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Hello @Appu @david.schreiber
i have many option for android live streaming app but i just wanna ask which one is best, for future customization
@Appu @david.schreiber any suggestion
@Hope Sorry, have never worked on live streaming, so couldn't judge the best one.
its ok thanks
Good morning all
GM folks!
@Appu voting started...........
Mrng All
Q: how to disconnect from googleapiclient in android

RiserI am doing simple google login and logout using API. but when i logout using below code, sometimes googleapiclient not disconnect. and because of that when i am going for login, it will automatic login to my previous account rather that asking for select account. Code for logout: public void go...

good morning guys
Please vote for me!
@rekire I will vote for u ;)
thx :D
I guess my changes are bad however I try to make some ads for me^^
lol :P
@iAnum ye factorial ka code btao jaldi
Good Morning Guys :)
@rekire voted!
@Erum using recursion??
@Erum please only english here
@TheLittleNaruto thx. I just checked it since registration I was just 23 days offline
@Erum following is better
int fact(int n)
int result;

return 1;

result = fact(n-1) * n;
return result;
@rekire that's good thing :)
prime numbes
NOKIA LUMINA 930 ,HTNC ONE 9 ,Sony xperia z3 which one i should bye
nokia 3310 :P
prime numbes
nokia 3310 not bad its faster than apple iphone 6 :p
erum :\
@Rahul not faster, but harder :P
search on youtube you will find a video :)
lol I need more then 700 upvotes to get in
@Erum check ur yahoo id, i have shared with u very imp programming Qs
these types of short Qs and codes u r asking for
pls tell me string programs
@rekire i casted mine
@Harish thank you!
@Erum reverse string without using another array
@Erum if u really want to dive in string Questions, see programiz.com/c-programming/c-string-examples
but I would not recommend
@rekire can you suggest me which one i should buy
@TheLittleNaruto thx
@Rahul The HTC One m9 or the Xperia Z3 the last one is water proof
I love to buy htc one m9 but HTC one m9 camera reviews are not good
it can just get better^^ the camera or the original one (m7) was crap
HTC one m8 camera is better than htc one m9
@rekire what is your opinion on NOKIA LUMNIA 930. it is also got the finest camera
@Rahul you are here in a chat room what do you want with a windows phone?^^
@iAnum reverse string wihtout another array
@rekire just wanted to know which one better.
@Rahul I have to say that I did not look at the lumnias as like the apple devices
@rekire haha true! ^
@rekire ok
@rekire Hello, I am new here
@Xcihnegn welcome, you are in my timezone^^
Part of the EU or did I mixed something up?
just ask: are you really want to be moderator?
@Xcihnegn sure
Good Afternoon Guys.. :)
I like Android, and found you are fan also Android
Ok you got my vote!
That's true I am an Android fan you can ask e.g. @TheLittleNaruto
@Xcihnegn thanks a lot :)
Ok see you then
posted on April 14, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@rekire 194 dv's?
@ItachiUchiha where did you see that?
@rekire ^^
ah that
well yes :(
Well, it is still an experience :)
yeah it is
15 upvotes left for #19 and 724 for #10
@iAnum Can you post rekire's message post in your room ?
so that he can get more upvotes ;)
This is weird, total number of users for Android is greater than any other language on SO, and No android candidate gets 2k+ votes :(
@TheLittleNaruto hey tell me that wifi command to connect with device
@Michel adb tcpip 5555 (your device should be connected here)
and then adb connect your_device_local_ip_address:5555
@TheLittleNaruto ok sure I will :)
Please any info about live video streaming from android phone to server
@iAnum Thanks :)
@Hope use vitamio
@iAnum thank you
#19 rekire 279 changes since 8:00am +112
np guys
just for comperation: #1 Martijn Pieters 5356 changes since 8:00am +1172
:) @rekire
@Michel hi thanks for response
@Michel i don't have any idea about live streaming and even i don't know what will be require for it please can you some hints
@rekire +1 When did you nominate?
@Appu a week ago when the election opened
@JaiSoni Did you see? @TheLittleNaruto I know that you already upvoted, didn't you?
@rekire Oh good.
my changes are currently bad #19 with 344 upvotes I need at least currently 1219 to get in the top 10
Will work altogether to achieve that. At lest we have to try
sure, but I cannot do much more now I think
@rekire FOR YOU
No problems, I have seen many of them who currently nominated last year and before last year. This is just the first time you are participating. @rekire
@Rahul Photoshop? :P Still wish it was real
@Rahul thx if you could enter that into the database^^
@Appu its not photoshop
use developer tools of google chrome
@Appu yeah the first time
however I think I make big steps to #18
@Rahul Okay, cool. Thanks for upvoting rekire
@rekire wish i could
Only 150 repo user can vote.
@Harish @ItachiUchiha @MukeshRana there?
@Harish has I know not sure about @ItachiUchiha but I guess so
I don't feel bad even if someone thinks that I troll for this :P
hehe ;D
@Appu yes ??
@MukeshRana Have you voted for mod? If not would you mind voting rekire?
I already voted for you @rekire :D
@rekire what are we talking about?
4 hours ago, by rekire
Please vote for me!
The image which I sent had my vote for you
wow Hemang (#28) got finally his first positiv score
@Appu (y)
in Android, 2 hours ago, by Glitch
Probably because most users are vampires
so now my meeting begins (again) I'll be offline for some hours, I'll get your pings with a 15 minutes dalay on my watch I'll read it!
@rekire He has a very poorly written "About Me"
tbh, I am the best candidate for mod :)
what do you think guys ? ;)
Yeah, go and nominate watson :D
@Doorknob @Neil @Washu Where are you guys?
@Appu yeah what's up..
Nothing much, what's up with you? @Harish
@Appu have you worked with webservices..
@Harish Hmm, but it depends on your issue. Go ahead
now httpclient is deprecated in api22 then now we need to use openconnection
Oh, I didn't use that. I thought your question was based on java web services. As I am not working on Android currently, I think I am kinda outdated in terms of Android @Harish
@Appu i'm asking it in android
@Neil Howdy! You have become stranger to this room ;/
Did you cast vote? Please see down right starred message in this room
Wait, why am I the hero of stack overflow?
Oh, :D
@Neil You must be better knowing that.
Wait, I remember you said last year that you would participate this year
I had to check the url before I realized
I never said I would participate!
Or may be you said because I was forcing you :P
@Appu unfortunately time's up! :(
for what?
I can't nominate myself anymore as phase 2 already started.
Oh okay, sorry I lost my last message to you
@TheLittleNaruto If it makes you feel better, I vote for you in spirit
Thanks for your kindness, Your Grace! @Neil
@TheLittleNaruto your Grace:)
@TheLittleNaruto for fb i have to download openssl?
@rekire +1
No need if you can get key hash programmatically.
@Saad thanks :)
@TheLittleNaruto friend of a friend is a ?
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%\.android\debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl
@Saad friend ^
@Michel for that you need open ssl
@Neil What should I do if I want to externalize queries rather than including them in code? I thought to use xml files, but as the queries contain special characters they are not allowed to be parsed correctly.
@Appu in java ?
If it is Java, I would use .properties file @Appu
@TheLittleNaruto Yes, how? I want to embed some other parameters also
@JaiSoni Did you caste vote?
@Appu There are ways of getting around that
Though, probably not a good idea to externalize queries
I assume you are aware of the risks though
Why do you want to externalize queries ? I missed that word while reading your query.
that word* queries
@Appu yes I hv
Any constant credential values like fb app id etc should be externalised not queries.imo
@Nei Yeah, those are anyways jar files which are used internally, so no need of any security. We just want to do this way because anyone in our team can modify queries rather than looking into the source code, making it as jar again etc.,
@TheLittleNaruto sql queries
@JaiSoni :)
Modify as in changing parameters values right ?
Or the whole query ?
I would make functions for CURD with relevant parameters.
@TheLittleNaruto Sometimes the whole logic of the query except the data columns positions in the select statement. Because they would lead to errors
Ok that's a lot. @Appu
anyone can share link for polymorphism sample questions
@Erum why don't you check first on Google ? And then ask for anything. Because Polymorphism is something for which you can get many good links.
Even though I would stick with making own custom function for executing queries. @Appu
@TheLittleNaruto What do you mean by custom function?
@chintankhetiya Long time no see
@Appu Hi
yeah bit bz in work
Say how are you ?
@Appu as I said custom function for executing queries having own relevant parameters.
@chintankhetiya I am good, thanks. See downside right and upvote rekire
@TheLittleNaruto Hello dude
@chintankhetiya hi mota bhai ;)
What's up ?
Please vote for rekire.
@TheLittleNaruto This is not regarding parameters ;/ Rather getting each whole query from external file and execute it.
@Appu Good to see that @rekire is in election.
@TheLittleNaruto good as always you say
@Appu I know. But the query will need some values eg for 'where' clause . Or it won't ?
@chintankhetiya same goes for me as well ;)
My concern is you can have whole your query in those custom function and if you need to pass data dynamically to the query , you can do that well
@TheLittleNaruto It doesn't require any. Rather those are queries which get executed daily to get data for yesterday and send reports to few people.
Then its Ok with XML or .properties file.
@rekire You need to pay us both :P for marketing you (Of course not up to the mark I might add) ;/
In XML if you're worried about handling special characters, then you know them how to handle it already , don't you ?
@TheLittleNaruto .properties I have never used them. References? I know how to escape them, but those will confuse future modifiers who can only edit xml files, rather than tweaking queries in the code.
I am on mobile. Try to search in howtodoinjava.com , iirc it has a very simple example. @Appu
@TheLittleNaruto Okay let me check if it suits my requirement. Thanks
Sure :)
Back on PC. SO was down in my office.
Holy Cow! Martijn Pieters has got 6608 votes already!
ohh boy! @rekire you have got tough competitors out there. :|
I'm back
@TheLittleNaruto I know and I'm very realistic since the top guys had already after 1 minute a 3 digit count
all other have a much faster upvote growing if there is no wonder I'm already out^^
But good thing is, you have got more than 400 votes. That does matter.
Because that much people think you can make a good mod.
yeah that is true I'm pretty sure that are more people then I know which seems to trust me
@Appu You could write a plugin
If you use java 7 or above, there's a elegant way to do it
that are the changes since about 11:00 gmt +2
What is that Change column for ?
Create an interface in your main jar, then have a services/name.of.interface file in your META-INF of your jar with the queries
And you have yourself a way of getting queries from these plugins if the interface is implemented, otherwise no
the changes in the last 5 seconds since updating the votes
oh no featured found
@rekire got it since you took part in election :P
@ItachiUchiha :D
@berserk #voteforrekire
sure :)
rekire ftw!
Thanks :D
@berserk thx
hi everyone! i'm working on viewpager. inside viewpager's onPageScrolled(), i'm able to control going to the right when the last page comes. similarly, when the first page comes, i can't control the left hand side. here's my code: paste.ofcode.org/wQxWhjBViQisxUVgn9Gbzs
bye guys all
2 hours later…
@Neil Writing a plugin? I think it would be overkill for my requirement ;/ or do you think it's easy?
@Appu It is nice if for no other reason than the fact that your main jar can make use of an implementation of an interface without knowing anything about it
@CarloPellegrini Welcome!
If you have multiple implementations, your main jar can decide how to manage that
It's worth learning if nothing else
You may still prefer to go for the simpler route, and I wouldn't blame you, but it is still nice to know
It isn't that difficult to set up
@Neil set up what? You mean to say after writing plugin?
@Appu Set up the plugin I mean
The support is already inherent in the jvm, so you only have to conform to creating a file under services folder in META-INF and list the classes that implement that interface in that file
@Neil Okay.
then if it is in classpath, your main file can load a list of them in the form of a list of the interface class
@Neil Ok, How is your work going? Have you been to U.S recently?
@Appu I went last August
Thinking of going back for christmas this year
Work is fine. Things have gotten more absurd as of late
Then how is it fine? ;)
Your two statements are contradictory
Fine, in the sense "normal" :)
Our head of development decided to make a copy of our "standard" development platform for each of our clients, meaning we no longer have 1 copy to maintain but about 12
The idea was to prevent that a correction would create problems with all 12 clients, but really a better solution would have been to prevent the problem in the first place
@Appu @Appu Hello everybody. I'm just lurking here.
@Neil Maintaining 12 different copies would be cumbersome I think. Because those 12 copies change in different ways according to the client later, don't they?
@CarloPellegrini Hmmm, What have you been up to? Have you casted your vote?
@Appu Potentially yes
Though the idea is that you wouldn't change all 12 for an implementation or even a minor bug fix
@Appu Already casted :) I discovered this chat reading @rekire's profile.
@Neil So now when you find a bug you must code the correction on all 12 copies, and test each one for regressions.
@CarloPellegrini thx
@rekire You are welcome. I think that the Java question quality is dropping lately... We need more moderators who master the language.
That's true there is much work to do
@CarloPellegrini Wow! that's good to hear that you came here after reading his profile!
@rekire You are marketing even this room ^_^
@Appu hehe yes I do
Hi guyz, I am trying to hide Year from datepicker dialog
i have sample project when i deploy that project from eclipse it works fine
and if I deploy it from Android Studio it gives me Null Pointer Exception
any help?

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