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Good Morning Guys :)
1 hour later…
GM @all
Good Morning Guys :)
GM fellas..:)
@MukeshRana @Flash VGM
Hello all Good morning
still good morning
Can some one give little guidance here
I mean show me the path..
I am stuck
good morning guys
@NoughT d.android.com might help you...
I tried in several ways but I have no idea to do this
do you have any idea to remove border
those are deviders
the listview has an option for them
that above should remove it
@rekire hey I see chinese characters whenever I visit any website of google
any idea how to remove?
add to the url ?hl=en or &hl=en
or you you speak from the android documentation? if so you need to delete the android.com cookies
yeah I won't click that link than I'm traped too. just delete the domain cookies
I know!
@rekire okay thanks let me clear cookies
I asked a question to avoid this:
Q: Replacing non English links with English ones

rekireI found a couple of postings which contains e.g. Chinese links to the Android documentation. I think those should been replaced with their English counterparts. In detail just /intl/zh-CN needs to been removed. Same for /intl/zh-TW and /intl/ru. Should this been cleaned up? I guess this will cau...

@Flash those for android.com are enough
1 hour later…
Good after noon all
@Rahul do you know about fragment
may be
then you know how to call fragment from from another fragment class
what's an erro
nullpointerexpection backstrack()
can you show me log
crash log
alright it solved after 2 days hard work :) :)
i used MainActivity to change the existing fragment
Hi all
Can anyone help ,e with fragment transaction]
@Mehdi post ur query
A: Back press fragments issue in android

user3037028You have to provide same String value for addToBackStack for single Stack. .replace(R.id.content_frame, new B()) .addToBackStack("stack") .replace(R.id.content_frame, new C()) .addToBackStack("stack")

check this link
@Mehdi u have same issue?
Now the problem is when i go from D to E fragment i want to have D in its pause state so i used begintransaction.add(...)
now when i press back button then its working..i am able to come to resume state.
But on again pressing back button i am redirected to C and D fragment..
@Mehdi when u r at E --> back --> D
again back --> C
I need to be in resume state of D
then pressing back D-->B
i don't want C so i have already passed null in addtobackstack
@Mehdi It should work..check ur code again
It isnt
Q: Android Studio: Error parsing XML & URI is not registered

JonasAfter adding a new Activity to my project I get following error while compiling the layout Gradle: Error parsing XML: not well-formed (invalid token) <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layou...

getting this err but not able to find Schemas and DTDs
Got Schemas and DTDs but not helping
@all hellu friends..
@ChintanRathod hey
@ChintanRathod need help on canvas...
Hi @all
Does anyone work with a SupportActionBar, not ToolBar? I'm wondering why the distance of the title to the left screen edge seems to be less than 72dp in my emulator(AS Lollipop 22)/ device (Samsung Galaxy S3 mini).
I noticed because I'm trying to get a list aligned to the title and having the proper material design distance. Could this be a bug or something?
@TheLittleNaruto you like to laugh? read this: github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu/issues/…
@Flash - thanks, but there it's about Toolbar and it was too much padding,
for me it's SupportActionBar (with nav icon occupying 24dp + 2*16dp and then the title seems to come next without any margin or padding, so it's at 56dp distance) and I had to work around the problem by using no title and setCustomView() where I added 16dp margin in my custom TextView.
So I found a workaround but I'm feeling uneasy because it might fail with some devices/ API versions.
what is it..
I haven't found yet
@ rekire - I am alive and I feel good haaha :)
I feel So good
@Flash - I asked this question yesterday on SO, got a solution, but I'm wondering whether it's safe to use it?
because I'm relying on guesses about the support action bar implementation. It's a blackbox, lots of abstract methods :(
@0X0nosugar where is ur que..share link
Hello guys. I need help in adding a view
My current view is super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);


RajawaliCardboardView view = new RajawaliCardboardView(this);


RajawaliCardboardRenderer renderer = new MyRenderer(this); // your renderer
view.setRenderer(renderer); // required for CardboardView
view.setSurfaceRenderer(renderer); // required for RajawaliSurfaceView
How to add floating view into this ?
`Hello guys, how to query ORMlite with timestamp value
I need to retrieve all rows within last 24 hrs
@Harish yes tell me..
@LinX64 ;-)
@ChintanRathod can you help me i'm trying to design speedometer i have done it but when i'm trying to use it it is occupying the entire screen i need it in the top of the screen only..with this code i'm trying
@Harish put it in LinearLayout and give weight accordingly
@Flash in that case the view is disappearing
@Harish I just checked working well paste.ofcode.org/Y6E2ZwF4c76fm2PqbJYg3T
@Flash i also got it but below that if i want to place anything there is no place
check it once
below that try to place couple of views.
@Harish there?...I got solution
@Flash yeah tell me
Replace this method http://paste.ofcode.org/ShaN9GYHscZr3gzJ4TEehV
Demo layout http://paste.ofcode.org/6yMSBxWrj4Cxj3emP4mFNu
@Flash thanks dude
can you please help me in animating green with needle
man..@Harish :)
@Flash but in your code i didn't understood one thing about weights
can u tell me how it is happening
o_O @Harish what didn't u understand
@TheLittleNaruto whr r u..how r u..YO @berserk Yo @MukeshRana yO @rekire yo
@Flash you have not mentioned weightsum but you have used layout weight and that to without doing hight to 0dp how ?
@Flash yo
@Harish u can either use match_parent or 0dp
if u use match_parent --> no need to use weightsum
for 0dp --> weightsum require
@Flash ok.thanks
and how to apply animation to the needle and green view can u guide me
I am using deep linking in two activities splash and on differentActivity, when i am clicking the url two times my app is showing
in intent
I want only one option to open the app
can anyone help
@Flash yo
resolved thanks
@PeterTang i see you still wearing my christmas hat
good boy :)
poor dog
good dog :)
"get wet yourself human"
but we are not here for dogs!
no no no no nom nom nom...
"Vokzel Videos
in Russia, cat say no to you!"
well enough
i can already hear cat-gif-hunters footsteps
what happen in all android groups
how can I create and query timestamp in android Orm lite, any idea?
select column from Table where columnDate between '2012-07-01' and '2012-07-07'
Q: android - sqlite date query

nareshI am new sqlite. I have one table that having 3 columns 1. Id 2. FoodName 3. Date and time (ex: '1' 'Chicken' '2012-08-10 13:54') I read somewhere Android sqlite doesn't provide date data type. So I used the text data type for storing the date in local db. it's working fine. Now I want to ...

@amitsharma, Im using OrmLite how can I do the same with OrmLite Table Class and Query Builder
Q: ListView not scrolling.Just Listview

Umer AsifI have tried a lot of things but still not scrolling i added scrollbars even though it was not related. i tried to change focus but still no scrolling. Here is my code for Contacts_list.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ListView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/an...

@Umer Ashif this is very simple
make A LinearLaout Parent with vertical orintation
whats wrong with this.
i ll try that
and one child LinearLayout orintation Vertical orintation
then make a parent of child Layout
i can do that but what's wrong with this it seems fine,
you are using a list so no need scroolview here
these is no scrollview
just listview
try with this
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:weightSum="1" >

android:contentDescription="@string/Description" />

android:orientation="vertical" >

Replace with your layout code
okay trying
Can anyone help me out here?
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite running Android Version 4.2.2 (API 17).
This tablet has Bluetooth Low Energy but Android implemented bluetooth low energy support library in API 18.
Is there any way I can use this library in an app for this tablet?
@amitsharma nope still now working but looks better
still not*
@Hans1984 is back^^
hey rekire
how are you?
@rekire hi
@Pans hi
@rekire how r u ?
you you guys know a simple way to revert an algorithm?
@Pans I'm fine so far I try to find out some input values to get my desired output value
I'm right now trying brute force, but that takes quiet long and I guess I won't get a match and I also would be happy with a result which is similar let's say +-1% per key
Brute Force is never good for a display...
no ideed
hi @all
posted on January 06, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

5 hours later…
I need help
Anyone there?

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