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morning guys.
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hello all
how to implement in app purchase v3?
good morning all
good morning fellas
posted on March 23, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Good Morning Guys.. :)
how to implement in app purchase v3?
@MukeshRana good morning to all
lol.. Gud Morning ;)
@MukeshRana need ur help
i have to set time on button click and i want display Popup each day in given time can u please tell me how i will do this
suppose i have to set 11.26 now on Button click then each and every at 11.26 i have to display Popup
@maveň Gud morning maven ;)
@Edge you can make use of Alarmmanager to display pop up at regular intervals
@MukeshRana yo! buddy its kolaveri di
why dis kolaveri d ??
paste.ofcode.org/t39FZ8jcj5iwF2Sf8cfzRt this code i have used please check @MukeshRana
what problem you are getting @Edge ??
see this code
// Set the alarm to start at approximately 2:00 p.m.
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 14);

// With setInexactRepeating(), you have to use one of the AlarmManager interval
// constants--in this case, AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY.
alarmMgr.setInexactRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(),
AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY, alarmIntent);
alarmMgr = (AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
good morning guys
what we ll use alarm reccvier class
i have use same
@rekire Good Morning :)
so what problem you are getting @Edge
hi! has anyone used redial menu?
Good Morning guys :)
vgm @TheLittleNaruto @MukeshRana
@rekire Heya
hi , I am installing the apk from external storage from using below code :

command = "adb install -r " + filename;
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(
new String[] { "su", "-c", command });

it throwing IO exception , Environment null

actual command is : su, -c, adb install -r /mnt/sdcard/OTA_update.apk
i don't think you can invoke adb from code like that.
let me check
I want to update my system app not user app
you can't do that unless either your app has root access or your app is a system app itself.
how can I make my app as a system app
are you making your own android build? If no, you can't.
yes we are making our own android build
but I want to know after first install of my system app , how can we update the new feature in this
without updating the whole android build
u there ?
I'm not sure about that case, but I guess your apk installation question is already on SO.

consulting google devta from time to time is a good idea.
yes search a lot but not found any solution without updating the whole android build
the above link is working for rooted device
can we root the device programmatically ?
check the marked answer. the OP used a hidden API in the AOSP build.
PackageManager manager = getPackageManager();
Uri packageURI = Uri.fromFile(new File(pathToApkFile));
manager.installPackage(packageURI, null, 2, "app");
will this code run for system app
which operation takes more time on a hashmap overriding values or to run containsKey? @TheLittleNaruto @MukeshRana @Appu
@rekire Overriding values will be fast if you dont want to get a specific value.
I have to null values in a map...
You can have null values in map.
What I meant by getting specific value, a value which you want to get it which is associated with certain key.
Hi all
@rekire don't you think it depends upon the requirement as you want to get all the values present in Hashmap or simply want to know whether a particular key is present or not
Map is for that only, isn't it ? to have values associated with a key for easy look-up.
can anyone help me out with this stackoverflow.com/questions/29204993/…
my senario is that I push data into a "storage" which I need to reset on the next call, this is a broken design IMHO, but I cannot change it
In that case, why HashMap ?
because it uses a map
Do you have data in name-values format ?
Then HashMap is fine.
You can get all data(fast) by overriding values, and if you want to get data specifically, you have keys for fast fetching. @rek
@rekire so do you want to reset all the values or some particular value??
my point was just if it makes sense to put all non null values from the last "save" operation in a hashmap if I know that there are about 10 values which will been overridden in the next line. I have something like that:
map = new HashMap();
map.add(randomKey, someValue);
and in general the nulledValues will contain some keys of the default pairs. I was asking myself if it makes sense to prevent that
@rekire addAll in map?
@ItachiUchiha that was just to give an idea, that call is not possible :)
I still don't get your question though
what do you mean by 10 values which will been overridden
it does not really matter anymore. however I need to null values in a map. in very abstract I put this maps (in json like notation) {app:42, foo:21, bar:false, random:1} so I know that i have the keys app, foo, bar and random. which I need to set to null in the next call. however app:42 is allways set and random is not set on the second call so I need in the second call this map: {app:42, foo:-1, bar:true, random:null}. my question was if it is a good idea to store all keys and set eg app twice
kicks @DroidDev in the butt
@TheLittleNaruto @berserk @Appu @ItachiUchiha any idea how to fix that the keyboard is opend in the background?
Which dialog it is ?
@rekire Hey!
another fragmentdialog
@Appu hey appu :)
And device ? Specifically OS version ?
I need to check that but I guess on all devices... testing...
hi! dis line is 4 activity: View rootView = findViewById(android.R.id.content).getRootView(); plz convert dis 4 fragment. thnx
lol what do you want to achieve?
what context should i use for fragment? @rekire
keyboard should be focused always in front anyway.
@ParthaChakraborty lol
@rekire looks like some rare incident. Is it always happening?
@berserk on my htc one m8 (lollipop) it happens allways
And working good on other devices?
I'm now checking my g2 (kitkat)
I must say, the documentation is not good enough in android developer site. Have a look: developer.android.com/reference/android/inputmethodservice/…, int)
plz help @TheLittleNaruto
Its just a dialog right?
on the g2 too
I'll be back!
it whould be a fragmentdialog I'll check that too
checking a nexus s (ICS)... also on this device
hmm.. interesting
yes it is a dialogfragment too
can u show code?
I have abstracted that code havy I would need to show at least 5 differnt classes
but I can show the code where I enforce that the keyboard is shown.
Window window = ((Activity)v.getContext()).getWindow();
window.clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM);
window.setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_VISIBLE);
InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)v.getContext().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
imm.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED, InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY);
Maybe u are force opening the keybaord first, then showing dialog. Makes sense?
@rekire Hectic :( busy
@berserk no as you may can see on the screen there is just one option where a keyboard is required
@Appu oh what's up?
@berserk the funny thing is that I don't find any references that somebody else has similar problems
yea i searched too, found nothing
i reproduced
MyDialogFragment frag = new MyDialogFragment();
frag.show(getFragmentManager(), "Diag");
Window window = getWindow();
window.clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM);
window.setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_VISIBLE);
InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
imm.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED, InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY);
The prob is, the keyboard opens first.
@rekire i have a view in that i'm getting the data from db and showing it in the view when device is locked again unlocked it is showing 1 record 2 times this is i have written in onStart() of Fragment..how to solve it...?
Then the dialog is displayed.
in my case I can make sure that the order is fine
I trigger to open the keyboard on focus change
are u sure? :P
absolutly. the keyboard just opens when I click the EditText in the dialog
some time ago it worked fine, but I'm not sure what change caused that
But you are force opening it, right?
yes, if I don't use the code the keyboard does not open at all
@berserk that hurts
@rekire got it what u said
checking new flag^^
not worked? :P
@KetanAhir can you help me dude
i have a view in that i'm getting the data from db and showing it in the view when device is locked again unlocked it is showing 1 record 2 times this is i have written in onStart() of Fragment..how to solve it...?
@berserk no I'm trying right now to apply that flags on the dialog itself and so on, that does not work too.
I tried using getting window of dialog
it worked
@berserk me too but that didn't work
@Jigsh hi
how to implement in app purchase v3?
hello @navya how are u
@Jigsh I need to google that too. the documention is fine
authentication is required you need to sign in to your google account play store
error display it
any idea how to set git config commands??
@MukeshRana edit the config files
->Version Control -> Git
I guess
@Jigsh someone here in office gets that message too. That seems to be something about your account
i need to setup my git and i don't know where to specify my user.email using git config commands??
but whatsapp in app purchase work proper
@MukeshRana using BitBucket
no i want to share project on GitHub @TheLittleNaruto
i have git installed and i just enabled VCS on my android studio
but problem is i have to write user.email using git commands but am unable to find where actually i have to write these
VCS->Import into version Control->Share Project on GitHub
this is the error am getting @rekire @TheLittleNaruto
Successfully created project 'GoProSampleApp' on GitHub, but initial commit failed: *** Please tell me who you are. Run git config --global user.email "[email protected]" git config --global user.name "Your Name" to set your account's default identity. Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository. fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'Mukesh@MakkSupercomputer.(none)') during executing git commit -m "Initial commit" --
Try right click on project and Git->Commit directory
the problem is with the GIT actually i don't know how to run this git config file
git config file? Doesn't AS takes care of these thingy ?
You dont need to make any changes AFAIK.
But you have to configure GIT atleast
if you meant setting Environment Variable by configuring GIT, then yes you have to.
I'm using sourcetree so I'm out with the AS interface for git
@MukeshRana I usually do it via command line. For windows, I have installed git command line tool
that's pretty easy
@rekire AS interface is pretty fine and clear if you want avoid these command things.
Though I dont use GitHub but Bitbucket for obvious reasons ;)
@DroidDev i have successfully installed git for windows, now what's the next step to setup git config??
@MukeshRana Next is set Environment Variable
@TheLittleNaruto you mean to say if i am using AS then i don't even need to install GIT??
@MukeshRana No I dint mean that.
@MukeshRana for your problem, you need to set global credentials
git config --global user.name "your git username"
@DroidDev how can i set that??
@Harish can you show me your code ?
But AFAIK, AS is having git plugin installed by default, so you dont have to.
@TheLittleNaruto so you too have installed GIT ??
@TheLittleNaruto does it support submodules?
git config --global user.email [email protected]
@rekire What do you mean by submodules ?
@DroidDev where to write these lines??
@MukeshRana in your terminal
I mean command prompt for windows
my command prompt is not able to find git as any internal or external command
@MukeshRana but you said you installed git. Have you added path to your environment variables
@DroidDev ummm.. yeah i have added git.exe path in my path system variable. Do i have to create another system variable??
@MukeshRana sorry, I don't remember details about that. I did that according to documentation. Guess you'll need to figure this part out yourself
@rekire I see. AFA submodule is concerned, I am not able to find anyway except using commands. Or I'll have to dig out more.
@TheLittleNaruto i use them often so I need a full support for that
@rekire Ouu! okay :( I'll see if there is anyway to do it within IDE itself.
@MukeshRana Yes I have installed
@TheLittleNaruto so do you have any idea about environment variables??
@DroidDev okay
@MukeshRana setting bin path to Environment Variables. DOnt you do that for Java or anything ?
@Harish I didn't find any issue. Though one suggetion "write your code after super.onStart()"
@rekire Looks like there is no way for now. AS needs more improvement on GIT repository thing. imo, They should add a GIT console as well for now. Or we can make use of default terminal ?
@Edge hi i am fine you
haha, AS needs more improvements, that's for sure
you caught me :/
But it is having unstable version and still giving much great features over Eclipse.
Sure till an stable version, it'll need some improvements.
excuses :P
No execuse, Just saying what is true. :)
@TheLittleNaruto even in that case, some is very small word, in case of improvements
they can start with unlimited downloading pack that AS demands
@TheLittleNaruto that should be possible if git is in your path variable
@DroidDev heh We'll see that.
in any case, command line offers much more clarity and flexibility than UI and that's eternal truth
@rekire Yes true!
@TheLittleNaruto haha, I am not a hater of AS in particular. The day they roll out a good enough version, I'll definitely shift to it. But, its just that day hasn't come yet
@DroidDev :)
@KetanAhir still same problem
@Harish you can place a check, if data is already there, then don't fill it again
Any one hour non-stop mash-up mix you guys want to recommend me ? @berserk @Muk @Droi @Abhis
@TheLittleNaruto I don't know what mash-up is :/
I am not sure, how to define it, But considering it as a single track which can have random songs for short intervals with some beats.
@TheLittleNaruto oh, so beat is essential part.
Of course :)
nothing I know of, which is online. Though, if its like you want to listen for sometime, you can go to gaana.com
That's blocked.
@TheLittleNaruto we have to fetch data from server approx 1000 id is there will any Problem to display in drop down ?
@Edge It is possible, but as a user you dont want to scroll down to 1000 data.
if i will sort it then or if u have any better solution can u please suggest
@Edge apply pagination. Show like 100 records and if users scrolls down to last, then add another page of 100 and so on...
how we can sort on scroll in android
@TheLittleNaruto Avicii promo mix \m/
1 hr non-stop
oh, what about linkin park live concert?
some of those are 1 hour long
@berserk Thanks :D
though, not much of beat, its rock music
I want a separate cabin which should be packed with a powerful music system, And all the time it should play mash-ups.
@berserk I guess I know what is going on
somehow the window type is wrong which causes a wrong z level of the dialog
@TheLittleNaruto I'm more of a Dubstep guy tbh. lemme see what i can do
well electro would be a better term but w/e lol
@rekire Hmm. I also think same.
Actually when I used window of dialog, it worked.
The keyboard was above dialog.
That's what I did.
@Abhishek w/e == whatever ?
yeh. also is SoundCloud ok? @TheLittleNaruto
All I want is to Listen . So...
soundcloud.com/drop-the-bassline hit play, kick back and relax.
Thanks :D
@berserk strange
@Abhishek I couldn't listen for long :/ I gues, that's not what I like.
@rekire So, any solution you found?
:22249374 that was expected from you, very much expected :P
:22249374 lol That's not my choice genre at least in case of music. :D
@Dro @The its cool tho :P
Give it a listen.
@berserk haha, can't do right now, will do tomorrow
Never Mind :)
lol @berserk
sup? :P
sup ?
:22249374 never read that :P
@berserk not yet :(
Maybe it can help.
steals @DroidDev's eyes
@berserk grows a new set of eyes
Lol I can read it as berserk grows a new set of eyes
@berserk that flag is already set
haha nice crash: Mountain View, we've had a problem here.
03-23 15:57:42.731 19587-19587/de.netmoms.cyclecalendar W/Adreno-ES20﹕ <gl2_surface_swap:43>: GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY
03-23 15:57:42.731 19587-19599/de.netmoms.cyclecalendar W/SurfaceComposerClient﹕ ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0x610cac50]
03-23 15:57:42.731 19587-19587/de.netmoms.cyclecalendar W/HardwareRenderer﹕ EGL error: EGL_BAD_SURFACE
03-23 15:57:42.741 19587-19587/de.netmoms.cyclecalendar W/libEGL﹕ EGLNativeWindowType 0x6a205c88 disconnect failed
03-23 15:57:42.741 19587-19587/de.netmoms.cyclecalendar W/HardwareRenderer﹕ Mountain View, we've had a problem here. Switchi

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