According to the PreferenceFragment docs, These preferences will automatically save to SharedPreferences as the user interacts with them , So my question no need to manually save the values right ??
okay.actually i have made an app which continuously sending lat long and some other continuous interaction with is working fine but i am facing one problem like if it is in background and user user other app it looses connection how can i solve this problem?
@AAA Please describe your problem in detail.If the question is too long post a question here with proper details and put a link here if anyone is free then you will surely get a help
Any ideas about editing Google SignIn Button? It looks like this: But i need this : I'm using actual codes from google: ++ I couldn't find anything about this on google!
what's up guys any one know how to view AI files in ubuntu, do you use any specific tools or is there any tools that can create mark up automatically from AI files
i want user to share application linke using intent , let say you share me one appliaction link ,if i tap on that link and if its already installed in to my device ,then i should directly open that app rather than redirect to playstore
@AshuKumar I have used other libraries from afollestad and that were good but I don't think you really need a library for making sectional RecyclerView
@AshuKumar bro i don't want to use Snackbar i want to create my own view like Snackbar it should be like google map view type like opion comes down from top in a bind view i don't want to use fragments also
@AshuKumar ok, when the user open the app first time it show a simple content but when the user touch the screen on that time some option come down in horizontal view like Login , register, contact us , or services . But i don't want to use fragmet for this.
@NakAndroidDev bro but i dont want to use fragment like something else for example when can add the button in layout with java with addview function like that i need to use viewgroup
From Google: As of Android Support Library 23.3.0, support vector
drawables can only be loaded via app:srcCompat or setImageResource()..
vector drawable is is still not supported everywhere ?