haa haa same here but working on espresso
espresso supports multiple activity testing?
I am trying to work with robotium now :/
don't know
@DroidDev Why not? If you have the way to trigger one activity from another.
I am at initial stage of learning
@TheLittleNaruto didn't find an example of it in google's documentation. Have you done it? I'll have to go through multiple activities and fragments and adapters
code geass was awesome man..now which anime should I start watching ?
@TheFlash death note
@DroidDev -_-
U knew already I watched it
umm....I forgot (as usual)
@TheFlash one punch man
@DroidDev Suppose for example, You have 2 activities in your app one shows list and another shows list item details. So in your test case, you'll write first click event for one element and second will be a event which will check some data matching on second activity.
@DroidDev okay sama
@TheLittleNaruto hmmm....this is cool....thanks
@DroidDev You're welcome
@TheLittleNaruto I want to get data ( Model data ) on recyclerview item click ( position ) and assert test case
Unable to find any ref example
Ammmm.. Unit Testing. Seems people are serious for unit testing
But don't know why I can't find any use of Unit Testing.
Can Someone explain me the use case?
@MukeshRana :D bz ur testing is better then Other :D
Hmmm.. may be
but unit testing doesn't do anything extra. It only test the cases you know already
so If I know the test case already then I can manually test those cases instead of writing unit tests?
Am I Right?
cc @TheLittleNaruto @DroidDev @TheFlash
@MukeshRana i m doing same :D
but you already answered my question
so let me get opinion of others
@MukeshRana hahaha go on to Road
posted on December 05, 2016 by Research Blog

Posted by Doug Eck, Research Scientist, Google Brain Team This week, Barcelona hosts the 30th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016), a machine learning and computational neuroscience conference that includes invited talks, demonstrations and oral and poster presentations of some of the latest in machine learning research. Google will have a strong presence at N

Good morning guys
I have a scenario in which I am drawing something on a view by moving fingers over it. And at the same time I am converting generated bitmap into Base64 string. But it makes the drawing process slow. Though I have used a separate thread to do it.
@rekire vgm
@MukeshRana Read the quoted line: stackoverflow.com/a/67500/1944896
btw Guys, Any idea about my issue ?
@TheLittleNaruto only this time, i always win hahah \o/
@ColdFire You have got a trailing question though above your message.
@MukeshRana rana rana
@TheLittleNaruto i just replied to pings
@TheLittleNaruto the answer is pretty obvious you are doing it wrong
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
@rekire vgm
@ColdFire vgm
@TheLittleNaruto Theories are fine but can you explain the real use case to convince me
@ColdFire Fire Fire
@QuyTang yeah i do have a nice hat. you need that when its -5° C outside...
stupid chewbacco cat@kitty
hey friendly fox@TheLittleNaruto
@MukeshRana whatsup
nm bro.. still thinking if unit testing is worth spending time. You say how you doing?
what is new year plan?
my girl 0_o
a girl got raped and killed by a refugee
you mean gf?
all hells gonna break loose now
@ColdFire lol of course
@Hans1984 That's very bad
right wing will get stronger now
@MukeshRana i thought you said you have no gf
soon things will get real ugly..
im rdy..
the refugee is 17
a fkn kid
really shameful
shame on his whole country
you re get welcomed in a land to save your ass from death and thats how you say thank you?
@MukeshRana that is one and same thing
@ColdFire Not Exactly
@MukeshRana and how is that?
@ColdFire Difference you'll get to know with Experience ;)
@MukeshRana -_-
@Hans1984 refugee was from Afghanistan ?
@ColdFire ;)
a german family took him last year so he could live at their house
and that is what he does?
@rekire gM :)
i hope he burns in hell
@MukeshRana I think its just like coding architecture. We won't understand the benefits, until we use one
15 mins ago, by Hans1984
stupid chewbacco cat@kitty
back from lunch
hey cat
whts up cat
u were nt present man
@MukeshRana and you missed me there , bad rana
some days some days not
@MukeshRana lucky sama with gf
Do u have cat gf ?
do i owe justification too you?
@DroidDev THis is what I was thinking in my mind. No one can explain me the use case. I have to find it myself. Already watching a video for the same. Btw what is mockito and espresso?
i dont think so
im here when im here
okay cat master
and when im not im not
I can understand
@ColdFire you were not online at that time ;(
@MukeshRana libraries for writing test cases. Its just like they provide wrappers for calling various methods
@TheFlash ;)
@ColdFire Fire Fire
not right now@TheFlash
do you?
@DroidDev lol you did first today wolf wolf
@Hans1984 Nope :(
@DroidDev so they are kinda optional if we want to simplify the process and use readymade functions right?
@MukeshRana wtf
@Hans1984 lol meow-hey
He is Muk not convinced easily :P
Hey Cold Fire whats up
Pro sama
@TheLittleNaruto Links you shared I can easily find that on Internet but that can't convince me to use :P
@MukeshRana no, if you are writing a test case for, you'll have to use a library like junit, mockito, espresso or something else. There are many to choose from. Its like they have a method "performClick", which will perform a click on certain view and many other things. You dont get them for default
@TheFlash haha.. you got me right ;)
yeah we re all some lonely dev losers@TheFlash
@Hans1984 lol
just kidding
No u r right cat master
@MukeshRana I would like to say sorry then.
atleats im not runing aroudn raping and killling ppl
I m lonely loser dev :(
@DroidDev so we already have JUnit imported by default while creating a new project in newer android stuido versions. Right? so we only need any one of them not a combination?
@Hans1984 :D
> "Man, I just love unit tests, I've just been able to make a bunch of changes to the way something works, and then was able to confirm I hadn't broken anything by running the test over it again..."
@TheFlash hey
@TheFlash nope u r not alone here :)
@MukeshRana junit is for tests that can run on JVM. If you have code which is using android apis, then you need other libraries.
Isn't that above quoted line enough to understand WHY is Unit Testing required ?
@TheLittleNaruto i agree
@TheLittleNaruto I have already accepted this ;)
@DroidDev Oh okay.. so which one is better ? I think I need to google as well lol
all i have right now is this job
and im not even able to do this
@DroidDev nope junit does support android
@TheLittleNaruto do you know which coding architecture is best? You'll know when you use all of them i.e. experience. Same is case with unit testing and same is the reason why @MukeshRana isn't convinced by statements. No matter what you say :P
@kitty hans is a catmaster!
yeah and im catmaster
@TheLittleNaruto not at all
hey thats something right?
:D :D :D
@DroidDev lol ok
@kitty That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: kirby
- 5 outside rigth now
ohhhhhhhhh man
at 10am
@MukeshRana Forgive me :P
- 10 at night
@ColdFire I read from here
@DroidDev I agree to this point. I can easily find theories. some are fine, some I can ignore but until unless I didn't find any real case meeting my requirements, why would I be convinced if someone else loves that. cc @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto lol
@ColdFire The following snippet shows an example JUnit 4 integration test that uses the Espresso APIs to perform a click action on a UI element, then checks to see if an expected string is displayed.
a line before the example
it is using espresso
ultra huhuhuhu
so frkn cold man
Some master in Espresso would give me some insight
I am stuck
i was walking home sunday morning at 1am
@DroidDev Android tests are based on JUnit, and you can run them either as local unit tests on the JVM or as instrumented tests on an Android device. This page provides an introduction to the concepts and tools for building Android tests.
my face frooze
36 secs ago, by Hans1984
so frkn cold man
@TheFlash has never written a test case in my life
too cold to live too warm to die
@DroidDev me too but for new app I have to :(
give me cat catrica
@ColdFire maybe the base is JUnit, but anywhere you see an activity or something like that, you'll also see something other than JUnit
espresso is by default imported in android studio so I guess that might be better than mockito. Just a guess though I don't believe in google
lol Muk
@MukeshRana just see how to do testing for multiple activities, fragments and adapters in a single test class and choose that library
@DroidDev if junit was unsupported there was no reason to auto add in new project , doesnt make sense to auto import it
unless ofcourse google is fucking retarded
@DroidDev Okay let me watch a video first. Then I will research on this part. THanks for your time :)
@DroidDev lol
Wolf vs. Fox
fight of the century
@ColdFire Android Studio also auto import espresso as well alongwith jUnit. so there might be some limitations with jUnit for which we may require espresso and mockito as per @DroidDev
@Hans1984 and cat will be judge
any one uses crashlytics here
old me

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