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kicks @TheLittleNaruto in his butt
fractures it
@DroidDev just finished watching episode 7 from GoT season 6
kicks @DroidDev is his nuts
break his ribs
@TheLittleNaruto episode 7 was way boring
true I wont deny that
8 9 and 10 are going to be good
btw @TheLittleNaruto whats with kick in the butt slogan
This has been my favourite GoT season in the past few years
@ballBreaker lol
what is ballbreaker?
The other ones were really stupid because it was like .... episodes 1-7 were super slow and boring
then 8,9,10 were insane and kept you waiting till the next season... to be bored again by the first half
Was just stupid
Hi all
cats cats cats!
good cat!@FranciscoMelicias
good night cats :3
catnight @Hans1984
@TheLittleNaruto three more weeks to go
@ankitagrawal ouch ouch ouch ouch
lol @DroidDev
yeah 3 weeks
dies from kick in the nuts
comes back as ghost
cersei just die already
slaps @ankitagrawal on his butt
with a bat
bat has inverted nails on it
pretend and haunt droidDev by becoming a ghost
droidDev runs on his ass
I am already a ghost, lol
cersei you whore
just die already
arya wtf are you doing girl just kill already
lol, don't bring spoilers here
@DroidDev no spoilers
looks at soon to be removed messages
this things i wish should happen
by an RO
somebody could flag as offensive
manybody :P
posted on June 08, 2016 by The Scripting Guys

Summary: Use the Azure Resource Manager cmdlets to alter the current active subscription in use. I have about a dozen different subscriptions in my Azure Resource Manager account. How can I change it from the default one to one of my others? You can do this very task by using the Select-AzureRMSubscription cmdlet and providing... Read more

@DroidDev there are no spoilers in that
@ankitagrawal yea, got it ;)
i seriously wish she should die
and sansa
i hate both
half of my interest in GoT is because of nudity ^-^ cc @TheLittleNaruto @berserk
mine is becoz of story
currently trying to find if I can hide any menu icon of app from android menu
menu icon?
app icons in menu
I am trying to find how can I hide any app's icon in menu of android
that is easy
in launcher you mean?
no, I guess I'll have to hide in default launcher
not in my own launcher (if that's the way)
btw, yea, in launcher
I have to hide menu icons in launcher
that is easy then
really? how?
wait i will share code
3 line code only
i have done it one of my apps
cool man! Thanks. I am so glad I asked, otherwise, I'd have spent an hour searching this
public static void hideAppIcon(Activity context){
PackageManager p = context.getPackageManager();
ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(context,MainActivity.class); // activity which is first time open in manifiest file which is declare as <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
p.setComponentEnabledSetting(componentName, PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);
use this
in your app you want to hide
and replace mainactvity
no man, I want to hide menu icon of "any" app, that I want
not my own app's
by your launcher activity class
you can hide any app
it has to be like this > user selects apps from a list, and my app will hide those apps from menu
and pass that in that method
use querylaunchingactivity to get activity name
hmm....let me try, though it will take some time. I am sleepy as hell and its nearly 1 am, but I still gotta work
though, thanks for help man!
.queryIntentActivities(mainIntent, 0)
use this to get all activities list
ok, I will try this out
and this get to activityname
and then pass acitivity name to that method
and disable it
hell yeah
what do you guys think about this: there is an app from the france government which crashes on start, I just took 15 minutes to debug the closed source app what they did wrong including a workaround for their devs
if you want i will do it complete example for you
@ankitagrawal naa man! That's more than enough. many thanks!
@rekire you are GOD
@DroidDev thanks for the idea
i will make an app like that and publish on app store
i got a fabulous idea becoz of that
I wrote the workaround in a (play store) review of the app. I guess that is appropriate isn't it :D
where @rekire?
@ankitagrawal glad to know it helped you
@DroidDev client app?
@ankitagrawal in the play store where every user can write a review aka rating^^
anyway that approach has one fault possible a security exception
@ankitagrawal no, just a prototype for now. Will see if it evolves into something
@rekire but there are thousand i wanted to see yours
wow 5 - 10 installs
and 523 reviews
i see
@TheNightKing awake at night lol
!! @TheNightKing
You are going to die soon @TheNightKing
caprica hates you @TheNightKing
you must have done something with her
that's kill me now if you are keep saying
after @TheNightKing death only rahul will come back
why did they delete your account premanantly?
Just like that
i am just kidding buddy chill about the death thing becoz its fun
btw what you doing @TheNightKing?
nothing just reading something
Hi sarah
@Sarah kid hey
@TheNightKing teach us somethings also guru
also see the constraint layout @TheNightKing
Lol i really don't like the android
how are thing with u
it's not stable
yeah @TheNightKing
but you are android dev right?
@rekire are u agree with @TheNightKing
@TheNightKing so i guess deal with it
doing that only
@Sarah what do you mean?
he said that android is not stable
is it right
no he is not
@TheNightKing what is you idea
just if you just use only samsung devices you can get this impression
@TheNightKing lol
@TheNightKing come into the ring
@Sarah idea about what
you said android is not stable
two ways: 1) apologize from android 2) prove your idea
yeah it is not every day you get the new think in android
which you even doesn't know that
then android is not stable
now @TheNightKing become win :D
can anyone help me with this problem
i think runtime permission should from day one not in 23
@Sarah some where you written Log.d
what do u mean
@TheNightKing yeah
something like that
that is null
@Sarah you send something null to println or log command
datasource code?
Log.d("PRoblem",e.getMessage()); this is null
Log.d("PRoblem","Error ");
lol right i missed the catch clause
that's on 28
it doesn't have problem i used several times
exception in exception lol
i always problem with that
even in java
@Sarah might be that Throwable does not have a detailed message.
that why it's return the null
yes now i see the code it return null
getmessage is null!!!
that is why i dont use message never
should have to use it like this Log.d("PRoblem","error is: "+e.getMessage().toString());
what do you use instead
you know i'm trying to retrieve info from my database from yesterday night
i m always getting this error
even that's NPE
What is NPE
Null pointer exception :p
my data source
it doesn't run the sql statment
the problem is on query method
this line
Cursor cursor=database.query("food",SQLiteDbHelper.ALLCOLUMNS,null,null,null,null,null)‌​;
it doesn't have any problem!!
can you print cursor.getCount() that
let me to try
i don't think so because the problem run exactly on query method
and this is my helper class
cursor.getCount() just check out that if it is fail then it return null
@Sarahv do you have a food table?
in fact the query doesn't run!!
@ankitagrawal what do you mean
you have given food as table name to query
oh my god i thought you mean table in the kitchen lol
@Sarah where are initializing this database
i past the database into the asset folder
why the heck i will ask that @Sarah
SQLiteDatabase database;
that one
it not initialize
nope that's not i'm 100% sure
im initializing it in main activiy
not data source
DataSource open this class
check for this object
that is null
DataSource.java:36 NPE error @Sarah
is this line
Cursor cursor=database.query("food",SQLiteDbHelper.ALLCOLUMNS,null,null,null,null,null)‌​;
the 36th line of datasourc.java
database this object is null
that why it throws NPE
should i have to initialize the database object lije this
database=new SQLiteDatabase();
not like that
database=dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); you can initialize that way
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu‌​uuuuuuuu
millionnnnnnnnnnnn kissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssszszzzzzzzzzzzz
can we all just drop the dbHelper stuff and move to Realm already?
android is unstableeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
what is Realm
Try it and love it
they released 1.0 just a couple of weeks ago
Object relation
it is just like Hibernate
something like that
I wouldn't call it ORM tho :P
Oh orm
Object Rational model
he he
i know
but i still love content provider
nope, nuh uh, I got enough of that
you haven't use the cursor loader
@TheNightKing you mean content provider is better than what i just did
in different way it is better
in different way!!!
btw did you guys notice the android certificate provided by google?
i just see tutorialspoint.com/android/android_content_providers.htm tutorial, they use content provider and helper class togather
@Sarah like sharing managing data
I guess content loader and cursor are very good for that
I mean for the android cert
android certificate of courses or network stuff
ohh exam
this one ?
Nope. Google official one
There we need to register
@Sarah oops i miss that
np :)
should i have to change something if i want to use rawquery instead of query method
yes @Sarah
something like this
Cursor cursor=database.rawQuery("SELECT item FROM food,item WHERE food.food_id = item.food_id",null);
yeah something lik that
running error
and this is my error
no such table
and this line 38
Cursor cursor=database.rawQuery("SELECT item FROM food,item WHERE food.food_id = item.food_id",null);
i want to join two table base on the tutorial i follow it said if i want to use join, should have to use raw query
i see i am sleeping try searching if you couldnt find it i will help you tomorrow
@Sarah bye
thank u i'll do my best on it and if i couldn't do it, tomorrow i'll ask u again, thank you for your time
and have good night dear friend
np its 2:00 am here
it's 1:20 am here :D
@Sarah I have no idea about rawQuery
let me look at it.. because that doesn't look right
Q: rawQuery(query, selectionArgs)

sree_iphonedevI want to use select query for retrieving data from table. I have found, rawQuery(query, selectionArgs) method of SQLiteDatabase class to retrieve data. But I don't know how the "query" and "selectionArgs" should be passed to rawQuery method?

You look at this?
So I have a bunch of javac compile error logs in a text file. Is there any library that makes it easy to parse it, so I can easily get the filename, error and line number for each error?
It took me by surprise how many people are still using the cursor and dbhelper
Cursor cursor=database.rawQuery("SELECT item FROM food inner join item as item on food.food_id = item.food_id",null);
makes more sense to me
@DeanK what is your idea
If you have access to the database, you should just write the raw query there first and make sure it works..
It'll probably be something like what I had up there
Although I'm not exactly certain what you are even trying to do
"No such table as item"
So clearly the table item doesn't exist
let me to try table item alone
because when i use this code
Cursor cursor=database.query("food",SQLiteDbHelper.ALLCOLUMNS,null,null,null,null,null)‌​;
i got answer
@Sarah Like I said, make life easier and development time shorter by using an ORM?

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