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03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

Hi there
@Aditya what ^_^
GoOod MoRning all
Good Morning Guys :)
@SmithStella Hey long time!
@TheLittleNaruto hey baby-sensai gm
@TheFlash vgm
GM all
@TheLittleNaruto how r u
@JaiprakashSoni vgm I am good. how are you ?
good too.. I hv joined new comp
@JaiprakashSoni which company
@TheFlash its jaipur based started comp
@TheFlash It's in Jaipur
@TheLittleNaruto one of my college is facing that error
@JaiprakashSoni I asked for TEAM Viewer access yesterday i.e. TV
@TheLittleNaruto haha I was thinking of Android TV
hehe I knew that you misunderstood it.
I will talk to him for TV once he will here
@JaiprakashSoni cool
@TheLittleNaruto okay
Looks like no body understood the joke above ^
Alright here is another
@TheLittleNaruto haa haa
@TheLittleNaruto LOL
@TheLittleNaruto he hv TV 8
@JaiprakashSoni That is okay
I'll access from my mobile
ok.. I will send u TV id in whats app
paste it here and delete
@jai I think he has closed it.
Good Morning all
Update @rhe
@TheLittleNaruto 4701
this is new pass
tv was disconnected
@TheLittleNaruto it seems like the problem is solved
@JaiprakashSoni Again he has closed
I hv changed JDK from 1.8 to 1.7
and then resart AS with invalidating its cache
Good morning guys
@rekire vgm
The mobile chat seems to been published
A: Android Studio setup JDK error

Jaiprakash SoniSimple Invalidate Cache and Restart doesn't work for me. So I have done following steps: Remove Java 1.8 and install Java 1.7 Check and verify Java path in Java_home variable Start Android Studio and invalidate cache File--> Invalidate Cache and Restart

@rekire like for all ?
You can at least opt in
That zooming bugs are still present
Version 2.6-rc-2 of the package org.gradle:gradle-resources is now available in Bintray!
Yes right, yesterday I faced that bug.
It made my chrome browser not working.
Hm what does that lib?
does anyone know when ondestory() called in fragment
i want to destroy existing fragment after going to another another Fragment
i have problem in merge two or more video file use of ffmpeg, first video can play after another not. bcs that all have sizes different.
normalize them first
@Mina @Muke Yo
@TheFlash Yo
@MukeshRana whats up
@TheLittleNaruto yes
@TheFlash nothing special working on a module, Hopefully it will get completed by today
@MukeshRana hmm..same here nothing special
Why on earth Android SDK tools never gets installed ? :/
Anyways do we have a native option to pick multiple images from gallery?
Gallery does that, Isn't it ?
ummm.. not sure.. that's why asked
you meant to say Gallery class?
isn't that deprecated?
Gallery app
googled and there is an intent for that but works only after api level 18
But I need that option in my app
What min SDK version you're supporting ?
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE, true);
this one is the intent parameter

Can anyone tell me why I am getting an error on line 58 in the wedding class? I am trying to let the user leave the loop by entering -1 for the family name
You shared Wedding class or Invitation ?
Also what does error say ?
Sorry about that I didn't scroll. :P
sorry I was afk
error says
method getFamilyName in class Invitation cannot be applied to given types;
while(index<MAX_NUM_INVITES && (!invite[index].getFamilyName("-1"))) {
is it because im passing -1 as an argument?
and in the getFamilyName method i don't have any arguments
Why would you do that ?
im sorry im just trying to make it so the user can enter -1 for the family name to leave the loop
That's not a valid condition as setFamilyName() returns void i.e. nothing
yeah thats what i realized
but my problem is idk how to do what I am trying to do
@Hello setFamilyName() is void type and you and using it as condition !invite[index].getFamilyName("-1")
Take JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the name of the family or enter -1 to exit") into a variable
Like this: String familyName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the name of the family or enter -1 to exit")
but I need to populate the object..can I still do that if I have a variable for it?
i meant
And then check if(!familyName.equals("-1")) { //proceed} else {//terminate}
we are supposed to do array of objects for this assignment so i was using invite[index]
insted of this you can use !invite[index].getFamilyName().equals("-1")
oh interesting..let me try
Android phones without removable back, how do you restart the phone if it freezes or something similar like a boot loop?
@JaiprakashSoni That won't work as he never initialized Invitation class before that condition.
@Hello Yes you can later set it to the object once you get to know that the variable does not have value -1
@xZ4FiRx Doesn't power button work ?
How is searching so much easy in JSON ?
Is there any example which can assist me with searching in JSON ?
Or should I go with Collections ?
Because searching and sorting is better.
@TheLittleNaruto }if(invite[index].setSize<0){
how do i fix that line?
I know its wrong but I want to make it so that if the user enters any number <0 then it gives error, but I think I have it wrong
8 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
And then check if(!familyName.equals("-1")) { //proceed} else {//terminate}
I cannot use .equals for size though
do I need to make a new variable
Just one thing again, do not put condition on a function which does not return anything but void
Use this invite[index].getSize()<0 instead of invite[index].setSize<0
oh it worked
that's weird, it doesnt catch non numeric input
Sure it did, most important thing is you must understand.
I understand now, I forgot the parenthesis
and the void thing makes sense.
Good boy.
but now im lost again lol
same thing?
@Hello that'll set the family size to -1, i.e. a family which no members are alive but a ghost still lives in the house
yeah, i realize
to catch any non numeric input *
Why would do you that? You'll not send an invitation to family which does not exist at all.
im getting weird errors.. :(
@TheLittleNaruto hey, its late but I want to get this part finished
Must finish this method before sleep
@Hello Good finish it
im still awake
I have to drive to school in 4 hrs lol
Lunch time brb
@Hello what ?
its 4Am here
You gotta sleep kid
You can do this later, right ?
its due sunday but I have midterm saturday so I wanted to get it done before
so I can study
tomorrow = study all day for java
need to practice writing implementation from a UML diagram + writing data definition class from a word problem.
that is my midterm.
hi @Sayyaf @neferpitou @TheLittleNaruto
hi everyone! can anyone tell me how to post the following json object in android - {"search":{"fullname":"step","languages_id":"171","insurances_id":"41","offices_‌​‌​id":"27","page":""}}?
good after noon all
@TheLittleNaruto hi
@OakBot wut? O.o
@Minato Type /help to see all my commands.
@ParthaChakraborty do you want to retrive data from json in android ?
he wants to post
@ParthaChakraborty Post it as a message body.
Just google how to post to server in body of request.
@Minato i gave this example is this right? pastebin.com/q4XUMXPM
Never used that method :)
@TheLittleNaruto i m getting " java.lang.IllegalStateException: Singleton instance already exists. Picasso "
do you know what is this
Q: Picasso: How to check if singleton is already set

KrøllebølleI am using Picasso for handling image loading in my app. In my Activity I do @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.loading_screen); setupPicasso(); // ... } private void setupPicasso() { Cac...

@Minato hey can u play any song on guitar?
how it is going
hi guys?
hi @sa
@Sayyaf, i didn't get any soln
@ParthaChakraborty that is how i posted the values
but, i have a jsonobject. inside the object there are values. @Sayyaf
send that method again pls
u mean the struture?@Sayyaf
not this one , params.put();
that one
@ParthaChakraborty you have use any library for send ad post?
i think you have to pass that value in Map
no. @Saif
then which method u have to use for send the data to server
not use any lib. e.g. volly or else?
i have posted it successfuly. @Saif @Sayyaf. thnx
wow superb. . :) @ParthaChakraborty how u did it?
Hey JAVA champs ! need help urgently
JSONObject jsonObjSend = new JSONObject();

try {
// Add key/value pairs
/*jsonObjSend.put("key_1", "value_1");
jsonObjSend.put("key_2", "value_2");*/

// Add a nested JSONObject (e.g. for header information)
JSONObject header = new JSONObject();
jsonObjSend.put("search", header);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Good job bro
mine was similar but u used header
Q: Arrays and Linked Lists in java

user3116366I've created four classes ObjectPool.java NodePool.java Node.java ArrayLinkedList.java Class NodePool inherits from class ObjectPool and provides implementations of methods create() and reset(). Class Node has the usual doubly-linked list members: data, prev, and next. Class ArrayLinkedLis...

kindly solve my problem
@user3116366 let me check
@TheFlash I can generate lead tabs after practicing for some time.
Not that hard after 1.5 years of practice.
@user3116366 why are you not using inbuild linkedList class
But generating tabs with base is too hard.
> The problem is ,few things are not completed in the code ,i dont know what to do . Kindly correct me what I'm doing wrong.
What is wrong exactly?
@TheFlash interested in japanese music? ;)
japanese music always boring
in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 6 mins ago, by RobinHood
`Error:Execution failed for task ':app:packageAllDebugClassesForMultiDex'.
> java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: com/android/vending/billing/IInAppBillingService$Stub$Proxy.class`
try clean
stuck with this issue, added multidex but no luck
tried almost all actions.
@Minato Remember Archer's chant ?
@RobinHood did you ectended with MultiDexApplication
you application class
I'm also using Aviary SDK in my project and I sure which cause this error
@TheLittleNaruto Fate stay night?
@Rahul yeah, I done that but no change
@RobinHood Its no longer aviary I guess. It is bought by Adobe.
@TheLittleNaruto yup :D
@RobinHood what are you lib are you using
I am the bone of my sword!
@Minato any possible solution?
I am the bone of my ...
can you show me list of lib
Did you watch Unlimited Blades works ? @Minato
@RobinHood looks like multidex issue....
@TheLittleNaruto New anime?
@Minato Eh? Where is my kunai ?
yes and I added multidex gradle but no luck
@RobinHood Have you extended your application file with MultiDexApplication?
@TheLittleNaruto D:
Ok, I remember :P
3 mins ago, by RobinHood
@Rahul yeah, I done that but no change
And added same application in Manifest? ...just in case...
fate Stay Night is a series, You watch 1. Fate Stay Night then 2. Fate Zero and then the last one which is must watch 3. Unlimited blades woks
yes added
  compile 'org.igniterealtime.smack:smack-android-extensions:4.1.0'
    compile 'org.igniterealtime.smack:smack-tcp:4.1.0'
this provide in app billing ?
@Rahul smack dependency is for xmpp
there two or more lib which are using in app billig
that why it is giving duplicate entry
are you using that class in your app
yeah, @Rahul that I knew but looking for solution and I can't remove any of lib
i will suggest you remove every dependency and and add one by one again
Just in case if you guys don't know, you don't have to add any dependency for in-app billing, the sample has got list of some util classes, by using those you're good to go.
@RobinHood Can you show me complete error report ?
@Minato If you haven't watched it yet, Please must watch otherwise I'll kill you : chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/28936745#28936745
Delete your build directory which is under app module and rebuild again
@TheLittleNaruto lol okay
@RobinHood strange...
Is aviary dependency?
@Minato It's not strange thing, idiot! It's quiet common error
It occurs when two different dependency will have conflict.
@TheLittleNaruto The strange is, he added MultiDex Application and still getting same.
I am not sure if multidex will solve conflict issue
> Error:Execution failed for task ':app:packageAllDebugClassesForMultiDex'.
> java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: com/android/vending/billing/IInAppBillingService$Stub$Proxy.class
Information:BUILD FAILED
You are right lol
multidex only solve 64k method limit
not duplicate class
if two lib having same class with samepackge name
it always give you conflict error
compiler doesn't understand which class should
he pick
posted on February 24, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Say no to Chinese products.
@RobinHood Still here ?
Did you solve ?
@TheLittleNaruto sensai give away some phone to guy like me
I would appriciate
:28937342 I am sorry, But I am not gonna use a Chinese product as much as I can.
@TheLittleNaruto yes
@TheLittleNaruto sensai u r true Indian..I will sell my phone
@TheFlash Nexus should be your first choice :)
@TheLittleNaruto its costly sensai :(
@RobinHood Solved ? if not, just try one more thing : minifyEnabled true set it to false.
hello my fellow cats!
meow o/ @Hans1984
let me check
cat lover @Hans1984
o/ @TheLittleNaruto
Hey guys
Do you know any good source/referrence for Customising LayoutManager for RecyclerView
@TheLittleNaruto hey
@RobinHood Let me know if it solved the issue. Later we'll have to write a rule in proguard.
03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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