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posted on September 10, 2015 by Tor Norbye

We've just released Android Studio 1.4 Beta 3. This build contains a large number of bug fixes; we decided to reset the release branch to the dev branch to include the large number of high priority bugs and highly starred bugs we had fixed recently, including HiDPI/Retina display improvements for Windows and LinuxLogcat view mostly rewritten to address a number of stability and usability bugsB

1 hour later…
posted on September 10, 2015 by Cody Toombs

It seems like all hands are on deck to get Google's apps to conform on the new workmark. In all of the rush, a minor snafu occurred yesterday. A dogfood version (generally intended for internal testing) of the News & Weather app was uploaded to the Play Store, adorned with the cute little paw print badge. Well, the accident has been cleaned up and the proper version has been uploaded to

2 hours later…
GM all
@SweetWisherツ Good morning
posted on September 10, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@TheLittleNaruto I think that is an fake
good morning guys
@rekire Well I think too.
Hello @TheLittleNaruto
@RobinHood Hello-Hello!
proguard rules sucks
Howz you?
I am good. You ?
@Rahul Never used
Good, thank you
How to use cordova in android application development.like coping the jar and creating an xml file config.xml How I can do can anyone tell me any tutorial @all
@TheLittleNaruto pastie.org/10409196 Using Retrofit
what is issue ?
Well... I don't have space in the path; I guess; that is why I dint get that bug.
Also I always try not to give a name with space to a directory.
My point is that is the default location AFIK
My Studio directory is like this:
> Studio - Parent Directory
> sdk
> ndk
> android-studio
@TheLittleNaruto com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT
Basically I'm not getting how to do parse of such dynamic response.
@RobinHood Can I see your model classes ?
that's invalid json format
There's a problem: Unexpected character (']' (code 93)): expected a value (line 28, column 12)
@Rahul True that ^
there is comma when curly bracket close
@RobinHood Whoever web developer has developed that API ask him to remove that comma.
Also; an advice do not make model classes by yourself
Get the response and Just use this: jsonschema2pojo.org
There is also a plugin for AS which makes parceable classes for you.
but response is dynamic
and json invalid issue is from my side
@TheLittleNaruto quiet cool tool
@rekire :)
@RobinHood Ohh! How these responses are coming ?
@TheLittleNaruto I'm using same but its not applicable when response is dynamic.
response format is wrong
array of year and inside that array of months and inside objects.
@RobinHood From where is this response coming ?
Then you can't do anything, ask the web developer who has created this to stop sending invalid data or null data or blank data.
Response is okay, I just need to dig/ get help that what are the pojo I have to create
hello all
my app is not working on api 18 level device but running on api 19
minsdklevel is = 10
targetsdklevel is = 21
compilesdklevel is =21
@Appu where are you?
I already achieved objects inside dynamic array, as I'm saying there is not issue with response
@RobinHood Share me actual response which is not invalid.
But this one having array inside arraay
5 mins ago, by RobinHood
@Washu he is now known as @Kanth
check this one
@Kanth hey
Of course, when there is no data then array will be blank.
anybody can help me?
@Washu did you already upvote this answer and the highest upvoted one?
@RobinHood when there is no data; why to add a blank array ?
Isn't it simple ?
It will throw error at the time of parsing.
Anyway, right now blank array isn't a issue
Q: Parse dynamic array inside array using Retrofit

RobinHoodI'm trying to parse below data structure using Retrofit which having dynamic array collection inside that another dynamic array collection. Structure# { "DATA": { "2015": [ [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ], [ { ...

hello Friends, anyone have worked on snap chat camera like whatsApp ?
@RobinHood The reason is very simple; when you try to parse your above response; inside each blank array it tries to find an object which it doesn't get it. And your model class has been configured on that basis only. So it's obvious; it'll throw an exception.
@Shweta NO
@codesave What do you mean by not running ? Is it even not installing on 19 level devices or some part of code is not working ?
@RobinHood If a name value pair is missing; in that case gson handles it; But I don't think if it'll be able to handle a missing json object or array.
Q: Chat Camera like whatsapp in Android?

ShwetaI am trying to make a chat camera like whatsapp, I have googled so much but still didn't find any solution regarding it. Please help or guide me how to make it. Thanks in advance

@TheLittleNaruto nop it wont, before I already achieved, two level of same
@rekire do you know if kanth will log?
most times he is already online to this time
@RobinHood Did you ? Read this: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT . Does it make sense ?
@Washu I pinged him in whatsapp let's see
@TheLittleNaruto wait, I'm trying
Yaar Naruto, you disappoint me. :P
i need help
Swipe/Select Tab and Refresh the Activity in Android?
i am using Sliding Tabs in android
it is something like Playstore Tabs
I done it finally.
any one Knows here?
@RobinHood :/
@Mediasoft Is it : github.com/TheLittleNaruto/SupportDesignExample what you're asking for ?
@TheLittleNaruto Yes exactly something like this
@Mediasoft Have fun! :D
Problem is, I was not able to figure out the pojo class at last efforts work positively.
@TheLittleNaruto but one thing is that i don't know while i am change the tab, i want to refresh the ACTIVITY
@RobinHood You mean; you haven't defined it correctly ?
@Mediasoft refresh activity ? what do you mean ?
Q: Swipe/Select Tab and Refresh the Activity in Android?

Mediasofti want to know that how we can Refresh the Activity using Tab Swipe feature in android. below is my code: //Click & Sliding Control on Tabs tabs.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() { // This method will be invoked when a new pag...

@TheLittleNaruto there was issue with pojo class.
@TheLittleNaruto i have already post my question there.Please have a look
@TheLittleNaruto ???????
@RobinHood Ah Okay!
@Mediasoft Do not get in my nerve, Kid! Check that link that I shared with you and see how I defined the adapter.
tabs.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener()
// This method will be invoked when a new page becomes selected
public void onPageSelected(int position)
// When swiping between pages OR select the corresponding tab
switch (position)
case 0:
Tab1 tab1 = new Tab1();
@TheLittleNaruto Actually i have done already all these things. i just want to know that while changing the TAB how we can refresh the Content inside the Tabs
@SweetWisherツ Hi
25 minutes gradle still building a project
@SweetWisherツ i need your help man
anybody here have experience in Sliding Tab ???
you can call Sliding Tab / Swipe Tab or in simple words something like Google Playstore Tabs
tabs.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener()
// This method will be invoked when a new page becomes selected
public void onPageSelected(int position)
// When swiping between pages OR select the corresponding tab
switch (position)
case 0:
Tab1 tab1 = new Tab1();
@SweetWisherツ this is my code and i want to refresh the Tab contents while changing or sliding
@SweetWisherツ How ?
check the link, man
i have already post my question.please have a look

@TheLittleNaruto installing app after is not open
giving error
unforturenetly app has stoped
@SweetWisherツ Actually if you see my Code onPageSelected Function is working Fine. Just i don't know how to refresh the Tab Contents
@Mediasoft create a method in Fragment which will refresh the contentand call that method from onPageSelected . Simple !!
@SweetWisherツ will you help me a bit in this case? it will be better if you answer where the Question. so easy to Communicate.
hello guys
please see my issue
A: Refresh the Tab Content while Sliding or Selecting in Android?

SweetWisher ツIt's so Simple. Create a method in Fragment which will refresh the content and call that method from onPageSelected . Code Fro your activity: tabs.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() { // This method will be invoked when a new page becomes sel...

@Mediasoft Got the idea how it works ?
Yes i am trying. But some how i need to Refresh all the Activity. Actually i need to Refresh the Below FUNCTION which is in TAB1 Activity

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.tab_1, container, false);
mGridView = (GridView)v.findViewById(R.id.grid_view);

mGridView.setAdapter(new ImageAdapter(mContext, eatFoodyImages));
@SweetWisherツ How i can call onCreateView in MainActivity?
@Mediasoft cant u move that code in a method n call it in onCreateView as well as in ur refreshView method?
Don't ask such stupid question!! at least give some efforts
Hi @ChintanRathod :)
@SweetWisherツ i am not saying to Move the Method there? But Some how we refresh the Fragment Contents. if i write a new Function then i will call the Things inside that function ?
@SweetWisherツ hello
hello everyone
hey @SweetWisherツ @ChintanRathod @Aamir
@rekire hi bro
Not working man
@rekire Heyaa
I want to put this as String variable but it gives error   	 "{ "Android" :[{"song_name":"Gimme Dat",
  "artist_name":"Sidney Samson (Feat. Pitbull & Akon)"
 { "song_name":"F-k The Money (Remix)",
 "artist_name":"B.o.B. (Feat. Wiz Khalifa)"}] }";
how are you @SweetWisherツ
@rekire m awesome. hws ya?
Cya lunch time
@SweetWisherツ I'm fine so far :) I got yesterday stickers from SO :D
could someone help?
@rekire wow..
post snap
is that for completing 20K?
no, just because I asked so haha :D
can someone help, i wanted to start zookeeper in linux ubuntu using Runtime.getRuntime.exec() from java program but its not working!!!!
I got some more, but I take that one to office for the other office devs
@Aamir I never used that tool
all other command r working inside of Runtime.getRuntime.exec
but when i did like this
untime.getRuntime.exec("sudo ../../../Desktop/zookeeper/zookeeper_backend/bin/zkServer.sh start")
its not working
guys is it possible to get root access in linux ubuntu using java program
@rekire lolz..
@rekire parcel here :P
@codesave You must have some crash log when app gets crashed. Can I see that ?
haha just seen in a google doc:
09-10 03:19:44.912 1627-1627/app.gallery.ddev.staticgallery E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main
at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.nativeDecodeAsset(Native Method)
at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.decodeStream(BitmapFactory.java:503)
at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.decodeResourceStream(BitmapFactory.java:356)
at android.graphics.drawable.Drawable.createFromResourceStream(Drawable.java:800)
at android.content.res.Resources.loadDrawable(Resources.java:2110)
at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(Resources.java:695)
@codesave use paste for long code/errors
i hate as
@Hans1984 Hey
@TheLittleNaruto hello hru
material-design-resources: sitepoint.com/…
@JaiSoni hey I am good.
@TheLittleNaruto reach 4K great :)
@JaiSoni 27 left.... :P
u will get it soon
you know who you have to thank for 2k of those 4k right?
once i've clicked your profile 10h straight
@JaiSoni Very nice. :)
Q: Android Studio project settings missing Android SDK

revolutionaryAndroid-Studio project is not detecting my project as an Android project, instead mistakes it for a pure Java JDk project. How can i fix that. I tried a lot of things like Gradle-Sync and Invlidating Caches but nothing seems to fix it.

@Hans1984 hahaha
i ll twell you wre to send those 10k €
@revolutionary Did you update Android Studio Today ?
@Hans1984 :O
10k € ? I have never seen that much amount in my life.
then your not doing it right
jk ;)
me nether
HI all
Q: Parcelable class not found in 4.2 device in Android

user3547706i want to call my Parcelable class in my application. I wrote below code for that: import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; public class GetPropertyCount implements Parcelable { public String property_master = ""; public GetPropertyCount() { } public String getProperty_master...

Any idea about this?
i wish i had though
I wish same ^
I'll have once.
That's I am sure.
You know how much 10k euro is in Indian currency ?
@TheLittleNaruto even for few mins :P
@JaiSoni haha :D
how much?
alot i gues
It's 743130 INR
yesterday 20-30k $ was in front of me..but I cant touch them :(
Were you in Bank ?
@TheLittleNaruto no..
in hands of one of client of my comp
Jesus my current account balance is 48 INR. :D
I was there for demo presentation
At least you got the chance to see that much amount.
743130 soudn liek alot of money to me
@TheLittleNaruto 5 INR is mine :D
@Hans1984 Well it is a lot!
its so much you can throw it all over the place
743130 /2 is enough for me :P
@Hans1984 dont through give it to me :P
i throw it in the trash!
there is such thing like checkbox.ischecked
isnt there something like
ischecked well this return true false
then why wast of memory by creating isunchecked
@Hans1984 extend checkbox class and be the first one to do this
yes your right @rahul
@Hans1984 A troll question ? :P
@JaiSoni lol
fkn checkboxes
die checkbox die!
What's wrong ?
i got a checkbox witch is checked by default
but if the user unchecks it
it doesnt change its state
What are you doing in code? Show me
and i have to click it twice
for it to get unchecked
I want to see; How you're playing with Checkboxes
if (ohneBild.isChecked()) {
bilder = false;

if (mitBild.isChecked()) {
bilder = true;
i ll figure it out
if its clicked a boolean value has to change
it works so far
its noimage clicked by default
Did you implement OnCheckedChangeListener as well ?
in xml there is property called android:check
well im trying to do it via code
not xml
should work
it means its not checked
Well of course.
well nm
i ll figure it out
its more work for me to write it for you guys here
i rathe rfigure it out by myself
im tired explaining stuff to people
@Washu Where are ya. Sorry I was in series of meeting. The entire day was filled with meetings
you need some superior intelligence like some alien
so i dont have to explain ;)
@Hans1984 Well... First make checkbox working; then we'll talk about superior intelligence :D
i thought boolean accepts null value?
@Hans1984 No
stupid boolean
and it has to be boolean
i need a third value
@Hans1984 25 more to go...
i aint got time for stupid editing of stupid lazy peoples posts
As you wish.
who voted up my answer
@Hans1984 no actual code I hope
@Hans1984 Shhh.....
now i got 485 :D
rekire ;)
i know it was you
and the first time it wa syou naruto
Skip! Skip!
i know it was someoen in here
@rekire netmoms ?
Never heard such word
now i only need three edits today
:) good!
@rekire Jesus! It's your brand
lol yes that brank I'm working for
thanks !
then i will finally be 500
i made it! :O
@rekire Yes
do you lose your 500 previlges
if they delete posts later on
and i fall back to lets say 460
no I guess not
I read there something about it in a bug report on meta
I cannot find it :/
Today morning I did meditation in a public garden where people come early in the morning and do several exercises.
i think i will use onCheckedChangeListener
its the best option
Go for it!
and stfu
nasty lil fucker
dont be mean
i agree
i hate all of em
including myself
you can just hope we die out rather sooner then later
so earth can recover
Ohh boy!
Those were harsh words
and true as well.
well lets face it
humans have been destryoing this planet since they exist
Yay! face it! :-|
hello all
app is not running on below 19 but it is working on 19 and upper level
@codesave check your lint warnings they are important!
@TheLittleNaruto I need to try that with my cat
Try and share :)
hi guyz can anyone help me in memory leak issue in non static handler
Memory leak...Is that the same as the forgetfulness of old age?
i don't know about much about it.
but the thing is that my application gives a exception.
Activity com.example.myactivity has leaked window com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView{435ec360 V.E..... R.....I. 0,0-684,253} that was originally added here
@Shubham I get this warnings often no idea
@Shubham you need to close your dialogs on rotation etc
Yes, I often faced this kind of issue with dialogs afair
hows the weather @TheLittleNaruto
@Hans1984 It is quiet abnormal over here. In the morning It was too much hot. And in afternoon it was heavy rain.. And now it's again hot. :/
that sucks
It does...
it wears on your body&mind
@rekire how can i resolve this =>there were 13 duplicate class definitions.
@Rahul wtf?
i just enable the progaurd getting that as a warning
make sure that you always use the same app library version
same app ?
yes I see those warnings only when I have differnt versions of the support library
resolve support v4 is used in facebook as well as in app
Hello everyone :)
Has anyone fetched Google Contacts ?
@Kanth yes the problem is due to dialog. From my google search i came to know that their might be some message in message queue that is why handler give such kind of exception (as my handler is not static)
i will fix it. I got reference/solution "subclass the Handler in a new file or use a static inner class instead"
Am having trouble in configuring libraries "Getting multi dex ". But now I have only three libraries which is necessary for the process
@Shubham Cool, glad you got solution
@TheLittleNaruto Can you tell me Why we need Guava Library for Google Contact Fetching?
@AkhileshSk No idea dude
I have some UI doubt. i.e I have to create dynamic buttons and I have check which one is clicked and the format is like that I have to create one linear Layout also <LL><DynamicLL><DyB/><DyBB/></DynamicLL></LL>.I have to create Dynamic Layout also.How can use for loops for creating.@all
hii all
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 19:00

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