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at home I have some issues with gradle it takes about 30 minutes to download not sure why that is so dammed slow
But I need to add feed for gradle update. can you add that feed url to room's feeds ? @rekire
like we did for studio
I'll check it
@Rahul pls wo btao k custom spinner kese bnaun with positions kese pass krun ?
koi acha tutorial jis se handling achi hjaye position ki
@Erum Say No to other Language in this room.
@Erum did u get desired output ?
You have been warned so many times already.
I guess Kushina is busy studying in library.
@TheLittleNaruto coool :P
Gonna get back to work myself too.
@TheLittleNaruto I find no (clean) feed
@TheLittleNaruto ^^
@rekire me neither. That is why I asked you. :)
@SweetWisherツ i have done but i m getting fixed date from server now so i cant check either date sorting is working or not but my price is fine can u pls recheck code ghostbin.com/paste/a4g8c
any good tutorial for custom spinner with position handling on click of item @SweetWisherツ
Downloading https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.10-all.zip
Unzipping C:\Users\rekire\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-2.10-all\5b6kqrscumh9p4evkkemdk57ad‌​\gradle-2.10-all.zip to C:\Users\rekire\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-2.10-all\5b6kqrscumh9p4evkkemdk57ad‌​
now I'm up to date :D
any good tutorial for custom spinner with position handling on click of item @Rahul
@Erum search on
@Rahul You too.
I know It is difficult to follow discipline all of a sudden, but once you are used to of it. You'll find it better. :)
Naruto you grew up, you made me and ur mom proud :')
Thanks Pervy Dad :')
back to work now
or your mom will beat me up lol
she is sleeping
don't worry
I am reading....
you don't know her.. when she is awake, it is done for both naruto and me D:
OMG she is awake!
I don't want to be disturbed
Guys, you know right ?
okay mam!
@ChintanRathod Need one suggestion
back to work
@PiyushGupta yes
@MukeshRana :P
:P :P :P
@ChintanRathod :P
@mark_vieira Do you know a clean RSS feed for Gradle releases? I would like to observe just the releases via RSS.
@TheLittleNaruto discuss.gradle.org/t/gradle-2-10-released/13406 <- that guy should know more
@rekire Thanks :)
You're already on Twitter and not in my list :/
well that was my first usage
I followed you ^^
Is there any way to solve nexus5x camera preview issue from code?
1 hour later…
cc @TheLittleNaruto @MukeshRana
@maveň very nice
so you want to do something like that to @berserk
@MukeshRana :D
boy you read minds
Anyone Windows 10? Press Win+Ctrl+D :-) Afterwards try using Win+Ctrl+Left key.
@rekire oka
lol bookmark
@maveň no not for me.
@maveň yo
@rekire DAFAQ
@rekire Win+Ctrl+Left key. nothing happns
but I will kill you if system got shutdown :3
Win+Ctrl+Left key this one is cool
Ohh Boy! One Bangalore company wanted me to join asap. But when they came to know about my injury, they were like "Ohh Lord! Why we have wasted our time" :D
@TheLittleNaruto lol
@rekire Switch between virtual desktops you’ve created on the left
@maveň it won't
I was shocked at fist since I didn't knew that feature^^
Well you must give him the credit by offering some chocolates.. :)
@Joe'sMorgue For you : youtube.com/watch?v=Okl8Lgcx94w (I am sure you'll like this song.)
he got an effervescent candy
@rekire how old he is?
@MukeshRana but you can't read removed messages :xD
I think is it fine as it is
@maveň I can ;)
lunch time
today only stack chat @maveň...
nething else
@TheLittleNaruto Someone at meta made it for me.
He is a good designer :)
@Minato you busted :P
@Minato evil boy
if i am trying to start a socket server in a privileged port
the application that is starting this socket server is running in a jboss server in a linux machine
what is the best way to use the privilege port
port 43
anybody have any idea
@maveň cool
Hi. Do you know how to change icon in TabLayout Android in code? @maveň
@Minato ohh good
Tho I guess everyone except @MukeshRana knew it :P
@TheLittleNaruto :)
@Minato I know everything beere :)
@MukeshRana :)
@MukeshRana haha
finished studying?
@Kushina hi
@Minato yes
I have some spare time
Lets go to family picnic :P
Naruto won't go with you...... :P
haha, he will go, as he don't wanna get beaten :P
Have you ever went out for a picnic?
I am not going with you @Minato -_-
I never experienced this.
Many times.
My parents took me.
@TheLittleNaruto be a good son -_-
@Minato not possible... you...
@Kushina So, you also took that picnic basket which they show in cartoons? :P
@TheLittleNaruto prepares rasengan
@Minato Yes! Don't you take that ?
3 mins ago, by Minato
I never experienced this.
@Minato I surpassed you already in that...
you gonna be defeated
@Minato kkkkk
Look Kushina, our son is growing up and getting stronger.
hehe yeah
Good son @TheLittleNaruto I am so proud
@Kushina Arigatou Mom!
No gratitude for dad... hmm... prepares another rasengan
@Minato you want another defeat ?
this is how @MukeshRana do coding
cc @TheLittleNaruto @Minato
@Minato Hey I was kidding!
@maveň you got me right.. I am faster than light ;)
faster than light
Damn my internet was down.
@TheLittleNaruto haha, you wanna try kid?
@maveň LOL
@TheLittleNaruto so... you are... proud of me too? tears in eyes
@Minato push'ups + coding
@maveň yo
@Minato I would have been helped you with a new IP but I can't at the moment :(
@MukeshRana Yeah, coz I am using internet from my phone :p
@Minato R.I.P then
I too want to do the same but I love my laptop
@MukeshRana lol
And our table is also heavy.
@Minato you are doubting on my strength now :P
@MukeshRana I promised you to hit Gym on 3rd Dec and I ended with hitting Hospital ^^
if you remember.
@TheLittleNaruto Yes I remember and I think if you were able to hit gym on 3rd Dec, you would have feel the same pain as if now :P
@MukeshRana Is it ? :O
@TheLittleNaruto Yes at least for a week
@Minato you got me now
Ok, stop posting more memes. You guys are scaring Kushina D:
Is it?
Stop these troll faces already..
It makes me sick
> trolling
> stop trolling
@rekire lifesaver
Maybe we need a troll cafe now lol.
I was thinking about if for a moment
Well, if you need some good banners for it, I know a person who is best at it :D
Font Matcher of any text
1 hour later…
:D who did the star ?
if string is aluminium then how will i search in arraylist while arraylist contains aluminum 365
contains se search nhi araha hae @maveň
@Erum Man avoid that writing not English. The last warning for today.
Can I troll?
be gentle
nhi araha hae <--- I'm curious, can somebody tell me what that is in English?
@Erum code?????
@rekire she is girl :P
bdw you both avatar look so similar ;)
@Joe'sMorgue "can't be fetched"
~ P.S: I am persian
@Erum I'm sorry girl :-) but anyway please write just English, same rules for all genders^^
What language is it?
idk :3
Anyone can help me? i met some problem in android
@yongyun go on with your question link
@yongyun Don't be silly.Directly ask. Describe to maximum. Don't try to be help vamp.
okay , i create a class which is extend application. After that i want to use it in another class(extend Activity). But the function doesn't work
It's -12C out!
I'm out there without a coat
got frozen
Am I allowed to troll with a coat on? I don't want to be under that bridge without a coat today!
i need some help regarding in-app billing
@yongyun try using ((YourApplicationClassName)getContext().getApplicationContext()).yourMethodOfYo‌​urApplication();
as google takes away 30% of the total amount which we get from in app purchases.... i was in search of an alternative .... any suggestions?
6 mins ago, by maveň
@yongyun Don't be silly.Directly ask. Describe to maximum. Don't try to be help vamp.
@rekire can't resolve method 'getContext'
@yongyun O__O
you are too young
Sorry i am new in android - -
my lecturer gave me an apps and ask me to make it support multi language
@yongyun can he do that ?
@yongyun try getActivity() instead
@rekire can I save state during orientation change? want to store bundle data from getIntent()
wait i capture photo
@yongyun oka .. upload it here
@maveň no not really just in those callbacks
below MyApplication.setLocale("xx") doesnt work
@rekire not getting you sir :(
@maveň I don't own that title I'm just a M.Sc.^^ fun beside, you can save your state just in that given callbacks onsavestate and in oncreate you can read it out
public static void setLocale(String lang){
Locale defaultLocation;
defaultLocation = new Locale(lang);
this is my method in my application class
@rekire onRetainNonConfigurationInstance what about this?
can use that
@maveň I don't know that callback
@yongyun that one is static you can call it directly by calling MyApplication.setLocale("de"), but I guess you need to recreate your activity by calling brb
@rekire thanks, i will try it and let you know
haha, after i use this method, my apps become blackscreen and unstoppable pop the msg
maybe i put it in wron way
hey @TheLittleNaruto
hey @Hans1984
have to change the hat soon
or maybe i just leave it
we ll see
Put your original pic
Peter still wears it too
i got real cold over here @TheLittleNaruto
last night we had - 17 °
I heard it.
rigth now its - 5
at 2.45 pm
and we have snow
Are you gonna enjoy it ?
aslong as i dont get sick
Hi Anyone worked/working particle effect in android? Please any one help me.
its real frigging cold
you cant stay outside for too long
even at daytime
@Hans1984 !? are you okay? I am scared!
why are you scared
you are here and I see no kitten!
thats because im busy learning
hi btw ;)
AND i just joined the chat 10mins ago
hi o/
normally you would have posted at least 5 pics lol
so YOU want some cats in here???
maybe later
cc @rekire @Minato @MukeshRana @TheLittleNaruto @DroidDev
nice, did you create that?
@maveň Why did you cc to me ?
@rekire lol he didn't. It is the guy from meta (I guess you remember that cat guy (not bjb) named NiKoLaPrO who posts a lot of memes). He is a designer.
@TheLittleNaruto No one knows... just forget it, you will never know too.
Need to run Catbage Collector
someone in the other chat send me this :)
wtf lol
lovely cats boys
wlc @AnkitSrivastava
hi hans :)
@AnkitSrivastava You're the same Ankit who used to come online in this room and was working on a Music Player App ?
waiting for catbage collector
too late
he has been hypnotized already
i dont know why i was unable to reply
now i am using internet explorer
that music app has now 3 million installs
and gets me 5k a month
what the...
Good job boy!
good job
I have a question guys
so this
songCursor = context.getContentResolver( ).query( MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, TRACK_COLUMNS,
MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID + " IN (" + strIn + ")", in, null );
fetches the shit in which it acquires
I want it to make the list in the order "in" is in
what i mean to say is
suppose in has
the fetched result should also be in the same order
how can i do that ?
any clue?
no idea
can u ask this question in other group ?
no idea
because i am banned there


Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
please ask here
so that i can see
why you don't ask a question on mainsite?
I was about to say.
it gets response late and i will be bashed because seems like a basic question
just copy paste man
no, it won't
it will be easy forall of us
I have a question guys

so this

songCursor = context.getContentResolver( ).query( MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, TRACK_COLUMNS,
MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID + " IN (" + strIn + ")", in, null );

fetches the shit in which it acquires

I want it to make the list in the order "in" is in

what i mean to say is

suppose in has

the fetched result should also be in the same order

how can i do that ?

any clue?
If your question is clear, non-duplicate, and on-topic, you will not receive downvotes.
but my exp says i will be bashed
just like i had been before
if you ask that question clearly, you will get a lot of answers with the best informations
I used to think like that.

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