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Good morning
Heyo o/ All from TheLittleNaruto :)
U moron BOT where is he ?
@TheFlash :D
@ItachiUchiha GM :)
view pager to stop sliding action
any idea ?
@Sanjeev do u mean onTouch not working ?
i need to stop sliding action
when i click on tab i should load a fragment but not on sliding action
On selecting tab it load the fragment not on sliding the viewpager
Q: Best way to disable ViewPager paging

GuilhEI'm developing an app which have a ViewPager as a menu. Each fragment has a bunch of child views which can be ListView, ScrollView, LinearLayout, etc... One of this fragments have a settings button which toggles a settings panel (LinearLayout wrapper) with a ScrollView and some LinearLayout (butt...

Ok let me try
Heyo o/ All from TheLittleNaruto :)
@the o/
@ita \o
@ita Dude! I found an anime on YT, which story is more like Bollywood movies.
I mean WTF
And name is "Maid Sama" . ;)
@ita Dont blame me, you asked for it. Here you go: youtube.com/watch?v=_B59nZUxBV0
Good Morning Guys :D
@TheLittleNaruto Started watching code geass :)
Good Morning friends
@MukeshRana - sama gm
@JaiprakashSoni GM :)
@TheFlash VGM
@TheFlash Good Morning Bro :D
@MukeshRana GM
Rich sama @Muk
@kitty Hey
@JaiprakashSoni Good Morning Bro :D
@TheFlash haha
it will take 1000 light years to transfer that
well that's the reason ;)
@DroidDev Hey Flame thrower Wolf
@TheFlash Nice
Can anyone share a link to beautiful custom loaders in the app ?
Ummm.. Need more fancy, something like this s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f0/fc/99/…
@TheLittleNaruto @berserk @MukeshRana @DroidDev @kitty @ColdFire I will not tag you guys in FB don't block me :(
@TheFlash why would I block you? :/
@TheFlash sama
@MukeshRana I think this is the time someone told you, that light year is a unit of distance, NOT time :/
@TheFlash sama
@DroidDev Sometimes people don't like tagging often..I thought so..this is msg from The Flash before anybody blocks
:) :)
@DroidDev haa haa
@TheFlash lol, I don't mind that, and I won't block you. For getting blocked, you'll have to do much more that tagging me :P
@DroidDev don't go with the text everytime, just look into my feelings behind that text :P
@MukeshRana now you sound like my ex :/
did a girl bite you in brain this morning? :P
@ber ^
@TheLittleNaruto LMAO, how do you copy a gif from facebook? :/
lol you forgot, it's not on the brain. It's on the lips and we call that kiss ;)
In a nutshell, Muk doesn't want to give cent from billions
where can I hang myself?
!!hang @DroidDev
close enough
  |   |

@DroidDev Have u ever seen Galaxies, universe, Stars with Telescope ?
@TheFlash Nope, never. But there are few things, universe is something that you can't see with telescope. A telescope (I think normal one and many others) can only see inside its galaxy. Observing outer galaxies is not easy task as it takes millions of light years for light (or radio waves) to go from one galaxy to other.
@TheFlash have you ever used a telescope?
!!hang e
@DroidDev e was already submitted
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  |   O
!!hang a
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  |   O
a, e
!!hang c
  |   |
  |   O
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a, c, e
!!hang t
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  |   O/
  |   |
a, c, e, t
!!hang r
@DroidDev Nope...I see Universe on Google only
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, c, e, r, t
@TheFlash On a technical note, seeing whole universe is just impossible, because it has no limits.
@DroidDev I need your attention on this "it takes millions of light years for light (or radio waves) to go from one galaxy to other."
Yes but I wondered how stars and other objects look with naked eye....( I know this requires powerful telescope like Hubble ) :P
@MukeshRana ummm....do you want me to explain it or are you just interested in light year explanation? :/
Lol no, I was just wondering how it's different from mine. Though I am not interested in reading long messages :P
@TheFlash yea....curiosity is important
@MukeshRana light year is distance that light travels in one year....so light year is measurement of distance
> a unit of astronomical distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year, which is 9.4607 × 1012 km (nearly 6 million million miles)
from google
That's fine but again I am note getting answer to my question i.e how your line is different from mine or vice versa?
> it will take 1000 light years to transfer that
it = the said amount of cash
you intended to imply the time by saying 1000 light years
Wolf is right..transfer money now @Muk
@DroidDev So you wanted to say by this "it takes millions of light years for light (or radio waves) to go from one galaxy to other" you wanted to stress upon distance?
@TheFlash still 1000 light years far
@MukeshRana yea....because galaxies are very, very far apart, and if you go by big bang theory, they keep getting apart
How can money be converted from Radio waves ?
also, for light from an inner star of a galaxy to travel out of its own galaxy, it would take million of light years, since galaxies iare also millions of light years wide.
@TheFlash if you do some discovery with radio waves and sell that discovery.... :P
Lol, I don't want to go in depth. I admit my mistake :P
@MukeshRana lel, okay...how the work coming along?
I thought like that
according to @Muk plan
@DroidDev it's good, you say? which programming language you are working on these days?
@TheFlash -_-
@MukeshRana Cool, congratulations! I am working on android these days (thankfully). Also, trying for banglore or something (since new house is almost done now)
@DroidDev do you mean new den ?
hi guys , i need help converting scala code to java
def this(color: Color) = this(color.getRed, color.getGreen, color.getBlue)
what does this line means
@TheFlash no, back home, we demolished old house and made a new one in its place :)
@DroidDev where ?
@TheFlash punjab, hoshiarpur
I see..is it ready /
@ZiaURahman I think its putting RGB combination into one variable named color
@TheFlash yea, almost
@DroidDev Oh.. so you are a free bird now ;)
she-wolves are waiting for den @DroidDev
do it fast
i it creating a getter method or constructor
@MukeshRana nope, its ancestral home....so....I think I am done with my life. A (middle-class) man can only make one house in his life....so my purpose here is done.
@ZiaURahman I think none of those
@DroidDev Agree sama :(
@TheFlash hehe, now only task left is to reproduce and make the reproductions able to reproduce :P
@DroidDev why are you considering yourself as a middle man ? You have everything to raise your status.
@DroidDev ROFL :)
@MukeshRana except the motivation.....I just love movies and cartoons....
lol, you need to find that your own, No one is going to spoon feed you
@MukeshRana yea, but if someone scolded me on regular basis, I might become better at it
Then again you need to find that person by your own lol :P
Only she-wolf can save wolf
lol, more like only she-wolf can destroy happy-wolf :P
In 2 days I watched 25 episodes of code geass @DroidDev
@TheFlash so you liked it :)
it has ending like nothing else
Yeah now season 2
DOn't reveal it u cunning wolf -_-
I didn't ;P
Greetings from Syria you guys, so I have an autocompletetextview with an arrayadapter, I'm fetching values from DB that are displayed in a list, the thing is that whe I type in the autocompletetextview it keeps the old values e.g. when I type 'd' it shows 'developer' and 'drill operator', then I type 'e' it shows 'developer', 'drill operator' and 'developer' again, I'm using volley library and data is populated in the onResponse() method: pastebin.com/WBnR4WAq
suggest some other good animes
any ideas?
@SamIbraheem you need to clear the list in tagResultsAdapter, before your for loop
atm, the old list is kept and new values are added over it
@DroidDev lemme try that, one second
@SamIbraheem sure
@TheFlash arpeggio of blue steel, owari no seraph, berserk season 2, kuroko no basuke, seven deadly sins, tokyo ghoul, mob psycho 100, one punch man
@DroidDev wolf wolf
I think you might have seen most of these
@ColdFire fire fire
@TheFlash flash flash
@DroidDev now here's what happened: 'd' gives nothing, 'de' gives the correct list, but typing any other letter gives the same list: 'developer' 'drill operator'
@SamIbraheem please post the code again
@MukeshRana rana rana
@DroidDev let me search
seven deadly sins looks good
@SamIbraheem can you show me the "clear" method called via "register.tagResultsAdapter.clear();"?
@TheFlash they are all good....I only watch best of them
@DroidDev ONE PUNCH one awwww
@DroidDev I'm not sure I understand, the clear method is one of the ArrayAdapter class?
@SamIbraheem umm....ok....then I won't be able to help you more. One thing I can say is, you can put a breakpoint on "Log.d("var", response.toString());" and see what list you are getting everytime. Cross check that list with the list that is being shown in list of auto-complete textview
:34164221 hahaha, those are just names. Don't worry
@ColdFire have you seen it?
@ColdFire cold cold
@ColdFire Fire Fire
@TheFlash @MukeshRana @Hans1984 @DroidDev @TheLittleNaruto @ColdFire @ItachiUchiha @jafarbtech GM
Good Morning Bro
its noon man
gud afternoon cats :)
@TheFlash yaaahhhhh ;)
U lazy @kitty cat
he s always lazyyyyy
@TheFlash @jafarbtech @MukeshRana
@DroidDev F12 and inspect on element ?
@kitty vgm
Hey cats
yup @TheLittleNaruto FOX
Clever Fox -_-
Hey @WeirdNerd :3
@MukeshRana :9
hello every one i have andorid issue.. please anyone help me
@kitty hehehe
@ColdFire :10
in Few minutes
@AnuPatel You can ask
check it.. i have error like this in 4.4 and below version...
in 5.0 and up work fine..
lol.. Looks I made a mistake :P
The exception seems to be pretty simple
see this line Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/drawable-v19/abc_ic_ab_back_material.xml from drawable resource ID
yes but how solved it ?
is this xml present in your drawable-v19 folder?
Q: File res/drawable/abc_ic_ab_back_material.xml from drawable resource ID #0x7f020016

SilentKnightRecently android support library was updated to 23.2.0. After downloading android sdk and updating android design support library into 23.2.0, this error happens repeatedly. My project can't even be compiled. The complete error log says: 03-02 12:00:04.945 9324-9324/com.creditease.zhiwang.debug ...

check this link
i try this but i dont knw how this
// Gradle Plugin 1.5
android {
defaultConfig {
// Stops the Gradle plugin's automatic rasterization of vectors
generatedDensities = []
// Flag to tell aapt to keep the attribute ids around
// This is handled for you by the 2.0+ Gradle Plugin
aaptOptions {
additionalParameters "--no-version-vectors"
put ?
in your build.gradle file
@TheLittleNaruto oh....ok....
@DroidDev Man Have you ever used iPhone ?
This so sucks
You can't transfer files directly like Androd
Because of that I exhausted al my 4G data while coming to office in the morning
It takes 1 hour to reach office and I kept playing songs on YT
iPhone Guy ?
which one?
iPhone 6+
I will better wait for iPhone 8 ;)
@TheLittleNaruto LMAO, there are workarounds, but you'll have to play with it for a while :P
@kitty ,dher?
Also Suggest some punjabi songs like "Amrinder Gill's Mera Deewanapan" @DroidDev @MukeshRana
lol they are too old now
@DroidDev Let me know already! Will ya ?
you should listen to new one
@MukeshRana Yeah And I still love these songs
@TheLittleNaruto ,#Jstar
@MukeshRana Suggest me Man
@Radhey What's that ?
@TheLittleNaruto it's just because you can't find good punjabi songs yourself :P
@TheLittleNaruto what kind of songs you need?
google it or find on YT
@MukeshRana I gave you an example

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