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good morning to all
@ResearchDevelopment its 11:26pm here
but here 10.02
@Washu good evening
@ResearchDevelopment :)
Q: how to set value for each item button increase and decrease click and set that value in text view

Research Developmentpublic class MyCustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter { Context context; String[] result; int[] imageId; String[] Cost; static int counter = 0; private static LayoutInflater inflater = null; public MyCustomAdapter(Context mainActivity, String[] result, int[] imageId, Stri...

please look this issue am facing Problem to shorout this issue
@all Good morning
@ResearchDevelopment hi bro
@ResearchDevelopment I can solve your problem
yes please suggest me
coz i really stucking to solve this
i am doing it first time
please help me
posted on October 08, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

yestrday i have spend full day but i count do this issue
@ResearchDevelopment txtCount.invalidate();
where we have to set this
this code paste unde3r button listner
in adafter class
txtCount.invalidate(); this line set before set value descrease and increaser
Quntity we ll take as varible
i mean just we ll take GLobal vraible ?
holder.plusitem.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View arg0) {

holder.minusitem.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View v) {

this i have am trying
look this is it ok
please try it
btnIncrease.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {


btnDecrease.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {

tvQuantity.invalidate(); write this code before adding and decfrease value in textview
here Probelm is same Yaar
i am using in adapter listview adapter
you need fristly refresh textview addind and dcrease value
are you using this line ?
before adding and decfrease value in textview
look my whole code
line number 74 i have set
ok bro
look this screen counter is increase but it goes but problem when i increase item 3 with 6 then 4 item increase with 7 while it should start from1
good morning guys
what are using listview or recycleview?
u need sample code if want
@ResearchDevelopment so you have the wrong order?
@rekire yaar am stucking from Long time one issue u have any Solution
@ResearchDevelopment you mean I can buy china, india and the us for 150IRN? I am maybe interested^^
are its just dummy exampe yaarl
@ResearchDevelopment that would be just around 2€ :/
@ResearchDevelopment you may want to implement a comperator so order your list
Q: Build flavor with custom sourseset

PrachiMy project contains multiple flavor and main folder which contains common logic when i build project with a specific flavor gradle use values from main folder even if that value is present in that flavor Please help Project structure MainProject src main (main project) java flavor1 ...

@Prachi common say hello first, before dropping links
@rekire i want to add increase decrese produt item
@Prachi however as mented before your path overridings make no sense, and the real issue is the differnt namespaces I guess
@rekire sorry will keep this in mind...
@rekire i have changed project structure
is sin(x) periodic when χε(0,π/2)?
@lovelight did find some solution for this
A: Build flavor with custom sourseset

rekireAs already pointed out by mixel, you don't need to override the source sets since you use the default path. I guess you are mixing up the applicationId with the package name. Mostly they are equal, but this isn't required. So to override the classes in different flavors you need to use the same...

Q: May I know the reason for getting second T-shirt?

Avinash RajToday I received another T-shirt from your side (second time). I don't know the reason for this. Stack Overflow gave me the first T-shirt for getting 100k, but I don't know the reason for the second. I think I'm mentioned in this content, 10 Million Questions - Let's Share Some Stories That the ...

haha some guys have real problems :D
Hi Guys , please help me with this question .
Q: What is the action listener of tick button in Android action bar

osimer potheWhen I select multiple item in my listview an action bar is present like the following . I want to know the action listener of tick sign . What is the action listener of tick sign ? I am following this tutorial

i am following this example
but not getting markers
can any one tell
@rekire thanks for your time
@Prachi no problem
Good Morning Guys :)
@Washu When you're going to help me on that auto - restart bug of Windows ?
Hi guys
does request.getHeader ("referer"); work in android
Hi all
@rekire viewpager showing blank when coming to back from the other fragment
@Harish strange never faced such an issue
@rekire i'm very much tried solutions suggested on SO but no luck
@Harish how many fragment do you have
@Rahul In Viewpager i have 3 fragments
guys need help
for webview
@Harish setPageOffScreenLimit to 3
of viewpager
@Rahul where?
before setting viewpager adapter
@Rahul still same it is showing blank when coming back from the other fragment
hey @TheLittleNaruto I am going to start on node.js and javascript today and I know what you are thinking ;)
Betrayal! Betrayal!
lol fkn idiot
now they want me to redesign the whole app
go to hell
do the app on your own
Yeah! Go to hell..
im talking bout my workmates
@Hans1984 workmates or Boss ?
well i think you got something wrong here
im in college i only work part-time for the company
@TheLittleNaruto well...you know, if I get to work on that project (the one for which I am learning node.js and javascript), I'll be writing an Artificial Intelligence system, with Natural Language Processing and Sentiment Analysis capabilities. (Now go figure the meaning of those terms :P)
i dont depend on them AT ALL
i can quit whenever i want to
@Hans1984 You're studying ?
@DroidDev Ohh Jesus! Those words sounds tough..
Lunch time brb
@TheLittleNaruto haha, get this one too (Artificial Neural Networks), I'll be implementing that algorithm too :P
isnt there a way to take a high quality picture(thumbnail)
before saving?
BEFORE saving
i always get a messed up picture quality
fucking bullshit!
@DroidDev wtf is that ?
@Hans1984 Custom Camera ?
the problem ist that i always takes the thumbnail
which is bad quality
but i need the real picture,resize it
then save it
but it seems that snot possible
Use default camera
no i use defautl allready
private void onCaptureImageResult(Intent data) {
Bitmap thumbnail = (Bitmap) data.getExtras().get("data");
Bitmap out = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(thumbnail, newWidth, newHeight, true);
i take the capture then resize it
but thats a blurry thumbnail
Why would you resize it ?
as it supposed to be according to the code
Save it as it is.
but thats not what i want
it has to be resized
depending on the customers choice in the app
then it gets uploaded
If you want a good quality image, resizing/compressing will surely affect the quality.
yes but the point is that it resizes a thumbnail
not the real picture
@TheLittleNaruto well....it creates a program, which behaves like human brain
thumbnail=bad quality
It learns and it grows
@DroidDev Can I work for free with ya ? ^^
by learns: I mean, it can acquire new information and base the decisions on it
i want it to resize the real capture, not the thumbnail
then save it, resized
by grows: I mean, it keep adding the new information in its memory and keeps growing
that's like a new born baby behaves.
@TheLittleNaruto lol, you'll have to join my company (which is pretty small one) and then you'll have to shift from mobile device technology to server side technology
then i save it like this
@TheLittleNaruto exactly. That's what AI is
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
out.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, bytes);
File destination = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
id + "_" + i + ".jpg");
sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE));
@DroidDev No, I want to work remotely. :)
@TheLittleNaruto nice joke
@DroidDev Thanks
maybe i just quit
we'll see
leavign them fucked with all the customers they already promised the app
Fuck :D
Anyway you can dig out something over here: hastebin.com/gazizaxoxo.avrasm @Hans1984
ahh that makes my eyes bleed
^ Like this
what kind of idiot uses colors like this
Do you mean the text colors or the background ?
i allready watched 1000 camera classes
wtf we're talking about Man ?
thx but no
and they were all terrible
and didnt fit my needs
does someone have an idea about if I can use java 8 for unit tests?
I would like to use the lamdas
all this stupid logs in the class you posted
@rekire No class found Exception
its more logs then actual code
who does that
@rekire Well.. We're talking about Android over here. :)
I am talking about unit tests in AS.
Well that doesn't make any difference what I said above or does it ?
me kicking @Hans1984 :
Wow what a kick! ^^
who you kicking
You! You!
lol you weak fuck wouldnt move me one milimeter
Well everyone can see that above ^
on the other hand if i kick you
@TheLittleNaruto it does. since you don't use for unit test dalvic nor art. you use the jvm
your ass gonna take a flight straight to the moon
@rekire I see. I never knew that.
@Hans1984 You're not a match for me in real combat! I'll send you Mars, Moon is very near dude
one punch an your ass will be K.O.
Man! First come back from Mars.
That'll take many-many years
or a single kick of mine which will be not possible as I won't be available in Mars
time for you to become a match for me
but you have to work hard
You didn't read what I said above, Did you ?
laughing out loud wont help your case
Well I am asking something.
man if theres one more phone call someones going to get punched in his mouth
@Hans1984 Tring! Tring!
looks at number
sees its from india
-> not important call
Now @Hans1984 be like:
thats how you should be
Q: "Entity you are looking for was not found" at QBSubscriptions - Quickblox (Android)

HarpreetI am using Quickblox SDK Ver 2.2.5 and I am trying to unsubscribe from Quickblox Push Notification's Subscriptions. Previously before it was working fine & now instantly from past few weeks it stopped working. Here following is my code:- QBMessages.getSubscriptions(new QBEntityCallbackImpl<Ar...

@TheLittleNaruto did you read about the killed elephant in Goalpara?
how to avoid notification overriding
@Harish lol google was able to fix your missspelling
use different ids, I personally want to override them so it depends on the usecase
@rekire Just now I read.
I guessed that it would interest you
@rekire @Hans1984 Watch this comedy show once: youtube.com/watch?v=vEvr8THslJg
ok i will
when i finaly fixed this picture bs
i mean comeon
why cant you just resize the picture you've just took with your camera
this makes no sense to me
why does it have to be a fkn thumbnail
meh im just too new to app development :(
@Hans1984 What do you study ?
in college.
its called e-commerce ,its very new
its close to computer science
I see. What is it more specifically ?
its alot more on webdesign
conversion optimization
stuff like that
I see.
Do you find it interesting ?
at times
you have to earn your living somehow
i mean you need a job to survive
Well You're not of that age at which parents will look after you.
thats why i work besides studying
You're good boy.
@Hans1984 which degree are you trying to reach?
bachelor of science
great :)
Do you have to take care of your family ?
i have no family
just my parents
they take care of their own :)
So, you need to earn for yourself only
lucky guy^^
thats hard enough
Well.. It's time to get marry :P
i dont need someone depending on me
take care of yourself!
hehe I guess he is working on it :P
@rekire True. He is lucky ass.
Did I told you guys that my app finally got the 100k downloads badge?
@rekire I know right ? ^^
<Read The Edit>
best video chat api for android ?
No idea
@rekire showing all the notifications how..?
@Harish Giving each a unique ID ?
@TheLittleNaruto u mean notificationid
@Hans1984 You live alone or with gf ? How much do you have to pay for rented house ? Or You own your own house ? Do you guys save money ? How do you manage everything , i.e. Study and Job ?
stop pingign me man
im busy
Do you mean this: @Hans1984 @Hans1984 @Hans1984 ^^
thats none of your busines
what are you some kind of weird stalker?
Well I want to know how a person live in Germany as a bachelor. that's all. ^^
go google
The well approach would be asking directly to the person who is living there. :)
im sorry im realy stressed out today
and sick aswell
Hello Everyone:)
yes thats how i feel
very amazing site: you.visualdna.com/quiz/whoami#/quiz but just do that in private browsing I guess they spy you. for ads and targetting: visualdna.com/profiling
@rekire Man! It took a lot of time in that quiz.
What result I got is :
1. Openness : 88%
2. Conscientiousness : 24%
3. Extraversion :95%
4. Agreeableness : 46%
5. Neuroticism : 27%
I like that how energetically I engage with the outside world. that goes to 95%
That's what I call a performance. What do you think ? :D
@TheLittleNaruto not sure, not sure
bye guys al
hello guys

i'v been stuck in a camera issue, where i set output picture size but on the captured image, image size is different. here is a link to my ques for help. Any help is very appreciated! :-)


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