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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

Hello there.
@iamcreasy Hello! :3
It's too quiet down here today.
@Azazel Hello, world!
@eli Hello, world!
quick question
how can I navigate from an activity to a fragment
some context?
I have a viewpager
with 3 activities
* correction 3 fragments
I click on a fragment
go to an activity
I would like to go to the last fragment now
and reload it at the same time when I click the back hardware button
(doesn't know about android guis)
2 hours later…
vgm all
am getting error like this... Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.ArrayList.size()' on a null object reference.....please help me out
Gm all :)
GM all
Good Morning Guys :)
@MukeshRana VGM
@JaiprakashSoni VGM.. How are you bro?
Good morning guys
* I know this is ugly. My intention was to remove the Medication listener with a minimum code change from the PWindow#initFormPanel
* while removing the existing PFormPanel instance.
* Used in {@link PFormPanel#freeReferences()} and PWindow#initFormPanel
@MukeshRana I m good.. say about u
is this a good comment in a big company code base?
@JaiprakashSoni I am good too. How's it going these days?
@CrazyNinja haha... lol
@CrazyNinja It looks like I was to scary to refactor that correctly, please do that for me ^^
busy schedule...a lot of work is pending :(
@rekire absolutely. Because the existing code needs a big refactor, but now i don't have that much time left
is this a acceptable comment?
or will this make the next dev aggressive and me get killed by him?
In general no, but it really depends on the case. I mean I also know some classes which has a heavy impact on the app and needs to been refactored for a full sprint
@JaiprakashSoni haha.. common developer life :P
@CrazyNinja I do not know that other devs in your company^^ I hope you are safe there! However if it is a really hard task other will understand that. ask your product owner or scrum master to get some time for a real refactoring. Make it a little too scary to get the time to make it right.
@rekire my Team lead, told me, "It's ok. you don't need to refactor the whole thing. Because in near future these code anyway will be refactored. So, just leave a comment why you did in that way. Otherwise next dev will scold at you"
@CrazyNinja in that case just quote your team lead in the comment :P
Such important decisions needs to been documentated
and don't forget the date when he said that, that will be might be a huge fun in some years
However, my team lead review the code before it promote to the base line
@MukeshRana :P
@CrazyNinja That should be theoretically no issue since he has to keep promise
yeah. i guess
gm guys
anybody o9
hey @berserk berserker
what is my lol count @berserk?
!! kick @HitMan
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
!!kick @TheLittleNaruto
!!kick @TheNightKing
!! kick @TheLittleNaruto
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
There you go :)
man only 513
your is 1500
i am going to make the lol record yeah
lol, have fun
@berserk btw what you doing?
Working on a project.
Actually, 2 projects lol
man give one here rich guy
you interested in freelancing?
I used to do and now a good projects comes then i take it
but not big
since i dont have that much time
I just started freelancing 3 months ago.
i see great
then before that what you used to do?
hi all! has anyone imported an eclipse project in android studio?
yes @ParthaChakraborty
Error:Failed to complete Gradle execution.

Unable to start the daemon process.
This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.
For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.
Please refer to the user guide chapter on the daemon at https://docs.gradle.org/2.10/userguide/gradle_daemon.html
Please read the following process output to find out more:
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
i'm getting the following error. @ankitagrawal
can u plz help me?
you are giving too much heap space
lessen your heap space
how do i do that? @ankitagrawal
post your gradle file
post your application gradle file
this is app gradle file
@ankitagrawal, r u talking about this file? paste.ofcode.org/xGR9LyJZF3yvundVkJtcMC
!! y
so, wht do i need to do now, @ankitagrawal?
@ankitagrawal Was working for a company.
Good morning all :)
Guten Morgen :)
und se @berserk
sry wrong german
i know only one line in german that i learned in 8th standard
ish bin shubham und se @berserk
@berserk i see
hey @TheNightKing
!!kick @TheNightKing
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
@ParthaChakraborty your config seems alright
how much ram you have
@ankitagrawal, 8gb
@ankitagrawal, now i'm getting the following error: Error:(3) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.Button.Inverse'.
change your compilesdk to 23
@ankitagrawal, u mean this line? compileSdkVersion 'Google Inc.:Google APIs:22'
hi @TheLittleNaruto
!!kick @TheLittleNaruto
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
hey @TheLittleNaruto
@ParthaChakraborty yes
gradient not applying to linearlayout..... anybody have idea?
@ankitagrawal, ok. i'm downloading google api 23
posted on June 02, 2016 by The Scripting Guys

Summary: Find storage groups by using PowerShell. Could you lend me a hand? I’m trying to find properties, like the current storage group that a virtual machine uses, in Azure Resource Manager, and I’m having some difficulty. Honorary Scripting Guy, Sean Kearney, is here to get you the help that you need. Storage groups? No problem.... Read more

mytextView is not inflating in gridview..i am trying to display images with texts in gridview but i can able to inflating images but not texts..how to solve this problem....paste.ofcode.org/33CUCC4PaahTNgjecZRb5Wz
!!eval IV < V
Hi all,
Can anyone tell me how to inflate two different layout in custom list view.
I have tried but it's showing only one inflated layout.So plz help me.
Also, images are changing randomly.
@AshishJain your code seems to have correct logic
what is the issue
@Shubham Actually it's inflating only one layout not other one.
I tried to google it and found that I need to override getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount but don't know how to use that methods
Hi I am working with Android FaceDetector class
But it can not detect faces of distant image
Can you tell me what is the reason behind this ?
@ankitagrawal, even after downloading api 23 nothing happened
use appcompat 23.1.1 in gradle
@ParthaChakraborty , can you help me please ?
@AshishJain getItemViewType is the approach like i have done in recyler view for showing multiple views like list and grid view
@osimerpothe, actually i haven't worked with FaceDetector
this works for me @AshishJain stackoverflow.com/a/26245463/5028508
hey guys so I'm trying to add additional EditText's to my layout when a switch is on
but the error I'm having is that I can't reference a non-static method (inflate) from a static context
in which line? @ankitagrawal
@SamIbraheem change the method from static to non static
there aare lot of good link you can start with google.co.in/… @SamIbraheem
@Shubham but I'm implementing a listener, Here's my code: pastebin.com/1iUHT75g
use driverEditTextLayoutView=driverInflater.inflate(R.layout.driveredittext,parentLayout,false); instead of
@Shubham Thanks!!! the error is gone
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
@ankitagrawal , have you worked with facedetector ?
@osimerpothe no
Any other guyz working in facedetector ?
not me @osimerpothe
in gradle dependencies @ParthaChakraborty
@TheLittleNaruto the one plus one is book by your account or mine
@TheNightKing what is the one?
lol you edited it
you purchased one plus one rahul?
@TheLittleNaruto amazon.in/b/…
@ankitagrawal Long time ago
and you know @TheLittleNaruto personally @TheNightKing??
@ankitagrawal may be
what is maybe?
@TheNightKing I think my account. Let me check
HEY @TheLittleNaruto long time no see
@ankitagrawal Hey I am online forever.
the group is quite silent from few days
@TheLittleNaruto then you will get that VR
in one rupees
no messages from you @TheLittleNaruto
@TheNightKing wth! Wait already let me check
i want a good phone
@TheLittleNaruto i shared the link
@TheNightKing No it was your account, But CC was mine. Buy that for me.
@ankitagrawal Scroll up :)
@TheLittleNaruto ok le check
@TheLittleNaruto i saw that
hello friends
I need small help
I am calculating distance using lat , long values between two locations. I used geodatasource.com/developers/java this to calculate distance
I want return parameter in miles
@TheLittleNaruto if you want you can logged with my account
and purchase it
when i google the distance between two particular locations, the miles values is varying
i think shipping charge is applied
thanks @TheLittleNaruto for the link. btw i have conduct three placement inteview in my current company
can any one suggest me to calculate proper distance
which distance ?
guys recommend me a good company @Shubham @TheNightKing @TheLittleNaruto
lat long dist @TheNightKing
in lat long which dis
circular or
path distance
distance in km , meteres n miles
@ankitagrawal none
@TheNightKing Ok WA me your password
path i guess
@Shubham Wut? You ?
@TheNightKing lol
@TheLittleNaruto Same
@TheLittleNaruto yes seroiusly
@ankitagrawal For Pune, ThoughtWorks is highly recommended.
@TheNightKing Ok
@TheLittleNaruto thoughtwork has android dev?
@TheLittleNaruto dont forget to ping me when there is a good opportunity :) pls
yeah me too
@TheLittleNaruto don't use [email protected]
distance from chicago to 1622 N California Ave is 5.4miles as per google
@TheNightKing lol No I'll use King...
in my code I am getting 1.3miles
@Shubham Don't you worry.
wow @TheLittleNaruto
@ankitagrawal She had interviewed me and she failed me. :(
sorry 4.1
@TheLittleNaruto lol charmed failed you
@TheLittleNaruto you were distracted
@TheLittleNaruto it rhythm don't you worry child bob marley
@PavanAlapati use google distance api
@ankitagrawal :P
@Shubham Yeah lol
you must have gotten a good eyesore
Well... I have got red eyes
which feels like I drink always
@The Night thanks for the valuable suggestion
Which is not the truth
man you must be itachiuchiha then
@TheLittleNaruto that was sarcasm towards me i guess
man just forget that thing
@ankitagrawal lol you're now a big boy
anyway brb
@TheNightKing hotmail ?
big boy @TheLittleNaruto didnt get you?
@TheLittleNaruto yeah
hello everyone..can any one please help me out with this..suppose i have a,b,c activities...am coming from A to B and B to C..when i have came to C i need to repeat the C activity with dynamic values again and again with dynamic values..is it possible?
@ankitagrawal I meant you got the sarcasm.
@TheLittleNaruto You do not have permission to use the command live
@TheLittleNaruto That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!learn TheLittleNaruto "He is baby dev, Find more about him, here"
@TheLittleNaruto Command thelittlenaruto learned
@TheLittleNaruto He is baby dev, Find more about him, here
when did i didnt got your sarcasm @TheLittleNaruto
Forget that Man!
this too was sarcasm i suppose @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto btw i said your eyes werent red
it was for my roomate
But my eyes are. XD
and it is just that you look like him in that google plus photo
but in other photos you dont look like him one bit
lol Why are you taking it serious dude, I am just kidding lol
me too
I left it
I don't have time
i see :(
@LuminiousAndroid hi
hi cats o/
hi @Hans1984 CATTY CAT
anyone worked on openCV
Hi OneAndAll, Please help me out in creating translateAnimation
Q: Getting arraylist one by one using translateanimation after clicking button in single activity

NaveenI have two arrayList questions and options, am able show first line of the both arrayList. And I created one button, after clicking that button next line of the arrayList values should come on the same position which first line elements should be replaced, how can I achieve this with translateani...

hi guyz is there any attribute which apply click method to all the view it contain automatically
hey, anybody with some knowledge about gradle?
ok i want to generate a zip file with a folder classes, which contains all my generated classes, and a folder lib for my dependency jars
with jar
MISSING my CATS @neferpitou & @Hans1984
ohhh @Hans1984 is here :)
this generates the classes folder, by i don't know how to add lib
@HitMan Im doing something :), BTW Hi cat
I have a progressDialog which is called on click of a button, once all the code executed inside the click function the progressdialog is dismissed and new activity is started. But while dismissing, the ProgressDialog freezes and without dismissing the dialog box activity is started. How can i overcome this??
@ok @neferpitou my sweet cat
@Sarah Welcome to JAVA world
Hi @Sarah Welcome in Cats World :) @neferpitou @Hans1984 @ankitagrawal we are cats. :3
guys can anyone help me out ?
what is cats world
@SantonuBuragohain call dialog.cancel()
before starting the activity
@neferpitou @Hans1984 @ankitagrawal plz Explain to her...or anybody getting free then explain to her :3
@HitMan neferpitou is afk.
@TheNightKing That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Nope its same @TheNightKing
I'm following [this]( sitepoint.com/material-design-android-design-support-library ) to learn material design and get this error Error:(126, 12) error: DesignDemoPagerAdapter is not abstract and does not override abstract method getItem(int) in FragmentStatePagerAdapter
can anybody help me
this is my code
check your import in each class
import android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager;
import android.support.v4.app.Fragment;
should be like that
in every class
and should not be import android.app.FragmentManager;
but i used subclass
you mean inner class ?
i mean DesignDemoFragment is same class or in other
@Sarah import android.app.Fragment;
change this to
import android.support.v4.app.Fragment;
i used import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; instead of import android.app.Fragment; and error just gone
but still doesn't run it
what error now ?
Genymotion deosn't start yet by the why thanks alot
you were using getSupportFragmentManager() and android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
that why that error
that is for backward compatibility
just for info
backward compatibility
@TheNightKing yeah
/search backward compatibility
!!wiki Fragment
Fragment may refer to: == Entertainment == === Television and film === "Fragments" (Torchwood), an episode from the BBC TV series "Fragments", an episode from the Canadian TV series Sanctuary Fragments (film) (a.k.a. Winged Creatures), a 2009 film Fragments: Chronicle of a Vanishing, a 1991 Croatian film === Music === "Fragments", a song from Endless Wire (The Who album) Fragments (album), a 1987 album by jazz pianist Paul Bley Fragments, an album by the Danish singer Jakob Sveistrup Fragments (EP), an EP by Rapids! Fragments, an EP by Chipzel === Other === Fragments, a play by Edwa...
!!wiki android Fragment
In computer programming, fragmentation is when a combination of software and hardware do not provide a consistent, top-level experience for the vast majority of its user-base. The cause is when a finite combination of both software and hardware is made available to consumers. The cause of fragmentation can vary. Hardware developers say that fragmentation is caused by a loose guideline set for software developers. Software developers say that fragmentation is caused by a variety of versions of a particular operating system or environment, and hardware, creating an inconsistent ecosystem. == iOS... ==
@Sarah v4 fragments
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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