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@TheLittleNaruto Cool..thanks. Any best approach to securely have API keys in app itself? i've read many so posts. Most of them recommend proguard. But, that was no secure, no?
@DroidDev havent read that one, repost
@RobinHood MultipartTypeObject
//Chat APIs
void sendMessage(@Body MultipartTypedOutput output, Callback<PojoSendMessage> callback);
@berserk it was nothing
anyway....what about WWE immortals?
@All Any best approach to securely have API keys in app itself? i've read many so posts. Most of them recommend proguard. But, that was no secure, no?
@berserk Oh thanks @berserk @MukeshRana Hi buddy
@DroidDev lol
@DroidDev fuck, seriously?
there is a GTA also :P
@berserk just search for it. Though, don't know what its about, but...there is one
its from Ubisoft
@DroidDev buy a google cardboard
@berserk how much that costs?
guys please anyone?
@YohanBlake query?
@berserk do they give it out on EMI?
@berserk what for?
@DroidDev (._.')
@DroidDev (.__.')
well 3D stuff
Q: Delete row from MySQL table via android

Yohan BlakeI need to delete an item from a list view on android when clicked. The thing is, my table is not on the phone(SQLite), but on the server. So I'm using a PHP code for this. I have set up an onClickListener. list.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { ...

@berserk I mean, I don't come across much of 3d stuff. So, they'll just be sitting in my room, looking at me
@berserk I am so worried about girls in your company.
u r too complex sometimes...
throws complexies at @DroidDev
anyways, it is good stuff
@berserk haha, you remember
eats'em all
u should experience atleast once
do you have one? :P
@Dro gets fat over 9000 after eating complexies
@DroidDev nah, someone brought in office once
anyone can tell me how to integrate launcher code in my app android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/Launcher2.git
@berserk enjoys being fat
@berserk well....what does it to? I mean, what did you try it on? A video or a game or something?
there are some cardboard apps.
that will give u a 3D view.
maybe some NSFW games too
and some horror games
well....that some word in your sentence reduced the chances of me buying one to almost none
downloading "Gunship battle: helicopter 3d"
u have no idea what u are missing...
@berserk Mukesh Rana not present in the room ah?
and loads of money
@berserk lets say I buy one, what use I have of it?
lol.. and u told me u stopped running for it
the smartphone I have is also gifted, so I didn't buy that one either :/
@DroidDev u can view some 3D stuff which looks real
@berserk I still miss it though. And it depends on mood and current level of desperation :P
@berserk that's not use. You should really watch Fight club
in Shadow's Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Jan 15 at 7:53, by DroidDev
Tyler Durden: Right. We are consumers. We're the bi-products of a lifestyle obsession.
hi guys
in Shadow's Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Jan 15 at 7:52, by DroidDev
Tyler Durden: It's a blanket. Just a blanket. Now why do guys like you and me know what a duvet is? Is this essential to our survival, in the hunter-gatherer sense of the word? No. What are we then?
@DroidDev (._.')
brb lunch
gonna buy more complexies to throw at @DroidDev
@berserk gonna love it
@berserk and how to pass file(MultipartTypeObject object)?
@YuvaRaj which IDE are you using ?
Android Studio
Do you know to set new Environment variable in Ubuntu?
like we do in Windows
but why do you ask?
Because you asked for hiding APIs keys.
@TheLittleNaruto there are environment variables in linux too. Though for it to be permanent, I think you need to run script
did it long time ago
See you can always hide your actual key within your app, via setting to Environment Variable and load the value with that variable name in gradle script.
puh what a day
I can start now with my job^^
@TheLittleNaruto never knew that. Thanks :)
@rekire u worked with launcher app ?
As soon as you compile it, the keys value will be with the project but won't be visible
Isn't it cool ?
@Erum I guess not in that way you want to
May be because i don't understand :D
Gradle is awesome.
@YuvaRaj Okay I'll explain.
Ah! But you're Ubuntu user and I am Windows'.
So don't ve much knowledge about it
See my answer above.
@TheLittleNaruto I've windows too..
To be frank, i Google search if i want to set any environment variables.
Try to execute the steps what I shared in my answer.
@ItachiUchiha heeeeelllllppp :D are you there? I need to setup ssl on a tomcat
@rekire Do you have the ssl certificate with you?
@ItachiUchiha yes I have in the pem format, that means I guess that is the name (I have a key and a crt file)
Just one crt file?
I have also the ca and intermeat files (also crt files)
can you vi (open in any text editor) the pem file
delete these
Can you find three sections :

that file is base64 encoded there are non such things
sry brb
Di you create a keystore file?
@RobinHood let me share sample
forgot to bought complexies
how to run one application in more than one process
@Harish explain your requirement
Are you looking for more than one thread?
@ItachiUchiha i got asked this question ..
Is it possible to run app in more than one process ?Then How ?
Re-run the application
@ItachiUchiha but the process will be only one na..!
@Harish use IPC mecanism
@Harish Of course you can have. Have a look : stackoverflow.com/a/6567878/1944896
@ItachiUchiha This is crazy, lol xD
@Harish No..
@Harish if you run the same java program twice, then it will create two JVMs
@ItachiUchiha but it'll run on second jvm right
Yes, I do not understand your point.
@sakthi ??
@MukeshRana I'm currently working collageMacker in android. I searched sample from google for last few week. But I'm not get any sample. Can u help me?.
@ItachiUchiha I think so I just have not added the private key since I do not know how to do that
hey, I would like some advice on making a realtime chat app for android
should I use my own socket connection, or should I use GCM ?
@harvey_slash GCM
but GCM has the problem that it cant be used for non googleplay devices
also, could you suggest the data flow while using GCM ? (i will use upstream messaging as well)
@rekire http://www.mkyong.com/tomcat/how-to-configure-tomcat-to-support-ssl-or-https/
Did you forgot something to read :p
@sakthi so what kind of collagemaker you actually need?? do you have any reference??
@Rahul well that hints looks like to generate a new self sign certificate, I have already one
first question, should I store the messages between users ? and how would one handle typing/seen statuses. And what about large file transfer? how will that work ?
@rekire then you need to configure in server.xml
@harvey_slash well about other platforms which do you have in mind?
just android, but it would be preferable if amazon tab owners also use my app.
@rekire can you try this command and show me the output
keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks
@Rahul I know that I have this open step however I have a certificate file and a private key. I have right now no idea how to put the private key in the keystore... and I'm not sure if I did everything right
right now , I would like somebody to give me the dataflow if I do use GCM
@harvey_slash in that case you could use e.g. sqs from amazon or their push backend too
@MukeshRana like picCollage.
okay , that solves that.
could you now please tell me how messages would transfer between devices etc ?
looking for best practice/suggestions etc
How did you get the crt file? Did you create it from the pem file ?
@ItachiUchiha I got the crt file via mail
@rekire , could you also tell me the reason why you are against sockets ?
@sakthi okay so where you are getting problem?
@ItachiUchiha that output is very long
@harvey_slash that is quiet much work ;) you would need to handle possible thousend of open tcp connections
Does this look good enough?
@rekire let us vi the pem again
do you find three sections with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ?
no there is just one section, but I have four files containing that. The CA file, two intermediate files and my endpoint certificate
@MukeshRana I don't know how to make(split) collageView?.
so, how would I handle messages that are bigger that the 4kb payload Limit?
right now, as per their examples, I have a server that is running their smack api (java)
@rekire let us try to add your crt to keystore
@sakthi well either you can draw that dynamically at run time as soon as the user selects a particular collage view or you can simply take static collage views in your xml as there may be fixed number of collage views
does that help you?^^
@MukeshRana First one, draw dynamically.
@rekire this is how a pem file should be, with three sections blogs.oracle.com/blogbypuneeth/entry/steps_to_create_a_jks
Hello, could someone help me with an android problem?
okay so I should copy all certificates and the private key in a single file?
@rekire do you have .jks,.crt,.pem file ?
@BartBergmans no without any more information that is impossible
No, can you open you crt file in text editor and confirm it has three sections..
@rekire should I give a link to my stackoverflow answer?
@Rahul .jks, 4x .crt, 1x .key
@BartBergmans drop it :) but I'm right now too busy to answer
@harvey_slash yes?
@ItachiUchiha I know next step?
wow you are a multi-tasker @rekire
could you help me later ?
@harvey_slash hopfully^^
i would some help on how data would flow between users/servers while using GCM
Q: Textview getMeasuredHeight not correct height for multiple lines

Bart BergmansI am using the method below to set the height of the ListView to the height of the items. The problem is that I have a few items where the text is too long so it continues on the next line. For those items I don't get the proper height but the height of a single line item. How can I get it to wor...

I am adding you to a private chat
@ItachiUchiha I guess I need to make a break and go on on step 3 on the oracle site
@rekire Copy its contents and create a pem file
ill contact you after a while then ?
please message me if you are free :)
@sakthi See making a layout dynamically is simple but the main problem is when you have to draw the layout at run time you should have the idea which collage view user has selected and it depends upon how many collage views you gonna show to the user and how complex the collage views are
@rekire You can once you have correct pem files
gradle is fazul it still not working in my end
@Erum fazul?
yes its not working in my side
dnt know whats the issue
@ItachiUchiha I guess that is no issue, since i have that already in the keychain I had just to combine the private key with the public key while importing the tomcat aliased certificate
taking lot of time to start
@Erum Slow processor may be :P
yes idk whats the issue bt still using eclipse
@ItachiUchiha u worked with launcher app
@MukeshRana Hm... What I'm doing...
@Erum Not an android dev :P
@sakthi so what if you make layouts for all the collage views and assign ids to your ImageView like 0,1,2 which depends upon the number of imageviews present in a particular collageview and you can simply findViewById all that imageviews in a single loop and apply a common click listener for all. this way your code will be more generic no matter how your collageview looks since you have the number of imageviews present in that particular collageview
@MukeshRana Okay, can u show me any sample?
@MukeshRana have u worked with launcher app ?
@rekire this might help
@Rahul interesting... I'm checking another way right now
@MukeshRana I just already try that one. But it having touch scaleDetctr problem when I was run on multiple device. Pls show me any sample Mukesh.
@Erum nah :(
how can I see if there is a private key in a keystore?
@sakthi well i have to look into my lapi for that may be it is present if i haven't deleted that because i have made that just for my personal use but right now am little busy i'll let you know by evening
@sakthi wait....I once did something like collage view(I remember it now). That might help you. But, I don't have code right now. :/
@rekire keytool -list -keystore <keystore-name>
@ItachiUchiha I did that already but there is so much text^^
@MukeshRana ya sure mukesh, I am waiting... pls help me.
@MukeshRana *lappy :P
@DroidDev ya sure, I am waiting...
@rekire did you see PrivateKeyEntry in console ouput
@DroidDev lol it depends from person to person how they wanna pronounce there laptop :P
@MukeshRana s/pronounce/call :P
@Rahul no there are right now only trustedCertEntry entries I'm checking you linked way now
How to modify the following code that it adjusts the getMeasuredHeight to the real size of the wrapped text inside the listview item?

float px = 300 * (listView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density);
item.measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec((int)px, View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));

totalItemsHeight += item.getMeasuredHeight();
@berserk checking..
@DroidDev @Muk I call it "my baby" in general ^^
@TheLittleNaruto that is so girlish
@TheLittleNaruto haha
lol, I just imagined you calling it "my baby" and I am not able to think of a guy doing that. Everytime I imagine that, a girl comes to my mind. LMAO
@DroidDev Yes! laptop is something that you can considered it as your gf :)
For a dev only.
@TheLittleNaruto I always thought laptop was male :/
No, My lappy is my baby.
make sense ?
well what's the nickname of your laptop??
lol, my girlfriend's name in my contact book was "aaaaaaa", so that I can easily bring the contact up, while searching for her number :P
lol i was aksing for @DroidDev laptop :P
....and you've even named your laptop "baby"
@DroidDev that sounds something vulgar :P
@MukeshRana lol, name of my laptop is Sony Viao. Just that
@MukeshRana haha, nothing vulgar about it. It just kept her number on top of contact list. Easy to search ;)
her second number; "aaaaaa....."
again, on top of contact list
@DroidDev i was asking for nick name ;)
@DroidDev i know what you mean.. your evil smile on my face :P
@MukeshRana xD
@MukeshRana no nicknames. However I sometime abuse it or beat it, when it hangs or work slow
@MukeshRana lol
@MukeshRana see, we are not that attached.
so, what's nickname of your lappy @Mukesh
I wish she is not checking this chatroom right now. ^^
its MakkSuperComputer :P
lol, don't worry, even if she is, she don't know who DroidDev is @The
@MukeshRana apart from SuperComputer, nothing in that name makes any sense :P
Mr Vishwash sharma even we don't know who @DroidDev is :P
@berserk what to do in case if i want send no data in TypedFile?
@DroidDev lol
@RobinHood what? 0.0
@Rahul thank you it worked!
@MukeshRana lol, that was a good one. But to no avail :P
throw buckets full of lols on @DroidDev and @MukeshRana
she is not even in development, leave alone SO chat @Muk @The :P
@berserk I was expecting complexies
@DroidDev Well! what can I say! Good for you. :)
@berserk olay olay olay olay olay olay :P
@berserk I mean blank...
your welcome. also https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/ssl-howto.html
Prepare the Certificate Keystore
read this
1 hour ago, by berserk
forgot to bought complexies
@MukeshRana you singing?
@MukeshRana :P
@Rahul I read that first, I had just no idea how to import the private key
@RobinHood blank file?
@berserk yup
@berserk *bring
@RobinHood why? I wonder
@DroidDev you got me right ;)
@DroidDev well I was rhyming
Finally Ordered Casio's A499 model. Waiting for the delivery day.
may be you forgot to find this one line
To import an existing certificate signed
@TheLittleNaruto mini piano, u mean?
@berserk because its optional, so in case if user didn't select image then I have to send blank
@Rahul possible
@RobinHood just leave that param then
have you also nicknamed your laptop @berserk?
@rekire ?
@berserk leave in the sense?
@berserk @DroidDev @TheLittleNaruto youtube.com/watch?v=G0T1xWPjSio
@berserk Naah! I meant wrist watch
File uploadSign = new File(_StrPath);
TypedFile typedSignature = new TypedFile("application/octet-stream", uploadSign);

If I pass blank to file,it gives me no such directory error.
@MukeshRana ._.
@DroidDev not really, but I will call it appa now :D
:23223457 lol
@RobinHood just don't send that file param
@TheLittleNaruto oh
anybody seen Vikings?
You mean you just threw money away? :P
@berserk If I don't send though it will give error during compile time
@berserk Asking me ?
@RobinHood nope
@TheLittleNaruto ofc :P
@DroidDev It's nice TV Sereis
@berserk haha not like that. I wanted to have a smart looking wrist watch.
@berserk its giving...
@TheLittleNaruto cool
@RobinHood which error?
@TheLittleNaruto Well, Death note is nice
compile time, all params require to send
can u show code?
@berserk Search on Flipkart in Casio's wrist watch category, A499 model.
and show ur method
@TheLittleNaruto u pinged it wrong lol
@berserk Of course it is. How many episodes you have watched so far ? I am at 20.
@berserk haha
or u meant Flipkart in Casio's wrist watch category, A499 model. = error
Which I think also :P
@TheLittleNaruto completed ages ago
I thought you have got just started
@TheLittleNaruto peasants :P
@berserk Din't get you.
peasants as in ?
Anyway did you check in Flipkart yet ?
@TheLittleNaruto , Hi !
@osimerpothe Hi
I want to build an task-killer .
This app will kill all running app of system .
except those without whom the android os will shutdown
How can I do that ?
A: How to kill all running applications in android?

hasanghaforian You can use Process.killProcess(int pid) to kill processes that have the same UID with your App. You can use ActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses(String packageName),with KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES permission in your manifest(for API >= 8) or ActivityManager.restartPackage (String packageName)...

I have seen this .
Tea time. brb
But this code has shutdown all install apps
@berserk ?
But I have to shutdown only running apps
@TheLittleNaruto haha, umm its kind of showing superiority to others.. strange u never heard it
@osimerpothe those app which running in background
@RobinHood bro
U are using it wrong
@Rahul , yes
Check out the example I showed you,
I want to kill those apps which will running in background .
@berserk this way its also working, but problem is I have to compulsory pass file.
I want to kill those apps which are running in background .
but what if I send blank file here
output.addPart("content", new TypedFile("image/jpeg", file));
@TheLittleNaruto hmmm...planning to downlaod
what about Arrow?
@Rahul , Can you help me ?
@berserk by your way,getting this exception
@Body parameters cannot be used with form or multi-part encoding.
Can you show me the method u made?
void SignUpLoginClient( @Header(X_API_KEY) String APIKey,
@Body MultipartTypedOutput output,
Callback<DataModelUserProfile> callback

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