I want to bind android default keyboard to a layout(linearlayout). That means when the activity starts the keyboard will be seen inside a specific linear layout. Anyone know how to do that?
i have an application that invoke a shell script on the production server (shell script perform rake tasks, apache host entry creation etc) . is there any security risk?
@berserk We can't pass asset file in that function. We need to load it in web view. But the method in that class will be call in your html script file.
@errakesh the only thing which can go now wrong is that a hacker may know what happens on the server for some racing or sidechannel attacks, but that should be no issue
When I would like to start programming for Android. Without having knowledge yet about Java. Where should I start? I have knowledge in other programming language but not Java.
Is there some specific basic I should get first before I start working with their API?