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02:00 - 09:0009:00 - 18:00

@DroidDev You said you will prefer freelancing over a regular job but you need motivation. If freelancing is better for you,then why do you need motivation. Infact you have to motivate others for freelancing. isn't it?
@AnkitSrivastava well that's cool
@MukeshRana but, you are forgetting a major factor. That's the risk involved. What if I don't get any clients when I leave my job and sit home?
once you start freelancing
@DroidDev If you are thinking of risk and all then you can't totally rely on freelancing but you said you would prefer freelancing that's why I asked. So in short, no one can go with the full time freelancing
and if you are decent
then you will start getting thousands of clients
@AnkitSrivastava so you are the only one behind its development?
i did freelancing for 3 months when i was in college
just before i launched this app
the first few months i couldnt get any
but after i got 2 projects
clients came in themselves
@MukeshRana yuo
only me
great.. so you are only focussing on this app at the moment or thinking of new ideas side by side?
currently i have to fix a few bugs
but I will be working on one more app in the future
@MukeshRana Dude, I will go with freelancing, once I have enough clients. You see, I am trying to secure enough money through it, so that I can handle my expenses that I am handling through my current job. Once its done, I will shift to it full time. That's when people start earning real money through freelancing
and then work on my website and write write my book and sell softwares inside it
@DroidDev so how do you visualise your life after 5 years, if you got enough money at the moment to start working as a freelancer full time?
@AnkitSrivastava so you are already living a business life though :P
@MukeshRana I will have some close friends also working by my side as freelancers. Helping me handle things. I have some even now, they also work as part-time freelancers
I just graduated
and i never had a job
so you can say i am living a business life
@DroidDev see you can't code for the entire life, you do have to find out a way which can earn you some money when you will get old
@AnkitSrivastava Cool.. I too never worked for any company :)
Thats great
and thats the way to go :D
@MukeshRana I already don't do code for 80% of the time I work for my company, and 100% of time I work as a freelancer.
My task as a freelancer is to handle and get clients
@DroidDev my point was that you can't be a freelancer for the whole life, you have to get in touch with your friends and start your own startup for a better future
freelancing burns you out
it takes a lot of energy
@MukeshRana oh....I missed that. Yes, that's true. If you do things alone, rate of success is very low.
by the way guys
have you worked on storage access api ?
@AnkitSrivastava nope sorry :(
neither me....sorry dude
@DroidDev Yes. All you need to do is to get some good friends who can stand by you and slowly and slowly you can do transformation from a freelance to a entrepreneur
@MukeshRana ya, that's actually the plan. Though, i think I am quite late in this life and now, when I wants to start it, I don't get enough time :/
I have to sit for too long in my current office
@DroidDev yup.. it would have been better if you have started planning about this from the very beginning or even in college days but at that time none of us were aware of this as we all were relying on the fucking college placements
@MukeshRana ya, which didn't happen for any of us, since we won't be discussing freelancing, if it had happened ;)
Currently I see you wasting time in this chat room
which you can use for working on entrepreneurship
@AnkitSrivastava actually, currently I am sitting at my office and I come to post message here once my code starts building. I never get online once I go home
@DroidDev Hehe.. yes
Good after noon @MukeshRana @DroidDev @AnkitSrivastava
@AshuKumar Noon
only noon :D
I found a bug in the JNI of android try to use this string: `<string name="juhuu">&#x1F386; Juhuu! &#x1F386;</string>`
related: http://stackoverflow.com/a/26522748/995926
i want to make custom Adapter fro ListView s that it should contain two column having id 1 and 2 and so on...
i was searhing it from 10 days, but i did not found any example
@MukeshRana do you know how to do it ?
@AshuKumar why are you still using ListView first of all, you should switch to RecyclerView
@rekire You're trying NDK ?
because i was working with this from last 1 year, and never work with RecyclerView
i know RecyclerView is better then Listview. but i like to use ListView
and third, there are few example of RecyclerView :(
@TheLittleNaruto nope, but if you use Context.getString() it seems to been called internally.
@rekire Then how did you find that bug ?
@TheLittleNaruto I just used that string resource
Please help me to solve this exception
Q: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file:#23: Error inflating class com.csipsimple.widgets.EditSipUri

osimer potheI have downloaded CSipSimple project . THen I have run it . But I am getting following exception . 01-19 13:29:16.873 14827-14827/com.csipsimple E/ActivityThread﹕ RuntimeExceptionjava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.csipsimple/com.csipsimple.ui.SipHome}: java.l...

@AshuKumar can you show me the screenshot for the design?
sure sir,
lol.. I am not sir
can you solve my exception ?
yes @osimerpothe
i will check what it is?
@osimerpothe - i've saw your question, first, i couldn't see com.csipsimple.widgets.EditSipUri in the layout, seems like you've added it right now.i'll try it
Please check this
@AshuKumar why don't you use GridView for this
i did not get you
@LinX64 , please see com.csipsimple.widgets.EditSipUri presents in the layout
how gridView help me to show listview
where is that sample? could you please add the sample's link?
@AshuKumar lol you don't have to use ListView, GridView alone can serve your purpose
This is samples link
Got it!
i see
:d Project cannot be migrated because it has too many issues
or http://blog.sqisland.com/2014/12/recyclerview-grid-with-header.html

What is the issues ?
cannot even migrated to github
What are the issues ?
@MukeshRana Awesome, it should resolve my problem
thansk again
@AshuKumar yup :)
I have migrated it to github
THen I have downloaded it
After that I am trying to run this project
i didn't work with googlecode let me try to find the codes first :p
please help me to solve this exception .
Nice that someone upvoted my answer : stackoverflow.com/questions/11288475/… . It must be helpful :)
always, sensei
i'm wondering, how or the users can upvote the posts like +500 or +50 ? do we have similar permissions or that is only available for moderators or staffs?
@maveň - salam ghanary :)
@LinX64 , are you checking ?
@LinX64 That's bounty.
yeah, but, if you could give me the github link that would be great
i hate google code:|
I can share my project with you
@JaiprakashSoni - interesting :D
any problem in this answer? @TheLittleNaruto
@LinX64 Ghanary ?
yeah, we says, like refigh or friend in english :)
-2 :)
@JaiprakashSoni Not any problem but the explaination could be more.
hmm, still down voter should comment before down voting it
@osimerpothe - do it then :)
@JaiprakashSoni When you say change this to this , It would be great to say the reason too. :)
@LinX64 , please give me your email .
@LinX64 oka
@TheLittleNaruto I have added explanation
@JaiprakashSoni Now answer looks perfect. Good :)
yeah looks good now
@TheLittleNaruto @LinX64 thanks :)
Hi i have an issue that i would like to solve on HandlerThread in Android
Could anyone help me?
@RaajForu Still ? :O
Very much.. :)
i just need find a solution
if even it takes ages
Could you help me @TheLittleNaruto
@RaajForu go ahead and share your query we will try to help u
I have used a network operation HandlerThread. But i get NetworkOnMAinThread Exception
Code for Fragment : hastebin.com/epabiyufeg.java
Code for HandlerThread : hastebin.com/onanawetet.avrasm
@LinX64 , I have sent you my project
Have youchecked this ?
Have you got my project ?
I need RedBull!!!
Can anyone help me guys?
can you help me ?
Q: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file:#23: Error inflating class com.csipsimple.widgets.EditSipUri

osimer potheI have downloaded CSipSimple project . THen I have run it . But I am getting following exception . 01-19 13:29:16.873 14827-14827/com.csipsimple E/ActivityThread﹕ RuntimeExceptionjava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.csipsimple/com.csipsimple.ui.SipHome}: java.l...

I am already checking it
Have you got any solutions ?
yep it is a dub of
Q: Binary XML file line #23: Error inflating class com.csipsimple.widgets.EditSipUri

osimer potheI have downloaded CSipSimple project . THen I have run it . But I am getting following error . 01-17 16:36:33.451 16882-16882/com.csipsimple E/ActivityThread﹕ RuntimeExceptionjava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.csipsimple/com.csipsimple.ui.SipHome}: java.la...

But that question has not got any answer
normally just wait. Asking questions twice is forbidden btw. since your question still has too less information to help you. add the full stacktrace not just the first line
@RaajForu what are you doing? Use a ready to use image loader instead.
This is the messageonly from Logcat
There are no message except this
even of the unfiltered logcat?
@rekire I am just practicing HandlerThread.
But why do i get a NetworkOnMainThread Exception
even if i use separate thread
I guess that you read the result from stream or something like that on the wrong thread
yeah, but I didn't really understood it. I guess you should try the AsyncTask class I am not absolutely familiar with the handlers. The method is still properly called on the wrong thread
Wrong Thread?
the ui thread is the wrong for network communication
if I remember correctly it will also crash if you do asyc network calls which are non blocking
yes But i have been making network calls on the HandlerThread
I can use AsyncTask with executers which will work maybe. But i wanted to try this on HandlerThread
I guess that the callback will been invoked from the calling thread and not the target thread but I am not sure at all
Which callback? You mean the handleMessage?
Try logging on which thread you are executing your code.
let me check
I guess you will find the bug this way
yes i found out
its runningon main thread
the callback handleMessage
@osimerpothe back to your problem set breakpoints in the constructors of the custom views and look where it keeps crashing alternatively make a try catch around the setContentView call and call e.printStackTrace()
@RaajForu I was expecting that I am not familiar with that handlers and the handler threads in detail, so I am sorry that I cannot help you better
but i don't why it is calling the handleMessage on main thread
OKey@rekire i think we tried...
Actually i am trying to find solution for this for nearly 3 months
i don't know where to ask.
is there anyplace you recommend
Just ask it on Stack Overflow with the right tags, but I personally would just use a ready to use image loader, much less trouble.
yes i understand but i wanted to know why is this happening even if i start a new thread for network Call. Why is it showing that i am still in main thread.
Hi everyone. Could you help me with understanding android test framework? )
hi Hans!
see this time you dont have to complain
hans is back with the good cat stuff
I have to redirect from device browser to app after payment success, can we redirect automatically based on success/failure?
3 messages moved to Cat Café
@Hans1984 No I was just too busy to act :P
@TheLittleNaruto alive ?
i was talking about yesterday
where you complained that i didnt post cat gifs
now i post them and you remove them :(
make up your mind!
I see it as my task to move that messages to the cat café^^
in this manner I has yesterday no tasks so I asked you^^
but not all mods think the same
in the other chat they dont give af
for me it is some kind of running gag
a and then the bad word
I see^^
btw I know a SE site where you proberbly would be proved to be active on
i cant join
its private
try asking in the chat
I think documentation is your thing^^
my thing is cat gifs
anyone familiar with stash ?
CATS! <o.o> @TheLittleNaruto
@SweetWisherツ git related?
wanna create new branch
@rekire do you know how to get GridView.setAdpater() height for API version less then < 4.0
i m getting height successfully for >4.1 API
A: Android Studio Update Project: Merge vs Rebase vs Branch Default

Tanis.7xStashing The key here is that you have uncommitted work that you want to save. Before trying to merge anything in, you should stash your changes to save your uncommitted changes and clean your working directory. Run git stash to stash your changes. You should then be able to pull the changes wi...

@/ @Joe'sMorgue
see my new haircut
ONLY you....
How are you today?
got up early
didnt sleep alot
@SweetWisherツ What?!?!? No hello? No hug?
how you doing?
free hugs!
I'm doing...
...She's not talking to me :(
im gonna take a nap
im dead tired
1 hour later…
@Hans1984 hey wake up!
@Joe'sMorgue lol
@SweetWisherツ Hi
@TheLittleNaruto Yah animu is <3
hey o/ @TheLittleNaruto
@Lapoozza same here <3
@Hans1984 what's up?
not much
got up early today
thats why i took a nap now i can learn more
still cold
-7 at daytime
@Joe you should dance too :D
@Hans1984 Man! You're the man who brings smile on every fucking face. Keep it up!
:) good
and i also bring work for rekire
aint that something
I can't dance
Why not ? :/
I just did it once, and there where too many attestors. Even groomsman.
@TheLittleNaruto Hehe nice. What are your favorite ones? I am watching the seven deadly sins atm and its totally awesome.
hello my friend
please use pastie and co
wrong click - -
@Lapoozza mmmm... Can't list all of them... But currently I am watching Hunter X Hunter (1999)
@Lapoozza mmmm... Can't list all of them... But currently I am watching Hunter X Hunter (1999)
paste.ofcode.org/EzJJ4jg4UKcTK52FGMexKu This is my code, can i save the title name in strings.xml file? so that when i change locale , the title and popout message also can change the langugae
@Lapoozza have you watched this one already ? I mean HxH
@yongyun yes you can do that.
@TheLittleNaruto Thank you :)
My mobile internet is really sucky
cat eats fish - fish eats cat
Whatever you shared Its still loading.
no problem
its just average
i ll remove it then
cant anymore
Damn! This mobile internet!
@TheLittleNaruto Just started watching it after I saw your recommendation. Dayum its good :)
@Lapoozza Well it is. ^^
@Hans1984 that was good one.
@Lapoozza Have watched Naruto ?
@Hans1984 bye
02:00 - 09:0009:00 - 18:00

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