I am trying to send data from activity to fragment,but in fragment i am getting null instead of my values,following is my code can any one help me with this?
String nofrndthere="nofrnds";
String frndthere="frnds";
// To...
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=NerdyNerdy Term used for people or persons who are into books, computers, ect. and are unbeleivably attractive.
The new sexy Emily is incredibly nerdy in the library.
Serialization is the process of converting an object to a disk-storable format, for re-loading it at a later time. Check the link for more information!
@PriyaDubey World is nearly ending then.. You may not be able to find real human beings like me on earth. All you gonna find is OTAKU everywhere. They will try to invade earth and I don't know I may be able to single handedly stop them from doing this.
@TheLittleNaruto okay.. btw what you were trying to do that you fractured your ankle, I just seen the fractured ankle pic on berserk phone with nut bolts.
@MukeshRana He should have done the surgery at first place instead of plastering it. Because of that number of fractures increased and dislocation gap increased.
check this out : هنگامی که من در پایان زندگیام در مقابل خدا میایستم، من امیدوارم حتی یک بیت از استعدادم را باقی نگذاشته باشم و بتوانم بگویم، من هر چیزی را که تو به من عطا کردی، مورد استفاده قرار دادم...
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I hope I'm even a bit of talent left and could say, I will do anything that you have given me, I have used ...
I run pre-built activity which Android-studio 1.5.1 provide (Scrolling Activity) and face strange issue. When I click on FAB I want to go to another fragment But some thing like bellow picture Happened and My Fab placed on Top of my fragment and still is visible. can any body knows How to fix thi...