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03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

hi, anybody here?
1 hour later…
Good MOrning ALl
@DarkHorse Yeah GM
good morning @PiyushGupta
mrng guys :)
sup @Unihedron
Good morning guys
guys anyone help me on scrolling listview issue..@PiyushGupta @
Lollipop is the best os with security and user interface
It's just awesome
hello all
@jitu agreed :)
@Appu can you help me please
@Harish what's the issue??
hwllo all
i have a doubt in android can u help me plz
go ahead
@MukeshRana while scrolling the list the images are duplicating..
once execute it u'll understood the problem
I haven't seen your code but the reason may be you are using listview recycling
I have one question i have listview with checkboxes how to get items in list view that are all checked and not present in view? i am getting items that are present in view how to also get items that are not present in view/
@MukeshRana could you guide me how to resolve it..?
good morning to all
Good Morning Guys
will you just post your adapter code @Harish??
mrng @Edge
mrng @TheLittleNaruto baby kun
SwordsMan-San^^ @MukeshRana
swordsman-san can be better @TheLittleNaruto
@MuneemHabib you should have you for loop for adapter.getCount()
it will return all the views
@TheLittleNaruto HI bro GM
@TheLittleNaruto now that's gud ;)
It works fine, but the text does not show up
Any idea why?
@MukeshRana this is my adapter code
@Piyush VGM :)
@MukeshRana ;)
@MukeshRana i have tried but in my adapter i have set checked default value to true so it is returning all items weather they are chekd or not
@Harish replace your getView() in adpater with this pastie.org/9733857
String admin_name = "<b>"
+ myCommentList.get(position).get("admin_name") + "</b>";
tv.setText(Html.fromHtml(admin_name )); This will make String bold. isn't it?? @TheLittleNaruto
I was saying adapter.getCount() will return all Views whether views are visible or not, now its your end to filter views that are checked mean to say you have to apply checks inside your for loop for checked values @MuneemHabib
]@MukeshRana yeah i have applied checks but the issue is that in adapter if view is null i am setting checked to true so the views returned by adaptet are all set to treue
@PiyushGupta Ye...ssss ?
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
View row = convertView;
LayerHolder holder = null;
radioHolder rholder=null;
if (row == null)
LayoutInflater inflater = ((Activity) m_context).getLayoutInflater();
row = inflater.inflate(m_layoutResourceId, parent, false);
holder = new LayerHolder();
holder.layerName = (TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.updatelayername_lbl);
holder.selected = (CheckBox) row .findViewById(R.id.updateselected_cbx);
holder.layerServerid = (TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.updatelayerid_lbl);
see here checked by default value is true
@TheLittleNaruto But doesn't work. weird issue why don't know.
What it prints then ? @PiyushGupta
@TheLittleNaruto As Simple i able to get my right value from server but not displaying as Bold string which i have already shown you as above
@PiyushGupta Does it print "<b>" too ?
@TheLittleNaruto No no. It doesn't
Clear app cache and give it a retry
Okay let me try
@Harish Sorry, I am too busy, will look into your question later
@MuneemHabib i didn't get you, you just confused me. tell me what you actually waana do??
@PiyushGupta i think you should go for StyleSpan, it is bit faster than using HtML tags
and they will never give you such weird results
@MukeshRana i have make a dialog which has listview with check boxes. if there comes scroll then i get all layers which are not in view i am getting result correct for all items that are in view
now u get it?
yo ppl
@TheLittleNaruto baby-kun!
@MuneemHabib okay you want a list in dialog, if your row layout contains simple strings then why don't you try AlertDialog with multiselect list items
@berserk yo
@MukeshRana still giving the same problem
Yo @berserk -san^^
yo @MukeshRana SwordMan(even though it should be Swordsman ._.)
@TheLittleNaruto :)
@berserk my sword is looking for some fresh blood :P
I have a Google Map Search AutoSuggest Script

Now i need to get the selected value back to the android application and i am showing this Html file in my webView component.
I got some link like http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4906158/passing-data-from-javascript-to-android-webview
@Harish sorry but what was the problem earlier?? and also share with me your new adapter code
how to store javascript var value to jsp variable ?
@MukeshRana @AkhileshSk @berserk how to store javascript var value to jsp variable ?
@MukeshRana i'm fetching contacts with image for some contacts there is no image so for those i want to show default image..but it is picking some wrong image and showing while scrolling the list this is my new adapter code which you shared
@Gamex no idea , sorry
@Harish okay lemme me check again
Guys each time i run my app i get this error java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.geekosoft.contactsonline/com.geekosoft.contactsonline.AddConta‌​ct}: java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.EditText
but if i remove this line in my code Spinner phoneNumberSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(8083+phoneNumbersIdStarter); it just works fine
@Harish by wrong image but you actually means? images are shuffling while scrolling or something else ??
@Mubeen1992 you might have initiated the EditText with some other widget in your java code
@Mubeen1992 there is some doubt in your id, but the exception shows you have to clean your project first ;)
@MukeshRana if there is no image i want to show default but the above images are coming in place of default..
okay @Harish this problem is coming only when you are scrolling the list or even when you open it first??
@AkhileshSk @MukeshRana Yes I cleaned my project restarted my Eclipse and emulator and reinstalled the app
but stilll problem
@AkhileshSk if i remove this line it works Spinner phoneNumberSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(8083+phoneNumbersIdStarter);
here is my code maybe this can help you understand my problem
Q: java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.EditText

Mubeen1992Here is my JAVA Code. When I run my app it crashes and i get following errors in my log 11-21 00:21:48.828: E/AndroidRuntime(349): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.geekosoft.contactsonline/com.geekosoft.contactsonline.AddContact}: java.lang.ClassCastEx...

Did you have placed Editext in the place of spinner in your XML, or seems to be like there is a problem in finding the ID
@MukeshRana first 5 or ok coming correctly..while scrolling this is happening
no thats not it. I am creating Spinner and EditText in java class
@Harish then inside your image if else conditions where your are setting images, try to
include this line holder.rivContact.setImageBitmap(null) before assigning new image to your imageview
and assigning both of them an id
@berserk hey cant solve my issue ya
as you can see int phoneNumbersIdStarter and each time i create a Spinner just ass 1 more in phoneNumbersIdStarter
and trying to get the same spinner I just created before so geting error
@MukeshRana still same problem..
@Harish send me your entire code
will correct and resend you
@senti yar i will today
@berserk now try to teamview?
in office atm
@MukeshRana any idea?
@Mubeen1992 If your are creating spinners and editext dynamically then might be their ids are interchanging or something when you are trying to findViewById them
@MukeshRana this is my code
@MukeshRana Yes But I cant find anything like this
@all hi..
I have shared my code in a question can you check that
i have post my question on Ios please
if any one knows
let me know
here is
Q: Core Data Deleting an object

MUHAMMAD WASIMAs code is given below i an deleting this while fetching request then delete it: ///////////////////////////// DELETE DATA /////////////////////////////////////// -(void) deleteObject : (NSString*) ID { NSManagedObjectContext *context = [self managedObjectContext]; NSFetchRequest *fetchR...

see this image
@MukeshRana did you got the code..?
good morning guys
@rekire VGM
@rekire @berserk Guys you help?
@PiyushGupta @Mubeen1992 vgm
Q: java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.EditText

Mubeen1992Here is my JAVA Code. When I run my app it crashes and i get following errors in my log 11-21 00:21:48.828: E/AndroidRuntime(349): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.geekosoft.contactsonline/com.geekosoft.contactsonline.AddContact}: java.lang.ClassCastEx...

I am stuck at this point :(
class cast
the log is not complete i guess
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.geekosoft.contactsonline/com.geekosoft.contactsonline.AddConta‌​ct}: java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.EditText
It should said more!
Like EDitText cannot be cast to (some view)
most probably 'number' field from ur code
@berserk let me check again
ok i let u xD
@Harish just downloaded, will send you that after lunch around 3-4 . also if you are using any libraries with these project send me that too
@MukeshRana add v7
if needed
@Harish okay
@berserk this is all the linejava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.geekosoft.contactsonline/com.geekosoft.contactsonline.AddConta‌​ct}: java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.EditText
it will show line number too
check that line
yes here is the line Spinner phoneNumberSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(8083+phoneNumbersIdStarter);
can i ask here??
@berserk have you seen my question?
lolwhat is 8083+phoneNumbersIdStarter?
@NAP u already asked ._.
@Anu Check this
@rekire morning! :)
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
@Harish dere??
@MukeshRana Yup
just seen your code
there was problem in your if condition actually
you were checking null.equals(null)
that was giving null pointer exception and never entered your if condition
just use !=null in your if
and remove all other || cases
like this
if (contactsList.get(position).getImageUri() != null)
i have written holder.rivContact.setImageURI(Uri.parse(contactsList.get(
position).getImageUri())); this part in else
i know
just replace your if else conditions with
but i have sent you
your if condition was giving exception i was saying
else was fine
your contactsList.get(position).getImageUri() this line was giving null for some rows and null.equals(null) was the cause of exception
that's why it never go inside your if
@MukeshRana ok thankyou. it was working fine.
@Harish it will :)
@MukeshRana :)
one more thing when you make custom object class, try to initialise them all to empty string like private String name="";
so if in your code you are not getting value for that name while parsing, it will save "" for that value
otherwise it will return null and can cause null pointer exceptions
Well said mukesh senpai!
@berserk :)what was senpai?? i hardly learn kun and san ;)
@MukeshRana Ok .ThankYou.
@MukeshRana Eh... PROTIP, always document your code so users know when you're returning null
@harish :)
@MukeshRana xD
@Unihedron yup exactly
senior, it means :D
sensei = teacher
senpai = senior
@berserk okay got it
i havent seen :(
hehe.. was just a troll
re-post :'(
@MukeshRana Need kind of same help but much different scenario can u help me in solving it..
@Unihedron (y)
@Harish yeah sure
Huh, great app, unfortunately I'm not sick yet.
@MukeshRana in the above screen while scrolling for some meds it is showing multiple timings even though it is having the one time..But for one med it has two timings while scrolling it is showing for the other meds two timings...
@berserk Oye! Adult! what happened ? xD
mukesh not re-posting :'(
the world is cruel :'(
The world is a piece of shit. xD
The world's not really worth living in.
Upload your mind to the internet, build a new realm and live in it instead.
@Harish rememeber whenever you use view recycling, you have to everytime reset your views and that's the only thing you are missing
@Unihedron eureka!
@Unihedron dafuq!
brb d:
@TheLittleNaruto @berserk yeah the world is really cruel someone had stolen my sword
am not a swordman now
@MukeshRana LOL
@MukeshRana Well! good for human being! ^^
@MukeshRana here:
I am a good person :)
@TheLittleNaruto now the sword is not in good hands so it can be little worse for the human beings
Slay time!
@berserk oh my sword where were you :P
i missed you a lot
@MukeshRana No way! It's now in shitty adult's hand! :O
no dm's here
My God! You cant say that over here. That's ridiculous!
haha.. you just misunderstood me
naughty minds
ok, then explain xD
Let's hear it already!
@MukeshRana Could you please help me what i'm doing wrong in this
@berserk @TheLittleNaruto that was self explainatory :P
@TheLittleNaruto What?
@Harish is it required right now?? will see in a hour or two
Let's play a word association game!
@MukeshRana u can't escape with that >:D
Oh, you don't know what bananas are? I'm sorry.
it seems @Unihedron has started explaining @berserk
@MukeshRana with that i'm struggling from long time.. ok..
I am getting this error: E/AndroidRuntime(3341): Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.ListView cannot be cast to android.widget.TextView
@Harish i have told you what the reason may be that you are not resetting your views everytime, try a little bit more and if it doesn't work then let me know after an hour
@M.S. man
can u just read what it is saying?
I am programmatically adding a Fragment to activity
Just read the error u posted.
Fragment is of type ListFragment
@MukeshRana ok i'll try my best...
@berserk lol atleast wait for me :P
@Harish gud :)
Hello guys! Have anyone here used JhLabs filter for images?
@berserk @MukeshRana ?
no sorry
@MukeshRana This does look okay to me. We need an explanation.
@iAnum no :(
have u ever worked on image filters?
heya @TheLittleNaruto :)
@iAnum Oye!
@iAnum not really but have used Aviary SDK
@TheLittleNaruto :)
@MukeshRana hmm ok. lemme search
@iAnum hmm :)
@TheLittleNaruto that was adult things and will give you explanation once you grow up from baby.. :P
@berserk can you help?
hey what does aviary free sdk offers?
and what is it really for?
I mean I want to judge if I really want to use so much features contained in it or not
@iAnum have a look at this app
@berserk but i am senpai na
Alright I see. But I don't need to use so much stuff at this time
bas ab naruto dekhna shuru kar de xD
you nothing have to that of you own Aviary does that for you @iAnum :P
Umm.. okz :(
hello guys
@berserk haha.. now its my time to leave earth ;)
need some tips to load more item into list view at end
hello every one i am using tab view so in single tab i m play animation using this github.com/tigerjj/FasterAnimationsContainer but when i go to second tab and at that time its stop. i already tried after remove onDestory()
@Mubeen1992 i don't know the actual cause but you can try to get your id like this int textViewId = getResources().getIdentifier("tv_" + i, "id", this.getPackageName());
@parthpatibandha stop means app crash or animation stop?
animation stop @Swap-IOS-Android
@Swap-IOS-Android you can type this on google and you will find android hive tutorial on the same
@MukeshRana i found already but question is different
how to add new item into existing array list which is assigned to adaptor
@Swap-IOS-Android any solution ?
should i add item by using for loop and then call list view.notifydatasetchanged
@iAnum I have used Aviary in 3-4 apps. This SDK has all possible image processing features
yeah @Swap-IOS-Android
@parthpatibandha im nt expert
@MukeshRana does it worth solution?
@MahaveerMuttha hi dude
but not listview.notifydatasetchanged its actually adapter.notifydatasetchanged
@rekire updated AS ?
@Swap-IOS-Android ok @MukeshRana any one have idea?
@MukeshRana yes adaptor.notifydatasetchanged
ok @TheLittleNaruto
@Swap-IOS-Android yes for now rest depends upon your problem
@MukeshRana okay i will use that solution
i thought there may be another good solution to add items into arraylist
so i asked here
One more thing... I got tutorials for image filter using pixel-level editing of images. For example, to make invert of bitmap xjaphx.wordpress.com/2011/06/20/…
is this good technique?
It takes almost 10 sec to process an image using such code.
@Swap-IOS-Android :)
This is not good practice na?
@parthpatibandha sorry but didn't get you
@iAnum I am sure, not for all size images
@MukeshRana see this hello every one i am using tab view so in single tab i m play animation using this github.com/tigerjj/… but when i go to second tab and at that time its stop. i already tried after remove onDestory()
@TheLittleNaruto sure
@rekire What is new ? any idea ?
@MukeshRana i also tried onrestart but not working its stop
@TheLittleNaruto some bug fixed I reviewed the changelog nothing interesting I guess
@parthpatibandha what's the need of playing animation in a tab which is not more in user interaction
actully i want to play diffrennt animation in all tab
animation is for some view inside your tabs?
@rekire Alright! But Splash looks cool now.Isn't it ?
yes in absolute layout which is dragable too
@MukeshRana I am creating Spinner and EditText like this
if (fieldType.equals("phone")) {
// for phone number code is 80
View view = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.add_phone_row, null);
EditText phoneNumberField = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.etContactPhone);
Spinner phoneTypeSpinner = (Spinner) view.findViewById(R.id.sContactPhoneType);
Log.d(TAG, "spinner id = " + phoneTypeSpinner.getId());
Log.d("Spinner Created", "Spinner Id = " + phoneTypeSpinner.getId());
03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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