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Hi Good Morning @AshuKumar @ankitagrawal @brahmyadigopula @Dude @Hans1984 @PriyankaMinhas @osimerpothe @rekire @RaajaSN @Sarah @SweetWisherツ @TheLittleNaruto @TheNightKing and all
@Sanjeev morning
Got a quick Swift question!
Is it healthy for your app to have 4 or more viewControllers under the same class?
1 hour later…
@Sanjeev gm
@jasbath wrong group i guess
i have a doubt is there any one to help me
@Sanjeev vgm
@TheLittleNaruto @berserk @MukeshRana @HitCat @ankitagrawal @rekire
VGm @TheFlash
Good morning
good morning all.have a nice day..@Sanjeev good morning bro
@TheFlash hehe
Heyo o/ All from TheLittleNaruto :)
@TheFlash haha this morning I just had the game open on my walk times in the train I watched a film^^
@rekire can we give the permission to app without rooting phone in MarshMellow
@Rahul which permission?
i mean through command prompt
you can allways grant all permission while installing the app on the console with the -g switch
^^ :D
that it work for previous version also ?
adb install [-lrtsdg] <file>
                           - push this package file to the device and install it
                             (-l: forward lock application)
                             (-r: replace existing application)
                             (-t: allow test packages)
                             (-s: install application on sdcard)
                             (-d: allow version code downgrade (debuggable packages only))
                             (-g: grant all runtime permissions)
if app is already install without -g option then
I didn't try it but I would expect that
@TheLittleNaruto gm
@rekire gm
@ankitagrawal vgm
@Rahul gm
@ankitagrawal morning
@ankitagrawal morning
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
@rekire vgm :P
sneaky fox uses bot to say hello
@Rahul Today I asked my manager if I am allowed to fix the number of records per page ? He replied; in iOS, it's done already. You should do the same, can't fix it. lol
What's diff b/w getHeight and getMeasureHeight ?
@TheLittleNaruto the difference is in the lifecycle. getHeight just works after onMeasure
i guess expected values
and real values
@rekire getmeasuredheight and getheight can be different right
@rekire Do both only work when we show the View on UI ?
getmeasuredheight can return height when values are absolute
Then for me, both of 'em are returning zero.
yes both 0
if used wrap content
@ankitagrawal after on measure the result should be the same if I remember correctly
@TheLittleNaruto getMeasureHeight should always work (if I remember correctly)
@rekire sometimes if parent has some restriction values can be different i have heard
@rekire if you used wrap both will return 0
until height is calculated
@rekire Ok. It doesn't as long as you do not attach the view to its parent. just now tested
well that is true
@ankitagrawal I have wrap only
@TheLittleNaruto you mean if you have wrap
and you still getting height
before height is calculated
@TheLittleNaruto then use
@ankitagrawal I can get the height after adding view to its parent layout.
@Rahul Man! I don't wanna. :(
@TheLittleNaruto well strange i tried it but it used to return me 0 even after adding view
@TheLittleNaruto did you check on ios
but i guess a couple of years
@ankitagrawal Well for me it's returning correct height value. :)
@Rahul Yes It is working nice
Man! That's it.
I think I can do it.
Let me just test and I'll confirm you.
i can do it?
@TheLittleNaruto there are many libs for android also
you can use and do it
@ankitagrawal lib for what ?
there is always Apache
for everything in java
I had checked that lib yesterday.
But I think I am almost close with existing API in Android.
Now switching will take a lot of time.
@TheLittleNaruto pdf
@TheLittleNaruto multi page you done?
@ankitagrawal I am working on that only, that is why I asked about measureHieght
i see
@TheLittleNaruto oh in that case I mixed them up^^
Can I create a Canvas instance with specified height and width ?
make a bitmap with width and height
and set it to canvas
Can I override that bitmap with any view later ?
well you can draw anything on canvas
@AshuKumar hi bro...i think you are busy!!
just came from class, raining, road are full of water
ohh..there too
that's why i m late
water is everywhere
nope...not in our side villages
our people are facing problems due to less raindensity.
where ?
most of ap state villages.bro
actually in this season we have to crop rice but unfortunately there is no water there.
hey anyone help me i want to check value in the database table and display them on recyclerview

but value not display
if there is no former there is no human.but our governments are taking light about former's and they are busy with getting money projects from other countries.
yes, true @brahmyadigopula
@nEwDeV are you getting values from database
may be data base contain value @AshuKumar
check values are present in recyclrview Adapter
@AshuKumar no gm today :(
neither you said :D
i was going to say good morning
@ankitagrawal - kun gNoon
for all i have question...is there any body who are interested to do forming if you have chance to do.
:D ^^
forming ?
@TheFlash That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 3, i, d, y, !, ^, π, ?
!!Is @TheLittleNaruto playing pokemon go ?
@TheFlash Indeed
@TheFlash Of course!
I knew it
@HitCat The catclub members are: Hans1984, Hitman, neferpitou, TheLittleNaruto, ankitagrawal, Saif, Xack Tuaras, AshuKumar, Sanjeev, Crazy Ninja, buffo
@TheFlash gm
!!is @ankitagrawal also playing pokemon go ?
@AshuKumar man you always say first so
@TheFlash Indubitably
i was waiting for you
!!Do I need to start playing pokemon go ?
@TheFlash All signs point to yes
i opened lappi and start talking with IOS guys and and then started work on my yesterday error
i forgot , sorry @ankitagrawal
@AshuKumar np man
please say u have ready ur library
otherwise i need to write codes
well kinda half ready
not purely complete
@HitCat The catclub members are: Hans1984, Hitman, neferpitou, TheLittleNaruto, ankitagrawal, Saif, Xack Tuaras, AshuKumar, Sanjeev, Crazy Ninja, buffo
then i m going to write my own code, as i need to deliver project within this week @ankitagrawal
@HitCat :)
@AshuKumar ok well use my code for help
i m really sorry, i did not make report @ankitagrawal
@rekire you there
@AshuKumar np kid
Q: SQLite Getting only last record not all the Records

OreoI have total 4 records in ecare table, where 2 records status is sent = 1, and other 2 records status is sent = 0 RECORDS 1st Record : Track 1 [sent = 1] 2nd Record : Track 2 [sent = 1] 3rd Record : Track 3 [sent = 0] 4th Record : Track 4 [sent = 0] But getting only last record (i.e. - Tra...

What's the point of using final keyword?
it makes final
ok but I have a situation like that:
I have two classes, one of them is a Java and the other one is CPP
I call the method from C++ in Java
The C++ method takes an int argument
sorry, jint
@ankitagrawal I'll be back in 17 minutes
I'm sure the int value I'm sending has a value in Java part
but the method in C++ does not receive the right value. Rather it receives a random value from memory
when i use final keyword in the Java part, the c++ method takes the right vakue
what's the point of this?
@rekire can it be a helpful resource for Gradle in android tutorialspoint.com/gradle
papa p susheela
@brahmyadigopula ?
@Hans1984 morn'
where i m in the list @TheLittleNaruto
some one trying to act as innocents then i will use that word..@TheLittleNaruto
papa p ... :D
@AshuKumar you got it man
hi 5
@AshuKumar What list ?
low five
wali @TheLittleNaruto
leave it
Good morning to @TheLittleNaruto :)
@brahmyadigopula Ok if you're using such word, please put meaning in English too so that people won't get offended or your message won't get flagged.
@AshuKumar morning
bro....those words such as ..ohh,uffff,meow....how can i translate it to english bro.if i change it will looks like this.....baby p susheela.....is this sounds good.@TheLittleNaruto
:D :D :D :D :D :D @brahmyadigopula ^
there is space for baby in that word
yeah...you got it bro
he will teach you
@brahmyadigopula ok no problem :)
probably she
okay bro..you can use it anywhere too.
is miau
in german
almost the same
This Exception is pissing me off: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.
i gues its a single raised child
I understand that Exception why it occurs, But it shouldn't for my case.
Hi guys !
Well.. I did a work around though and it is working again. But i don't know why it's still throwing that exception which is completely unexpected.
@TheLittleNaruto check your linear Layout instance
@Sara just from interest why do you think I need that? I will look at it anyway
hey rekire
@ankitagrawal cat!
@Rahul What is there to check, it's a local variable not global.
cat cat
@rekire hehe
@TheLittleNaruto hehe fox
@TheLittleNaruto did you add a parent
Is the above tag officially documented ?
@TheLittleNaruto if you are adding view inside loop
on same position error will occur
@WeirdNerd which tag?
The above
Q: How could I use a View node in Android XML layout file?

Sundy ZhouIn Android Studio, I've seen a <View /> node and this has all of Widget's attributes. I'm curious, what's this node and how could I use it? <View android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="1dp" android:background="@color/material_cyan_200" />

@Rahul I see. What should I do to avoid ? Passing position ?
@TheLittleNaruto may be .and exception itself given the ans
@TheLittleNaruto ??
@HitCat The catclub members are: Hans1984, Hitman, neferpitou, TheLittleNaruto, ankitagrawal, Saif, Xack Tuaras, AshuKumar, Sanjeev, Crazy Ninja, buffo
@TheLittleNaruto it could be caused by inflator method you using
@Rahul See this Util class that I ahve created : hastebin.com/pikukemako.avrasm for page break.
@ankitagrawal I am not using Inflater, creating views via Java code
cat hit
hit cat
cat cat cat
@TheLittleNaruto Looks good
@Rahul Yeah! And it's working fine too.
I need to show progress with 4-5 different colors
i.e. Circle progress view
Has anybody customized this type of view..?
i have link
like google fit chart ?
yes close enough view
@ankitagrawal sir ji did you login trough gmail in android studio.?
@TheFlash canvas.drawArc(fdvOval, getOriginAngle(), percentDeg, false, paintPrimar)
you need customize that
for multiple
combine that one
and this one
@Rahul /thanks let me check...how can I use both projects and customize as per req
@TheFlash use animation technique of first one
and arch draw of second one
first one created for one color only
and second one created for multiple color
in first one it has startAnimation method

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