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Hi . how much data can store in Share Preferences ? is there any rule ? or limit ? can store 1 GB String
4 hours later…
Hi Good Morning @AshuKumar @ankitagrawal @brahmyadigopula @Dude @Hans1984 @PriyankaMinhas @osimerpothe @rekire @RaajaSN @Sarah @SweetWisherツ @TheLittleNaruto @TheNightKing and all
@Sanjeev vgm
vgm all
Good Morning Guys :)
@Sanjeev morning
@Criss No Man! Those are basically stored in an XML file. 1 gb ?? lol Never Even I would not recommend 100kb in a single string. Even Sqlite won't be enough for your case. Store it somewhere on server and use it via some API.
@hahah a @Sanjeev yeah meowww :3
@HitCat The catclub members are: Hans1984, Hitman, neferpitou, TheLittleNaruto, ankitagrawal, Saif, Xack Tuaras, AshuKumar, Sanjeev
my name is last :(
LOL @Sanjeev
the avg funeral costs between $7,000 - $10,000 smh I can't even afford to die
OMG! This is so funny:
person: you're blocking the view me: i am the view
Jesus! XD:
im naturally funny cause my whole life is a joke
when u mess up a screenshot and accidentally lock ur phone and all u can see is the reflection of failure staring back at you
Good morning guys
The new quality system is deployed: Questions get closed as duplicate before they are even asked ... — rene 11 hours ago
@TheLittleNaruto lol
@rekire vgm
@rekire lol
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
StackOverlow was yesterday offline here is the reason: stackstatus.net/post/147710624694/…
@rekire vgm
@ankitagrawal vgm
@rekire i released an update that hopefully fixes that issue
@Sanjeev vgm
@ankitagrawal I'll check it when I find some free time
@rekire OMG! :O That bug . Quite Interesting tbh.
@rekire sounds great
@TheLittleNaruto yeah bug was interesting
@TheLittleNaruto yes I was thinking about how this can been abused in differnt cases
hello everybody
@mesutpiskin nice dp
@Criss hell no
@TheLittleNaruto help me man
@ita wasnt able to help
@rekire Man! their developers too good, Just look at the time track, they mentioned.
@ankitagrawal No idea! I had asked for an example, you never shrared.
yeah that was quick
see also this vimeo.com/112065252
well quick it was
@TheLittleNaruto go to leaf village group already shared there totally with code
good morning guys
any body know how to make this
resValue "string", "demo_password", "admin123"
non translatable
@Shubham use lint.xml
for that
thanks @TheNightKing but how ??
use translable=false
@TheNightKing checking seems like not supported
@Shubham then instead of build.gradle use in strings.xml
yeah i will do it
if you prod or UAT environment then use debug and release
folder for that
thanks man :)
A: Android Studio + Gradle: define resValue without translation, how can I do that?

heloisasimYou can add it to values/string.xml with the flag translatable="false" <string name="facebook_app_id" translatable="false">YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID</String> Or you can add the FACEBOOK_APP_ID inside your gradle file, using resValue or buildConfigField. Something like that: buildTypes { debug...

check this one reasonable ans
@rekire Very informative at least a guy who has less knowledge about regex like me. :P Thank you.
@ankitagrawal Checking
@TheLittleNaruto you ^
@berserk lmao
@berserk @berserk whatsup cat?
work, wbu?
just saying i am enjoying it
@TheLittleNaruto been there, done that lol
@berserk wtf man
lol kidding
@Dude Please share some "why so serious" pics.
hi @berserk
@ankitagrawal r u free
how are you berserk :p
@berserk lol me too.
@ArifNoumanKhan haha
hi @TheLittleNaruto :p
@TheLittleNaruto brofist
How do you guys do date formatting ?
@ArifNoumanKhan hey
I don't date. I am single...
@berserk o/\o
Isn't it deprecated ?
also Depend on Date
@berserk lol
@TheLittleNaruto no
@Hans1984 cat
Is it fine if I use just android.text.format.DateFormat ?
Not SimpleDateFormat.
Never used, dunno.
yes you can
@Hans1984 whatsup?
ok thanks
still sick
3rd antibiotics now
but im back at work now
although i feel terrible
this is a hard infect it wont die :(
ty @Dude :)
@berserk was afk
welcome budd
@Hans1984 What happened?
@Dude :)
@Hans1984 what happened
@berserk ohho that was for him
@berserk lol
@Dude yep :D
im using this String date=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); @TheLittleNaruto
@berserk there you go
angry bird RED
@berserk Man! I figured out how can I get pokemons near by my house. Call me a genius. ^^
If you are hacking, then no. ._.
Or using incense?
Pokecoins can be bought from cash only.
flash vanishes in crisis
@hitcat hey :)
Guys, why is that android.text.format.DateFormat doesn't parse "Z" ?
Any idea ?
post your full format
put Z with single inverted comma
@berserk how much did u spend..?
That is specifically for getting Time Zone
@berserk Man! That'll print Z
I want the Zone value
@TheFlash Nothing for yet, not playing much.
@TheLittleNaruto hmm
Ankit - chan how r u @ankitagrawal
@TheFlash great what about you?
I m not good..
because some unknown virus attacked on my immune system...
@rekire Would like to see my issue if you have got sometime ?
Note: with SimpleDateFormat, it's working.
@TheFlash i see then eat berserk medicine you will get fine
@TheLittleNaruto have u coded for dynamic view logic?
@TheFlash Yea. Don't ask me again. You already had asked many times. And now again. :/
@ankitagrawal I don't want to die...he will suggest me to play pokemon go instead taking some medicine..
@TheLittleNaruto :) I forgot..so thought to ask ;)
!!kill @TheFlash for forgetting
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @TheFlash for forgetting
@TheLittleNaruto ^^
try that one
9 mins ago, by Arif Nouman Khan
@TheNightKing Let me try
Yes working. Thanks Man! @TheNightKing
but it's +0530
not +05:30
That's what I wanted without ":"
@Dude That was hurting my eyes. :)
@AshuKumar is missing today
@TheLittleNaruto hehe
this one
Was irritating. Sorry :) @Dude
that hurts
@ankitagrawal where ?
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @TheLittleNaruto the fox
@TheLittleNaruto where did it hurt you?
@ankitagrawal What ?
@ankitagrawal did you tried that
@TheNightKing trying man but i think it will not work, if it does hurray my lib will be success
@ankitagrawal btw with example with list
that accept
was success
Q: Refresh List View Programmatically

OreoHow to refresh Child List within Expandable List View I am using following code to delete child list item, but unable to refresh Child Item List. @Override public View getChildView(final int groupPosition, final int childPosition, boolean isLastChild, View convertView, ...

@TheNightKing that is lot more code i have to write just to call that method
@ankitagrawal you calling method that Returns nothing
@TheNightKing yes let me complete it , i have thought about many things dont worry that will also be covered
@TheLittleNaruto I Just Want To Know How Much Preferences can ? | how much data can store in Share Preferences ? is there any rule ? or limit ? can store 10 MB String
anyone worked on uploading files to SFTP server from android @ankitagrawal
@Criss Like I mentioned in my last message, it should have less than 100kb of data for a String value.
My Android Studio becomes crazy. It is saying JAVA_HOME path is not found while compiling. For good sake, I have put the JAVA_HOME path, the time I have installed jdk already.
@TheLittleNaruto hehe
@TheNightKing not found?
take it to mentally hospital @TheLittleNaruto
@TheNightKing but can t be a class there
like model.class
in your example i don't see class either
well if there isnt i need a class there
to pass to gson object
anyone worked on uploading files to SFTP server from android
Hi guyz is there any difference in them:
<item name="android:popupMenuStyle">@style/popupMenuStyle</item>
<item name="popupMenuStyle">@style/popupMenuStyle</item>
that is using android attrute
@ankitagrawal you mean Class<T> clzz
@TheNightKing priyanka has 5 years of experience
yes this type of
it's showing no error
well how can i pass a model class into it
like king.class
Class<T> clzzz
that is that parameter
yes also i cannot call the class directly
that is 4 th class that is being called
what do you mean
which 4th class
at first
i see only Type
user uses requestBuilder
from request builder it goes to cachemanager
cachemanager -> cachesaver
then you should use interface
and from that to requesthandler
then use interface
and there i use this
@TheNightKing example how to do it with interface
@ankitagrawal i don't have any example
but that can be achieve with simple interface
you mean a interface to callback to get model class?
@HitCat (y)
hitcat kitkat

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