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who are asking btw?
@AshuKumar , please help me to solve this exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
root cause

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.neurotec.licensing.NLicense
I'm using romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/nine-patches.html to generate pic for different screen size but when I copy and past in my drawable folder, it's seems there is no folder
what @Sarah?
Mega what
I'm using romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/nine-patches.html to generate pic for different screen size but when I copy and past in my drawable folder, it's seems there is no folder
@Sarah mega?
@TheNightKing I don't understand. Do you mean a parent can be any ViewGroup ?
Lunch Time brb
you have to create them
@TheLittleNaruto :(
you know, you can not create folder in drawable in android studio
you can kid
i created having name "new folder" :D
@AshuKumar , please help me
:d :d
@osimerpothe checking sir ji
i remembered, u had this problem when u came here first time @osimerpothe
@AshuKumar in android studio
have you followed the steps provided in the SDK documentation, section "Java samples compilation", to compile the sample? @osimerpothe
in drwable folder
@Sarah switch to project mode
then right click on res
and click new directory
and name drawalbe-mdpi
and so on
lol thank kid
I am trying to convert desktop application to web project
@Sarah btw how old you are?
you are the one who is kid
why not u just paste the directory which u got from website int project src-> res folder @Sarah
i did thanks
@Sarah wake up sunshine
Tim how are u
youtube.com/watch?v=EgT_us6AsDg <-- signing for me @ankitagrawal
@osimerpothe ccan u plese tell when u go this error ?
not sure
but I want to go back to bed
request sent again @ankitagrawal
When I am trying to run servlet , I am getting this error .
@TimCastelijns hehe
with my family running for 30 min
i see
ignored my msg @Sarah
walking for 1 hours then take a shower
Hi all! Is there any way to redirect to a particular activity from browser url scheme?
I ignored all your msg lol
@osimerpothe did you imported all required jar
I am getting this error when start android studio
'tools.jar' seems to be not in Studio classpath.Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE.
can anybody help me ?
@KetanAhir can u please check JAVA_HOME is pointing to JDK path in system
@TheLittleNaruto i mean if Class triangle implements shape{} and i i can assign that shape=new traiangle() that way right ?
@AshuKumar Ok. Let me check.
@AshuKumar how can i set that pic in my menu.xml
@ankitagrawal there?
i got error
Anyone knows how to clear notification of an application without opening the application (by clicking on action button in notification) ?
android:title="Right Side Menu"
Q: Instead of pendingIntent, execute function in Notification.addAction() . Is it possible?

AseedUsmaniI want a method to be executed when I press a button on my notification. For that purpose I am adding an action with a PendingIntent to my notification: Intent intent = new Intent(context, AlertActivity.class); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, 0); Noti...

it gave me error on this line android:icon="@drawable/actionbar_icon_ic_menu"
android:title="" />
icon is present in drawable folder ?@Sarah
@TheLittleNaruto http://hastebin.com/ugulapacuy.axapta just consider Shape as ViewParet and Triangle ViewGroup and MyCLass ListView
and in what case it throw cce
no it is in generated folder
@ParthaChakraborty do not know
Help me with notificaions?
then it must work
i mean drawable-xxxhdpi ..
but the icon is not in main folder
did you fresh the project ?
@AshuKumar , please help me
i removed
should i have to past icon on main folder
@osimerpothe i m gatting details aboout ur error
i mean drawable folder not in drawable-xxhdpi series folder
no need, mine is working
directory sturecure must be like this
res-> drawable
res-> drawable x
res-> drawable xx
Why not use vector
@TimCastelijns vector
we need to create vector image then
@Sarah k then i will ignore you too
@AshuKumar yes
@TimCastelijns what did u mean
@ankitagrawal i want to talk with you about project cost:
how much be project cost that have barcode and NFC scanner and have 15-18 pages
based on web services
It's OK. @AshuKumar :)
@TimCastelijns vector has memory consumption issues on pre lollipop
Download Process Explorer (http://download.sysinternals.com/files/ProcessExplorer.zip) and check if dlls are loaded from correct directory. Also check if Neurotec_Biometric_4_4_SDK\Bin\Win32_x86\FScanners\NdmDigitalPersonaUareU\NdmDigitalPersonaUareU.dll is laoded.
@osimerpothe ^
wait a sec
@AshuKumar , Where to load NdmDigitalPersonaUareU.dll ?
sorry , do not know @osimerpothe
@ankitagrawal I don't care lol I don't develop for pre lollipop
people need to upgrade their phones already
@TimCastelijns lol
i do develop for 2.3 gingerbread so i care
i develop 3.0 and above
but new apps i have now 4.0+
@TheNightKing Yes right.
@TimCastelijns yes
@ankitagrawal ?
@MukeshRana Got the image. Thanks
@TheLittleNaruto ????
35 mins ago, by ankit agrawal
@TheLittleNaruto :(
@TheLittleNaruto i said you something you didnt reply
how can linearlayout be casted to listview please explain me @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto why lol?
I am not sure if it should be even a question
You should know better
The project completely mix up should i have to do 9patch on all pic
@TheLittleNaruto yes that is what i told
that it will throw cce
but nobody listens to me
I listen
so i asking if reverse is possible then how
don't cry kid
@Sarah please keep out of this discussion kid
@TheLittleNaruto ^^
@ankitagrawal As Linear Layout is not the super class of List view it would throw CCE . ListView is a subclass of AdapterView. LinearLayout on the other hand ViewGroup
@RaajaSN absolutely my point
that is what i am trying to say the whole time
but nobody listens
@ankitagrawal you are always correct :)
@RaajaSN me being correct is not the point here
i can be wrong
nobody is perfect
Ha ha ok.. I accept
i am no java expert
i did directly android
YOu don't need to be a java expert.. Its just basic polymorphism
so there are things of java i dont know about
you can learn it in internet
Java is vast
yeah i know
thenightking knows java better than me
@RaajaSN you mean inheritance
Good to know.. you can be an expert too... OCA and OCP books teach you very welll
and i mean polymorphism...
@TheLittleNaruto ok
also inheritence
inheritance is required there @RaajaSN
yes it does. But the behavioral trait is called Polymorphism..
in Java inheritence.... in general Polymorphism
they are not the same
lol true
ha ha I agree.... I just stated it clearly...
in general polymorphism.. an object to take on different forms
I want to connect android app to sql server database, my question if I  depend  on windows authentication only on sql server how the code could be?     ConnectionURL = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://" + server + ";"
                        + "databaseName=" + database + ";user=" + user
                        + ";password=" + password + ";";
class ListView extends AdapterView is just inheritance, no polymorphism there
@TheLittleNaruto you can cast linearLayout to viewParent ?
and did i told you can cast listView to linearLayout
maybe implicitly
If you cast the AdapterView (if it is not Abstract class for sake) to list view reference or point a listview using adapter view reference...there is polymorphism there
As i stated Inheritence in java. you cannot achieve Polymorphic behavior without inheritence
but that doesn't mean that if a class inherits from another class that it is automatically polymorphic
then there would be no difference
that is also true
Class inheriting from another class has every methods (not private) and many things from another class. the inheriting class has all the methods and method of its own in address space. So it is ready for Polymorphism
dlls should be placed in the path, which would be accessed by your application. You can i.e. add the path to dlls into System environmental variable PATH (restart the machine after that). So all application would be able to access them. Either you need to copy dlls into working folder of your application.
Where should I place dll file ?
As i stated polymorphism is just a behavior ... achecived by inheritence
:(:( :(
@TheNightKing lol No
Man! You guys took the conversation somewhere else.
haahah @TheLittleNaruto :D
I am not sure what to reply to whom.
is your problem solved ?
And nobody is stick at my problem.
and conversation is till on going....
I was just saying viewpager is interface
ViewPager ? OMFG
i really do not know what is your problem so i cannot help you :( @TheLittleNaruto
@AshuKumar , they replied me following ;
Now I am hopeless
dlls should be placed in the path, which would be accessed by your application. You can i.e. add the path to dlls into System environmental variable PATH (restart the machine after that). So all application would be able to access them. Either you need to copy dlls into working folder of your application.
Fuck mobile
What does this means ?
View parent *
@TheLittleNaruto i got solutio of one problem after 2 days, so do not hopless
@AshuKumar , they replied me following ; where is replay @osimerpothe
dlls should be placed in the path, which would be accessed by your application. You can i.e. add the path to dlls into System environmental variable PATH (restart the machine after that). So all application would be able to access them. Either you need to copy dlls into working folder of your application.
@RaajaSN I think we both know what polymorphism means, probably just miscommunication trying to explain it lol
@TimCastelijns wer r u from?
Yes you are an expert... I am not.. But we know polymorphism better
Thats it
Oh How is the opportunities as Android Developers in Netherlands
Im not an expert
There must be some way to get the parent in bindView
Opportunities are good, IT has many job openings. I have a job already but sometimes people approach me like "pls come work for me"
I can think of a workaround.
@TheLittleNaruto last question what view.getParent() return
Then you should agree you are skilled @TimCastelijns :)
@TheNightKing Ideally it should return ViewParent , but for me it's returning null
@TheLittleNaruto i mena class
I wouldn't say that lol. I know my way around in android, but there are more things that I do not know than things that I do
ye ViewParent is interface which is implemented ViewGroup
Now I understood
and it is not sure it going to return ListVIew
Everyone Does @TimCastelijns .... And the Docs come for rescue...
what were you trying to say
Should I make a class level variable to get the parent ?
because the only way I can get it from newView
So if there will be a class level variable I can use anywhere in the class
@TheLittleNaruto you are using custom adapter for cursor adapter
why are not using ViewBinder
See, i am very restricted to use of any resources
there we have an abstract cursor adapter class
we're extending it
I can not just pick any API and can use it. That's the problem.
@TheLittleNaruto can you can ViewGroup group=(ViewGroup)view.getPrent()
is null or not
Let me check
if that is not null find out its child has listview or not
@AshuKumar , I am loading dll by the following code :
But I am getting following exception
\javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
root cause

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\Sultan\Documents\NetBeansProjects\VerifyFace\src\target\classes\NBiometricClient.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
@osimerpothe use .so file
@TheNightKing Ok checking...
brother i did work with dll in Visual Basic .net Language not in java, so not sure how it actually working @osimerpothe
I do not have .so file
@TheNightKing It's null
@TheLittleNaruto can i suggest a simpler solution
@ankitagrawal Do tell
it might need some refactoring in code
@TheLittleNaruto ok
use a baseAdapter
Also @TheNightKing I am using CheckableLinearlayout as root layout of item's row. Just in case if you need that info
and pass a cursor to it
that way you have your position
9 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
See, i am very restricted to use of any resources
I am not allowed to do so.
ohh i see
@TheLittleNaruto is there any instance of that
ok so far what you have tried please do tell
@TheNightKing Yes there is
@TheLittleNaruto then use that
But it's not updating when i call setChecked
@TheLittleNaruto notify you adapter and update to database
@TheLittleNaruto show your newView code
@TheNightKing notify ?
Why to notify ?
It should show checked state if any item is checked.
!!fuck you, where is caprica
at first launch
@ankitagrawal Well I'll try to gist
@TheLittleNaruto in CheckableLinearlayout there is toggle method use that
/8ball did you kill caprica?
@Hans1984 Ask again later
@Hans1984 lol
@TheNightKing ok
wait will be back

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