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01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 17:00

posted on October 01, 2015 by Tor Norbye

Android Studio 1.4 is now available in the Stable channel! For more information, see the official announcement: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2015/09/android-studio-14.html

3 hours later…
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire @Rahul @DroidDev @Michel hi bro Gm:)
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire @Rahul @DroidDev @Michel Yesterday i uploaded app in google play but now this app is status suspended . Please what is reason of suspended? Please help me:(
posted on October 01, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@lovelight You must have got an email from Google Team , mentioning the reason.
btw Good Morning Guys :)
Also did you do content rating before uploading apk ?
yes bro
Can you tell me the package name of your app ?
@TheLittleNaruto yes bro
Did you get any mail from them ?
@TheLittleNaruto && @lovelight mostly apps rejected bcoz of copy right.
oh hello good morning :)
I guess, in his case that's package name contains "apple"
can be the cause
@Fasiha very good morning :)
vgm ?
@TheLittleNaruto I do not change apple name but I changes packages name
Though I would rather like to check their mail where they've mentioned the reason.
2 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
Did you get any mail from them ?
you will get email like this , This is a notification that your application, app Name, with package ID com.vdhfvjh.cgvh, has been removed from the Google Play Store.

REASON FOR SUSPENSION: Violation of the Impersonation or Deceptive Behavior provision of the Content Policy.

Products must not contain false or misleading information in any content, title, icon, description, or screenshots. Don't pretend to be someone else, and don't represent that your app is authorized by or produced by another company or organization if that is not the case.
check in spam or updates or promotion
@TheLittleNaruto thanks for very good morning
@TheLittleNaruto This is a notification that your application, Apple Stocks, with package ID apple.stocks, has been suspended from the Google Play Store.

REASON FOR SUSPENSION:Violation of the impersonation or deceptive behavior provisions of the Content Policy. Please refer to the impersonation policy help article for more information.

If you are authorized to publish on behalf of the original content or brand owner, please contact us via the Google Play Help Center and attach verifiable and accepted proof of permission.
copy right issue
@TheLittleNaruto please give me solution for this problem
It's all @TheLittleNaruto fault
can any one know this?
Q: How to resolve this warning "W/Atlas﹕Pointer 0x0, not in getPreloadedDrawables?"

praneeth kumarEvery time when I run my app, I'm getting this warning! I don't have any idea about it. Can some one please explain me this! *Here is the logcat.* 06-25 09:34:24.997 1721-1721/? I/art﹕ Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 06-25 09:34:25.957 1721-1748/com.aitrg.aitqc D/OpenGLRenderer﹕ Render dirty r...

is it in a lenovo?
@TheLittleNaruto @Fasiha @rekire I searched in play store with name Apple Stocks but not result found of any app in play store .I think Just now not available any app in play store for apple stock name . But why had been suspended my app by google play ?
@Washu I am innocent kid. :/
@TheLittleNaruto what happened bro please focus my problem please bro ?
@lovelight You can't have that package name.
It's simple.
@TheLittleNaruto please give me any sample of package name
You'll have to add another app and upload the apk with different package name
wtf ?
How am I suppose to suggest a package name to you if I don't know what's your app about ?
Also you must know how naming a package works
@TheLittleNaruto i means fromat of package name whom sutable google play
And just remember; you can't have these words in your package "apple" with "stocks"
Good morning
Error:A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:_debugCompile'.
> Could not find any version that matches com.android.support:support-v4:19.+.
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
can any one tell me where i am doing mistake
in android studio
@TheLittleNaruto ok bro thanks:)
@lovelight and also check , that you did not copy paste the description from any where. for proejct
@Fasiha ok bro
@rekire Too late today ?
@TheLittleNaruto homeoffice, I forgot to open some "messengers"
@rekire I see... I can guess you were awake very very early today. Isn't it ?
like 4AM or something...
5:55am :D
That's not too early then.(At least for you) :-|
my average time ;)
@TheLittleNaruto @Fasiha com.applestocksin.stocks is package name right for publish app?
I'm very nervous today :/
I don't want to talk about the main reason, I hope that everything will get fine
Apologies! Your Grace!
@TheLittleNaruto @Fasiha com.applestocksin.stocks is package name right for publish app?
@lovelight NOOOOO!
@TheLittleNaruto why bro?
@lovelight Do you want your app to be suspended again ?
:26035704 let's hope the best
@TheLittleNaruto not want
13 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
And just remember; you can't have these words in your package "apple" with "stocks"
@TheLittleNaruto what is wrong with stocks?
@rekire Don't ya worry. :)
@rekire stocks is fine.
But with apple, NO!
@rekire @TheLittleNaruto ok bro
@TheLittleNaruto apple rejects uploads when the description contains the word android. even if you don't referrer the system
@lovelight try com.lovelight.stocks
google thing that com.companyname.appname
so in your case lovelight is a company and stock is an app
i walwasy use com.fasiha.something
@Fasiha IMHO he has to hold the domain too to use such a namespace. I never used a namespace which I don't own or I'm not explicitly allowed to use. I'm lucky I'm owning my own three domains :D
@rekire And It must, imo! No big firm like Apple or Google wants to get pain in his asses. ^^
@Fasiha My comapny name is Apple stocks
try contacting the google support, in that case it might been legit
Is it a registered company ?
Then only try to contact them
yes bro
@rekire True
wait let me check
I wonder if you'll need to repeat this again and again for every app, developed on your company's domain name.
contact [email protected]? haha just kidding
No It's not registered. @lovelight
@lovelight change it to fruitaapple but as far as your using apple :? its not a good approch
lol Even Government won't allow the company name to get registered. I am sure.
Of course because of copyright issue
@TheLittleNaruto your right
go for something creative
why apple use orange
use mango
yes for sure
@lovelight for your reference ^
The registered companies in India starting with name "apple".
so, to sum up @lovelight , Apple stocks is not a registered company as @TheLittleNaruto already checked it up. Google probably rejected it because of the words "Apple" and "Stocks" in it. They both feel a bit spamy or mischievous at first. So, contacting google is best option here. All the best!
how can I discard all changes from a given git commit?
I had a pending commit which I don't need now
Good Noon Guys :)
@rekire remote commit or local commit?
local only I forgot to push
@rekire is it last one or is it somewhere between lists of commits?
Studio has option to revert, iirc.
@MukeshRana Good Noon
@DroidDev is right
I commited something local on this computer which is now obsulete and there come differnt commits from a differnt computer
now I just want the current changes discarding my local commit which was not pushed
A: How do you undo the last commit?

Esko LuontolaFrom the docs for git-reset: Undo a commit and redo $ git commit ... (1) $ git reset --soft HEAD~1 (2) << edit files as necessary >> (3) $ git add .... (4) $ git commit -c ORIG_HEAD (5) This is what you want to undo This is most often done when ...

Thx I got it almost alone I just had to delete some unstaged files which caused conflicts
@rekire oh...so you are stuck in conflicts....
lol I was totally high last night.
@DroidDev I fixed them I just had to used hard flag to discard my changes
you can use "diff merge" tool to merge your files with new ones
@DroidDev sure, but I just wanted to get the server state
I was celebrating birthday of my friend in a bar and posted on FB, I am celebrating my own birthday.
@rekire That's great! But if in future, you don't want to discard your changes, diff merge is good option to merge your changes and resolve the conflicts.
your own?
@TheLittleNaruto lol.. I Need to see your pic now :P
@TheLittleNaruto what were you high on?
Jesus I didn't take one. :D
And How am I suppose to as I was high.. lol
@TheLittleNaruto yes bro not register this compny
@TheLittleNaruto I asked my Amd
Though few friends of mine wished me.
I had to tell 'em, it's not my birthday
@TheLittleNaruto So you were like this yesterday prntscr.com/8mfz5o
@TheLittleNaruto @DroidDev please tell me . zapitech company is that registered or not? Please bro
@MukeshRana No I don't puke after drinking; It's one of my quality you can say. ^^
@TheLittleNaruto #brofist. Never puked.
@TheLittleNaruto lol.. Me too as I don't even drink :P
@TheLittleNaruto but, I've never been that drunk either or maybe I was...but, I never did something that amount of _______
you mean to say amount of shit :O
So indirectly you are saying that @TheLittleNaruto was doing shit last night :P
@MukeshRana or "stupid shit" ;)
Well he agrees so no problem @DroidDev
Dro corrected it. :-)
@TheLittleNaruto @DroidDev please tell me . zapitech company is that registered or not? Please bro ?
Please bro
I don't know the link. I'll have to google.
Well I am afk.. Wait for few minutes @lovelight
@TheLittleNaruto ok bro :)
@lovelight ^
@TheLittleNaruto ok bro thanks:)
I am sure it's not your company.
yes bro
wohoo I am making progress on the notification testing
I met yesterday someone who pointed out a library which seems to be brilliant
i never think to drink <3
@rekire Error:A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:_debugCompile'.
> Could not find any version that matches com.android.support:support-v4:+.
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
why this error coming in android Studio
afetr Build
SoftageTinder? lol
I guess that you have missed to download some repositories from the sdk manager
@Fasiha me too, except water :P
SoftageTinder this is pacge name
@Fasiha Drink at least water Man
@rekire tea too <3
@Muk @Dro Is there anyway by which we can edit FB post specifically "doing" part ?
@TheLittleNaruto can i use app name apple stock ?
that not?
@lovelight tell me one thing whts the purpose of this app? why should someone use it ?
@TheLittleNaruto by "doing" part you mean to say something like "feeling" in feeling awesome?
I hardly post on facebook
@MukeshRana Yes,
No idea then :(
@Fasiha this app is relative Advisory Services for Stock marketing
@Fasiha website link applestocks.in
@Fasiha now you tell me that can i use app name apple stock ?
that not?
@MukeshRana Okay :)
@lovelight use applestocks and email to goolgle with website address
@TheLittleNaruto no clue, last I put a status on facebook was when they didn't even have video chat or smiley features :P
me so ol' skool
@lovelight why apple?
@Washu have to remove apple from stock ? only Stock?
afaik... there is an app called apple stocks in Apple Store
just dont use apple and stock together
@Washu well then can i use app name AStcoks? that not?
@Washu well then tell me that can i use app name AStcoks? that not?
ok tell me one thing i want to learn complex programming
like ability to solve problems
stats problem, bi nomial questions
and all such kind of things
from where i start ?
@TheLittleNaruto hi dude
do u have idea on notifications with action buttons in it
Could anyone familiar with Play Framework help me with this:
Q: Setting up Play Framework 2.3.x with Java 7 support

shyamI want to setup a Play Framework application which runs on Java 7. The latest versions of Play Framework does not support Java 7. So by looking at the change log I figured out 2.3.10 is the one I want. Weirdly though, the activator links for every 2.3.x+ version points to the same place. Also do...

@Harish yes we are whats your exact question ?
@Fasiha fristly should come basic knowledge of thing
@TheLittleNaruto Have you used Twitter REST APIs to post media on Twitter?
@lovelight i have basic knowledge as i am working as an ful stack developer
since last 2.5 years
but my core problem is i want get a starting point for understanding problems
@Fasiha ok bro let strat with you my problem with starting point Ok?
@lovelight btw i am not bro i am a girl
@Fasiha ok Sorry?
@Fasiha i uploaded app in google play but now this app is status suspended . Please what is reason of suspended? Please help me:(
@lovelight did you email ?
what you write in email
@Fasiha yes
@Fasiha did u done that
@Fasiha I got this details :- This is a notification that your application, Apple Stocks, with package ID apple.stocks, has been suspended from the Google Play Store.

REASON FOR SUSPENSION:Violation of the impersonation or deceptive behavior provisions of the Content Policy. Please refer to the impersonation policy help article for more information.

If you are authorized to publish on behalf of the original content or brand owner, please contact us via the Google Play Help Center and attach verifiable and accepted proof of permission.
@Harish Hi
@MukeshRana No.
@Fasiha Did you get any client yet ?
@TheLittleNaruto yes i have two clients , from upwork
@Fasiha my app name is Apple stock and package name is com.applestocksin.stocks
@lovelight tell me the email you sent to google?
@TheLittleNaruto hey have any idea on notifications
@Harish yes i use it for my play back app
@Fasiha Cool! So they're regular or seasonal in giving projects ?
@Harish What kinda notifications ?
@lovelight She meant; what you have written in your mail!
@TheLittleNaruto i have start freelancing since last two months. so i am not sure how, they will treat me. right now my focus is to give my best. and make a impact over price.
@TheLittleNaruto thanku so much for being interpreter
@TheLittleNaruto general push notifications
@lovelight check this link and make a request support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/…
@Fasiha Ok
@Fasiha Google sent me suspended email details it is This is a notification that your application, Apple Stocks, with package ID apple.stocks, has been suspended from the Google Play Store.

REASON FOR SUSPENSION:Violation of the impersonation or deceptive behavior provisions of the Content Policy. Please refer to the impersonation policy help article for more information.

If you are authorized to publish on behalf of the original content or brand owner, please contact us via the Google Play Help Center and attach verifiable and accepted proof of permission.
@lovelight please take some time to google.
@Fasiha You'll impress 'em by your work. I am sure!. Good Luck :)
@Harish I would use NotificationCompat Builder
@TheLittleNaruto thanku sir.
@TheLittleNaruto i also used same how to know user clicked on which button and how to pass the data to the particular view
@Fasiha Sir? lol Am I that old ? :D I am just a baby developer. ^^
@Harish What do you mean by button ?
Do you have custom View for the notification ?
@lovelight use astocks im 100% sure it wont be suspended
@TheLittleNaruto ok baby developer
@TheLittleNaruto in notifications i have buttons to perform action from the notification
@Washu ok Thanks so much :)
@Fasiha he is old
@Washu who cares? but he have good sense of humor
although all of you have a good taste [indeed ]
Three adults—R, S, and V—will be traveling in a van with five children—F, H, J, L, and M.
The van has a driver's seat and one passenger seat in the front, and two benches behind
the front seats, one bench behind the first. Each bench has room for exactly three
people. Everyone must sit in a seat or on a bench, and seating is subject to the
following restrictions: An adult must sit on each bench. Either R or S must sit in the
driver's seat. J must sit immediately beside M.
how to solve this type of question :?
@Fasiha ;)
@Harish Search for custom view notification; you'll get many tutorial link.
@Fasiha First of all; I would start making the above scenario on paper.
@TheLittleNaruto thanku :)
@Fasiha Isn't it what we used to do when studying in school ? :)
good morning o/
Hey @Hans1984 :D
@TheLittleNaruto Now my app name Astocks and package name com.example.astocks it is right that not please tell me ?
just use: com.astocks
nothign much
now i chnages appnme and package name
just trying to be positiv :)
Yo ERA! ppl :D
@MukeshRana @DroidDev yo!
@lovelight remove "example"
@rekire hi ._.
@TheLittleNaruto ok bro :)
@TheLittleNaruto but here its not that easy, i have 2 questions related to the scenario
@Hans1984 B+ :) (That's my blood group.)
@Fasiha Well I want to solve such puzzles too. :/
It's fun. \o/
@Fasiha is that a homework exercise?
My office works keeps me busy.
@TheLittleNaruto i love to solve such kind of questions, but some time i cnt able to solve ;(
@Washu no its a test , for MS if i clear this test than i will get my ms degree
Hi @maveň
I'm now on the way to work
@Fasiha how can I help you?
@rekire visit this site codility.com/c/run/demoYP2EBB-4PB
i have to solve real problems from states , math
in java or php
That is no task for on a mobile
im scared :(
@rekire anyone implemented WebRTC ?
@Fasiha That's okay.You can't solve everything at once, but you must keep trying. :)
@Washu why ?
@TheLittleNaruto night shift again, and im all alone xD
@Fasiha Well...! I can give company after office. We'll try to solve over here on chat. As I love that fun too.
@Washu xD
Watch anime
@Rahul fantastic fun
Im playing pokemon on my iphone
@Kanth liar
Well.. My client who used to call me "Lazy Ass", thanked me for finally delivering the project. :)
He had left the hope though. :)
@Washu Yo!
Liar :c
@TheLittleNaruto Congrats :)
@TheLittleNaruto congrats :P
btw we need more cat gifs
Thank You! Thank You! :D
@Washu Why am I a liar ;/ I am an innocent kid
@TheLittleNaruto say them your not lazy your just not deliver bugs :P
@Fasiha :P I told him:
@Kanth how is the new job going?
@TheLittleNaruto Welcome to the cat channel :P
Thank you :D
@maveň not yet
@Washu It's going fine. How is yours?
Hi Guyz
Q: My Android Application is not running

osimer potheWhenever I try to run my android app it shows the following error . PowerSMS does not specify a android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner instrumentation or does not declare uses-library android.test.runner in its AndroidManifest.xml What is the problem ? How can I solve this ?

Please help me to solve this problem .
moar cat gifs
Lion Cat:
I am starving:
well here is 4:15am
@TheLittleNaruto , please help me
catroid :P
@osimerpothe Checking...
i didnt know cat liked watermelon
@Kanth its fun :D
@osimerpothe How are you running your app ?
@TheLittleNaruto , by pressing ctrl + F11 , I am running my app
I fell asleep like an hour ago
@osimerpothe on Android Studio ?
alot of cats
sry im busy today
so dont expect alot of response from me in here today ;/
god damn it
i think after some weeks i will start thinking about making cat app :X
I am feeling drowsy.
tell me
here is 5.13 am xD
@rekire I woke up at 5:30AM today.
^ Just in case if I din't mention that to you yet. :)
@TheLittleNaruto wow, what is going on?
@rekire Dunno! But It's happening these days.
@Hans1984 my old and away family are in germany now
they says the germany guys are good with them
so can i Refugees in your country ?
@TheLittleNaruto - let's run and go away with my sweet heart :D
@AndroidDev run to where ? ;)
:D :D
@Hans1984 is busy today.
it seems
01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 17:00

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