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hi!! @PetterFriberg
Hi, just passing by.., to see what's up here and what you pinned : )
can u help me how to delete row in table..with having four value..
sq.delete(dimension.dimensioninfo.TABLENAME_DIMENSION, dimension.dimensioninfo.DIMENSION_BKGREFID + "=" + bkgid,null);
Don't know what that sq is sorry, some android fun? probably... I only use PreparedStatement old java guy...
sq is just database ..
maah its needs to be on Object.... seems like you are calling a method...
dimension.dimensioninfo.DIMENSION_BKGREFID + "=" + bkgid AND dimension.dimensioninfo.DIMENSION_BKGREFID2 + "=" + bkgid2 ??? (thats 2, go on for )
but that code is SQLInjection code... not very nice...
you should use prepared statement when inserting in database
sq.setInt(1, bkId)
yes i am inserting the data in the table..and trying to delte from that..
but I have really no clue what that sq object does... sorry..
read the documentation for the sq class?
public void delete_pickup(databaseoperation dop, String bkgid)
SQLiteDatabase sq=dop.getWritableDatabase();
sq.delete(dimension.dimensioninfo.TABLENAME_DIMENSION, dimension.dimensioninfo.DIMENSION_BKGREFID + "=" + bkgid,null);
this the function i am calling to delete table..
Q: Deleting Row in SQLite in Android

roboguy12This might be a dumb question, but I'm new to SQLite and I can't seem to figure this out. I have 1 table that has columns KEY_ROWID, KEY_NAME, KAY_LATITUDE, and KEY_LONGITUDE. I want the user to be able to select one and delete it; Can anyone give me a direction to start in? My question is in ...

have fun need to move on ; )
Thanks..let me try hope this worked for me..
bye happy weekend
Hi guyz i need your advice on this. I have a fragment containing a viewpager(with tab) and after adding certain fragment and then poping out viewpager donot hold the fragment. However the data comes back if i change tabs.
please suggest any possible causes
dead cat chat
I need help too
We're hopeless
you can share each others misery
Do you know well about android notification?
no im sorry
@Jaythaking yes fire your ques
i dont do android anymore
im doing J2EE
@Jaythaking may be i could help
a favor for a favor
So im really lost about how to trigger an custum action upon receiving a firebase notification
Can I fire an action upon receiving a notification? Do I need to click on it?
yes you can i suppose
put the code in the fcm reciever
Do I need to catch it in the manifest using intent filter? Do I need to handle it in OnMessageReceived?
@Hans1984 i don't think so
As a key/value in the data
why not
dont be so selfish
There is no documentation about that
say anything i dont care @Hans1984
I'm really discouraged
i just said what you said
Its like every single android tuto is for low beginner
maybe you can help each other
thats what i mean by that
i know what u mean
you are disturbing
Hans can you go grad a cofe or sumthing
hmm that good for you right now
yes you can do the functionality you want in the onMessageReceived of your reciever class
We're working here
So I send a broadcast?
but your example is basic
As every other repository in this planet about firebase
i know
What If i wanna go further?
waht exatly you want to do
Am I suppose to figure things out by myself
at least tried. there are other good dev here
they will help you i m surre
Lets say I want to update my database upon receiving a notificatrion
go on
Im not allowed in the most famous room
my ratio is shitty
no problem
but I dont want to actually see the notification
what were you saying continue ppls "Lets say I want to update my database upon receiving a notificatrion"
I just want to trigger the updatew thing
yes use LocalBroadCast manage
what is this?
i did the same thing
@Shubham Dude
send a broadcast on recieving notification and then performing updates
hope this is waht you want
@WeirdNerd sup due
IWhats the difference between this and a BroadcastReceiver?
Having a doubt
This is a helper class to register for and send broadcasts of Intents to local objects within your process.
@WeirdNerd what's your doubt
Gimme a min
i have lot of pending work @WeirdNerd
Oh ok..
but go on
Not a big doubt
Just a small one
@Jaythaking is your problem solved or was it helpfull
I have another use case
yes but I invented a use case that wasnt exactly what I want lol
I should have ask differently
Do I have a second try?
I am building a music player and now working with notification. I am following a tutorial from this site,

My question is that in this part of the code,
In the OnStartCommand(), when the play,previous and next buttons are clicked the intent.getAction().equals(Constants.ACTION.PREV_ACTION and intent.getAction().equals(Constants.ACTION.PLAY_ACTION this part of the if else will be invoked right ?
if you want you can ping me the problem i will be online after work at 24:00
@Shubham To me ?
So lets say that I want to show a DialogFragment prompting for a password everytimes I receive a specific Notification, even if the app is on background. How do I put it on Foreground AND show the dialog also?
And also, if the app is force shut down, will I still receive the notification onMessageReceived? Some says yes some says no
How would you handle that situation?
@WeirdNerd i have not work on Service and that a big tutorial. but i think onStartCommand will invoke on click action of button
Oh ok. thanks !
This is what I wanted to know
@WeirdNerd don't thanks man i didn't help you.
So the button clicks in the service are intents ?
i think so but as i say i have not work on Service and that a big tutorial.
Oh ok .
if the app is force shut down, will I still receive the notification onMessageReceived? yes you will recieve i suppose. But can say about force stop.
why dont you give a try @Jaythaking in force shutting app
@Jaythaking i will see it later.
ok i'll try
i am really stuck at multiple work today.
hi guys. i have a short question about android. i'm currently learning for an exam and i just read that the ObjectAnimator should not be used to animate Fragments but there is no explaination. Does somebody have an explanation for this statement ? Thanks
ping me. i you want to discuss anything else
@Hans1984 i got my solution i was using getSupportFragmentManager instead of getChildFragmentManager :D
but don't irritate any one bro
cat cat
@PetterFriberg hey you here
@Shubham ok good. Im happy to hear that you could solve your problem.
cat cat
@Hans1984 I just need to hear from you guys (PRO's) like have you ever got stuck into this problem if possible then any links, blog github would help.
and this in not help vamping
i suppose
i dont want to waste any one's time
i didnt. So i gues i cant help.
but then im no pro
maybe a pro in posting cat gifs
ok bye bye
i was just checking for unread msgs
cat bye
dead chat cat
bye cat
@Hans1984 yeah no doubt u are pro in that
wow who is that?
i think its you
no not you
sry my bad
anyone here familiar with the source code in java 1.8 for Long.parseunsignedlong?
Cat Gal is Online.
@TheLittleNaruto That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
@TheLittleNaruto That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
Cat gal? Bot?
@TheLittleNaruto Are you alive?
@Joe'sMorgue Yes she is a bot. (I have hosted her. :))
@Joe'sMorgue more or less.
Sorry to hear
What's up ?
Not much...
Trying to get things straightened out...
hi everyone
@Joe'sMorgue Is everything alright ? Because you come online less than before
@GurpreetKaur Hey
one help.. i want to change the status bar icon color to black or grey ..
any idea
Well sure you can do
but from lollipop and bove
brb in 5min
Make a values resource directory
okay then
Show me your style.xml
use hastebin.com to share code.
@GurpreetKaur wait a minute...
I misunderstood you
What do you mean by status bar "icon" color ?
!!google status bar icon color
okay wait
Damn! Bot is not talking
!!live ?
@TheLittleNaruto I'm not dead! Honest!
@TheLittleNaruto You do not have permission to use the command live
@TheLittleNaruto I'm afraid I can't let you do that, TheLittleNaruto
Q: Android statusbar icons color

GuilhEI was wondering if it's possible to change the statusbar icons colour (not the statusbar colour, colorPrimaryDark) Let's say I want this statusbar with: <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@android:color/white</item> and the icons in black, is it possible? Thanks. EDIT: New in the M developer...

my problem is similar to this
but the proposed solution is not working for me
Dude, You must follow the design guidelines.
And always set Target version to the latest.
hmm.. any other solution
Well... I thought you wanted to change the color of statusbar, that is doable. Not sure about this. Never tried it tbh.
thanks anyways
NP. You're from Chandigarh ?
lol Same city. Isn't it ? I was in Mohali in 8th phase.
i work in phase 8
Your company is near by A1 Technology, right ?
btw I miss Chandigarh though.
my company is in sector 72
where are you now
Now I am in Bangalore.
I had to move because of a shitty company.
como estas tu?
@Kanth Hey.
@Kanth yea
you were in A1 Technology
isn't it a good company
the bad company
Never join it
For a gal it might be good
Why is it good only for girls?
Because a gal can work in morning working hour, but a guy will have to work in night shift anyway
Also the management is worst
So many internal politics
hmm.. so would be hard for a gal too
i heard about seasia
in mohali
hows it
may be. Never had a chance to talk to my female colleagues lol
As I was working in night shift Sigh!
You can try for Jugnoo
It's a product based company
AFAIK they pay well
Also if you ask my opinion, I would suggest an IT guy to work in Bangalore only.
It's not just about a lot of opportunities
There are a lot of events going on in here, it may increase your learning curve.
which company u are working for?
The one which Microsoft is planning to buy after Linkedin
oh great
@GurpreetKaur How is your company btw ?
hmm ..recent experience was bad.. didnt get a good appraisal and nowdays dnt have much projcts
Hmm.. In a city like Chandigarh, Jaipur, Indore You can't expect a good hike.
was 5% only :P
That's too low.
@TheLittleNaruto how about you...where are u these days.
How many years of exp you have already ?
@UchihaSasuke Bangalore Man
@GurpreetKaur Dude if you dont mind telling me your package ?
@TheLittleNaruto do like to shift delhi..:)
@UchihaSasuke NO WAY!
no issue its 3.78 now.. and by the way i am a girl :P
dude :/
Sorry about that :P
@GurpreetKaur Well... that;s fine considering your years of experience.
obvious from my name :P
@TheLittleNaruto :)
Gurpreet is kinda common name used for both guy and gal, isn;t it ?
Gurpreet Kaur is for girl
Gurpreet singh is for boyes
Are you allowed to move ?
really...how can i forget when i first time call a boy as a kour and he is so angry upon that..:)
how can u call a boy a kaur
So basically Kaur is surname used for gals only, right ?
r u indian
strange u didnt know that
I stayed in many cities
from where you are basically
I am from Bokaro Steel City
oh okay
i didnt heard about it
its somewhere in jharkhand
What ????
Bokaro is largest in steel production in Asia.
@GurpreetKaur :/
@TheLittleNaruto what is new?
I didn't read the changelog yet
@rekire me neither
There is no feed yet
how mystery :D
lol see release announcement page: sites.google.com/a/android.com/tools/recent/…
no sdk updates so far...
even nothing on twitter
otherwise , this internet will never be able to download updates
My internet speed is sucking so much
this time it was quiet quick
Yeah! Also they haven't updated the release announcement page yet
also nothing on g+
quite strange
Man! I am scared
I have updated AS
I hope it wont be much of trouble
the updates does really not exists officially
Did you update ?
Let's say it together: All is well! All is well!...
posted on July 08, 2016 by Tor Norbye

We've just released Android Studio 2.2 Preview 5 the Canary channel. This build contains a large number of bug fixes. Performance: We fixed two big memory leaks -- one related to Gradle sync and the other related to layout rendering; both should help significantly with memory usage. We also improved the locking behavior of layout XML preview so it shouldn't cause the editor to lag when typing

3 hours later…
hi @reki
i am trying this toString().replaceAll("\[|\]", "")
to remove that character [
but its not working

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