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05:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

Good Morning Guys :)
Good Morning Guys :)
Good Morning Guys :)
@TheLittleNaruto So, how is it?
How many eps have you seen?
@berserk It was good. I am at episode 3 for now.
I could have watched more episodes.
but due to call, I couldn't.
Anyway I'll continue tonight.
The hunter exam.
lol that kid pulled out that big giant Guardian fish.
haha yeah
It's just the beginning :)
posted on December 08, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

beats @Dro with hunter
Gm guys...
Hi all, I want to create organization chart using javascript. Can anyone suggest me any Javascript library for create organization chart?
Good morning guys
@TheLittleNaruto ah a case of car vs carpet?^^
@rekire lol Yes
He just got confused.
@rekire vgm
@Flash Any update yet ?
I'm so lonely in office^^
@TheLittleNaruto nope..:(
@rekire start playing CS online if u feel lonely.. ;)
It's a song from a very old movie
NSFW though!
@Flash CS is not my game^^ maybe l4d2
then play strategy game
@rekire seems role playing game
@TheLittleNaruto have u completed all challenge series ?
@Kaushik What are we talking about ? O-o
in NFSMW there are 60 challenge series
59th is very tough
No I rarely play 'em.
@Kaushik I have surpassed that already
Even Completed more.
But I didn't complete all.
how can u ?
Why can't I ?
completed cross chase ?
coz for challenge series if u complete 20 then 21 will unlock
otherwise u can't play 21
like that
As I said, I rarely play 'em, So for me remembering all challenges is tough. :P
I know right ?
If you play a challenge then next challenge will be unlocked.
That's what a challenge series is.
yeah :)
But In Lan Game! It would be hard for you to beat me! :D
I know that :D
In college time, I and my roommates used to play LAN Game.
@SweetWisherツ vgm
we also played in lan @TheLittleNaruto
@rekire :) hws ya ?
good so far
@rekire play COC
anything happen next :P
@Kaushik clashofclans?
@SweetWisherツ nothing special
@Kaushik I do not like web browser games
its not web browser game
Hi @rekire @SweetWisherツ and all
i have created custom expandable listview how to dragand drop to change the position of the row in it
any one can help me proguard implmentaion in android ?
@rekire lol me too
@Kaushik xD
Tho its a mobile phone game
@Kaushik Cool
Can anyone help me in Starting New activity in Tab without using ActvityGroup
in Tab ? Or On Tab Click ?
I have a search function in my actionbar and i want to replace my fragment with the search result.
@TheLittleNaruto and @berserk hey guys do u have any idea on how to implement drag and drop feature to custom expandable listview
There is a native drag-drop feature in android.
I used it once.
@berserk I like any kind of game
@Kaushik I like pc only, non-browser :p
Also console games ofc :p
I have a search function in my actionbar and i want to replace my fragment with the search result.
@jones Ok! So what is your issue ?
I would implement the callbacks of searchview and on any searched result I would show a fragnment with search result.
@TheLittleNaruto I'm not using a searchview, instead using a layout customized actionbar
@TheLittleNaruto i have a autocomplete textview and searh icon in action bar layout
used setOnEditorListener for autocomplete textview
and calling new fragment inside that
Q: android.hardware.Camera$EventHandler.handleMessage

SophieI am writing a program in which I am taking picture, then want to store picture into sd card and finally trying to resize existing image (and then over writing same with old one). My code works fine almost on all the devices but facing this issue only on Samsung devices. When I am capturing ima...

@TheLittleNaruto I think my new fragment is getting called but cannot view it.
anyone is there...?
@jones Do you mean, It does not load the view ?
@TheLittleNaruto any idea why....
In that case, I would wait for view loading.
And then update it with the search results.
There is an state in the lifecycle of Fragment
Override it.
Ok, let me check overriding it.
@TheLittleNaruto Thanks for that. Somewhat working. but the old fargment still exist underneath the new one.
@jones I won't be able to suggest anything if I don't know how you're playing with fragments there.
Hi @TheLittleNaruto
Hi @LuminiousAndroid
And thanks your last solution for tags worked for me :)
I used tags but did some silly mistakes :|
I forgot what I suggested lol :D. Anyway, Good that it worked for you.
@TheLittleNaruto here is my code snippet : paste.ofcode.org/et4QEgkzXY2CndjUuKZsCU
:D :D question was getting list of video thumbnail in listview :P
@TheLittleNaruto here's my screen - i.sstatic.net/nKiYa.png
@TheLittleNaruto Did you get a chance to look at the code.
@LuminiousAndroid Aha! Now I remembered.
@jones Not yet! I am documenting APIs for now.
Ok, no problem...
@TheLittleNaruto that is not meanwhile, that was like 24352345324 x 13413545634567646 years ago :P
can anyone help me with this question?stackoverflow.com/questions/34151997/…
@DroidDev I am glad that somebody noticed at least. :D
@TheLittleNaruto Is there a way to insert values into a json array at a particular index? coz there ain't a method to getIndex() for a json array.Thanks
Q: Modifying/Updating values inside a jsonArray?

AndroidNewBee What I want to do is at a particular index position change/replace a value inside a json array.After going through the documentation at http://www.json.org/javadoc/org/json/JSONArray.html I found out that jsonArray does not have a getIndex() method.In this situation how do I update my json arr...

I have complete list of both bleach and hunter x hunter and I also downloaded latest james bond spectre. But, I don't have time to watch either one of them :/
throwing time on @Dro
throwing up on @ber :P
@AndroidNewBee Can you use Gson ?
They have such thing what you need.
@DroidDev Jesus! Now I understood why did you write "up" against "time". lol
time up? you took that long to realize? peasants..
I am sorry but I won't hesitate to admit that.
I'm looking to add/remove elemets from JXTreeTable ? Any ideas?
@TheLittleNaruto Anu Idea in my case :)
> A peasant is a laborer, a farmer who owns a small farm, or other member of a traditional subservient class of rural folk that existed in pre-industrial societies, especially in the Middle Ages under feudalism, and in present times still survive in some pre-industrial societies.
wtf? @berserk
Peasant means farmer.
You didn't knew?
@jones Can you show me your activity's xml layout ?
@berserk No.
Actually... umm..
check peasants slang ^^
its hard to explain, you can check the slang meaning :p
Now I got it.
Thanks berserk
xD np
It feels good to use it in proper place xD
@TheLittleNaruto here it is - paste.ofcode.org/K7XGn2jHGDsMXBRW7VwHxB
For example :
Fangirl: " But mom, I can't go to school. It's full of peasants."
@TheLittleNaruto lol.. yeah, kind off, but mostly used at mocking fellas, especially while gaming :p
do you guys know how to add back arrow button to toolbar and set a onclick listener?
@jones You're not replacing fragment over any Layout which resides in Activity's layout. So In that case, Try to give a background in your search result fragment, which will hide the main layout.
@NavneethT You'll have to enable home button.
@TheLittleNaruto ok. will try that.
App's almost done :D
Something like that ^
@NavneethT Yay!
@TheLittleNaruto Ok. I will try that.
@TheLittleNaruto got our first personal invitations today :)
@NavneethT From ?
@TheLittleNaruto for opening / food tasting
Wow! Cool
all these days it was through the blogger's assocication
How many people are their in your team ?
@TheLittleNaruto team as in lop? or team as in the association?
have anybody added customlint rules in android ?
@NavneethT as in association.
association, there are 200 members.
but only 20-30 of us are active bloggers
You guys work free ? Or ... ?
the association is free
Until we make a mark, making money is difficult.
please answer my query ..
Did you guys plan for making money by this blog ?
@NavneethT Yeah that's true.
@TheLittleNaruto yes, sometime soon.
That's why the app
we are the first to develop an app for blog
first atleast in our association :P
Q: Custom-rule.jar not found or read

ShrutiI am follwoing this post about writing custom lint rules for android project.I have downloaded sample project and imported it in eclipse ,followed all the steps.I have placed jar in .android/lint directory Now I executed following command C:\Users\username>cd C:\Users\Users\.android\lint C:\U...

yes i am following that link only
i created a jar
but on windows
that jar is not read
are you using AS
m using AS
can you show me build.gradle
apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {

sourceCompatibility = 1.6
dependencies {
compile 'com.android.tools.lint:lint-api:24.2.1'
compile 'com.android.tools.lint:lint-checks:24.2.1'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'

jar {
manifest {
attributes("Lint-Registry": "googleio.demo.MyIssueRegistry")

defaultTasks 'assemble'
see this is my build.gradle file
@TheLittleNaruto haha, stop alcohol and start bournvita :P
@TheLittleNaruto I haven't used Gson before canyou help me with a solution for my problem
@DroidDev XD
@DroidDev XD
@AndroidNewBee Check Gson library and its documentation. I have got works to do.
@DroidDev xD
I would if I knew
no problem thanks anyway
@berserk noooo00OOO
@NavneethT have you used json arrays before.
@AndroidNewBee noo, that's why I can't help you.
@TheLittleNaruto how is ur leg?
What happened to his leg? :o
@Flash there
onWindowFocusChanged i want to implment it in adapter class can we?
@Flash Not well!
It's paining!
Looks like It'll take to recover more than a month.
on item click returns wrong item can anyone help?
this is my code
lv.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
Map custSel = cust.get(position);
custSelected = (String) custSel.get("name")+" "+ custSel.get("mobile");
Toast.makeText(AddInvEst.this, "Your selected customer is "+custSelected, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
@TheLittleNaruto Fracture?
@berserk Yes :(
What happened? Accident?
@DroidDev can you help?
@berserk Yes! It happened all of a sudden.
@TheLittleNaruto man u should take rest...
Ah, get well soon.
@ResearchDevelopment why do u want to implement adpter onWindowFocusChanged
@AndroidNewBee I don't think there's anything wrong with code. Check your list
actully i am prnting image in listview item and i want click on each item image and showld display image in Popup
u have any idea
currtnly i did it alert view but its not look good
i want it custom Popup like whats app u see
@DroidDev this is my list code
final List<Map<String, String>> cust = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
Map<String,String> map;
int counter = ParseCustomer.name.length;
for (int i=0;i<counter; i++){
map = new HashMap<>();
@Flash Yes.
@berserk Thanks berserk
snag.gy/GfjjX.jpg @Flash this is my current screen
i want removeblue horintal line and height and widh i have to increase
@ResearchDevelopment hide dialog title
its title that is with horizontal line
that is done but how increase its size
i mean height and width
@ResearchDevelopment dialog height ?
or image
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"




jabe mai 254 set karta hu to
then screen come like this
@Rese Don't speak in other language except English. Please.
A guy sitting beside me watching Anime. World is ending, nothing to do here.. :(
Is it berserk ?
i wan to adjust image also in whole image view
If it would have been @berserk I can still manage to ignore but some other developers are being caught by this.
@MukeshRana lol
@MukeshRana Who else?
@berserk Let it be a secret , I don't want that you should meet him and motivate him for watching more Animes
@MukeshRana True lol
This shows there is a kid inside all of us
@Mukesh is an old hag xD
Everybody who doesn't know who the hag is :
@berserk hows u my boy :3
@maveň wanna die? ;)
in maveMuk, 1 hour ago, by maveň
any idea about ndk ?
@berserk well your thinking now become getting animey day by day. At least think of a some real character for me :P
@MukeshRana shutup
@maveň LOL dat room
@berserk :/
@MukeshRana kill him :3
@maveň BC
@maveň You wanna write code in it? or just wanna build some jni code?
@berserk need jni
@maveň LOL dat room
37 secs ago, by maveň
@MukeshRana kill him :3
@maveň LOL dat room
05:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

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