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Good morning
i have try this example github.com/kanytu/android-material-drawer-template but getting error: Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support i have try this answer stackoverflow.com/questions/17870881/… but issue not reslove
Good Morning Guys..!!
GM all!
@MukeshRana @iAnum Good moring
how are u
I m fine. Having head ache in morning :(
@MukeshRana bro that issue change action bar not able to remove
@iAnum @MukeshRana can you help to resolve my issue
I m seeing ur issue
@Andy check ur APi level. Is it compatible with compat light theme?
it's 4.2.2 @iAnum one more que. is it support 2.3 os ? or only for 4.0 up
mrng @Edge am fine bro.. :)
@Andy yr i think setting min api level 8 can cause issue.. I faced similar issue once with some lib n solved it by making my min api level higher
just try setting min 14 and rebuild
ohk let me try
@iAnum no luck
posted on March 18, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Andy sorry bro no idea didn't faced this issue ever..!!
ohk thanks for reply @MukeshRana
@Andy its okay bro.. :)
@iAnum headache :O and still on SO.. hats off to you girl.. :)
@MukeshRana :)
@Andy what if u try another app compat theme?
try something other than light
hmm okay thanks :) @iAnum
@MukeshRana @iAnum
check this issue
sorry edge, no idea dude
its done
thanx @iAnum
cool, dont say thanks. I haven't helped u
Good Morning Guys
@TheLittleNaruto @Appu Hi
@chintan Mota bhai, long time ?
yeah almost year
so how are things ?
@Abhishek I bought Lenovo S8 as you dint update me for venue 8 :|
Ohh Yeah! I got the cover for free heh
Hi everyone! has anyone used tabfragment?
Afternoon All :)
@ParthaChakraborty Yes
@Mishi afternoon
@TheLittleNaruto afternoon KG
@Mishi there
@Edge Yes
yaar i am unable to set custom action bar when app loading is much
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
am using this code in Intilly activity
where is the code to set custom view in actionbar?
look this when loading time is much then it looks like this while i want remove all the thing and set all thing wid white when load time much
2 mins ago, by Edge
yaar i am unable to set custom action bar when app loading is much
i have just hide i want to set custome action bar like all the thing wid white back ground
i want set white back ground when load time much
is it a launcher activity?
A: Black screen before Splash screen appear in android

TouchBoarderAdd a theme with the background you are using to your application tag in the manifest file to prevent the black screen to be drawn. theme.xml <resources> <!-- Base application theme is the default theme. --> <style name="Theme" parent="android:style/Theme" /> <style name="Theme.MyAppTheme" par...

A: How to avoid Black Screen on starting an application

YaWI guess you have a heavy operation on the onCreate method of your "Index" Activity. You should put the heavy operations on a thread and make a splash screen with the image, and when the thread is finished, load the menu or whatever you need. You can make a "loading screen" for example. It's rea...

android:theme="@style/Theme.Sherlock" i am using currently this them
will it effect at application level ?
other actvity
@TheLittleNaruto No I said it might end. Even if it ends, I can work at my parent company.
@chintankhetiya How are you stranger?
Long time no see
its affecting when i use this them
@Appu I see. anyway you got hike in the same company, that's a good thing :) Well! congrats! :)
@TheLittleNaruto Thanks :)
Hello everyone, is anyone available to help me fix my problem ?
can you please check the following link ?
@Appu yeah its really feel like stranger
how are you guys
@MonzerYaghi use DownloadManager to download multiple images
hey @chintankhetiya
@MonzerYaghi Hey
Ok thanks a lot I will try it :)
@chintankhetiya lol what languages you're working on these days ?
@MonzerYaghi Sure :)
Apr 1 '14 at 4:45, by TheLittleNaruto
Just for your convenience :)
@Edge nop
yesterday, by Mishi
Did u google @Edge ?
@chintankhetiya I am good, how are you and where have you been these days?
Ohoo @chintankhetiya :) here :P
Whatever-Whenever-Wherever Just Remember Me.... :P
hey @chintankhetiya after long time..............
@Mishi thnku
its done
any one can tell me when net is off Push Notifcation dead how to handle it
@TheLittleNaruto oh hey, I tried running tekken card tournament on Venue8 and it was really laggy. I don't think it's good for gaming.
@Abhishek Ohh okay Thanks :) You'll love the game experience in Lenovo 8 though :)
hi every one
i want to send mms from my android app .But i am stuck here plzz any one help me
hi here any one worked with send gallery images to server in android ?
this is my example code , i want to use serverside code as java
ther r using php for server side code , i want java code , because i want do some process in server code thats y , i dont know php code so i dont want
what do you want, server code or client code?
@Dev i want server code dude
Sorry :)
@Dev can u help me for sending mms
@Dev why yar
@Pans Because i don't have code right now
did you asked from Google BABA?
@Dev its ok
@maveric "Stuck here" is too vague to know your issue. Just explain your issue, if someone knows and has time, they will help.
@Appu i want to send mms through my app and dont get relevent code have anyone done this plz help
try {
ConnectivityManager mConnMgr =
int result = mConnMgr.startUsingNetworkFeature(
ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE, "enableMMS");

Uri uri = Uri.parse("file://"+Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/Pictures/Scsl_Print/sb.png");

Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
sendIntent.setClassName("com.android.mms", "com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity");
sendIntent.putExtra("sms_body", etmsg.getText());
i am using this code
@maveric Okay, so what error you are getting?
Q: How to make View stable when scroll ListView

SunI am using ViewHolder (where every list item contains an ImageView [Image to upload to server], two textviews [one for ImageName and another for Status] and a button [to upload an image]) and whenever i do tap on upload button, uploading image to server and showing status on text view (failed/up...

@TheLittleNaruto @iAnum there??
have you ever shared an image in messenging app??
nopes yr sorry
oka np :)
@MukeshRana You mean messaging app ?
is there no way to underline text in a textview from xml itself?
@TheLittleNaruto okay so i think i just forgotten to add permission,that may be one of the reasons lemme check
@Abhishek Yes there is. Is it a static string or the view will load it dynamically ?
@MukeshRana Okay
if it is a static string, you could define it in strings.xml like below :
<string name="my_string"><u>My Underline Text</u></string>
did try that, just gives me <u> and </u> in the TextView itself
and highly likely everything will be moved to a server soon so i can't use that method anyway
Or if you load it dynamically from somewhere like server or else, you can just do it like:
String my_string = "<u>" +"My Underline Text" + "</u>";
textView.setText(Html.fromHtml(my_string ));
@Abhishek then in that case above way will help you.
oh so i gotta do it in java either way
thanks mate
Sure :)
i have query anybody suggest me .. how to create a jsonpost request in ordered way
@TheLittleNaruto i uninstalled previous android studio
now ?
@ManojPal use Retrofit. square.github.io/retrofit
how to do json post request in RestService
@ErumHannan Good. Now install new one and let the Studio download everything whatever it asks for. :)
@iAnum your friend is a question bank. ;)
@iAnum :D
@ErumHannan kinda depends on how the server handles post body content, but if you've made your POJOs well Retrofit should be able to handle it.
@ManojPal Ouu! That looks bad. doesn't it ? You might want to use some pastie site. paste long code there and share url over here.
POJOs is a model class @Abhishek
@ManojPal Suggest what ?
@TheLittleNaruto ok can u suggest
any pastie site
@TheLittleNaruto lol. Then steal some Qs from that bank :P
@iAnum yes i m saying same to him
hahahaha. u doesn't allow na. What poor guys can do :P
@iAnum have u worked in android server code
umm what's that? :P
@ManojPal key order doesn't matter in json
this is my example code
in this code can taken single image from gallery and upload in to server ,
@Abhishek in my case server side need in same order otherwise API send no response
wtf this mms is not at all working.. :(
like that i want to do for multiple images
@ManojPal ???? that's not a json post request anymore then, that's anarchy!

You'll need to generate the JSON by hand if that's the case. What are you using to generate the JSON?
@iAnum mathportal.org/math-tests/algebra2-tests/… these question comes in test ?
for interview
siple JSONObject post
@Pans nopes haven't worked... Sorry :(
@ManojPal try using [json-simple](https://code.google.com/p/json-simple/) and provide it a TreeMap of the attributes in order, that hopefully should work

if not then you'll have to generate the JSON yourself instead of using a library.
@ErumHannan these type of Qs come in test, not in interview
@iAnum @ErumHannan Can you complete it ?
@Abhishek I am not using any Library generating JSON using JSONObject class
is there eclipse plugin equivalent to this visual studio plugin, check out its text alignment capabilities
@TheLittleNaruto O_o
@iAnum ok
@Mishi that question is for you as well. :)
@TheLittleNaruto itz always beautiful
Right. but when someone speaks politely, it appears like that someone giving you a lot of respect. That's what I like most in it. :) @iAnum
@Mishi Hmm :)
Can you please translate ?
Okay :)
Hi all.
I have a personal question may be off topic here but would appreciate if any one could answer it from your experience
My current work experience in this [field] is 2 years, I am looking for a career in Android programming. The [field] is not related to Android programming at all. Will these 2 years affect my new job opportunities in Android programming ? provided if I have hands on experience in Android
in this ? is it Android ?
@TheLittleNaruto Yes Android Development..
You mean you have 2 years of exp in ANdroid ?
2 years of experience in a different field not related to programming..
But what's that field ?
Can you tell
Digital Marketing.
I see. That's completely different thing, I would not suggest to switch. Digital Marketing has good scope and you can earn more than programming.
@TheLittleNaruto Yes but I am damn interested in Android/Java programming, I am still looking for jobs
Still if you want to switch to Android, then you're most welcome. This field is vast and hopefully it'll never end because of its exploration in almost daily life's needs of people
@TheLittleNaruto So will I get new opportunities as I will be a fresher to Android ?
@TheLittleNaruto hmm ok :)
@Mishi do u speak urdu?
@CodeGeek you'll never know until you'll start trying :) Though it is hard to grab a job as a fresher at least in my country. I am not sure where are you from. Anyway Good Luck :)
I am from India
@iAnum Yes...
wow cool. So where r u from? Pak or india?
@CodeGeek No Problem. Just keep trying. I'll tell you if I come to know of any opening if you're ready to relocate from your current place. :)
@iAnum Mishi is a good Androd dev as well. :)
@TheLittleNaruto Yes I am ready to re-locate.. . but my doubt is will companies reject me in an before interviewing just because I am in a digital marketing field..
@TheLittleNaruto I know ;)
@iAnum hw :O
@CodeGeek No they'll judge you in Android only, but you might get cross-questioned over it. :)
@TheLittleNaruto I can manage that.. thanks a lot Kumar, your answers really gave me a hope, I was discouraged ....
@CodeGeek NP :) Well I would like to call as Baby Naruto ;)
@CodeGeek a lot of companies don't really care about background as long as you can write good code. they might ask you why you're switching though.
@Mishi observation :)
@iAnum hehe OKies :)
Ohh boy! looks like he doesn't like to call me as Baby Naruto :(
@TheLittleNaruto naruto, grow up :P
he wont ever
i forgot my account password is there any possibility to run any software and find passwords of email id
living in dreams
@ErumHannan use forgot pwd
failed to recover
forgot password is sending me pswd to my contact
i also missed that contact number
now what can i do ?
@iAnum I can't :(
@Abhishek Thanks for coming in and encouraging me
@Mishi how are u
@dro u can sleep here :P
throws a paper ball on @Mishi
@DroidDev missed :P
throws whole copy on her
Just let me sleep
throws meteorite on @berserk
@iAnum do u know anyone who can hack yahoo id password
@DroidDev u can:P
@ErumHannan lol you cant ask that in public
BTW @Mishi is a hacker xD
nd @TheLittleNaruto is lier
@ErumHannan NSA
@ErumHannan CIA
@ErumHannan me? How did u expect me? pagal
I wish I could do that myself :P
hows you @iAnum bro? :P
@iAnum lolmlol bongi :P
@DroidDev I m fine sis :P
@Mishi :P
@iAnum cool!
@DroidDev ?
@iAnum what is up?
hows that for a description bro?
@ErumHannan try to contact their support or ask forums
@iAnum I already answered and my answers are more valid and trustable than yours :P
@DroidDev oh I heard it for first time. Nothing's up dude, all is normal currently :P
hehehe. who is going to contact them?
@iAnum oh! normal. That must be boring
@iAnum that's OP's headache :P
none of my concern :P
@DroidDev well, its fine, not boring
or you can always ask on meta
@DroidDev dunno if op is here or gone
@iAnum haha, I think NSA got'em
they can't get him so soon
how do you know NSA so well...
@iAnum already contact their support team
no response
please tell me this is a joke


21 mins ago, 17 minutes total – 37 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 2 mins ago by DroidDev

@TheLittleNaruto Cannot pass a publish or manage permission (publish_actions) to a request for read authorization.. getting this error on sharing on fb wall post.
Can I bother you guys with an android question?
@Heixss ya sure :)
wondering if question is really that long
can I modify a pcm byte[] from a .wav file and then write a new .wav file ?
I intend to add reverb to an audio file
and saved a new audio file with the reverb on it
@Anjali No idea.
@TheLittleNaruto hi
i want date picker dialog but only show year no need date and month\
use NumberPicker
@TheLittleNaruto i try it but how to set the value in edittext
Can I get an instance of Animation from Animator's object ?
Number picker numb=new NumberPicker(this)
numb.setMinValue(year - 20);
edtyear.setText(Integer.toString(n numb.getValue()));
this is not work
@Heixss if you have pcm file, I think that can be converted to byte array and you can do modifications. I did it long time ago, so memory is kind of blurry, but its possible
ok thanks

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