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Q: Failed to execute runnable (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument not valid)

Sagor AhmedI want to embed microsoft word in JFrame in java . After searching a lot in internet I have found a tutorial in where I have found the following code : public class AbrirWordJFrame { static OleClientSite clientSite; static OleFrame frame; public static void main(String[] args) { ...

morning every one
i have a question
Good morning from the USA!!
It 's 1:45 am ?
Does anyone know how to make a cat stop coming in the house?
(Tamed cat)
@AbAppletic :3
@AbAppletic That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@PatriciaCartwright good morning
@AbAppletic Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
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I have a question
Go ahead
s it possible to return value from method enclosed in the lambda expression
Can you give an example at pastebin.org
i don't find any example but find a line written in book which states "when a return statement occurs within a lambda expression,it simply cause a return from the lambda.It does not cause an enclosing method to return"
Reference from schildt java book
Numeric num=(n)->{ // assume interface Numeric{ int func(int n); }

int a=5;

int result=n/a;

resultMethod(n) // assume int resultMethod(int a) is method.
return n;

return result;
1 hour later…
static void addFileMenu(OleFrame frame) {
final Shell shell = frame.getShell();
Menu menuBar = shell.getMenuBar();
if (menuBar == null) {
menuBar = new Menu(shell, SWT.BAR);
MenuItem fileMenu = new MenuItem(menuBar, SWT.CASCADE);
Menu menuFile = new Menu(fileMenu);
frame.setFileMenus(new MenuItem[] { fileMenu });

MenuItem menuFileOpen = new MenuItem(menuFile, SWT.CASCADE);
menuFileOpen.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
But widgetSelected method of SelectionAdapter is not called
Why ?
I am developing an app that will be portrait orientation on a cell phone, but on a tablet, but landscape orientation on a tablet. I followed the Google guidelines and put the xml files in their folders, but the the screen orientation will not change for the tablets.
@SagorAhmed - Please read the rules first and don't copy paste the codes here...
By the way, Have you tried to debugg first?
@Mohsen Hi, did we chat in persian room?
I think so
same here
Where have you been
i was in mars
Where is the persian chat
can't find it
@maveň Aha, Like always :/

 Persian Chat

It's a room for Iranian people to discuss about programming pr...
This room is frozen; new messages cannot be added.
all were busy to come online so it was
hmm yeah
@Mohsen , I have tried debug
@rekire , I am running this program
But menu is not showing
How can I show menu in swt ?
Please help me
@SagorAhmed it's really years ago that I used swing
It is swt
I cannot understand why the shall is not opening
and menu is not showing
swing swt all the same out of my view
Can I ask a question in so then ?
if you clean your code up that should be fine if it is not too specific
I am asking a question in stackoverflow then
From Be Smart About Security!: "Remember: When it comes to security code, follow the "Mythbusters" rule: don't try this at home! Consult a security professional before implementing any custom account code."
@rekire , submitting question in so takes time
Is it a error ?
Ok done
Q: Shall is not opening and Menu is not showing in swt in java

Sagor AhmedI want to embed microsoft word in java . My program will open a word document file in jframe . After searching a lot , I have found the following solution : Open MS documents into JFrame The code to embed MS documents into Jframe is as follows : import java.awt.Canvas; import java.io.File; im...

I told you to clean up the code!
remove all commented out code
I personally would also remove the last three words, it is oblivious that you need help^^
stackoverflow.com/election/8 <- I won't take part^^ @TheLittleNaruto
I want to take part
but you cannot nominate yourself
how can I be selected for nomination ?
that looks funny but no idea what you wrote before
same sentence in Bangla
okay. did you read the link? you need at least 4 gold badges and it only makes sense with 10k rep
Then I am not eligible for nomination
@SagorAhmed yep here is a more importent point: "In the nomination phase, any community member in good standing with more than 3,000 reputation may nominate themselves to be a community moderator."
you are much below this border
Can we use local area connection to place calls on android??
@Hariom AFIK that is in general not possible with mobiles
Can we develop a app??
think about those smart codes how will you decide if that is a local phone number or such a smart code?
I want to call through tcp ip
you mean VOIP/SIP?
The phones that are on same local area network or say on same hotspot
Ya voip but without using the internet
you can setup your own VOIP server with asterisk
VOIP does not mean that you need to use the internet just a network
Ya but for that i would be needing a pc or any mediator
I want to make one phone server and open a port for the connection to the client
so you want some kind of mash/autoconfig protocol?
No as there are many apps like they send data over to another phone using the phone hotspot
In same way i want to develop an app that can place calls
well... I would try to search a voip java server application and port it to android
if you start from scratch you can drop your idea
Except you have a team of 10 person
I am writing a small library since 5 month that is hard :/ and I'm programming on android more then 6 years
hey rekire
@ColdFire hi
Q: Shall is not opening and Menu is not showing in swt in java

Sagor AhmedI want to embed microsoft word in java . My program will open a word document file in jframe . After searching a lot , I have found the following solution : Open MS documents into JFrame The code to embed MS documents into Jframe is as follows : import java.awt.Canvas; import java.io.File; i...

@ColdFire , please help me
i dont know that
Can someone guide me to correct site? I'm new to Multi-Agent systems and I'm learning to use Jason. Where can I discuss my problems?
@Grimlock can you give me some more background?
I have no idea about this. But I guess you can ask on SO regarding that topic
@rekire Man! Dont give up. :/
@TheLittleNaruto no I did nothing in direction of moderation the last 10 month
@rekire I understand that. That's why I wont force you.
Give a rest this year.
We'll try next time.
@MukeshRana Happy birthday beere!
@MukeshRana Happy birthday :)
4 hours later…
What i missed guys?
@MukeshRana - Happy birthday cat :)

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