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3 years later...
Hi i'm having problems trying to run a java program in linux, can I ask here?
I run a Linux (Xubuntu 16.04) so I may be able to help you.
replace the ';' with ':'; thats the path seperator on linux
thats the error i'm getting
Error: Could not find or load main class org.perception.Server
are you in the right directory?
When i replaced ; with :
How is best to show you my file structure?
give me paste bin of output from running 'ls -R'
sorry when i'm in correct directory I get this error pastebin.com/NwGyEMuX
are you sure you are including the right dirs in '-cp'?
try giving it absolute paths
check this ls -R
The main class is in org.perception
sorry bin.org.perception
where is the class 'com.rspserver.mvh.AuthService' located?
that is not needed
is there anything using it?
yes but that's not part of the problem, I need to be able to run Server.java which is the main class
yeah, but apparently somethings using it because of the JNI error
oh really
the "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/rspserver/mvh/AuthService"
can i delete this class or is it because of another file using it
you need to get the jar which com.rspserver.mvh.AuthService is in
and put it in a lib dir
is this the main issue?
Im just turning on my dev pc now to check it out
Should we start a private chat?
6 hours later…
!! kick @TheLittleNaruto
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
!! kick @TheNightKing
!! kick @berserk
2 hours later…
:D ohh god!
Caty boy :D:)
Seems like the caty boy was innocent
1 hour later…
@TheLittleNaruto gm big bro
@TheLittleNaruto hi
is anyone there
hi sis
hi dear
do you know how can i change navigationview icon direction
from left to right
provide another icon that is facing the other side
1 hour later…
@neferpitou gm lil' bro :)
@Sarah hi
Any boday there ?
@WeirdNerd me
In the content provider's query method(), i.e table 2 of this link,

I was not able to understand this line
"(No exact equivalent. Selection arguments replace ? placeholders in the selection clause.)"

Selection arguments replace what placeholders in the where clause of the selection clause ?

What is being replaced by what ?
whats up @TheLittleNaruto
@WeirdNerd i have not used content provider yet.
Oh ok thanks for the reply
and i am doing something else.
Fine not a prob..Let me wait if someone is able to answer that
@Shubham Working on something. You say ?
just came here to say Hi
Will you able to answer that ? @TheLittleNaruto
Hello there
nothing as such rooting my device to change android_id to get 40% off @TheLittleNaruto
hello @betarunex
40% off in ?
@WeirdNerd Sure
@Shubham 40% off on changing android_id ?
i think most device use android_id for saving user identity
one app offer 40% to new user and i want to try rooting my device for fun and learn
Which device ?
@WeirdNerd Suppose your code is looking like this: query(YOUR_URI,PROJECTION_ARRAY, ID=? , new String[]{ID_VALUE},null);
So as you can see, the where clause has ID=?, and in next param has a String array with the give ID.
So basically that paceholder "?" will be replaced by the given ID value in the string array
That is what it means
@betarunex Hey
@WeirdNerd Got it ?
Ok so it will replace ID={ID_VALUE}
ok i also got it one is selection and other is selectionArgument and ? is placeholder like in prepared statement
Right kid
What if there are more values in the array ?
What do you mean ?
if new String[]{ID_VALUE, ID_STRING}
There should be more values only when you have more where clause elements
For example: query(YOUR_URI,PROJECTION_ARRAY, ID=? AND NAME=? , new String[]{ID_VALUE, NAME_VALUE},null);
Oh got it..
Have you worked with content providers before ? @TheLittleNaruto
Dead chat
@WeirdNerd yes
@Joe'sMorgue No
anyone here work with regex?
Nevermind. I'm sorted
anybody o9?
@ankitagrawal Hello there
whats up @betarunex?
@ankitagrawal Just coding a bit. yourself?
me too same
!! kick @TheLittleNaruto
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
/8ball wtf
@ankitagrawal Without a doubt
Uhm... hmmm...
!!8ball Is @ankitagrawal sick ?
@TheLittleNaruto Definitely
you asking 8ball or caprica
!! kick @TheLittleNaruto
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
Well.. whoever works..
/8ball is naruto gone crazy?
@ankitagrawal Yes definitely
watching a tutorial.
Not much...
I'm so tired. Waiting for my night mode mood to kick in right about now...
night mode mood?
@Joe'sMorgue I'm like permanently tired during the day. But at night, I start waking up properly. Then I can start learning and coding properly.
why is this Code throwing an nullpointer exception, there should be a locationManager object O.o
    LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) context.getSystemService(locService);

        Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider);
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
but I get "gps" Location Provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission
Hi every one Good evening!!!!
And I didn't Change any permission settings
please i need someone to help me with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/37575530/…
i have been on this mess for 2 month
and ibm are not helping
AHHHHH Android 6.0 is changing the way how permissions are working nice Google, gj
Question incoming.
I'm trying to setup a MenuBar for my application right now.
Didn't want to stuff it all in one file, so I made myself a subclass of JMenuBar for it.
However, how can I notify the main Panel that something's happened? I have two specific proposals I would like advice on:
1: Make menuBarItem's properties of the subclass. Then add ActionListeners in the main Panel after initialization (By accessing the properties and hooking it up there).
2: (Don't know if this works). Make an Interface for the menu, which the main panel must implement. Add ActionListener's upon initialization of the Menu which call interface methods.
I don't know how #2 works though. Do interface's allow broadcasting like that?
I think the second option is un-doable.
Actually no wait, it might work. I just need to keep a reference to the main Panel and then have the Menu object call it's protocol methods
@Joe'sMorgue hi
1 hour later…
3 decades later...
We still haven't invented flying cars...
I didn't do it!
@Sarah Hi
2 hours later…
@TheLittleNaruto Ping

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