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05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 18:00

@ArifNoumanKhan are around here
@ankitagrawal hi
how are u today
good and you?
not good
Mr. Arif suggested me to use OkHttp3 but I ran into problem
but this exception is mater of all exception it doesn't give me any error
covered exception
what is the logcat?
should have to run the app again because it doesn't show anything after button clicked
I don't know when I run the app the onclick method run automatically
you havent set a buttonclick listener to the button
removed before
post your xml too
remove this
and set onclick in code
and this is my logtag
@ankitagrawal are u there
@ankitagrawal I did like this but nothing has changed
clean build
what you removed sarah
Q: can not get response while using okHttp3

SarahI used okhttp to get send request to my user.php file that is on localhost server running by wamp. when i run the application i don't know why the onclick method triggered automatically(i have only one button on my xml file without setting onclick. did it in my code). while i viewed my log cat i ...

@ankitagrawal notting work after I made onclick in my code
add internet permission
not access netweok
show your manifest
it is localhost
server running cool
String url="";
should i have to mention port
in the address
no need
@ankitagrawal my manifest file :paste.ofcode.org/ae4GcWUAvH3jgFnyPtyu2X
i see
looks ok to me
1 hour later…
@ankitagrawal yo lol
2 hours later…
@DroidDev are u there
me? @Sarah
would u plz to help me
the @ArifNoumanKhan last night suggested me to use okHttp3 and now I get a lot of problem
the question is
Q: Can not get response while using okHttp3

SarahI used okhttp to get send request to my user.php file that is on localhost server running by wamp. When I run the application I don't know why the onclick method triggered automatically (I have only one button on my XML file without setting onclick. Did it in my code). While I viewed my log cat I...

@ArifNoumanKhan are u there
@Sarah i gave you the complete class for posting form data
then I got a lot of error
what error are you getting
then I need to do it again
do u wait to do it again
@Sarah It looks local host is not getting connected based on your error log
i m here
now just woke up will be here till suhoor dont worry just ping
what is suhoor!!
do u know persion
no i dont
@droid_dev what do u mean
@Sarah It looks local host is not getting connected based on your error log
how can I connect it
i can reach to my localhost
in addressbar
in browser
in browser from mobile ?
no from pc
you dont do it that way
i use geneymotion emulator
you have to find your system ip address
from ipconfig
omg wait
you are from geny motion then use that ip adress of your vbox
did you try your local host before in geny motion ???
yes i test localhost in firefox browser in my pc
not pc
check it in your genymotion browser
now i past in geneymotion browser
I'm still waitting
I guess, you are using wrong iP
what ip should i have to use
Try this one
got it
so its working ?
your loacal host ?
in geny motion
in genymotion browser now testing
on app
Good luck @Sarah
thanks @droid_dev
got response
Hey guys, I have been having an issue which only occurs while using an AVD. Basically, some of my textures turn black. However, it works great on a real Phone. My question is, will it work on all/most phones?
Are you testing on same OS version?
@Sarah are you there ?
/Kill @ankitagrawal
Sorry for late response
Wait, ankit do i know u?
Your name sounds famillar, well atleast your last name
/kill @ArifNoumanKhan @Paul @droid_dev
How are you @ankit
I want to do contact 2 way sync but we are going to capture all the information stored on the contact. Do you know any way to make it faster?
At the moment, i am storing all contacts into internal db and comparing with each contact from address book and then sending for sync and it works but its slower
@droid_dev - Honeslty and Personally, i did not get this sentence: I want to do contact 2 way sync but we are going to capture all the information stored on the contact - would you please make it clear to me?
sure. Send contact from address book to server and fetch contact from server to address book
Generally we save name, phone but we are also looking for other details like email, location, state, country if available
Similar like google sync
Alright, as you know, there is always a file which those contacts might be saved on it, Do you want to know the file name or you know that already?
A: Where is the data for "Contacts Storage" located?

IzzyThe exact location of the contacts database might depend on your manufacturer's "customization". While "plain Vanilla Android" has them in /data/data/android.providers.contacts/databases, the stock ROM on my Motorola Milestone 2 e.g. uses /data/data/com.motorola.blur.providers.contacts/databases/...

All of those Contacts - in your device will be saved on one file called something like these:
Have you seen that file for if the other informations is available on that or not?
I said that because you said: Generally we save name, phone but we are also looking for other details like email, location, state, country if available
You can find the databases in: /data/data/android.providers.contacts/databases
@Mohsen i think he already know that
@TheLittleNaruto - There is no admin here :)
he wants a 2 way syncing of his data
:-? I felt that
as he mentioned like google sync works
@droid_dev you have experience with firebase ?
Yeah didn't see that google sync
no problem @Mohsen
@Mohsen do you have experience with firbase ?
Unfortunately no, btw you can ask the question if someone knows, we'll answer that, what is the question ?
aahhhh no question
i dont have experience either
Just start search about that :)
i am suggesting firebase to @droid_dev as i have seen google forecast videos about fire base that keep sync your data
to day i also wanted to start practicing firebase as i woke up
Aha, that should be a good choice but i don't have experience with that, thelittle naruto should know that because i think he's using those things all the time
thats great
what are you working on ?
Nothing special nowadays, just studying for an important exam :/
Dead chat..
@ArifNoumanKhan I'm here. i just disconnected
so is it working ? @Sarah
a min plz
@ArifNoumanKhan are u there
is it EditText
but it doesn't have getEditText method
actually i used TextInputLayout
my first erro
and inside that i use edittext
can i have xml code
past or gist plz
this class i gave you this is for form submittion
i mean NetworkCallPost class
i want to post json then that have another way
slightly different
what about Utilities,callPostTask,Tags @ArifNoumanKhan
Do I have to be using Java, or is it just enough that I code Android (native, not hybrid) apps to be a part of this room?
you can be the part of the room evil
android dev is enough
Thank you @ArifNoumanKhan
welcome @EvilTak
Welcome @EvilTak
@ArifNoumanKhan Utilities is a class
to control input
like UIHelper
ohhh that one i just made some common methods in that
like email validator
can u send it
the whole class?
seems to be useful class
can i have it
ok i can share
hastebin.com/famoyekuga.avrasm utillities class @Sarah
u can use it like new Utittlities.validateEmail(),new Utittlities.getCurrentTime(), or if(new Utittlities.isNetworkConnected()) else check your internet connection
picasso is for downloading images you have to add dependency in build.gradle
how about Tags
compile 'com.android.support:design:23.+'
i added
this is for TextInputLayout
what is Tags
it is class
compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2'
full of constance
Tags is class where i save all constants which i use many time in app some where
so you can make that as you need
can i have it
you can add entries like this in Tags
public static final String BASE_URL="http://www.google.com/api/";
public static final String URL_LOGIN=BASE_UTL+"methodLogin";
this will give you freedom if you have to change base url so will have to to change it only one place ... intesting this is really helpfull
i know how to declare tag but i don't know what to put in them
those constants which you are going to use more than once in your app that can be added to Tags
public static long TIME_MINUTE_IN_MILLIS= 60000;
public static long TIME_WEEK_IN_MILLIS= 604800000; like these @Sarah
what is the value of Tags.STATUS
also Tags.URL_LOGIN
i thing it should be login url
i placed URl before because it can be access easily when you are typing ... you will be more specifi .. tags. then U and L will point you exactly to this
yes it is login url made from BASE_URL+"login method"
Tags Status ="status";
because every json i recieve i told the php developer to include "status":true or false so on the basis of that i m doind thing in android when response is recieved
like if i send email and password to server ... i will check if status is true user loging successfull if false then check for the message what server sent back
so these things you can do according to your needs
get error on callPostTask.execute(Tags.URL_LOGIN);
show me your URL_login
it says the can not resolve execute method
public static final String URL_LOGIN="";
hastebin.com/abeforexir.coffee @Sarah this class is used for getting the data from the server
and show me how you called the callPostExecute and NetworkPostCall class
the NetWorkCallPost also
include this also
private void loadingProgressDialog(Context context) {
progressDialog=new ProgressDialog(context);
in your main activity
and call it from on create
to initialize progressbar
textview error is on the top of my xml include it in thr
can u send a project example
aahh i dont have small demo project
what is the error u r getting now ?
can i send my project
ok sure
is ur project on git ?
what is git
never mind
i run android studio
ah git version controller
any way git is a place where you can put your project and then as a team people can work on that project
if you allow some one only then
that's good should have to get some tutorial on it
it is really easy way bunch od feature git provides
like if i have to try some thing new in my project ... i will create branch of my current project with 2 clicks then i will try new things ..if work out fine merge with orignal one other wise delete it ... your code is safe
what's your idea about this video tutorial about git
Treehouse Git Basics
is that what everything u say
@ArifNoumanKhan send my project on drive drive.google.com/open?id=0B7a7gH6eb8R4V3FHVGMzanFlSVk
ok i got it now u can remove if u want
15 gb free space let it be lol
ffrom here i meant
lol my drive is full like 10 gb i guess
first thing in your manifest there is no permision for internet
i even couldn't run it
had lot of error and don't let to think about that u see there
lol this is the first thing
any way which android studio version u have ?
it is old
couldn't open it @ArifNoumanKhan
dont worry i made new project with your project name and coppied every thing to that
@Sarah i sent you the Get class and you replaced every thing with Post class
shame on me
lol no
ok you are sending data to server in json formate or form data ?
let me share php code
this my php code
and connection code is here
user table has only two row USERNAME & PASSWORD
do you know about Get and Post ?
get for URL and POST not in url
you are accepting Get in php
you can change it to POST
i test it
it'll work
ok i have no xampp installed
the code is ready
i mean free of bugs
did u test it
i have nothing to test on
i mean php
can u send it or share the code
email adress please
ok got it
did u get it
u can remove
check your inbox @Sarah
my studio is 2.1.2 i guess may be u get errors .... but import this project hope that will automatically hanlde thigs
thank u Mr. @ArifNoumanKhan
you are most welcome
now you have to debug it .... add break point to onPostExecute if statement then you will see whats response comming actually from server
on the basis of that you can do more things like calling other methods and passing json to it
it is post or get
seems to be post
it is post
post and get concept is a bit different from client side .... when you want to send data to server that will be post reguest
and when you want to dowload something from server where that is index page or list of all user that is get
see the error it saying no permission
add permissions
on which device you are testing ?
why I always forget manifest
genymotion but which api lvl ? 23 ?
i mean marchmallow ,lolipop or other ?
version 4
its ok then
same error
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE add this permisiion also
and internet one too
now check again
yes worked
now check it in debug mode
@ArifNoumanKhan the Response send html type can I changed to return jqson
send me the response
your Response is: <br />
<font size='1'><table class='xdebug-error xe-notice' dir='ltr' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1'>
<tr><th align='left' bgcolor='#f57900' colspan="5"><span style='background-color: #cc0000; color: #fce94f; font-size: x-large;'>( ! )</span> Notice: Undefined index: action in C:\wamp\www\user.php on line <i>11</i></th></tr>
<tr><th align='left' bgcolor='#e9b96e' colspan='5'>Call Stack</th></tr>
<tr><th align='center' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>#</th><th align='left' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>Time</th><th align='left' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>Memory</th><th align='left' bgcolor='#ee
it depend on your method what you going to retiurn from php method
base on my php code is send jason
u got the json too see
i dont know from where the html is comming
in fact I got html
response maybe it is because of body command
i dont know that is php thing
your code is working
yes the body thing
do you have index page ? there with php code ?
this is all my php code I work with
and connection is this
i dont know from where are you getting that html
but your code is working now see json object at the end
I think it is the php code fault
get this error
( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: action in C:\wamp\www\user.php on line 11
and since we do the post request a table that show the error will send to us
yes php fault @Sarah
change get to Post at php
let to ask samayo. I did it first
aftar time c u later
we have two hours to aftar
lol enjoy and Ghbol bashad
@ArifNoumanKhan find the problem it wasn't php code we forget to add action
RequestBody formBody = new FormBody.Builder()
.add("username", modelUserInfo.getEmailAddress())
.add("password", modelUserInfo.getPassword())
please any one can help me to get json object
if i am not then also my json array not getting
05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 18:00

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