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@rekire GM
Good Morning all
Good Morning Guys :D
GM all
Heyo o/ All from TheLittleNaruto :)
Any good reference for learing DataBinding, Rxjava ?
Data Binding of Android is meh!
There are plenty of tutorial for RxJava
is it worth using both?
I have a very simple app and I am planning to use MVVM approach for that app
It is
But Don't use Data Binding of Android
@MukeshRana Try altergo's data binding api
what's the difference ?
For MVVM it is way better
I can't explain now
Let me check then
btw you people follow MVVM already?
No, I am trying RxJava Dagger2 and android bound and MVVM altogether
But it is still a playground
I can't really help
Because I am learning too
For MVVM you can ask Dro
He has a good understanding already
cool.. I guess I have the perfect app to start with it, it contains 3 screens only
Nice! Sure than you have the perfect app
yup but I would prefer to go with Android Data Binding first
@TheLittleNaruto let me know sama once u lernt RxJava and Dagger2
@MukeshRana hey RO sama
@DroidDev - sama
@TheFlash Dagger2 is kinda not that easy to grab all of a sudden.
But I can help with RxJava
@TheFlash sama
Before starting with Dagger2, I would suggest, Read Dependency Inversion Principle.
@TheLittleNaruto when r u free
@MukeshRana @DroidDev correct me if I use incorrect Eng
Fox is helping me too
@TheFlash are you*
@TheFlash lol
short forms r allowed
@TheFlash are*
@DroidDev beere
@TheFlash just wait for @TheLittleNaruto to say "lol", that will be your chance...
@berserk - kun yeah
@TheLittleNaruto lets see how long will you be able to control it...
@MukeshRana kida beere :)
hey all, quick question. is there any way to take in a string and use it to name an object?
@ThePeskyWabbit I guess no.
You cannot make a variable at run time... right guys? I mean naming a variable at run time sounds interesting tho..
gmail to you too :)
want to check input string is int or float ! any one >
@berserk correct me if I use incorrect Eng
@TheFlash energy?
@Radhey try using "InstanceOf"
follow up question. this is for the purpose of storing a list of objects on google firebase to be accessed and added to by multiple users. is there any way I can ensure no duplicate names? not asking for a full answer, maybe just a direction to look in
@berserk -_-
@berserk yea, I don't think anyone ever tried that, including Denis Ritchie ;)
@DroidDev haa haa
@ThePeskyWabbit you mean avoiding duplicate value in a column?
FYI, I haven't used firebase yet,
@ThePeskyWabbit Follow some pattern. Like if you're storing list of user info, it should store in this way: users:[{name:user1}{name:user2}]
well from my understanding, firebase will accept a list of objects as the value but i could be wrong
@DroidDev , i mean if i have String s = "2.5" ; then want to check that value is float or int ! how can i cast?
@ThePeskyWabbit how about send current timestamp with every name to firebase. That will be unique in almost every case
@Radhey I think regex or pattern matchers might give you the answer here.
can you suggest me ?
@TheFlash lol who?
that removed msg
@DroidDev Bro we can read deleted messages now ;) Cheers :D
hold on just looked into it more, i think i am thinking of the storage organization in firebase incorrectly
Kitty perry
@MukeshRana haha, yup, cheers 'D
The greatest singer of CATWORLD
@DroidDev :D
@DroidDev thanks for the input none the less
btw people were saying you are having a very good understanding of MVVM, so can you please do some knowledge transfer @DroidDev ?
@MukeshRana umm....I don't think that I'll know anything that you don't, but please let me know if there's any confusion. Or do you need an explanation from start?
Brief introduction and a good reference will be appreciated
I also want to learn
@MukeshRana I think the Model and View part of MVVM is already clear to you (isn't that much of a thing), so we are left with ViewModel, right?
ViewModel is same as the presenter in MVP?
just guessing
@MukeshRana yea, kinda, except its ViewModel's task to bind data.
@rekire Are you not participating this time? :(
so, ViewModel communicates with any kind of database, gets the data from model, and bind it into the view
ha ha ha @TheFlash :3
kitty perry :D
how is it ?
hehe Good One @TheFlash
@DroidDev okay so main thing is ViewModel
@TheFlash umm....you can say it controls the flow of program to much greater extent
@DroidDev I had lots of trouble for RecyclerView binding and Model to Activity and visa versa communications..I m learning
@DroidDev Does ViewModel has access to Views? I don't think so, it might be calling callbacks to bind data to views in View only? am I right?
@TheFlash I don't use MVVM anymore. In-fact, I don't use any given pattern, though I somewhat follow MVC. The main thing is to keep your code abstract.
@MukeshRana yea, that can be one way. You can also use observers and the library suggested by @TheLittleNaruto uses
@Kanth do you hang in chat at 7:07? 😉
@DroidDev Ummm.. okay.. btw any good reference you have?
Good morning guys
@DroidDev MVC :O do you think android supports that?
@MukeshRana I am kinda trying to force android to support it by writing code that way ;)
@rekire Hey GM...:)
@TheFlash vgm
@DroidDev Super wolf
@MukeshRana though its not proper, but I don't follow it fully. I just follow it for the sake of abstraction. Its simple
@MukeshRana ummm....sorry, no references. I only learned it after making many mistakes.... :/
@DroidDev haha
done brother ,thanks
@DroidDev sometimes I thought I shouldn't go with these MVP, MVVP approaches as I keep on refactoring my code in every project gradually. But it's bit embarassing if someone asks you don't follow any architecture lol
@DroidDev np
sure brother ,#party from my side (Y)
@rekire vgm
@MukeshRana well....depends what kind of refactoring you do. You don't change class names altogether, you create new version of class with new properties, mark the previous one deprecated and then start using new one. There are rules with everything ;P
Whoo hooo@kitty ,where ?
@kitty hans is a catmaster!
@gujuu can do any thing brother ..we have live example
@Radhey in thaltej about 11 one frnd called me for this
@TheFlash Command fox already exists
@DroidDev I mean I keep on improving the code and making assumptions that this is the best code I have ever written lol :P
@rekire I was talking about moderator election?
good good @kitty , #saif was also attend ur party ?
@MukeshRana ummm.....well....then you need to read about coding patterns from very beginning
@TheFlash lol but in my case I really trust my assumptions
@MukeshRana In my case I don't
@MukeshRana actually, there are many benefits if you learn to follow one pattern fully. And that's the only way to learn. You follow one pattern in one project, then keep using it until you don't start seeing defects in it. Then hop-onto another one. Then keep using it until you don't see defects in that one. Slowly, you'll learn which pattern is best for which project, before you start coding.
Its a slow process and big companies have guys with at-least near or over decade of experience to decide these things.
@TheFlash haha
@DroidDev Yeah my code refactoring involves the same but the only differnce is that I am calling that refactoring instead of a pattern as I can't name that pattern lol
@Kanth on my mobile I missed the context, I thought you talk about the chat^^ No not this year I was not active enough out of my view
yeah @TheFlash hehehe i knw
2 hours later…
you were absent yestartday
i stayed at home
cat stayed home yesterday :/
wait... but why?
threads are deleted
@rhavendc not useful so far
don't worry I will not delete your questions and answers related to tech
@TheFlash Oh. I see.
yeee hehe @rhavendc @Hans1984 :3
chewing tobacco?
@rhavendc whts up?
and cat? @Hans1984
@kitty Just doing fine in work. Wishing for no disaster to come xD
no he is not
@Hans1984 r u home today?
no im at work
working on vaadin prototyp .. like everyday
i wish i would get some other tasks too :(
vaadin ?
its a framework
im dev a prototype with vaadin+wildfly10(server)+hibernate and postgreSQL(database)
ha ha ha @rhavendc
realy complex
overwhelming most of the time
and it shouldnt be a one man project
@Hans1984 0-0 Synchronous Cat
like i said we were 2 now one left
and i have to do it alone
@Hans1984 Wedding?
yeah wedding soon
weeding cat
hehe no it was a joke
i dont know why kitty is talking about wedding
maybe he wants to marry me
yeah if i had weeding maybe i would just say screw this job
but at one point its only about two things in life
That's cat attitutattitudee..!
having a familiy or work
or both
what else is there
yeah same for the most of the devs here
all the things that filled you re life when you were younger
arent there anymore or cant be done anymore
most of them
Schools days were tooOOo good
yeah i mis sschool days and college
chicks and enough freetime
Fox and Wolf r school boys
now its only about beeing employed or unemployed
i mean is this normal
to expect one person to dev a whole prototype on his own?
and not giving him any other tasks for days?
maybe for a senior dev
but im only senior by age lol
not skill
how many jobs did you guys quit so far?
@Hans1984 Where ya been yesterday?
Haha ya gonna give me hershey?
i was at home
thinking about retiring..again
but i brought you some spicy chips
I hate spicy lol
I can't stand spicy food
spicy food is great
as long as you dont have to go to the toilet
Once I had spicy cheetos and I gotta drink so much of milk lol
I never had again lol
Either milk or icecream is good, if ya eat spicy
@Hans1984 lol
then you ll regret eating it
till you eat it again
and regret it again
Anyway I jus came home, I gotta change and have some food. Be back in a few.
Don't eat my hershey chocolate lol @Hans1984
stares at hershey bar
ConstraintLayout looks cool if you get hold of it completely
So you find it better than manually doing layout stuffs ?
@MukeshRana need to learn
@TheLittleNaruto sensai u looks mastered it
@TheFlash No I am not even know abc of ConstraintLayout, It irritates me.
@TheLittleNaruto it takes time to start with but I guess once you get complete hold of it, it can serve as better than manual process
I mean right now when you start with it you will say so boring, why should I spend time on it If I can do that instantly via manual process
@MukeshRana I see. Will have to learn, But still I feel like it's more annoying.
Yeah it's annoying that I agree
but I guess it can help us in designing complex layout instantly after you finished learning xyz of it
I was free today so trying my hands on it
No doubt for a simple layout it takes few minutes but once I learn everything
I guess I can speed up the process
Moreover people says it's more efficient than any other ViewGroup so I guess we should give it a try
busy cat TOBACCO CAT @Hans1984
yes agree one of the teammates like it so much
and one more point, I am also interested in learning iOS, so this can can be a good start for me
busy with tobacco cat
hans cat smokes
cancer hanscat
stupid hanscat
wheres cold fire
tobacco and ans cat
lol yes
thats how we will look soon
m not seen deleted msgs
Now Let's start with Data Binding Stuff
Yes please
any good reference you want me to suggest as I guess you are already working on that?
kitty cat
@TheFlash Thanks let me check
@Hans1984 cat cat

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