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I just built jni codes using NDK lol
never code exactly
@berserk cool
@TheLittleNaruto Naruto kun
@Flash What?
Hi All
@Unihedro I didn't say anything to u
NDK is easy with gradle @Flash
@TheLittleNaruto wow..but how?
Even Cygwin is not required
> Flash has invited you to Trash. See your invitations.
I want to display a PopUpMenu when menu button pressed, is it possible?
@Unihedro I just removed messages to trash..didn't invite to anybody..:)
first learn AS @Flash
@TheLittleNaruto Yaar..
okey let me start learning
then only I can help in building NDK projects
okey pro bro
@CoKoder ya it is possible
@Flash Whenever messages are moved, you're marking problems with messages belonging to your room. That's why it's a room owner-only privilege. Here's your manual. Seriously, I'll flag it if it happens again.
When did AS got NDK support?
Bye for now.
@Unihedro sure
@Flash, can you guide me?
@Flash, I found this:
A: Android Options Menu Without ActionBar?

MartinThat's just a simple popop. You can do that on any view. Throw an icon on a view, like the overflow menu icone and set a click listener on it. This example is a list of devices (smartphones) in a catalog. I populate the tag with an object so I know which one the user clicks on. public void...

@berserk Since when 0.8 version has been released
Oh okay.
but not sure where to call this method (showDeviceMenu)
@CoKoder yes this is what u eanted I guess
@Unihedro didn't get u
@TheLittleNaruto Can u tell me what @Unihedro is saying ?
@Flash, where should I call that method? onCreateOptionsMenu?
@Flash Yes?
but, then I will need to pass View, public void showDeviceMenu(View v)---> as you see it needs View
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) does not have a View. If I call here, there is no View to pass that method
@CoKoder u need to make ur own layout in this case
and also need to handle menu click events
@Flash, I also found this. I was hoping maybe I can use softmenu key to call that function
A: create PopUpMenu in side onCreateOptionsMenu()

user1381827you can use this way : @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU && event.getAction() == 0) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "hii", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return true; } re...

but, I could not figure out the View again.
@CoKoder how many items u want to show in menu
1 or 2.
I can't say which design suits best to ur app..but if u want to show overflow menu @ bottom then only way is to make ur own view
The thing I do not want to take some dedicated space to display menu options button
The old menu seems to do what I want, but I have a button at the bottom of layout
and It overlaps with this button when populated on newer devices like API 19
though it works fine on devices like API 10
@CoKoder yes for that u have to create 1 cutomized menu..not default 1..and handle click events
@Flash, in what why I should customize it?
Can u send screen shot how it looks?
@CoKoder I got u wrong or u got me wrong..:(
@Flash, did you get it?
2 hours later…
hello @berserk
bro have you worked on inappbilling?
in app purchase?
Nah, never implemented.
There is a sample at deevlopers site I guess.
Q: InappBilling Error- authentication is required. you need to sign into your google account

Android RockssI am trying to make a demo of inappbilling. I followed this tutorial for studying this. Lemme tell the steps I followed for doing this task I used the below mentioned code package com.ohn.inappbilling; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.support.v7.app.Ac...

No idea sry.
Never implemented purchase.
can you do a small favor
can you download this app
Okay :)
n pls lemme know on click of button what you are getting
Rs.51 purchase?
can you send me screenshot
it means it worked
yes it did.
I guess u are not logged into ur play store account in ur device.
no you may upload here
no it was not not working on any phone
actually at that time i was testing
n the problem is
the developer cannot purchase this
n in my phone i am logged my email that i register as a developer
now del it
thank you bro
thank you somuch
welcome :)
ok lemme email this to my boss
or tell bro
to tell him that it worked
howsss life going?
hi to all friends
i have a question
When my question is no answered yet
what i do to get answer from other users
ask question
berserk if you are not busy, do i say you one thing?
Q: How to set animation on cells in 2048 game?

iman2420i am new to android developing. I am developing a game called 2048. Is it possible that cells motion animation done? If yes, how? its my code: public class GameView extends ImageView { private Paint paint; private Paint textPaint; private int width; private int height; public GameView(...

lemme read
yes. of course tell me
yr i have not much idea regarding this
i worked on this kind of game 1-2 time
tanks devil
what i do to get answer from other users?
@devil yes?
@ImanMarashi firstly may i know are you using gridview?
14 mins ago, by devil
or tell bro
14 mins ago, by devil
howsss life going?
life is busy with work :D
thats great
its good to busy with work
But its not that fun to be always busy.
yr i left using these kinds of smileys
I barely read ur message
nvm :D
Never mind!
bro seems i have to start using my sms lang again
Gridview? nope!
i developed game like this using gridview
n 2048 was available on github
i gave to my boss
n he uploaded that
its too late
its better to sleep now
good night
@devil tanks
good night
@berserk we all know its night :P
bye honey
Hope to see you
honey who?
Where are you from

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