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I wonder how much Google payed Adobe for that?
indeed, super agree....
sleeping lol, later
@neferpitou Command support learned
@neferpitou Adobe please make your products available to Linux and not in Chromebook!
@CapricaSix !!delete
Good morning guys
@UmerAsif Gm!
posted on June 03, 2016 by Cody Toombs

Google Maps is now accepting beta testers through the Play Store, and it's probably no coincidence that there's already an update to v9.27 to go along with the news. The latest version doesn't appear to have any mind-blowing features, but it's not without a few changes to be found on the screen and buried in the apk. There are new notification settings, a new splash screen for Android Wear,

OMG xfce has an Illuminati screensaver
tha frog?
You should not mention the name D: , Just say Confirm!
confirmed xD
Tobleron Confirm
what does 'haha' mean in an Internet context? is it sarcastic? does it actually express the feeling of being amused, as in 'lmao'?
its common in our country
1 sec, urbandictionarying it xD
quote urbandictionary:
A form of expressing laughter when oral expression is not available, like on the internet.
Hah - The person thinks a comment is mildly funny.

Haha - The person does not think the comment is funny, but acknowledges your attempt humor.

Hahaha - the person thinks the comment is funnier than average, or is just more enthusiastic than those who normally say haha.

Hahahaha - The person is just being excessive. Usually used to strengthen a friendship because an inside joke was just mentioned.

**Haha is almost never used to express actual laughter occuring. For those circumstances, rofl, lmao,
Its just depend on how u use it :3
Hey guys
I can't be on long, just stopping by to say hi.
Hey nefer!
How's school?
Studying a bit
I will be able to chat more on the weekend
Week days are to busy for me to chat much
@Majora320 I will be on chat more on the weekend
@LucasDryer Hello, world!
OK, ill probably be on saturday & sunday afternoon
I got to go finish my math soon
Yeah afternoons are good
what math is it?
Algebra 1
poorly phrased xD
High-school Algebra 1?
I just turned 15 in May
im considering switching to arch rn
i do that a lot
What is that?
the thing is arch has a lot less commercial support, so things like steam or skype may not work optimally
arch: arch linux archlinux.org
its a 'build-it-yourself' system
You are now officially a Linux Nazi :3
it starts with minimal packages
@neferpitou lol yeah :3
then you install stuff like graphical manager, drivers, etc
I got to finish some math real quick so be back on the weekend!😊
ok see yah! :)
cya then :)
2 hours later…
GM All
Gm all :)
@Hans1984 GM
@AshuKumar Good Morning :D
Good Morning Guys :)
GM guys
@Sarah yes
hey cats
hope u r fyn
game of thrones episode 7
@TheNightKing hey
just die already cersei
@TheNightKing ????
@ankitagrawal TheLittleNaruto is afk.
!! kick @TheLittleNaruto
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
@ankitagrawal tommorow
sunday or saturady?
i thought it released on sunday right?
don't know
so what you doing intelligent guy @TheNightKing
and i'm lazy guy
i see great
programmers are lazy anyways
@HitMan lol
@ankitagrawal o/
Good Morning Guys :)
@TheLittleNaruto gm big bro :3
@neferpitou gm lil' bro
@ankitagrawal hey
@TheLittleNaruto why didnt that stupid robot respond now?
it previously pinged that you were afk
once he chated, the AFK command will reset
i also want that command for me?
just use !!afk
!!afk I am afk
!! afk I am afk
10 hours ago, by TheLittleNaruto
stupid bot respond
remove your post fix
i see
@ankitagrawal test
you chatted XD
No it won't work
if i close this window
the bot will not notify u
will it work
Ping me right after I write afk
you need to leave the room
@TheLittleNaruto That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: afk
type !!afk then leave the room temporaryly
click leave room
@ankitagrawal test
ping me after
@neferpitou hey
No not working
bug I think
btw afk for real
@neferpitou is not a coder :3
yesterday i was played with CAT at Fruit Juice Shop and one lady came and said "WOW CAT"
not working
the heck
@neferpitou i will try leaving room again
why you didnt ping?
@TheLittleNaruto you need use amezon app
@TheNightKing Ohh right. Let me open it.
@TheNightKing Not getting any buy option
Still giving me Register Now option and when I clikc on it, it says you have already registered on 2nd June
yes i already register
you don't need to register you need to just buy it
@TheNightKing i also want for 1 RS
gm @SweetWisherツ mysterious
@TheNightKing I don't see buying option
@TheNightKing did you try new constraint layout
somebody give me a good tutorial on ConstraintLayout
I want a video tutorial :(
dont be greedy man @TheLittleNaruto
!! kick @TheLittleNaruto
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
@TheLittleNaruto are you sure you are using my account
@TheNightKing Sure I am
@TheLittleNaruto on mobile
@TheLittleNaruto i already got the option
@TheNightKing check WA
it to slow
on wifi i don't have access
i need a help
yes tell me
I'll try
i posted a question about constraint layout for you
and getting downvoting
since you asked a video tutorial
> Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
@ankitagrawal Sorry I casted a close vote XD
@ankitagrawal ^ be careful
lol you guys
@TheLittleNaruto not fair
@ankitagrawal Don't worry I retracted it. ;)
@Enzokie that is not opinion based
and i know the difference between opinion based and non opinion based
@ankitagrawal Im not saying its opinion base :/
question is specifically asking for step by step tutorial or video tutorial that is specific
not asking for a book
> Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial
Its a friendly reminder XD
i see @Enzokie
@TheLittleNaruto you got that link that pankaj kumar posted
hello all
I am getting the following error after migrating an eclipse project to android studio: Error:Execution failed for task ':appname:packageAllDebugClassesForMultiDex'.
> java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: com/google/android/gms/analytics/internal/Command.class. Can anyone help?
I am using the following dependencies: 1. compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:+' 2. compile files('libs/libGoogleAnalyticsServices.jar')
@ankitagrawal that's audio file
before that
!! kick @TheLittleNaruto
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
posted on June 03, 2016 by The Scripting Guys

Summary: Use PowerShell to retrieve Azure Resource Manager virtual machine properties. There’s one thing I couldn’t figure out that I really need your help on. Just how do you find the virtual network and network security group that a virtual machines (VM) uses? Honorary Scripting Guy, Sean Kearney, is here to take away that bit... Read more

@TheLittleNaruto you here
hey cats o/
just had a brutal 2h operation at the dentist
now at work :(
this gone be a fun day...not
@ankitagrawal Yeah now I am.
@Hans1984 <o-o> o/
o\ @Hans1984 cat
@TheLittleNaruto you got the link
man my mouth is numb af
they put a thousend syringes in it
Where are the cats anyway?
Maybe you look like your avatar atm.. ha ha ha
Well, stop eating chocolates and brush daily...
@Mohsen :)
lol @berserk
hi @Mohsen
hey fellas
Hello, i want to use a free backend service in my Android app for storing and increment a number but only anonymous authenticated users can do this, can i use Firebase on free plan or is there something simpler than that?

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