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01:00 - 13:0014:00 - 20:00

wow a mustache
:(){ :&;:;};:
i like the end
Anyone here use VirtualBox?
Anyone who experience being bothered by cat(s) during eating time?
Nope, my cat is 14 years old.
@Majora320 I have a question : Is Herobrine real?
ok majority of the ans is NO
I believe he was in a few beta versions
gtg bye
hello everyone
I need little help on my android app development if anyone is here
I am trying to make confirmation dialog for my delete button
just cannot make it
The issue is?
Since I am not extending from Activity class its complaining that builder cannot have "this"
from line 85 till the end, I am trying to add
use your context
which is AlbumAdapter?
replace 'this' with context
in your Dialog
honestly I am new to java, so what is my context in Dialog in the code?
Just think of it as global information of the APP
it holds so much data thats why most of the view needs to have access of it
I am sorry so in my code what could be the context that i can use for alert dialog builder? paste.ofcode.org/UvT6qjE565SmmF2qFq8JXD
change new AlertDialog.Builder(this) to new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
oh that simple :) let me run it
aha that did it, thanks :)
welcome :)
@good morning @neferpitou
and sorry for yesterday ;(
Good morning all .... :)
@AshuKumar gm :)
what happen yesterday?
how are you ?
Doing weird things :)
Hi me again, I have this piece of code: } catch (Exception e) {
this is most likely printing stacktrace to user
How can I just print custom message to user?
Log.e("error message","example error");
1 sec
I think you mean show to the user?
or you use toast
You need to have a view in the screen like TextView
or yeah a Toast is straightforward :)
yeah to user, usually this app is buggy and might act up, if you close and reopen might go away, so just wanna tell that to user, rather than stacktrace
let me check toast
Here I am getting items from the album: TextView tvTitle = (TextView)toolbar.findViewById(R.id.tv_album_title);
tvTitle.setText(albumModel.getCategory() + "/" + albumModel.getAlbum());
Albums have underscores in their names, I would like to remove it
i placed albumModel.getAlbum().replace("_", " ");
but did not work, am I looking wrong place?
by the way whole code is here: paste.ofcode.org/GBYQzfiSGcFbUAZzjucPd9
what specific error you're getting?
sorry Im having issue chatting in phone... too small text
I am not getting any error, just album names are not displaying without _ underscores
Actual album names have underscores from api
i just wanted to clean up
I cannot reproduce the issue but try albumModel.getAlbum().replace("_", " ").toString()
lunch time :)
thanks, I will check that if cannot find will investigate more
is getAlbum() returns an Object or String?
or can you post your AlbumModel.java @bekz?
Ok when you use .replace() what are the only things that is visible in your TextView?
oldChar, newChar
inside the () right or you mean other options? there is replace all option
I mean what are the text in your TextView
is it null?
oh no they are just displaying as they were
for ex: Name_album
tvTitle.setText(albumModel.getCategory() + "/" + albumModel.getAlbum().replace("_", " ");
when I did that, nothing is changing :)
have tried toString();
did that too no change
kinda weird, do you have teamviewer?
Can I connect to your PC so that I can see?
you can delete it now
is that the line that displays in the front page array?
Can you undo
I accidentally press ctrl +z
see the history
oh lost it :)
can you share the code here, i have lost it
its saying meeting taken place , i think we need new one
can you create?
delete now
is it on my side or yours?
Q: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000014 (code=1), thread 15566

osimer potheI am trying to add buddy in CSipSimple by the following code . public int addBuddy(String buddyUri) throws SameThreadException { created = true ; if (!created) { return -1; } int[] p_buddy_id = new int[1]; pjsua.start(); pjsua_buddy_c...

Hi Guyz , please help me with this questions .
Please help me
@neferpitou , please help me
Hi, Sorry, I am do not know the answer
but @neferpitou was a pro and helped me as well
@BekzotAsimov I am a noob
@neferpitou , PLease help me
@osimerpothe I encounter that issue when allocating memory more than the device have
But I am not allocating memory
are you usng lib?
maybe it has something to do with your library implementation
I'm not familiar with your library sorry
What should I do ?
I am using some .so file
have you tried testing it in actual device and emulator?
I have tested it in actual device .
It could also be some memory leak issue
when you forgot to close or destroy the object while you no longer needs it
@neferpitou if you are a noob, then i am noone here :)
I am really a newbie :)
Good Morning Guys :)
@TheLittleNaruto ohayou :D
@neferpitou Ohayou Gozaimas :)
posted on March 27, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Feeds hahaha
Donald Trump commented lol @Feeds
lol his ISIS agent has commented
Glares at @nef
Someone give a review of this movie: "The Brothers Grimsby"
hi @ShadowWizard :3
@TheLittleNaruto never seen yet :(
@neferpitou :(
imdb is giving 6.7/10
That's me. :P
haha yeah :3
Girls typically do it
These days, boys started doing the same thing
*I am a man.
People cant eat without taking picture(s) :3
Well I scoulded my sister once because of that. (For taking pictures)
@TheLittleNaruto true :3
@neferpitou Don't scold her. She is just a gal like others. That's completely natural for her.
well, well, well
good afternoon all
long time no see TheLittleNaruto :D
Hey Peter
How is your gf ?
She is fine :D
How are you doing Naruto
@TheLittleNaruto soo deep O:
@neferpitou the link did work for me. Anyway here's the link to the drive drive.google.com/file/d/0B8VCSo3ufWIUc2w1cEdKaTUwb3c/…
@PeterTang I am good!
@Raghunandan done downloading :)
@neferpitou yeah so deep
It was my internet issue
@Raghunandan the Chapter 7 interest me me , I think thats page 244
@neferpitou i haven't gone through the entire pdf. Yeah book seems to be useful.
I usually read the chapter before reading the entire book.
I skip those part where I am familiar with and proceed to those new stuff, it saves time and learn much faster :3
hmm. i do the same. reverse engineering topic is pretty cool
1 hour later…
nothing is here
nothing is here
For those who really loves someone ^
cc @DroidDev
Wow! That last 55 seconds!
cheezy/cheesy - when 2 guys hugs together ;3
cheesy is our term (jargon) for - "they have something"
nothing is here
Cheezy: Anything low quality or substandard. Usually used to describe cheap goods or bad, low-budget movies.
Nah , its not :)
nevermind that :3
I'm not a fan of instruments. Except for 1 song done on guitar. That still sounds pretty good though
Q: How can i clear localstorage when i update apps from playstore?

ragii have made one andriod mobile application using angular and ionic .i have already uploded in playstore which is running in 1.0 version. now i am going to update my app in playstore. when user give update localstoragre need to be clean .any one help me out to move forward. I want to clear local...

@Arunex :3
how the hell is he playing that intro?
I mean, what is he doing exactly.
@berserk He's being awesome. That's all there is to it :P. That's why this is one of the few instrumental's I actually like
yeah, he is playing great.
@berserk I want to buy one Guitar :/
lol, told ya that day
I chose wrong gift!
I should have asked for Guitar only.
I have a php file for which am creating volley request. The link is working fine. But out of 10 times, 9 times, it's going inside onErrorResponse
can someone please help me :'(
@Arunex that is Guitar lamp, Isn't it? @berserk
what is the error?
@TheLittleNaruto Dunno, what is a lamp guitar.
24575-24575/town.spiritup.chezmoi E/tryInflate﹕ Error: null
@driftking9987 Don't cry kid! Just Don't cry!
uhhh... if it is, then yes.
response code?
@berserk Recommend one Guitar I should buy! ( Should be in my budget! )
And classical or acoustic?
No idea!
You suggest
If I could earn $3000 a month, I'd be so happy :)
@berserk It's INR not $
@Arunex So would I
India's national rate?
@Arunex Indian Rupees
India's Currency Unit
Heh. I got the india part right
heh Right
@Arunex umm.. I used to earn $500 per month in job which I just quit.
@Arunex lol Listening it.. 5th times already
@berserk, how can I get the response code?
@TheLittleNaruto lol. it's good right?
            public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Error: " + error.getMessage());

                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext().getApplicationContext(), "Internet Issue", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

@driftking9987 Never used volley, check there must be something.
error.getResponseCode() something like that
I used to have a job that paid $10 an hour. that was epic for a student
lemme try.
@Arunex Damn good! I like the way it starts and constantly goes on.
@berserk DIdn't understand :/
That guitar.
Yamaha c90
@TheLittleNaruto It's so soothing. The only guitar video where I'm actually impressed by the guitarist.
@Arunex True that! ^
@berserk & cost ?
I'm in trouble....
I'll buy it once I'll be back to Mumbai
It actually reminds me of the soundtrack from esf (dbz mod for half life 1)
@Joe'sMorgue What happened ?
I went and checked something in BIOS on my main computer...
@Arunex I am sorry but I am going to add it to my playlist ^^
I don't remember the password on the user account, and there's only one
@Arunex Have you tried zeq2?
@Joe'sMorgue gg
@Joe'sMorgue Ah!
Try remembering it!
System.out.println("network Response is : "+error.networkResponse );
it's null
I've tried everything...
@berserk Never heard of it
Normally, it logs in automatically, but I changed it because I was working on something...
@Joe'sMorgue Try all possible passwords you can set
A: Http Status Code in Android Volley when error.networkResponse is null

David Manpearl401 Not Supported by Volley It turns out that it is impossible to guarantee that error.networkResponse is non-null without modifying Google Volley code because of a bug in Volley that throws the Exception NoConnectionError for Http Status Code 401 (HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) in BasicNetwork.jav...

What this statement do? super.onPostExecute(arg);
Already have
I am looking into that link only. but it's not really useful :/
you are looking for getErrorStream
It returns the input stream when an error is thrown by server (by design)
In php you need to do some exception handling and return some network response
eg. {err: "lol"}
well then why it's working 1 out of 10 times? It's shouldnt work at all.
It might a server issue
Im guessing your server is refusing connection after consecutive counts
it is like a firewall invocation or something.....
@JEREEF It calls base class's onPostExecute(arg)
(cant really tell)
@berserk Remind me to buy that one when I'll be back to Mumbai
thanks for the input. i'll debug it now
@TheLittleNaruto Aye sir!
@berserk Sir?? Am I that old? ( In @Joe's Accent )
@Berserk YEAH!
hello everyone
hi @neferpitou how are you doing?
@BekzotAsimov watching youtube streams :3
nice, I implemented toast for custom error messages and its working great, thanks
Someone kick me, so that I can work instead of fooling around.
berserk, no kicking :)
HEY! No profanity in here!
I have this app not working without internet anymore (@neferpitou yesterday's app) github.com/bazimov/android_marshmallow/blob/master/app/src/main/…
@berserk remember my message with 3 (supposedly 2) letters ;)
@neferpitou you mean ":3"?
C'mon guys, I allow you to kick me, go ahead.
@BekzotAsimov your app is dependent to the internet :)
on line 93 I have implemented to actually invalidate cache and then bam fixed the bug, but not working without internet (it might sound awkward, but yes no internet)
there was a bug that app would not call for the api after the first call. so whenever api is changed it would not get new data
Got it!
@BekzotAsimov before you build that app you must build a usecase first.... and no to coding yet
on buggy version it was working without internet coz it was not calling api and using the cached data even with internet
USECASE first before coding ;)
1.) Identify the Requirements
slaps my face Time to work, no fooling around.
ah mean working example
Excuse me.
2.) Ask the stakeholder
hello , can any one help me with this question please stackoverflow.com/questions/36200458/…
3.) Do the design
4.) Coding time
5.) Beta testing
@neferpitou ah so my users are in third world country :) so they do not have internet all the time, and mp3 is in downloaded, I want to allow them if there is network error, so they can go and listen to their downloaded tracks
can you pls look into this
Q: how to set proxy for web view android 5 and higher

mindi am trying to set a proxy on a webview level , found issue with android 5. from the post WebView android proxy i adapted the solution from Jimmy Dee. this works great with all lower device such as 4.2 but its throw the error on android 5 and up. "Using no proxy configuration due to exceptio...

@neferpitou I do not often test my code but when I do I do it in production lol :) that is a line from a joke, but honestly I do that :)
You can use BroadcastReciever to detect if internet connection is available.
that means dowload time
@neferpitou : can you pls help me
@mind I am not exactly familiar with the issue sorry :(
OK thanks for response.
I am thinking of putting if statement, if network then invalidate cache
01:00 - 13:0014:00 - 20:00

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