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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 21:00

@TheLittleNaruto I wanna launch a product of mine, but I don't have enough money to even afford a good designer :(
1. Service is running. It has all the data. It is not destroyed when activity is destroyed.
2. Now activity is called.
3. In onResume, How can I call the broadcastreceiver from service, to update the data in Activity(actually fragment).
@TheOnlyAnil isn't the fragment destroyed too, when you destroy your activity?
Yes fragment is also destroyed.
then you can just store the data somewhere and update the view accordingly when your activity and fragment starts. There is no point of using onResume in this case, IMO
is the activity being started from broadcast receiver?
@DroidDev I tried Sharedpreferences, it worked. But It was not updated according to service.
@DroidDev no
@TheOnlyAnil then your logic of updating was wrong. Check if you have correct data in shared preferences. Also, no need to store data in shared preferences. Just create a class, which will hold all the data. Shared preferences have other purposes as well(like storing data when application is closed etc etc)
@DroidDev Ohk. Will try that.
umm...a star? was it worth starring? surprised
hey @TheLittleNaruto, you ever used MVVM pattern in android?
@DroidDev No
@TheOnlyAnil @rekire @all is it possible to record audio in .wav format in android ?
Why do you need that pattern ?
@TheLittleNaruto well....where should I start, Lets start by kicking you again
I am using musicg lib which supports .wav only
kicks @TheLittleNaruto
lol that's not gonna help
@TheLittleNaruto ??
@TheLittleNaruto patterns are for re-usability of code, maintainability of code, self-documentation, abstraction, maintainability of project on later stages, easy to make big changes, modularization of code and what not....
@DroidDev Same here dude. Whatever concept I am thinking of working on, all keep getting launched day by day. Today another shock Mukesh gave me that one of his client has given them a same app which I wanted to launch.
@DroidDev That I know.
@TheLittleNaruto well....that moment, when somebody makes money of what you thought you'd make money from :P
@TheLittleNaruto so what you asking?
@DroidDev What I meant by "No" is I never followed that MVVM pattern.
@DroidDev Sure it sucks. :/
4 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
Why do you need that pattern ?
that's what you asked....so you never used a coding pattern before?
@DroidDev What I meant by that, there are another patterns as well.
like MVC
@TheLittleNaruto yeah, but I found this one pretty abstract and suiting needs.
@TheLittleNaruto you can't follow that in android
or ios
android itself represent MVC
@DroidDev why not ?
@Rahul Yes
@TheLittleNaruto because activity is View and it has all the control, whereas, according to MVC, your controller should have all the control
@DroidDev Views are always layouts which you creates as xml
Activity are controller which handle them
@TheLittleNaruto view is any file, in which you do things that'll effect your UI
ui affected by the controller not by itself
view is any file which will get affected by controller. :)
@Rahul Controller contains business logic, not the logic that affects UI. Business logic = your algorithms, api calls etc etc
@TheLittleNaruto how do you define adapter(for a listview) in MVC?
is that a controller or a view?
Of course it's a controller.
@DroidDev when apply business logic where you reflect that output ?
@Rahul on UI
that reflated in database and ui
wait a sec....so if your activity is dealing with UI, you guys don't consider it as a part of your view?
@Rahul let me elaborate you an example on login(which you wrote accidently there, but I got an idea for that ;))
like in every MVC Pttern you always set View first
here in activity view is set by calling setContentView
suppose there is an app that you are developing, it logs the user in and if at some point of time, the session expires, then it automatically logs user in, without showing the sign-in screen
so, where will you write the method, through which you'll make api call to log the user in?
when session is expired user will have to login again
@Rahul if you are doing things of view and controller in one class, then you are doing it wrong
@Rahul yeah, but your app does it automatically....so where will you write that method?
@DroidDev that because coder might not checking weather session is expire or not
that coding part
when you see web app if session is expire it always show login screen
there might be different type of session
@Rahul ok, lets make that easier too. You make any api call when your session expires, the server will return you an error which will tell you that your session is expired. So, whenever you make an api call(suppose to get friends of user), if session is expired, your app will first try to log the last user in automatically
@Rahul I am just taking an example dude....
so it should display a login screen
well...."just an example" to understand a coding pattern. You are not developing a whole app here!!
and why last user
user can be anyone
ok, I give up
leaves slowly
@DroidDev Please go ahead!
Explain with your example
I installed apache maven build tool in my local machine, Does m2eclipse plugin for eclipse work with that maven tool?
@TheLittleNaruto ok, so lets say you were developing that app. You'd write functionality to log the user in 1. In your SignInActivity.java file
but, because you need to login user automatically from other points in app, without opening the login screen, how would you go about it?
You'll always have a constant/something which will tell you the user is already logged in.
All you need is to have a check.
@TheLittleNaruto yup, like a session token etc. Now, when token is expired, server will return you an error and you'll have to attempt to log the last user in, without the user knowing OR like OAuth token, you'll have to refresh token....so how would you do that?
@DroidDev In that case, I'll recreate another token.
@DroidDev have you ever integrated your app with facebook
@TheLittleNaruto yeah, but because your logging in logic was in your SignInActivity.java and you are not allowed to start it(because you have to do it in background)...so...how?
@TheLittleNaruto did you ?
@Rahul I did, but a long time ago
@DroidDev Let me explain it.
First of all you need to know, how session works..
@TheLittleNaruto that's why i ask
When you keep using the app, the session time keepe extending
I have a question - Does locking the phone screen kills the running Async task ?
@TheLittleNaruto come'on man, I already explained, whe its expired, server will return you an error...."Just an example". Why you going so deep?
@DroidDev Because what you said, is not correct mostly.
When session expire your controller will reflect login ui
That is right, that when a token will expire, the server will tell you that the session ahs been expired
@TheLittleNaruto It was just an example. It doesn't have to be 100%. :/
@TheLittleNaruto - Please see my question
But it'll only happen if the user is idol, meaning he is no more using the app.
@DroidDev I know, I am coming on your pattern thing only
in facebook when token expire facebook sdk always call the login why ?
What you wanted to hear is, there should be something which will handle this situation and is termed as a controller. Isn't it ? @DroidDev
may be it's not part of business logic
@TheLittleNaruto nope, I wanted to tell you that you can write a common method for logging the user in and call it from anywhere(given that you make the object of your SignInManager/SignInController available there) and log the user in. That's the re-usability of code that is one of things why I usually don't take Activities and Adapters as controllers. You can't re-use such logics in there.
You'll have to write logic to login everywhere, if your activity was your controller.
@Rahul but, it is actually business logic, because it is making an api call and storing some things here and there
@DroidDev - Check my question
Q: How to use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) in an android chat application?

Choke_de_Code''''I am presently working with a chat application where i"m suppose to use Bluetooth LE Technology in my chat application. Through my research & study over it,i have gone through several links: Android Bluetooth LE Chat example From here i got to know that serial data transfer over Bluetoot...

guys anyone of u have worked on BLE chat
i am loads of problems
@Passiondroid umm....I don't think it should. Try putting a breakpoint in its onPostExecute() and locking the screen. You'll come to know :)
please help me out anyone
bluetooth low energy chat application ...datz is what i"m working on
didn"t got any useful resources
@DroidDev - Actually i am showing a dialog before async task execution and dismiss it onPostExecute. Now what happens is that when the device is locked and then unlocked then dialog is not displayed even though async task is not complete.
Want to trol?
That pings everyone right?
It does in MSE chat
I see there no 1 nor is that maked in any way as a ping
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 19 mins ago, by balpha
@DroidDev I see your point. But I'll consider it as UTil
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica pinged me....
@TheLittleNaruto so...what do you think now?
can you effectively follow MVC in android?
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica yes?
@TheLittleNaruto ok, so any code you going to re-use, you'll consider it as util? Lets just say you can login, get music, play music, pause music and do 100 things from anywhere in app. Would you do all the in util?
@rekire didn't ping me :P
@DroidDev No.
@DroidDev but I got a reaction :P
@rekire lol....did your pixels explode? :P
@TheLittleNaruto so, what would that be?
@DroidDev Hmm... I understood.
@TheLittleNaruto finally...phew! See, that's why I follow MVVM :P
I could elaborate more, but can't do that on chat :(
@DroidDev Alright! Tonight is for MVVM.
we will need a google hangout session for that ;)
@TheLittleNaruto actually, I call it Model View ViewManager. Just a little bit modified version of Model View ViewModel, with more abstraction
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Wut? What was that language?
@rekire It pinged me
I understood that bug. it simply removes any unicode chars so and it does a like check in sql so it will match all.
@rekire it is now (sadly) fixed :P
I am actually sad that it is fixed. No trolling anyone now :( :P — DroidDev 3 mins ago
@DroidDev I'll add you to my hangout contact.
@TheLittleNaruto but you don't know my gmai id :P
Jesus! But how ? xD
lol yes
Well one can always add me by visiting my SO profile link. :) @DroidDev
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Hi country!
Now fixed
@TheLittleNaruto Hi!
How are you doing?, Country
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica hey u work titanium
@TheLittleNaruto lol, ok, inb4, looking for a hangout app for android device ;)
@DroidDev inb4 ?
andriod titanium
Q: He who must not be named

FabbyFor some or other reason, typing @ᔕᖺᘎᕊ pings everyone in a chat room... Works in all chat rooms (only tested 2 as I don't want to be a jerk)

Dunno android
Only Java
its may be malware or virus @UnitedStatesOfAmerica
;) ;)
@TheLittleNaruto in before :P
@TheLittleNaruto oh...there is one, I have disabled it. But, its for dialing phones and making calls etc.... :/
@DroidDev wtf ?
@TheLittleNaruto just check Hangout app on your android cellphone
No notification yet.
Try to add me as a Google+contact first
@TheLittleNaruto I'm gonna kill you for being so dumb today. I just asked you to check your hangout app. How could you get a notification? I've never even used it :P
@DroidDev You were not clear :D
@TheLittleNaruto leave it
So did you add me in Google + ?
@TheLittleNaruto nope, not yet
@TheLittleNaruto adding to friends
done, please check
Naruto-sama is great..@DroidDev he can teach u various Jutsu..
@Flash lol, that's great
@TheLittleNaruto Naruto-sama..:)
I am just a baby dev:)
@TheLittleNaruto I have a 7h job where I am a Senior Android Developer :D
1 hour ago, by DroidDev
@TheLittleNaruto nope, I wanted to tell you that you can write a common method for logging the user in and call it from anywhere(given that you make the object of your SignInManager/SignInController available there) and log the user in. That's the re-usability of code that is one of things why I usually don't take Activities and Adapters as controllers. You can't re-use such logics in there.
Just last line
re-usability concept of OOP's
...sorry, didn't get you. Are you not able to understand what I wrote?
if you are making One BaseActivity you can reuse anyware in your app
@Rahul well....you can't write all the business logic for your project in your BaseActivity :P
@DroidDev why not
it just a class
and controller is also class which contains the business logic
@Rahul well....it will be very long and complex. Please note that app contains the logic for other things as well as login. Plus, all of the methods, that you don't want to be available to other classes, will be available to them. Because everyone will be inheriting from BaseActivity
@KetanAhir Yes. PCM/WAV is supported by Android. Check out: developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html
In OOP, you make classes out of real world objects. BaseActivity will just have the one thing, which every class shares
i can create object of any class
well...that's your bad coding then :P
your objects should only be available to the classes that need them. There are patterns there, through which you can do this. Though, I haven't used one like that, but there are...
creating object of class is a bad coding lol
@Rahul please read about AbstractFactory coding pattern, if you wanna know more about handling objects
@rekire hahaha
@DroidDev you mean i can not use Abstract class in MVC pattern
@DroidDev i have added you back.
but I am not able to see you in my Hangout contact list
@TheLittleNaruto I think only your personal contacts from your phone directory show there
@DroidDev I see.
I think I need your email id
@Rahul there is a difference between Abstract "class" and AbstractFactory "Pattern"
@TheLittleNaruto isn't it there in google+?
can you see mine ?
actually, I am working, can't open google+ right now :(
@DroidDev in that they are using mostly Abstraction (Abstract class and interface )
based on that they control what you wana do
@Rahul well...you haven't read it completely though. You don't know why is it used for....and so forth
@Rahul Idiot! Share your gmail id.
don't see folder structure
see image then see folder structure
2 hours later…
Hello Sir @Joe :P
2 hours later…
How are you doing, Sir ? @Joe :D
@TheLittleNaruto - see this:
it's using GridView
this all about this line
`//Get item at position
GridItem item = (GridItem) parent.getItemAtPosition(position);`
But i'm using Horizontal RecyclerView
how can do that instead of GridItem item = (GridItem) parent.getItemAtPosition(position); in this recyclerview?
i don't have any idea about that line: GridItem item = (GridItem) parent.getItemAtPosition(position);
@AndroidDev define getter method in recylerview adapter
GridItem item =mAdapter.getGridItem(position)
and in adapter getGridItem(int position){ retrun list.get(pos)} like that
Am I that old?
Don't answer that
:D :D
@AndroidDev Follow as Rahul said.
should i do something else or the method is fine?
the example was like this: paste.ofcode.org/gEJqyCpqhnnCaiBqydPjCs
Nice :D
tnx buddy, let me try these codes
welcome buddy
adapter seems good, but i don't trust this recycler on item : paste.ofcode.org/Rqf4ZNzkXXLp37aLC2g8pL
my code in OnCreate:
log Cat:
fucking hard things:d like always @TheLittleNaruto
it's all about these lines:
and : int[] screenLocation = new int[2];
@AndroidDev You're such a kid. That's why I keep calling you a kid. :)
well you can use interface in adapter
@TheLittleNaruto - i knew that:D
SO i should trythis on item handler with another method i guess
good night guys
gn kid:d
@Rahul - what is the best way for handle my recyclerview with this situation?
@AndroidDev click listener always use adapter
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica O_O
@AndroidDev yes
getAdapterPosition give you position of row
@Rahul The avatar of yours is from prince of persia right?
@berserk yes
hmmm.. the two thrones
yes have you ride the horse in that game ?
I completed it a long ago.
Man the black transformation is awesome.
yeah i want play it again
hmm :)
but not getting a link to download it
Have you played warrior within?
The dahaka's chase was awesome.
there is two ending in game
in one you need to defeat dahaka's
Yes, I did both.
We get water sword for that.
It was the best game of that time.
do you play fifa
little bit
Not a pro :P
I love counter strike 1.6
that's everyone favorite game
u play?
if you are frustrated then take out your gun and fire in the hole :D
in CS 1.6
I am awper.
I play sniper.
hate sniper guy
always they took head shot
Lets play together someday :)
@Rahul Do you play chess?
@berserk nope
oh okay
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 21:00

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