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@TheLittleNaruto I have no gender :(
lol you are male @neferpitou
I would beat the hell out of you XD
@TheLittleNaruto you have a sibling?
@ankitagrawal No I am single child
I have also a sis
i have a sis
Your sis is a good gal.
sadly yes
lol sadly
Why would you do that ?
Poor gal
Never felt any guilt :3
one thing i find interesting is
viewpager lags with manual swipe
while auto swipe works without lags
seen this happen?
The trust to your family would never be the same to a stranger!
1 min ago, by ankit agrawal
one thing i find interesting is
viewpager lags with manual swipe
while auto swipe works without lags
my answer ^
Ani-kun, Is that what you're researching on "Writing quotes"? >.>
lol @neferpitou
@TheLittleNaruto I do it already long time ago :3
you know coding @neferpitou please solve my issue then
@ankitagrawal If feelings was that easy, I could solved my beloved!
what is ani kun?
lol your quotes @neferpitou
ohh lol your real name @neferpitou ??
Not too near not too far, go seek and find the way into the labyrinth
so glad it's Friday
If it will just stop raining, tonight should turn out to be a pretty fun evening!
@blahfunk Cheers! Have some rum ;)
rum is <3
@blahfunk yeah best day of week
@TheLittleNaruto me and my dab pen is all I need :) That, and my job, and family, and my dog...
@TheLittleNaruto solved it
i mean found out the issue
now i have to solve it
16 weeks in that photo
I do this query in database and i do not know how to use it
select Max(Id) from ContactsInfo
i get result in cursor
what do you mean, you don't know how to use it? You just said you were using it? Do you mean you don't understand what it's saying?
i get result in cursor but i do not know what method of cursor class i must use to get the result
Then your issue is how to get the result, not that query, correct?
show your code where you are querying the db
not the query itself, but the java code you are using to query the db
Cursor cursorobj0=dbcommandsobj0.Select("select Max(Id) from ContactsInfo");
dbcommandobj0 return cursor object
problem is after this
what is that Select method?
public Cursor Select(String query)

dbh0 = new DataBaseHelper(_context);
SQLiteDatabase SQliteDatabaseObj=dbh0.getReadableDatabase();
catch(Exception ex)
Log.i("SelectError", ex.getMessage());
return cursorobj;
/me shrugs...
I don't normally access my db's that way. I use mssql and prepared statements
with a prepared statement, you get a resultset back and you then grab specific column names for each result
i test it again
@blahfunk hey
i am crying now
5 hours later…
OakBot Online.
2 hours later…
is anyone awake now :D
@rekire is it a good idea to create mobile layout with html and css
or we have better feature
sorry I mean android app layout

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