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posted on September 14, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Good Morning Guys :)
@Washu I am here now.
It seems like hide & seek
Hi @TheLittleNaruto
Can you help me with the question ?
Q: How to check whether sms in inbox is read or unread

osimer potheI have fetched all message from a particular number from inbox by the following code . public void refreshSmsInbox() { ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver(); Cursor smsInboxCursor = contentResolver.query( Uri.parse("content://sms/inbox"), null, n...

I need to read unread sms
from inbox
Well there is where clause I have put if you'll see this above pastie.
Cursor c = resolver.query(SMS_INBOX, null, "read = 0", null, null);
Now you can parse the message contents via this cursor as you're doing in case of all messages
How can I check whether a sms is read or unread at the time of fetching from inbox ?
@osimerpothe Sorry, I don't know and have never worked on that before.
I am getting OOM error on 1440x2560 resolution but it works on other 1440x2560.
Failed to allocate a 26211852 byte allocation with 4194304 free bytes and 12MB until OOM
@Kanth I've 6 images of total size 1mb.
hello all
good morning guys
Q: How to check whether sms in inbox is read or unread

osimer potheI have fetched all message from a particular number from inbox by the following code . public void refreshSmsInbox() { ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver(); Cursor smsInboxCursor = contentResolver.query( Uri.parse("content://sms/inbox"), null, n...

help me with this questions
my computer is still booting please wait
... I am waiting!
@Ved Hey
@rekire Make your morning "good" by checking on WA.
@osimerpothe I never used that api, did you check the fields which you can select?
@TheLittleNaruto hows u buddy
@rekire hello
@Ved hey :D
@rekire hahahaha ! well he is a troll for sure!
@Ved Fine so far. You say ? :)
i m also fine
i have just changed my job
@Ved Which location ?
How are you today @TheLittleNaruto?
I am good. How are you ?
Must be trying to wake up ?
I have close to two hours of peaceful sleep time I should be enjoying right now, but...
can anyone tell me how can i get twitter followers list ?
but...I woke up...
@TheLittleNaruto how to pass auth token into this i am not getting
I'm going to try to sleeps some more...
@TheLittleNaruto Gujarat
@NakAndroidDev I'll have to check that.
@Ved Back to home town ?
yes :)
Cool :)
I wonder if you get paid a very good salary in Gujrat as compared to Pune or Bangalore? @Ved
its less here
but u get to stay with family :)
@Ved Salary doesn't matter then. :)
at some point in life, u want peace more than money
and i have reached at that point
@Ved I'll true that.
Mine is yet to come though! :P
(: @TheLittleNaruto
for many, it never comes
Well that can happen... I can't be sure...
Q: SwagOverflow - Clothing

AlexI haven't seen a StackExchange site about clothing yet. If there is, please forgive me. I have a place in mind, where you could ask questions about your outfits or clothes, or what to buy. Doesn't matter which style. It would definitely boost one's self esteem, when one knows, people like what on...

Man! Guys are already getting T-shirts!
When the fuck I'll get one ? :/
Hi Guys
Hey @Ved
lol :
> Please tell me what you think about this, instead of only up/down voting.
I'm trying to iterate XML String in Java
I'm unable to do it
Can you check it
Q: Can we please keep the link referer in the chat?

rekireCould you guys change the link behavior in the chat so that the "shared" links will keep my userid in the url? E.g. I throw in the chat the link: http://discuss.area51.stackexchange.com/q/18036/127070 And it get's converted to: http://discuss.area51.stackexchange.com/questions/18036/swagoverflo...

up that was quick: two upvotes already
@rekire any thing as require for ssl configuration apart from this
My app can generate push notifications .
@Kanth liar
But after generating ones , it cant generate next notifications
untill the notifications is clicked off .
Why ?
@TheLittleNaruto , can you help me with this questions ?
@TheLittleNaruto did you find anything
@Rahul I created my certificates normal with openssl then I converted it for tomcat
yes share your code @Nizam
How can I update existing notifications ?
CA (Certificate agent ) also provide the Certificate which we need to import in keystore right ?@rekire
never read about Certificate agents
certificate authority u mean ?
I hope so else I might have missed something
how many likes we got on our page @TheLittleNaruto
like domain server itself provide the certificates which we need to import our keystore
however you don't need to add the CA (certificate authority) certs just the intermediate certificates, but don't ask me how to connect them I did not understood that.
its self signed
avoid self signed if possible
this one in.godaddy.com/help/… i'm talking about
Hi @All @rekire @Ved Good noon
@rekire how can i self sign certificate for testing
Could any one please help it for getting location details from service constantly
A: To generate push notification based on user current device location in android

maciej1.You need to create service which will be runing in background. Also you need somehow send notification to the telephone from your server and handle it. But it could be achived without server, you could just listen to LocationListener.OnLocationChanged 2.According to second question you can pre...

Please check the above link suggest me some code or answer
@Rahul I never tried it but there are dozens of examples in the web
@rekire ok
@osimerpothe Give different ID to each notification.
@NakAndroidDev At the time of twitter login; you need to pass those secret and app keys.
@Ved 311 so far!
i can login
I haven't been posted in a while on our fb page.
@TheLittleNaruto after login I need to get user friends list
@NakAndroidDev Just pass user id to the https:// api.twitter.com/1.1/followers/ids.json?cursor=-1&screen_name=sitestreams&count=5‌​000& user_id=<Here pass the user id of the logged in user>
you need token and tokenScrete
@Rahul As a get params ?
see parseTwitterUser
there i'm fetching user information
similarly you can pass token and tokenScret to volley to get that list of followerrs
api url differs
@TheLittleNaruto nice
@Ved:25688653 String arrayOfErrorContext = "<item>\n" +
" <errorCode></errorCode>\n" +
" <err\n" +
"orDescription>\n" +
" </errorDescription>\n" +
" </item>";
if(arrayOfErrorContext!= null && !arrayOfErrorContext.isEmpty()) {
String errorMsg = "";
NodeList nList = NodeList(arrayOfErrorContext);
println nList;
use API to do this
this code will not work
Can you please send me a snippet where I can iterate <item> and fetch errorCode
Q: Java: Most efficient method to iterate over all elements in a org.w3c.dom.Document?

KJWWhat is the most efficient way to iterate through all DOM elements in Java? Something like this but for every single DOM elements on current org.w3c.dom.Document? for(Node childNode = node.getFirstChild(); childNode!=null;){ Node nextChild = childNode.getNextSibling(); // Do something w...

hi @Ved @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto still its giving me same error
@rekire Did you know about this filter already ?
@Danny Hi
@NakAndroidDev What error ?
"errors": [
"code": 215,
"message": "Bad Authentication data."
@TheLittleNaruto no, but this one let me smile: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/19132?m=21362028#21362028
@TheLittleNaruto Could you please help me to how to get device location using service which runs in background
@NakAndroidDev Well look at the message.
@rekire Well... That one is starred by me.
@TheLittleNaruto possible :D
https:// api.twitter.com/1.1/followers/ids.json?cursor=-1&screen_name=sitestreams&count=5‌​‌​000& user_id=<Here pass the user id of the logged in user>
i called this url only
@Danny How about making a Service class which implements LocationListener and Override its methods ?
@TheLittleNaruto yes that will solve my problem can i have any code or tutorial for that it would be helpful
@Washu Finally. Why am I liar?
@Kanth This is WashuBot
@TheLittleNaruto For Service class which implements Locationlistener
!\\Washu I am innocent @Washu
!\\tell washu I am honest
@Kanth do you know postgre?
@Washu Bit. As I worked on Redshift which inturn based on postgres protocol. What's your doubt?
That's funny to see you guys having actually back to back conversation. lol @Kanth @Washu
It's been a long time
@Kanth I cant set variabeles in postgresql, right? :(
@TheLittleNaruto :D Yes, he hasn't been active for so many days on SO
@Washu I thought your doubt was on sql query :( This could be of help stackoverflow.com/questions/766657/… ?
hehe :D
@Kanth Years*
I have a firewall equipment which analyzes all traffic logs and it works in postgresql... and is a pain :(
You are at work at the moment?
@TheLittleNaruto how to pass auth in request ?
@NakAndroidDev Can you tell me how you're making Rest API request ? via UrlConnection or something else ?
i am using volley
Add these two dependencies as well:
    compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.4.0'
    compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp-urlconnection:2.4.0'
@Washu Yeah I am in office, that too today is end of Sprint :(
hi can any one tell me how reduced size with Not Qultiy down
this is my code
@TheLittleNaruto ok after that ?
@TheLittleNaruto @Washu @NakAndroidDev
@ResearchDevelopment your code brings me back memories...
am taking image image size reducing but Quality breaks
@NakAndroidDev Copy this class somewhere : hastebin.com/puvujutuxo.java
Volley.newRequestQueue(getApplicationContext(), new SignpostUrlStack(token, tokenSecret));
And then this ^
how to set image resolution
@TheLittleNaruto in my code
@TheLittleNaruto OAuthConsumer and DefaultOAuthConsumer can not be resolved
@ResearchDevelopment I dont know how to help you, but maybe this question can
Q: Decrease image size without losing its quality in android

Mainak MukherjeeHow to decrease image size without losing its quality in android. I have a ImageView in my project,I have to put a larger size image in it. I am new to android. please help.

anyone a good tutorial about the builder pattern for logical triggers? I want something like new Voodoo().onCondition().equal(Field.FOO, 42).or().equal(Field.BAR, 21).and().equal(Field.FOOBAR, 666) @TheLittleNaruto @Washu
@NakAndroidDev Do you have signpost-core- in your libs ?
Q: Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap

CbasI'm writing a card game and need my cards to be different sizes in different circumstances. I am storing my images as bitmaps so that they can be quickly drawn and redrawn (for animation). My problem is that no matter how I try and scale my images (whether through a matrix.postScale, a matrix.pr...

@TheLittleNaruto no
@NakAndroidDev Then add it, Man!
@rekire i have no idea, but... found this codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/19154/…
have you checked it?
@Washu that goes in the wrong direction, I know the pattern, I'm wondering how to make logical rules on top of them
I guess the decorator pattern is better
My bad :(
no problem, what I try it high complex
@TheLittleNaruto done adding that
@rekire No idea! that bounces over my head!
@rekire retrofit have same pattern
that called builder pattern
you might be override that equal method
what is next step ?
@NakAndroidDev Now whenever you instantiating Volley's new request pass the instance of SignpostUrlStack as its second param like this:
22 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
Volley.newRequestQueue(getApplicationContext(), new SignpostUrlStack(token, tokenSecret));
I have now a plan, let's check if this is possible
@Washu Agile Sprint. Which methodology do you people follow?
We use Scrum too
but why do you say is last day of it?
@Kanth my bad :P ok i get it now. i got confused
Good luck :)
@Kanth we too follow agile methodology
@Washu Sorry, was in hurry. Last day of the current sprint, so I am making sure every task is closed and accepted in tracking tool and the next sprint is innovation.
@ChintanRathod Cool.. Where are you from?
@Kanth Gujarat
@Kanth np, i got confused when you said last day of it lol.
@ChintanRathod Okay
@Washu Lol.. I wish I had the power to end the entire agile sprint and make today as last day :P
@Kanth how is the new company?
@Washu Cool, almost same as the old company that I had worked for.
I need to learn android...
@Washu Okay, but you have been saying this for almost 2 years lol...
@TheLittleNaruto BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 400 for https://api.twitter.com/1.1/followers/list.json?cursor=-1&screen_name=twitterdev‌​&skip_status=true&include_user_entities=false
Anybody here use Dropbox with Android Studio?
@Kanth haha i have been busy with networking :D xD
@Washu I understand, I was kidding. How is your new job? Any new things you are learning and working?
@Kanth yeah so so.... i havent been able to check everything yet but will sooner :P
@Washu What's the time there?
Q: Custom keyboard caps lock or shift key

SmeetI am implementing custom keyboard using sample given in android sdk. In this example, the shift key(caps lock) is highlighted when we manually do caps lock by double tapping on it. But it does not show the caps indication when there is capsword input type in edit text. So anybody can help me abou...

Anybody please help me
4 hours later…
posted on September 14, 2015 by Cody Toombs

We're just two weeks away from the anticipated launch date for Android 6.0, up to two Nexus phones, and possibly many other surprises. As we all know, secrets are rarely well-kept as the clock counts down on big new products, and that means bits and pieces occasionally escape. We've got an early look at the resources belonging to Google Camera v3.0, which we expect to see included with the u

I am sorry but I am back!
Let's disturb @rekire by pinging him twice! @rekire
I get only notified once :P
if I am not too fast
Well It looks like my pings were fast!
Still in office ?
banging your head with your corrupted PC ?
still in homeoffice ;)
well if I keep an eye on the clock I do not work much longer^^
THat is true
@rekire Watch this trick: facebook.com/JayoGee/videos/10153377226837418 . Will ya ?
I'm sorry your back too
Hey Joe
6 hours later…
posted on September 14, 2015 by Tor Norbye

We've just released Android Studio 1.4 Beta 4. This build fixes a small number of bugs relative to Beta 3: Fix icon-size scaling when using high-density displaysRelax the "spaces in path" error validation to be limited to NDK projects (where the command line tools still have some problems with spaces)A few tweaks to the templates, including a fix to allow creating a new project without activit

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