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04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 19:00

Good Morning Guys :D
Good morning all
can anyone help me in this?
Q: How to pull layouts similar to elastic type when scrolling android?

ShadowI have every layout which looks as card type embedded in Scrollview. When I scroll, how to move the card like spring type and then come down to original position. It is like cards are bouncing. In my layout, the top of that is ScrollView, below that 5 to 6 layouts are integratted. When I scroll...

Heyo o/ All from TheLittleNaruto :)
Good morning All :)
have a great day :)
Good Morning
n All
good mrning :)
:) any jobs in pune @ashu for android developers
do not know , ask to @ColdFire :)
he is from pune
ok your from punjab right
sorry thought your are from pune
@Sanjeev u must sorry :D
Good Morning...
@JaiprakashSoni a very good morning :)
@AshuKumar VGM
@TheLittleNaruto similar to Sing is Bling song :D
@TheLittleNaruto good morning angle :) bad or good add urself :D
@AshuKumar Good Morning :)
@TheLittleNaruto @ColdFire @MukeshRana @JaiprakashSoni GM guys
@TheFlash vgm slow flash
@TheFlash very Good morning :)
Hey @Ashu GM
@TheFlash Good Morning Very Slow Flash even slower than my Android Emulator :P
@TheFlash VGM
@MukeshRana -_-
@kitty hey gm
Hello m installed Ansdroid studio 2.3 canary and i got this error "Gradle 'MyHello' project refresh failed Error:Cause: error=13, Permission denied" and solution pls..
Install stable only @kitty
@TheFlash -_-
yeah man this is stable
@TheFlash vgm no battery slow torch man
@ColdFire GM Coldman
hmmm @TheFlash
but it's working in my colleague's PC @TheFlash
Too old but worth to listen: youtube.com/watch?v=VUjdiDeJ0xg
@ColdFire lol
Hello Guys..
@ColdFire Cyber Monday :D
Good morning
here is...
Q: Is there any cloudant library available for Spark Java?

CodeIdentiI see for the Scala, Python and iPython Spark cloudant library available in the below link, https://github.com/cloudant-labs/spark-cloudant/tree/master/examples But for Java there is no library I found in internet. It seems there is Cloudant db library available for java, https://github.com/cl...

@kitty so?
vgm ,jsk @kitty
@TheFlash VGM
@TheLittleNaruto you liking it?
@TheFlash sama
@DroidDev After a while I found a really good anime.
@TheLittleNaruto ._.
which one?
@DroidDev Ain't we talking about: Knights of Sidonia ? '_'
1 min ago, by TheLittleNaruto
@DroidDev After a while I found a really good anime.
and now I understand what you were trying to say
> been a while, since I watched a good anime
while* long time
also, Gurren Lagann is good anime too @TheLittleNaruto
I finished 4 episodes so far
@TheLittleNaruto seriously...? Btw, you are wrong again :P
Please guys atleast give the upvote for this question
Q: Is there any cloudant library available for Spark Java?

CodeIdentiI see for the Scala, Python and iPython Spark cloudant library available in the below link, https://github.com/cloudant-labs/spark-cloudant/tree/master/examples But for Java there is no library I found in internet. It seems there is Cloudant db library available for java, https://github.com/cl...

@DroidDev Will add it to watchlist.
@CodeIdenti asking for upvotes isn't a good idea on SO.
@DroidDev In Knights of Sidonia , they introduce totally different concept. beyond imagination
@TheLittleNaruto yup, though totally impossible with current technology, but still....they deserve the credit for that thinking. Never seen that, even in star trek and/or star wars. Sometimes, anime tops all the things off
@TheLittleNaruto so RO election completed, are you guys agree to make me new RO :D
@DroidDev Yes indeed.
@AshuKumar haha We'll see about it later.
@DroidDev I am asking becuase of it is important question
@DroidDev Why it is not good idea? It is good to spread awareness and sharing knowledge.
@CodeIdenti importance is decided based on, "how many people found it useful for them". It is reflected in upvotes. If somebody finds it useful, they will upvote.
@CodeIdenti First of all, asking for upvotes makes a person looks like rep hungry and trying to keep their question bumping the queue, so they can finally get an answer. Second, I would only agree with "spread awareness and sharing knowledge" clause, if there was a good answer to your question. Right now, there's not.
@DroidDev Than I would say "Friends, Please see this question if you feel it is important than please upvote it and answer if you have any idea"
@CodeIdenti yea, that would be better. Although it is same as saying "Please see this question". As I said, if somebody feels its important, they'll upvote :)
@CodeIdenti upvoted :) though do not know about spark java
@DroidDev GM sensai
@AshuKumar Thanks Ashu :)
Small @kitty cat good morning :)
@AshuKumar VGM
Hello m installed Ansdroid studio 2.3 canary and i got this error "Gradle 'MyHello' project refresh failed Error:Cause: error=13, Permission denied" and solution pls..
> Warning: This video contains flashing images. Proceed with caution and an open mind.
@kitty Looks like write permission issue
@DroidDev Go ahead! Should not be any prob. Ignore the video. Listen night core
@TheLittleNaruto yea, I was just confused by "flashing images" and "open mind" combination :/
yeah @TheLittleNaruto gave writable permission still got error
Q: gradlew: Permission Denied

Brenda Nicole TanI am attempting to run gradlew from my command line, but am constantly facing the following error. Brendas-MacBook-Pro:appx_android brendalogy$ ./gradlew compileDebug --stacktrace -bash: ./gradlew: Permission denied I am already running this command from my project directory. Need to run this ...

@DroidDev That was kindness of uploader ^^
@TheLittleNaruto its good. I am feeling sleepy, and I feel sleepy only after listening to good music :)
@DroidDev heh Nice :)
@DroidDev My playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTTqGjO-D2s7v-431gIzYrZQpSN52nWRr if you want to listen more
@TheLittleNaruto lol, not here, my company will track my history down :(
hey @ber you doing gym or something on those lines?
or just eating endlessly?
@Shubham @DroidDev Good morning DEVS
how come golu @TheFlash
@DroidDev I think u haven't seen post of Berserk on fb
in which he uploaded 2010 pic
nevermind wolf
@TheFlash oh...that old pic of @ber on fb where he looks totally bhadkeela and a total stud cc @MukeshRana @TheLittleNaruto
@DroidDev LOL "Bhadkeela"
@MukeshRana /s/jawaani/bachpan
@DroidDev haha
@TheFlash 'sup ?
@TheLittleNaruto Nothing much just doing usal work at company
@DroidDev Golu Bachha :P
@MukeshRana rana rana\
fire fire ;)
Hey coldman where were you on sat
We been waiting for u
Q: duplicate entry: com/google/common/collect/package-info.class in android

AAAsurprisingly i am facing a error of duplicate entry after i upate my android studio 2.2.1 to 2.2.2. i have searched in google but there is no similar solution. this is error: Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'. > com.android.build.api.transform.Transfo...

can anyone solve this error please
@AshuKumar GOod Morning Bro
Hello @TheLittleNaruto @ColdFire
@AshuKumar The dynamic colouring approach really sucks!! n
it is only better for the small app like play.google.com/store/apps/…
@Shubham hahahaha :D yeah it is, i m trying on big app :(
@AshuKumar any success or demo for me
@Shubham u will get soon as i m on the air will reach to u soon :D
Friends, Please see this question if you feel it is important than please upvote it and answer if you have any idea.
Q: How to save bulk document in Cloudant using Java or Spark - Java?

CodeIdentiCloudant Client library available in Java that will store one document at a time, CloudantClient client = ClientBuilder.account("accounbt") .username("username").password("password") .disableSSLAuthentication().build();*/ Database db = client....

Q: How to save bulk document in Cloudant using Java or Spark - Java?

CodeIdentiCloudant Client library available in Java that will store one document at a time, CloudantClient client = ClientBuilder.account("accounbt") .username("username").password("password") .disableSSLAuthentication().build();*/ Database db = client....

@CodeIdenti this room is full of Android DEV, and u may (not) get Answer, please try other rooms also
Don't spam it that we start feeling this irrelevant and you may get downvotes instead of upvotes.
@MukeshRana Look, who is saying :D
very Good morning :)
Good Morning
The Martian
@TheFlash yeah :)
@MukeshRana is now Lonely guy :D
Yup but he will be the 1st who creates civilization on Mars
@TheFlash nope, not first one :P how he could create Lonely :D
We need him as there will be no space for humans as populations grow at insane level
We have to move to Mars in future
@AshuKumar lol
@TheFlash agree
We should send some gals at Mars :P
@TheFlash but why not Moon first ? Many companies planning to mining on moon and create base on Moon and setup first outer space human civilization and could move to intergalactic missions :)
@TheFlash nah, he is KABIL for girls :D
@AshuKumar ROFL
@ColdFire here ?
@TheFlash @MukeshRana reaction -: No Comment
Lol.. Keeds playing with each other
@AshuKumar you should know why your junior is no longer with you. we are happy here on Mars
@MukeshRana but our game is HOT and NEW
@AshuKumar yes
I can imagine the Hotness
@ColdFire please check and verify
@AshuKumar checked
@MukeshRana u can only imagineee, cannot touch them even:D
@ColdFire done ?
@MukeshRana LMAO, that's a serious burn. Was she seriously his ex?
@AshuKumar yes
can't believe
@DroidDev hahaha :D @MukeshRana is one
@DroidDev rofl
@DroidDev Well he thinks so that she was his GF but she was never interested in him
hey i did not read :(
me too :(
@MukeshRana Blog name is Java so I thought and posted here...
Please don't downup
@TheLittleNaruto make me RO so i can read @MukeshRana message
@AshuKumar send me the debug version instead :D
@CodeIdenti Yeah but do it once not just keep on posting again and again
@AshuKumar It's too late for Keeds
@Shubham heheh still some work pending, after testing completed i will send u
@MukeshRana well....LMAO
Wolf sama how was ur weekend
@AshuKumar Don't wry about test i will not give you 1 star rating
@TheFlash too much travel much less sleep and occasional faps. How was yours?
if u gave,, i will call @MukeshRana to grab ur girl - friend
This is what we call Height of Imagination Keeds
@DroidDev it was good..took enough rest..nothing much..!
@TheFlash so no faps?
@DroidDev lol
@MukeshRana :(
that's the recipe for even more faps
@CodeIdenti ;(
Hi.. Can anybody see this issue please..
Q: how to upload unique message data on sever in android

AdiI am trying upload some message data to server from my android app.it uploaded the server data well, But problem is, it is upload all message data every time when app started.**I want to upload only those message data which would not uploaded previously.**How to do this? Here is my code of fetc...

@Adi simple just track message which are added into API and
create table which have : message and updated_status
whenever message is added into API give updated_status ==1
and when u got sucess messge from sever then change status to 2
ok let me try Thanx for ur response @AshuKumar
@Shubham Hey
@AshuKumar Thanks Listening...
@AshuKumar hehe
@DroidDev "Theory that challenges Einstein’s physics" LEt me read
@DroidDev i read, i think it is related to finding new planets right ?
@AshuKumar NoooO
:o really i saw documentary on discovery science in which they are saying
@AshuKumar umm....nope. Actually, time is said to be varying in speed at various places, but light doesn't. If a medium is denser and light can't travel at its speed, time slows down, so speed of light is constant. If this theory is proved, lots of things will change cc @TheFlash
@DroidDev then it will affect Quantum physics also
@AshuKumar I don't know much about quantum physics
@DroidDev about the atom level work
@AshuKumar umm....ok reading about it now. But don't know if it will be affected or not
@AshuKumar read about it. I don't think it will affect quantum physics itself, as it is related to sub-atomic and atomic things (photos, gluons, electrons, protons, neutrons etc), and changing the speed of light of mostly related to space-time physics (time travel, worm hole, 4D space)
Hi guys
I have an issue when running my app on an actual device. While running on avd everything works fine. After installing, the unsigned apk on my private device. The app does launch but crashes on certain points. My guess is it crashes every time when it comes to SQLite interactions in the code. What are my options to retrieve some error code or debug the app on the real device?
@DroidDev @rekire @TheLittleNaruto what am I doing wrong paste.ofcode.org/3925mdbNadXgquGuK7siCA3
lunch time brb
@TheFlash I think yes
@TheLittleNaruto @DroidDev I want to declare variables for version common..it works for app lvl gradle but not for project lvl
@Käsebrot connect the device via usb. Press little cocroach button in android studio to debug and launch android monitor
@DroidDev Who would have thought it would be that easy, thanks pal
showing error "Error:(9, 0) Cannot get property 'vGradle' on extra properties extension" @DroidDev
@TheFlash sorry man, don't know much about gradle
@DroidDev okay
@TheFlash We keep that in gradle.properties file instead
so it will be available globally
okay thanks let me change
Also use the variables defined in gradle.properties, with $ sign
can't we define directly
what $ does
it tells the script, it is a variable
okay like this $vGradle=2.2.2
No that's for while using it
Ok I'll try again
share ur gradle let me check
1. Open gradle.properties
2. Define: SOME_LIB_VERSION=0.9.0-+
3. And while using $project.SOME_LIB_VERSION
Does it make sense ?
Yes it is
@TheFlash Edited a little
In our project, we're having everything in a root directory
it works for app lvl gradle
So we're dealing with a single build.gradle
for project lvl it is showing error
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:'+ $project.vGradle
not working
@TheFlash for root level script remove project.
And don't give + sign
Not required
okay let me try
@TheFlash yeah man m dowloaded 2.2.2 stable then it's working
waiting for stable version 2.3
@TheLittleNaruto for root level its still not working ( Remove project too )...later I will check
for app level its working fine
classpath "com.android.tools.build:gradle:$project.vGradle"
try that way
and make sure gradle.properties in root folder
@Rahul I see I was writing outside single quote
let me try
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:'+ project.vGradle you can also use that way
Hi girls/guys :)
this way is not working @Rahul
inside double quotes $... consider as the var value
@TheFlash not $project.vGradle
also look at that
@Rahul @TheLittleNaruto thanks solved..as I was adding it the wrong way in root gradle.
hello guys
@Rahul you quoted my article..?
@TheFlash fixed? I see an issue with a broken brackts
Q: Login with facebook sdk shared preference and get information about user

kuldeep raji am developing an app where facebook login is there . i am trying to get user information and send that to my server.i am using sdk 4.i am trying to use shared preference to save info but i have no idea about shared preference . This is my facebook login activity . this is launcher activity. pu...

@rekire Flash want to use gradle.properties var in gradle to i thought that will be helful for him
guys please help me with this question i am really new
@Rahul wohoo I get quoted :-D
@rekire yeah fixed :)
1 message moved to Trash can @kuldeepraj there is no need to post this twice. Did you even say hello before dumping a question?
oh i am really sorry ... using this first time ... my apologies
sorry an hello everyone
my gradle build is taking a lot of time already. And it's every time when I run app :/
:( Fox this is bad
Hit ur desktop with ur head
@kuldeepraj did u check facebook doc
yes sir ... app crashes and i am having trouble with shared preference
@kuldeepraj i m not sir :D i m just like u
i m also going to use facebook login after some day :), what is error
hahah no sir i am in school actually .. trying to learn things
@TheLittleNaruto instant app should help
@kuldeepraj OK, did u check after login r u getting user information ?
2 problems are there ... unable to use sharedpreference which lead my app to ask for logout everytime i open my app ... and i unable to get user info shows some error (permission is guess )@AshuKumar
i have followed this tutorial @AshuKumar
facebook updated its Doc and if u asking more then 4 permission and information that is not in public then ur app need to verify with facebook and then u will able to use ur app
but if u r requesting less then 4 or 4 and retrieving for public information then ur app will work fine :)
@rekire that insta run ?
Hey guys what is native way to apply ripple effect for pre-lollipop ?
ooo cool sir then tell me what to do ... can you edit my code please @AshuKumar Shared preference one is really confusing i have used with normal login not in facebook
@TheLittleNaruto eh right
@TheFlash there is nothing, I mean there are some backports
Yup that's y I asked
@rekire that tool is buggy imho
Is there anyway to remove white spaces of a bitmap ?
The issue is I am working with a SignatureView
And as it is taking whole screen width, while signing, the bitmap takes the whole view as well including sign
busy coldMan
@Mohsen did you break the internet again? twitter.com/DynResearch/status/732187928684859392
@Radhey Tea?
why not!!!
@AshuKumar @ColdFire where is @Hans1984 cat
he he @Radhey
but with some cookies ..
ha ha sure
@kitty he is eating all day :D
ohhh @AshuKumar
any one worked on ConstraintLayout ?
@kitty@TheLittleNaruto @TheFlash @rekire @IntelliJAmiya@AshuKumar
@Radhey nope bro but i think @TheLittleNaruto talking about this
@Radhey learning phase...
@Radhey not on production
feeling like striking head with wall :/
why need to use it :(
The Flash says GN to ALL
@Hans1984 cat is still sleeping. Someone please send morning message to him
@Hans1984 Moeww all cats are waiting for you
huh @TheFlash bye
@Sanjeev yeah
100 %
@kitty hans is a catmaster!
@Sanjeev is done with WORK
was kidding man
Hello Guys. Can you mention some names of test methods where the app developer test the app by himself
use test case @Muddz
@kitty also done with work :(
nooooo m busy
@AshuKumar Thx! just what i needed
i m grand master :D
@kitty sound good, but meaning please
bye cats
@TheFlash bye and good evening :)
morning @kitty
@rekire Isn't he from Iran ?
ha ha @rabbitguy yeh
hope you had a pleasant weekend
yeah @rabbitguy mine was Good wht abt u man
@TheLittleNaruto oh I guess you are right
had a woman float back into my life I hadn't seen since earlier this year
and had a great thanksgiving w/family
so, it was a great weekend/week
I mixed it up since he told me that he was offline caused by such a situation too last year.
I guess he read it already but he didn't react :/
Ohh So that made you think so.
lol @rekire Just check his about me section. full of jokes: stackoverflow.com/users/6820627/learn-how-to-be-transparent
RANA RANA @MukeshRana @ColdFire
COOL @rabbitguy
I am all spacy right now, though... :/
need to find something to drink... bbiam
@rabbitguy spacey*
@MukeshRana LOL
@rabbitguy hmmmm :p
if you dont' like how I spell spacy, then :P
04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 19:00

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