sarach if you study to make php api for you then you will have to just make methods and call them straight in your url ... like this
signup,getAllUsers.Login,Register these all will be methods in only one file
your code will be more readbale and manageable and easy to use
Oki doki. I'm just currently looking for epic gems in rock music. I really miss my old stuff But i'm starting to remember some of the videos that had it and I'm youtubing those vids, then shazam the song and bam, got the band name to check out their other stuff.
And in the comments of the songs, People are also talking about some of the counterstrike vids that had the music in. Which is awesome. I'm starting to get all my music back at last :)
Hey guys, How do I split JSON objects when I send it using TCP? Like if I send {str:"This is a string"} 2ce, sometimes the listener will recieve the joined stream. Meaning {str:"This is a string"}{str:"This is a string"}, Then I cant deserialise unless I use substrings from "{" to }". But then it makes it harder to deserialise if I send an object within an object. Such as {objName:"A name" ,obj:{str:"string"}} because then it would stop at the first bracket.
I would run a function that adds to a counter for every "{" and decreases for every "}". which then I would be able to split them, But surely there is something simpler right?