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good morning everyone! has anyone implemented dialler menu in android?
@MukeshRana good morning
how are u
Good morning guys all
@Edge Gud morning.. am fine you tell
Good Morning guys.. :)
@MukeshRana still am facing probelm to remove that Theme
i do <item name="android:displayOptions">showHome|homeAsUp|showTitle</item>
<item name="displayOptions">showHome|homeAsUp|showTitle</item>
<item name="android:icon">@android:color/white</item>
Firstly you need action bar or not??
android:theme="@style/Theme.Sherlock" i have called this Style
so you have to copy paste one line in all your activities
before setContentView()
and here is that line
now you don't have to change your theme as well
That i have alredy done now what happen when app loading time much then it show action bar
that is alredy hide
didn't get you??
u got what Problem am facing ?
when i app am launching then its take some time to load data till that time it show that
once it load then it action bar becomes hide
am showing screen
@MukeshRana check this screen
i want make whole screen with white back ground and text and icon should hide
are you sure you have used that line in this activity as well??
each actvity i have i use
<item name="windowActionBar">false</item> even i set this also
then also it not hiding
Good Morning Guys
@Skizo Sure Let me know if you have solved it already. :)
@TheLittleNaruto morning
back to mumbai?
Good morning guys
@rekire vgm
long time no see ? :P
I was busy^^
so was I ^^
:22107669 ohh boy!
GUYS i have a listview in that i have 2 columns if in one column data is 0 or empty then i don't want to show that in the listview for that i'm trying this but in some cases when that is not null the app is crashing how to overcome it.. @TheLittleNaruto
@Harish Log cat ?
can i call a @PostConstruct annotation without using spring?
@TheLittleNaruto crash is solved .but it is displaying default text when there it is null i dont want to display that default text when there is data then only i want to show..
@TheLittleNaruto ??
No Idea
@Harish set an empty view then
@ItachiUchiha Okay
hey guys
private static final String CSV_CHAR_CODE = "MS932";
buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(this.getForm().getCsv()), CSV_CHAR_CODE));
@TheLittleNaruto if strDateInMilis value is 0 then i don't want to show that row other than 0 i need to show
@Harish AFAICS, that's just an if-else , nothing more. You can do that by yourself
@TheLittleNaruto in that i'm checking the if then still it is displaying default text...
how can i get utf8 with bom
using this code
private static final String CSV_CHAR_CODE = "MS932";
buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(this.getForm().getCsv()), CSV_CHAR_CODE));
@NTK88 I never faced that strange codepage you are pointing to
if you use the correct codepage you can normal read out that file. e.g. per line or per block
posted on March 16, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@all Morning guys :)
hi al
@Skizo morning
vgm @Ved @Skizo
@rekire is there any craze abt cricket world cup ?
All push notification dead, when other phone is not connected to the internet. @rekire u have any idea how to fix it
@Ved what world cup?
@rekire cricket
@Ved ah cricket is not very common in germany, so I don't know.
@Edge turn internet on? There is no other way for push notifications, but you could create local notifications which are triggered by your code.
@rekire k
can anyone help me for this...
Q: Why Reveal effect not working as per Developer blog

iDroid ExplorerI want to have Reveal Effect with in my app. I come to know about it for how it can be implemented. I got the information from the Andoid Developer Blog. But when i have updated that with in my code, it is not showing any effect. I have also try with Demo given by Google to demostrate Reveal ef...

@rekire thats fine but i am talking when suppose u push notify to me and my Intern net is off then when i enable Internet we are not receiving
@Edge there are timeout parameters... I don't know them, but they exists you should search them.
@Ved Well I used to be, But not anymore.
what's up ?
learning what ?
java :P
nice :D
@rekire Do you get 5.1 update for your HTC ?
no should I got it already?
dunno , you need to see this -> androidpolice.com/2015/03/15/…
tbh, Lollipop process responses are too slow
might be because of their material design anims
@TheLittleNaruto that was no issue for me yet
Hmmm as long as you dont synchronize your Google account.
I do that and it works fine so far. you just cannot start it with a button
@TheLittleNaruto CGN Airport
Q: Fire onchange for combo box programatically using javascript in IE not working

VedI want to call onchange function dynamically when user change value of another combo box. My code is as under : HTML <select name="vbitratecontrol0" id="combo1" onchange="set()">; <option value="0">None</option> <option value="1">A</option> <option value="2">B</option> </select

how to send data to server using rest api
i want to send data from android to service
but my service is using rest protocol
@ErumHannan please don't spam
ok @rekire
there are some rest libraries, but I personally just use okhttp and do the http stuff myself
@Abhi @Abhi ping me
@Abhi @Abhi
sleeping :P
@Ved hmmmm
@Mishi looks so
yo yo
@Mishi :-)
again replicating :P
@Mishi :-P
@Mishi :-D
@Mishi :-O
Q: unable to stop service using AlarmManger in android

Edgepublic class myserveclass extends Service { @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) { return null; } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { Toast.makeText(this, "Service Started", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); r...

please check my issue
@Mishi do I know you :O
@Edge cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, 10);
 alarm.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, cal.getTimeInMillis(),
                1000 * 10, pintent);
wht will this do ?
@maveň nops... i came here for the very first time
@Mishi okz
stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace — injecteer 32 secs ago
@TheLittleNaruto careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/26547/… I guess I know that company
@Edge post logcat
hi reki :)
nice quote @Mishi hi ;)
@rekire lolzz. its not mine :P
1 min ago, by Mishi
stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace stacktrace — injecteer 32 secs ago
Now it gets meta haha
> hehe good one :P
sure but you quoted it
nah, it is a comment
@Mishi it is alram manger it set that in each 10 min service will call
@rekire :O
dont test :P
@Mishi I do ;)
@Edge then it will b called after 10 secs
> rekire - maven
> room decoration :P
I'm tracking wearable bugs... know I know that my app crashes since I send wrong values from the watch :D
yes but when i stop service it should stop na @Mishi
@Edge read wht PendingIntent and AlarmManager is meant for
@Edge you need to cancel alram
@Edge just my guess for ur prb... May be u r facing this issue bcoz of receiver. It starts service in onReceive. You should check out ur logic again. seems messy
mishi is right
A: ANDROID - service called by AlarmManager wont stop after destroy

Bhanu Sharma public void SetAlarm(Context context) { AlarmManager am=(AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); Intent i = new Intent(context, Alarm.class); PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, i, 0); am.setRepeating(AlarmManag...

check it ^^ @Edge
59 secs ago, by iAnum
mishi is right
> mishi is right :)
mishi is not fishy
Did u google @Edge ?
hello malvin!
wait le me do
@Gajini Tell
@iAnum hey Bro
hru sis
> Is mishi fish ?
@Abhi come to gtalk
thanx @Mishi
> thanx Mishi
@Edge Done ?
@Mishi SCNR (sorry could not resist) to star
full form of SCNR ?
sorry could not resist
heheh :P
better to add it in room info reki
@rekire omg! It's Cologne where the company is.
Hello @TheLittleNaruto
ru there?
hw ru?
@TheLittleNaruto I know that is why I linked that
@NeetuShrivastava Heya! I am fine. How are you ?
@rekire heh I'll try there then :)
I have one ques ... Service runs in main thread then y we cnt touch UI in android
@NeetuShrivastava You can interact with UI
@TheLittleNaruto this company may relocate in that district in 2016.
by using runOnUITHread
or handler
@rekire district ? it wont be in the city (i.e Cologne) anymore ?
no I may used the wrong word... that part of the city
@NeetuShrivastava Services runs in background, at the same time you can interact with the UI.
@rekire Ohh okay.
Is it product based company ?
So I guess they make their money with customizations for customers
Nice :)
because I hate client based companies.
woohooo! I am gonna apply there. ^^
How to make Custom QuickAction, Problem during not getting pointer properly, guys give me some suggestion, how to make custom quickaction.stackoverflow.com/questions/28655884/…
We can show only toast msg or progressdialog in Service class @TheLittleNaruto
does anyone worked on GoPro ever @rekire @TheLittleNaruto ??
anyone is there....?
@rekire i have saved a event in calendar from date as today to date as also today then i saved it.
then i opened it is showing from today date and TO is thu ,jan 1, 1970
@NeetuShrivastava We cant show ProgressDialog in Service. I am not sure what are you after ?
@MukeshRana No. What is it ? Is it some kind of being pro in no time ?
lol.. here it is
nice Cam there
hmmm.. i have to make an app for this
but there is no sdk available
already tried with no result
I dont find anything on their website as well.
You might want to debug the existing App
@Muk You need their APIs only right? for sharing and uploading and seeing etc. ?
lol i want to make an app exactly similar to their official app
lol Did you check the app ?
@MukeshRana if you want similar app then you should be working for them ;)
@MukeshRana Can you tell me what it does in rough ?
@RahulBiswas lol.. don't worry i'll make it for sure
@TheLittleNaruto it actually controls the whole GoPro with its mobile app
yeah am doing.. but it won't be easy as we are thinking..!!
Sorry I shouldn't advice that. But this is the only way as they have not provided any SDk
hi can someone help me with this question plz? stackoverflow.com/questions/29067241/custom-android-component
USB programming is not that easy. :)
@RahulBiswas thx, i'll try it
@RahulBiswas I don't think that this could help me... I just need one class to extend two classes (somehow xD)
or to make the other class use the first one without using it as an adapter...
@TheLittleNaruto lol no problem.. i have to do it one way or the other :P
@user2700896 No need to extend BaseAdapter for your custom Component.
@MukeshRana :)
Well, looking at the code, I'd say that the class you want to lend behaviour from is basically just an adapter, which is an assisting class for building layouts. What you should do is to use that class in the same way as they do in the MainActivity; not by extending it, but simply by instantiating it, and using its methods. — LeFex 14 hours ago
@TheLittleNaruto but if i don't extend BaseAdapter i can't call the SetListAdapter() of the class, could you please provide me with an example of how to convert the code to a custom component and send it? (if i am not asking for too much)
@user2700896 better make a custom ListView
well, that is what i am trying to make
In that way you'll have its setAdapter() function and all ListView functionality.
can i somewhere find the code of the SetListAdapter() function and copy it?
so that i can use it without extending the class?
ok... the setListAdapter funciton is in the ListActivity class, that class extends Activity which extends ContextThemeWrapper and so on...

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